Clash Royale Card Drop Rates – Legendary Card Drop Rates (Updated)


Hello guys, as people have been asking for Clash Royale card drop rates a lot, today I am going to show you how the drop system works in game!

After reading this page, you will also know what is your odd of getting Legendary cards!

Clash Royale Card Drop Rates

Basic Information

  • Silver Chests, Golden Chests, Giant Chests, Magical Chests and Super Magical Chests and Epic Chest which are given from battles, are based on your Arena when you get them. Some players said that they could save them and opened later at higher Arenas for better rewards, this is not true at all.
  • Higher Arenas = better chest rewards.
  • Chests in higher Arenas still contain cards from lower ones. For example, Arena 4 Magical Chest still contains Witch, Prince etc from Training Camp.
  • You can get Epic card from any chest except the Legendary Chest.
  • You can get Legendary cards from Arena 4 chests upwards.
  • The Legendary Chests contains all Legendary cards regardless of your current Arena.
  • You can’t get locked cards from the Clan Chest. For example, If you are in Arena 4, you can’t get the Mega Minion (available from Arena 7) from the Clan Chest.
  • Draft Chests are given once every season, it’s when the season resets (1 month/season).

For more details about “Chests”, please take a look at here.

Legendary Card Drop Rate

A big thanks to dkjay ( for sharing this!

How are the Legendary odds calculated?

The for calculating legendary odds we use here was shared by Yarn from Orange Juice in this video.

% Chance = ((Cards in Chest * # Legendary)/# Commons)/Legendary Factor

We have 14 Legendary cards in game. Also, assuming that the Royal Ghost is already released.

Arena 12Arena 11Arena 10Arena 9Arena 8Arena 7Arena 6Arena 5Arena 4
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 14 0.23%
Crown 4000 88 1.47%
Silver 10000 14 0.09%
Gold 5700 44 0.51%
Giant 10000 308 2.05%
Magical 600 123 14.67%
Super Magical 600 792 88.00%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 13 0.22%
Crown 4000 82 1.37%
Silver 10000 13 0.09%
Gold 5700 41 0.48%
Giant 10000 287 1.91%
Magical 600 123 13.67%
Super Magical 600 738 82.0%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 12 0.18%
Crown 4000 76 1.14%
Silver 10000 12 0.07%
Gold 5700 38 0.40%
Giant 10000 304 1.82%
Magical 600 114 11.40%
Super Magical 600 684 68.40%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 11 0.17%
Crown 4000 70 1.05%
Silver 10000 11 0.07%
Gold 5700 35 0.37%
Giant 10000 280 1.68%
Magical 600 105 10.50%
Super Magical 600 630 63.00%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 10 0.14%
Crown 4000 64 0.93%
Silver 10000 10 0.06%
Gold 5700 32 0.33%
Giant 10000 256 1.48%
Magical 600 96 9.26%
Super Magical 600 576 55.58%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 9 0.12%
Crown 4000 58 0.77%
Silver 10000 9 0.05%
Gold 5700 29 0.27%
Giant 10000 232 1.23%
Magical 600 87 7.68%
Super Magical 600 522 46.06%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 8 0.09%
Crown 4000 52 0.61%
Silver 10000 8 0.04%
Gold 5700 26 0.21%
Giant 10000 208 0.97%
Magical 600 78 6.07%
Super Magical 600 468 36.40%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 7 0.05%
Crown 4000 46 0.33%
Silver 10000 7 0.02%
Gold 5700 23 0.12%
Giant 10000 184 0.53%
Magical 600 69 3.29%
Super Magical 600 414 19.71%
Type of Chest Legendary Factor # of Cards Legendary Droprate
Free 4000 6 0.03%
Crown 4000 40 0.17%
Silver 10000 6 0.01%
Gold 5700 20 0.06%
Giant 10000 160 0.27%
Magical 600 60 1.67%
Super Magical 600 360 10.00%

