Spear Goblins – Strategies and Statistics

Spear Goblins – Strategies and Statistics

Spear Goblins - Strategies and Statistics in Clash Royale
Spear Goblins – Strategies and Statistics in Clash Royale

“Three unarmored ranged attackers. Who the heck taught these guys to throw spears!?! Who thought that was a good idea?!.”


Hit speed Deploy time Range Target Elixir Cost Summons Card Rarity
1.1 1 second 5 Air and Ground 2 x3 Common



  • As ranged troops, they are usually used to deal with air troops such as Minions or Balloons.
  • They are very useful in both defense and offense.


Level Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
1 52 24 21
2 57 26 23
3 62 29 26
4 69 31 28
5 75 35 31
6 83 38 34
7 91 42 38
8 100 46 41
9 110 50 45
10 121 55 50
11 133 61 55
12 146 67 60
13 160 74 67


  • 3/5/16, decreased the Spear Goblins’ range to 5 (from 5.5).
  • 9/10/17, increased the Spear Goblins’ hit speed to 1.1 sec from 1.3 sec.