Bomb Tower

Clash Royale Bomb Tower


  • You can unlock this card from Arena 2.
  • Bomb Tower deals massive splash damage to all ground units. It can’t attack air units.
Hit Speed Deploy Time Lifetime Range Target Cost Type Rarity
1.6 sec 1 sec 40 secs 6.5 Ground 5 Building Rare


  • The Bomb Tower can be effectively used to prevent enemy troops from targeting your Tower.
  • Works effectively against swarms such as Skeleton Army, Spear Goblins, Barbarians,…
  • Keep in my that it can’t attack air units.


Level HP Arena Damage DPS
1 950 100 62
2 1,045 110 68
3 1,149 121 75
4 1,263 133 83
5 1,387 146 91
6 1,520 160 100
7 1,673 176 110
8 1,835 193 120
9 2,016 212 132
10 2,217 233 145
11 2,436 256 160


  • 3/5/2016: Lifetime decreased from 1min to 40sec.
  • 4/7/2016: HP increased by 6%.