
Clash Royale Bowler


  • This handsome guy is unlocked from Arena 8 (Frozen Peak).
  • The Bowler deals splash damage. He has moderate HP and good damage.
  • He can deal damage to all troops on a straight line as well as push them back (not all troops).
Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Cost Count Type Rarity
2.5 sec Slow 1 sec 5 Ground 5 x1 Troop Epic


  • It is very important to place his down correctly in order to make the most of his linear rolling attack. For example, If your opponent is launching a big push with lots of support troops behind the Golem, you should drop him right in front of the Golem so he can remove all those support troops while dealing with the Golem.
  • Bowler is extremely effective against Hut Decks.
  • Because Bowler can target ground troops only, it is recommended to protect him with air targeting troops. Minions for example.


Level HP Area Damage DPS
1 1,200 180 72
2 1,320 198 79
3 1,452 217 86
4 1,729 266 106
5 1,898 292 116
6 2,080 320 128
7 2,112 316 126
8 2,316 347 138
  • 24/8/2016: Elixir Cost decreased from 6 to 5. HP decreased by 7%. Damage decreased by 10%