P.E.K.K.A Hog Control – Old But Gold (Is It Dead Yet?)

pekka hog deck

Hi guys it’s RADIOACTIVE with my second deck here on Clash Royale Arena, a PEKKA Hog Lightning for Arenas 8+.

Yeah there are like hundreds of different variations of PHL but here is one that has proved very beneficial for my health and for my trophies.

pekka hog deck

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Lightning
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Ice Wizard

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  1. Awesome Ability to Counterpush and Crush (C&C).
  2. Destructive capability with the P.E.K.K.A
  3. Extreme Synergy
  4. You can make a push out of almost anything and take your opponent by surprise!


  1. No buildings (Don’t really need one tho)
  2. Contains nerfed cards (Electro Wizard and Lightning)
  3. Can’t think of anymore that actually make a difference.

Card Breakdown

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A:

I am actually starting to hate putting all those dots in.

Anyway, PEKKA is your main defensive unit. With a ton of HP and a big sword, this armored feminist warrior is brilliantly useful when it comes to countering impossibly large pushes.

Mega Knight? PEKKA. Archers? PEKKA (lol). Golem? PEKKA.

To counter the Hog Rider without suffering a shot, place the PEKKA halfway from the tower and the bridge, enabling her to mince that Hog into a nice pulled pork sandwich. Yum!

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard

Yeah, he did get a nerf.

Yeah, he did see a slight decrease in usage rates. But, he’s still awesome. This electrocuted maniac still delivers great potential.

Not so much Hasta la Vista yet. Electro Wizard is one of your secondary units for defense, and is just brilliant for clearing up swarms and other stuff with his brilliant zap technique.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider:

Oh yes, it is him.

This guy has remained in the meta as a staple win condition for as long as time, and shows off his strength here today in this deck!

There are so many units which synergize very effectively with the Hog Rider, like the Ice Golem, Goblins, Ice Wizard, and EVERYTHING ELSE!!

You can basically do anything with your Hog Rider, you can send it in alone, assisted only with your Lightning or Zap, or you could brutally torture your opponent’s cards by adding in your PEKKA! Anything is possible!

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard:

As one of the Wizard fam, this chilly cryomaniac (Guess what that means) has the cold power of slowing down troops and giving them frostbite.

Who cares about why this isn’t very popular right now? It works, it synergizes, IT’S AWESOME!!

Ice Wizard is your primary secondary defense unit, and can be deployed with Ice Golem to counter many different pushes. Yep, it’s the Frozen Duo (Very cringey)!

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem:

He is your favorite mini tank now with his huge number of hitpoints for such a small price!

Take that PEKKA for an evening stroll by placing your Ice Golem one tile left of the center at the bridge while the PEKKA is walking! Look at that! The PEKKA is changing its plans!

Ice Golem synergizes well with the Ice Wizard to distract and slow down troops that are coming your way!

Really, there’s a big hunk of stuff crossing the Arena? Ice Golem. Ice Wizard! PEKKA! Your opponent has been crushed! Obviously this won’t eradicate any push. Don’t comment below about how it doesn’t work, please. Like seriously. Not required.

Clash Royale GoblinGoblins

Yes, it is those green guys who learned how to stab and slash!

They are primarily support cards in this deck, but you can use them to your advantage as offensive placements, primarily one tile to the right of the center of the bridge, enabling them to get an extra shot at the Arena Tower, forcing your opponent to make the first move!

The Goblins synergize very effectively with the Hog Rider to create a makeshift offensive push that can crush your opponent!

Clash Royale ZapZap:

Your secondary spell, useful for swarms on the opposite side of the Arena or when your Electro-Wizard is not in hand.

Zap has been very useful for resetting units and killing swarms all the way back when it was given the ability to kill a Skarmy.

Clash Royale LightningLightning:

Yes, it got nerfed. But it proves VERY USEFUL in this deck.

Who cares if it can’t one-shot that Witch? It can stun and heavily damage the Inferno Tower, aid for defense, and can be used for last-ditch attempts to gain a crown and stay in the game.

All in all, whatever people are saying, it is awesome. Try it and you’ll know.