Clan Chest Card Drop Rates

Arena 12Arena 11Arena 10Arena 9Arena 8Arena 7Arena 6Arena 5Arena 4
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.6%
2 38 1.27%
3 60 2.0%
4 84 2.8%
5 110 3.67%
6 138 4.6%
7 168 5.6%
8 200 6.67%
9 234 7.8%
10 270 9.0%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.6%
2 38 1.27%
3 60 2.0%
4 84 2.8%
5 110 3.67%
6 138 4.6%
7 168 5.6%
8 200 6.67%
9 234 7.8%
10 270 9.0%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.6%
2 38 1.27%
3 60 2.0%
4 84 2.8%
5 110 3.67%
6 138 4.6%
7 168 5.6%
8 200 6.67%
9 234 7.8%
10 270 9.0%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.51%
2 38 1.09%
3 60 1.71%
4 84 2.4%
5 110 3.14%
6 138 3.94%
7 168 4.8%
8 200 5.71%
9 234 6.69%
10 270 7.71%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.5%
2 38 1.05%
3 60 1.65%
4 84 2.31%
5 110 3.03%
6 138 3.8%
7 168 4.62%
8 200 5.5%
9 234 6.44%
10 270 7.43%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.45%
2 38 0.95%
3 60 1.5%
4 84 2.1%
5 110 2.75%
6 138 3.45%
7 168 4.2%
8 200 5.0%
9 234 5.85%
10 270 6.75%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.39%
2 38 0.83%
3 60 1.31%
4 84 1.84%
5 110 2.41%
6 138 3.02%
7 168 3.68%
8 200 4.38%
9 234 5.12%
10 270 5.91%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.26%
2 38 0.54%
3 60 0.86%
4 84 1.20%
5 110 1.57%
6 138 1.97%
7 168 2.40%
8 200 2.86%
9 234 3.34%
10 270 3.86%
Chest Tier # of Cards Droprate
1 18 0.15%
2 38 0.32%
3 60 0.50%
4 84 0.70%
5 110 0.92%
6 138 1.15%
7 168 1.40%
8 200 1.67%
9 234 1.95%
10 270 2.25%

Please take a look at here to read more about the Clan Chest.

Legendary Card Drop Rates of Draft Chest

You can visit Draft Chest page to read more about Draft Chest rewards and card droprates.

League # of Cards Droprate
challenger I Challenger I 101 33.67%
challenger II Challenger II 171 57.0%
challenger III Challenger III 201 67.0%
Master I Master I 251 83.67%
Master II Master II 301 100.33%
Master III Master III 351 117.0%
Champion Champion 401 133.67%
Grand Champion Grand Champio 451 150.33%
Ultimate Champion Ultimate Champion 501 167.0%

Legendary Card Drop Rates of Challenge Chests

Arena 12Arena 11Arena 10Arena 9Arena 8Arena 7Arena 6Arena 5Arena 4
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.67% 2 0.07%
1 30 1.0% 3 0.1%
2 50 1.67% 5 0.17%
3 85 2.83% 8 0.27%
4 130 4.33% 12 0.4%
5 185 6.17% 17 0.57%
6 250 8.33% 23 0.77%
7 330 11.0% 30 1.0%
8 420 14.0% 38 1.27%
9 530 17.67% 48 1.6%
10 670 23.33% 61 2.03%
11 860 28.67% 78 2.6%
12 1100 36.67% 100 3.33%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.67% 2 0.07%
1 30 1.0% 3 0.1%
2 50 1.67% 5 0.17%
3 85 2.83% 8 0.27%
4 130 4.33% 12 0.4%
5 185 6.17% 17 0.57%
6 250 8.33% 23 0.77%
7 330 11.0% 30 1.0%
8 420 14.0% 38 1.27%
9 530 17.67% 48 1.6%
10 670 22.33% 61 2.03%
11 860 28.67% 78 2.6%
12 1100 36.67% 100 3.33%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.60% 2 0.06%
1 30 0.90% 3 0.09%
2 50 1.50% 5 0.15%
3 85 2.55% 8 0.24%
4 130 3.90% 12 0.36%
5 185 5.55% 17 0.51%
6 250 7.50% 23 0.69%
7 330 9.90% 30 0.90%
8 420 12.60% 38 1.14%
9 530 15.90% 48 1.44%
10 670 20.10% 61 1.83%
11 860 25.80% 78 2.34%
12 1100 33.00% 100 3.00%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.60% 2 0.06%
1 30 0.90% 3 0.09%
2 50 1.50% 5 0.15%
3 85 2.55% 8 0.24%
4 130 3.90% 12 0.36%
5 185 5.55% 17 0.51%
6 250 7.50% 23 0.69%
7 330 9.90% 30 0.90%
8 420 12.60% 38 1.14%
9 530 15.90% 48 1.44%
10 670 20.10% 61 1.83%
11 860 25.80% 78 2.34%
12 1100 33.00% 100 3.00%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.58% 2 0.06%
1 30 0.87% 3 0.09%
2 50 1.45% 5 0.14%
3 85 2.46% 8 0.23%
4 130 3.76% 12 0.35%
5 185 5.36% 17 0.49%
6 250 7.24% 23 0.67%
7 330 9.55% 30 0.87%
8 420 12.16% 38 1.10%
9 530 15.34% 48 1.39%
10 670 19.39% 61 1.77%
11 860 24.89% 78 2.26%
12 1100 31.84% 100 2.89%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.53% 2 0.05%
1 30 0.79% 3 0.08%
2 50 1.32% 5 0.13%
3 85 2.25% 8 0.21%
4 130 3.44% 12 0.32%
5 185 4.90% 17 0.45%
6 250 6.62% 23 0.61%
7 330 8.74% 30 0.79%
8 420 11.12% 38 1.01%
9 530 14.03% 48 1.27%
10 670 17.74% 61 1.61%
11 860 22.76% 78 2.06%
12 1100 29.12% 100 2.65%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.47% 2 0.05%
1 30 0.70% 3 0.07%
2 50 1.17% 5 0.12%
3 85 1.98% 8 0.19%
4 130 3.03% 12 0.28%
5 185 4.32% 17 0.40%
6 250 5.83% 23 0.54%
7 330 7.70% 30 0.70%
8 420 9.80% 38 0.89%
9 530 12.37% 48 1.12%
10 670 15.63% 61 1.42%
11 860 20.07% 78 1.82%
12 1100 25.67% 100 2.33%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.29% 2 0.03%
1 30 0.43% 3 0.04%
2 50 0.71% 5 0.07%
3 85 1.21% 8 0.11%
4 130 1.86% 12 0.17%
5 185 2.64% 17 0.24%
6 250 3.57% 23 0.33%
7 330 4.71% 30 0.43%
8 420 6.00% 38 0.54%
9 530 7.57% 48 0.69%
10 670 9.57% 61 0.87%
11 860 12.29% 78 1.11%
12 1100 15.71% 100 1.43%
% of Wins Grand Challenge Classic Challenge
# of Cards Legendary Drop Rate # of Cards Legendary Drop Rate
0 20 0.17% 2 0.02%
1 30 0.25% 3 0.03%
2 50 0.42% 5 0.04%
3 85 0.71% 8 0.07%
4 130 1.08% 12 0.10%
5 185 1.54% 17 0.14%
6 250 2.08% 23 0.19%
7 330 2.75% 30 0.25%
8 420 3.50% 38 0.32%
9 530 4.42% 48 0.40%
10 670 5.58% 61 0.51%
11 860 7.17% 78 0.65%
12 1100 9.17% 100 0.83%

