
Clash Royale Wizard


  • You can unlock the Wizard from Arena 5.
  • With his fireball, he can deal massive splash damage to the enemy troops.
Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Cost Count Rarity Type
1.4 sec Medium 1 sec 6 Air & Ground 5 x1 Rare Troop


  • With his decent damage, you can effectively use him to help your tankers such as Giant, Balloon,…
  • He is extremely useful at dealing with swarm troops such as Barbarians, Goblins, Minions,…


Level HP Damage DPS
1 340 130 92
2 374 143 102
3 411 157 112
4 452 172 122
5 496 189 135
6 544 208 148
7 598 228 162
8 656 250 178
9 720 275 196
10 792 302 215
11 870 332 237


  • 4/7/2016: Attack speed increased to 1.6sec (from 1.7sec).
  • 15/12/2016: Attack speed increased from 1.6s to 1.4s; initial attack comes 0.2s slower
  • 23/1/2017: Attack range + 0.5 tiles