Deck Substitutions:

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.Aekf9WOpClash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Giant Skeleton

Mega Knight is rather good with this deck with many different support units. However, he doesn’t have direct damage, which the PEKKA does. Giant Skeleton is better as a replacement because the bomb damage makes up for the lower direct damage. Use Tornado instead of Zap to soak up as much Elixir benefit as possible.

Clash Royale Electro Wizardekf9WOpClash Royale Archers

Archers? Meh. Electro Wizard does serve his purpose very well in this deck, providing as offensive support against Inferno Dragons, Towers, etc. Not really recommended to take Archers instead, unless of course, you don’t have the E-Wiz

Clash Royale Ice Wizardekf9WOpClash Royale Wizard

Wizard has greater crowd control than the Ice Wizard, but lacks the slowing down technique that is essential in the deck.

Clash Royale Ice Golemekf9WOpClash Royale Knight

The Knight is rather good as a replacement because of his higher hitpoints and the fact that he can attack. However, he won’t be able to lure troops like the Mega Knight to the other side of the Arena.

Clash Royale Lightningekf9WOpClash Royale Rocket

Lightning is rather useful here because of its larger range and the fact it can hit multiple troops at once, because the Hog Rider really relies on THAT to get to the tower.

Clash Royale Zapekf9WOpClash Royale The LogClash Royale Tornado

The Log does do higher area damage on the ground, but it does not target air, which may result in a Minion Horde taking your tower(s) down. If you are using Rocket instead of Lightning, then Tornado should be used alongside it, in order to maximize overall elixir benefit.

Clash Royale Goblinekf9WOpClash Royale Guards

Guards are actually rather strong is this deck as a replacement because of their shields and ability to stall troops such as PEKKA from getting to your tower. However, Goblins would be recommended because of their fast movement speed and attack.

Clash Royale Hog Riderekf9WOpClash Royale Battle Ram

Battle Ram does serve its purpose as a Hog Rider replacement because of its fast charge speed and targeting of buildings.

I literally just gave you another deck to use.

General Gameplay:


Stay calm and keep applying slow pressure.

Neither you nor your opponent is likely to initiate a push without Double Elixir.

What to do while this period of time is constantly applying pressure by sending offensive Goblins, the occasional Hog Rider, and keeping your mind on defense and cycling  your cards into a good position for the following stage.

1:00-0:00-Double Elixir

It is my fav time in the gameplay.

It is time to go Savage. 2x Elixir provides lots of benefits, including no shortage of supplies, a quick ability to cycle through your cards, and an awesome ability to create your pushes.

An optimal one that you would love is PEKKA, Hog Rider, Ice Wizard, and Lightning ready.

It utterly devastates your opponent and leaves him crying.

Overtime-Not Exactly Optimal.

Well, if you have read this deck thoroughly and tested it out a bit, there is not much reason for you to go into overtime in the first place.

The push to end all pushes should really have occurred already.

Anyway, if you have your spirits left, engage in makeshift pushes or the one listed above.

Nothing else to say.

Deck Matchups:

Clash Royale GolemGolem Beatdown:

Kill those support units. That is the best thing to do first. PEKKA for the Golem, E-Wiz for the Night WItch or Witch, or whatever else. The Golem will only be allowed a few shots, and you will be ready for a great offensive counterpush.

Clash Royale Goblin GangLog Bait:

You do not have a lot of troops which can deliver splash damage, so keep that in mind. Ice Golem and Ice WIzard can distract the Princess and clean up squishy troops, and keep your Zap ready and don’t use it for dumb circumstances.

Clash Royale GraveyardSplashyard:

You need to keep your Ice Wizard handy. Due to his recent damage buff, he can one shot skeletons, and depending on his level, survive a Poison. Electro Wizard will otherwise be very useful.

Clash Royale MinerMiner Poison:

Not much of a threat. A nice Miner placement prediction with an Ice Golem can completely ruin his push and get a large Elixir advantage. Lightning for the Inferno Tower, and any other support units.

That is it for this deck guide, Clash.World! Hopefully I will get unbanned on Discord soon!