Clash Royale Card Drop-rates


Free Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 21-24 3 No Rare or Epic cards guaranteed.
Bone Pit 28-32 4
Barbarian Bowl 35-40 5
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 42-48 6
Spell Valley 49-56 7
Builder’s Workshop 56-64 8
Royal Arena 63-72 9
Frozen Peak 70-80 10 1 Rare
Jungle Arena 77-88 11
Hog Mountain 84-96 12
Electro Valley 91-104 13
Legendary Arena 98-112 14


Silver Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 15-21 3 No Rare or Epic cards guaranteed.
Bone Pit 20-28 4
Barbarian Bowl 25-35 5
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 30-42 6
Spell Valley 35-49 7
Builder’s Workshop 40-56 8
Royal Arena 45-63 9
Frozen Peak 50-70 10
Jungle Arena 55-77 11
Hog Mountain 60-84 12 1 Rare
Electro Valley 65-91 13
Legendary Arena 70-98 14


Gold Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 50-70 10 1 Rare
Bone Pit 70-98 14
Barbarian Bowl 85-119 17
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 100-140 20 2 Rares
Spell Valley 115-161 23
Builder’s Workshop 130-182 26
Royal Arena 145-203 29
Frozen Peak 160-224 32 3 Rares
Jungle Arena 175-245 35
Hog Mountain 190-266 38
Electro Valley 205-287 41 4 Rares
Legendary Arena 220-308 44


Crown Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 140-160 20 2 Rares
Bone Pit 189-216 27
Barbarian Bowl 238-272 34 3 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 280-320 40 4 Rares
Spell Valley 322-368 46
Builder’s Workshop 364-416 52 5 Rares
Royal Arena 406-464 58
Frozen Peak 448-512 64 6 Rares
Jungle Arena 490-560 70 7 Rares
Hog Mountain 532-608 76
Electro Valley 574-656 82 8 Rares
Legendary Arena 616-704 88


