What Deck Archetype Suits You The Best? – 1-Minute Quiz


Hey Guys, Norbysweg(Night Witch FTW) here bringing you guys a quick Quiz on how to find that kind of Deck you feel good playing with.

Before you start, this test is for everybody, not only for extremely skilled players.

Clash Royale Deck Archetype

Finding which Deck Archetype suits you the best is like finding a shoe that fits your foot and it’s confortable while walking.

If you don’t know what are the Deck Archetypes, take a look at here.

Now that we’re done the talking, let’s get into the Quiz! Also note that there is no right or wrong answer, if you lie here, you’re basically lying to yourself, so be honest boi!

What Deck Archetype suits you the best?

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I think I pretty much covered every Archetype in this Quiz, I’m pretty much a hybrid between Beatdown and Zap-Bait, but I also enjoy playing control.

Hope you guys learned something new about yourself today, so all I can say is good luck improving in your favorite Archetype!