
Clash Royale Cannon


  • You can unlock this card from Arena 3.
  • The Cannon is a defense which fires cannon-balls towards the enemy group troops.
Hit Speed Deploy Time Lifetime Range Target Cost Rarity Type
0.8 sec 1 sec 30 sec 6 Ground 3 Common Building


  • You should place the Cannon in the middle of your land so it can lure the enemy troops to the middle and both Crown Towers can deal damage.
  • You can use air troops to deal with the opponent Cannon as it can’t attack flying units.


Level Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
350 60 75
2 418 66 82
3 459 72 90
4 505 79 98
5 511 85 106
6 560 96 120
7 616 105 131
8 675 115 143
9 742 127 158
10 885 139 173
11 972 153 191
12 1,067 168 210
13 1,174 185 231


  • 2/2/2016: Decreased the Cannon’s Elixir cost to 3 (from 6), its range to 6 (from 7), its lifetime to 40 sec (from 60 sec) and its hitpoints by 55%.
  • 23/3/2016: Life Time decreased from 40s to 30s.
  • 3/5/2016: HP decreased by 11%
  • 18/5/2016: HP decreased by 5%
  • 21/6/2016: HP decreased by 8%