Magical Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 300 30 1 Epic + 6 Rares
Bone Pit 410 41 1 Epic + 8 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 510 51 1 Epic + 10 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 600 60 2 Epics + 12 Rares
Spell Valley 690 69 2 Epics + 13 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 780 78 2 Epics + 15 Rares
Royal Arena 870 87 2 Epics + 17 Rares
Frozen Peak 960 96 3 Epics + 19 Rares
Jungle Arena 1,050 105 3 Epics + 21 Rares
Hog Mountain 1,140 114 3 Epics + 22 Rares
Electro Valley 1,230 123 4 Epics + 24 Rares
Legendary Arena 1,320 132 4 Epics + 26 Rares


Giant Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 210 70 14 Rares
Bone Pit 285 95 19 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 357 119 23 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 420 140 28 Rares
Spell Valley 483 161 32 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 546 182 36 Rares
Royal Arena 609 203 40 Rares
Frozen Peak 672 224 44 Rares
Jungle Arena 735 245 49 Rares
Hog Mountain 798 266 53 Rares
Electro Valley 861 287 57 Rares
Legendary Arena 924 308 61 Rares


Super Magical Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 1,620 180 6 Epics + 36 Rares
Bone Pit 2,187 243 8 Epics + 48 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 2,754 306 10 Epics + 61 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 3,240 360 12 Epics + 72 Rares
Spell Valley 3,726 414 13 Epics + 82 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 4,212 468 15 Epics + 93 Rares
Royal Arena 4,698 522 17 Epics + 104 Rares
Frozen Peak 5,184 576 19 Epics + 115 Rares
Jungle Arena 5,670 630 21 Epics + 126 Rares
Hog Mountain 6,156 684 22 Epics + 136 Rares
Electro Valley 6,642 738 24 Epics + 147 Rares
Legendary Arena 7,128 792 26 Epics + 158 Rares

epic chest

Epic Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 0 6 All cards are Epics.
Bone Pit 8
Barbarian Bowl 10
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 12
Spell Valley 13
Builder’s Workshop 15
Royal Arena 17
Frozen Peak 19
Jungle Arena 20
Hog Mountain
Electro Valley
Legendary Arena

lightning chest

Lightning Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 410 81 1 Epic + 13 Rares
Bone Pit 430 85 1 Epic + 14 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 450 89 1 Epic + 14 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 470 93 1 Epic + 15 Rares
Spell Valley 490 97 1 Epic + 16 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 510 101 2 Epics + 16 Rares
Royal Arena 530 105 2 Epics + 17 Rares
Frozen Peak 550 109 2 Epics + 18 Rares
Jungle Arena 570 113 2 Epics + 18 Rares
Hog Mountain 590 117 2 Epics + 19 Rares
Electro Valley 610 121 2 Epics + 20 Rares
Legendary Arena 630 125 2 Epics + 20 Rares

fortune chest

Fortune Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 1,100 162 5 Epics + 32 Rares
Bone Pit 1,200 170 5 Epics + 34 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 1,200 178 5 Epics + 35 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 1,300 186 6 Epics + 37 Rares
Spell Valley 1,400 194 6 Epics + 38 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 1,400 202 6 Epics + 40 Rares
Royal Arena 1,500 210 7 Epics + 42 Rares
Frozen Peak 1,500 218 7 Epics + 43 Rares
Jungle Arena 1,600 226 7 Epics + 45 Rares
Hog Mountain 1,600 234 7 Epics + 46 Rares
Electro Valley 1,700 242 8 Epics + 48 Rares
Legendary Arena 1,800 250 8 Epics + 50 Rares

king chest

King’s Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Goblin Stadium 2,900 240 16 Epics + 48 Rares
Bone Pit 3,000 250 16 Epics + 50 Rares
Barbarian Bowl 3,100 260 17 Epics + 52 Rares
P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse 3,200 270 18 Epics + 54 Rares
Spell Valley 3,400 280 18 Epics + 56 Rares
Builder’s Workshop 3,500 290 19 Epics + 58 Rares

legendary king chest

Legendary King’s Chest
Arena Gold Total cards Guaranteed cards 
Royal Arena 3,600 300 1 Legendary + 20 Epics + 60 Rares
Frozen Peak 3,700 310 1 Legendary + 20 Epics + 62 Rares
Jungle Arena 3,800 320 1 Legendary + 21 Epics + 64 Rares
Hog Mountain 4,000 330 1 Legendary + 22 Epics + 66 Rares
Electro Valley 4,100 340 1 Legendary + 22 Epics + 68 Rares
Legendary Arena 4,200 350 1 Legendary + 23 Epics + 70 Rares

Hopefully you have found this Clash Royale Card Drop Rates page helpful.

If you have any suggestion, please comment and help us improve this page.

Thank you very much guys!