The Hidden Updates inside the September Update

clash royale seotenmber update

Okay my friends here are the list of some special hidden changes of the current Clash Royale September update. The data was share by Asdamp. He decompiled the data files. I think you will love these!

clash royale september update

The Hidden Updates inside the September Update

Two new Achievements

  • Players now receive 100 Gems at the first time create Tournaments.
  • Winstreak Achievement for the Challenge Tournament:
Win in a challenge EXP Gems
4 5 5
8 10 20
12 20 100

2 new Spells is going to be added:

Graveyard 5 seconds Spawns for 5 seconds a max of 8 skeleton in the spell’s area
Freeze Ice Golemite 1.5 seconds Slow down ground troops for 1.5 seconds after the ice golimite died (?)

New card Release Dates:

  • Mega Minion released on 20/09/2016
  • Ice Golem released on 14/10/2016
  • Inferno Dragon released on 28/10/2016
  • Graveyard Spell released on 28/09/2016

Chest related contents:

Chest probability

Name Rare Epic Legendary
Classic Challenge Chest 10 100 2000
height=”58″>Grand Challenge chest 10 100 2000
Magic/Super Magic (for comparison) 5 30 600
Free/Crown (for comparison) 10 200 4000

Some minor text changes:

Name Previous Now
Archer’s description A pair of unarmored ranged attackers. They´ll help you with ground and air unit attacks, but you´re on your own with coloring your hair. A pair of lightly armored ranged attackers. They’ll help you take down ground and air units, but you´re on your own with hair coloring advice.
Witch’s description Summons skeletons…. Summons Skeletons….
Rage’s  description Increases troop movement and attack speed. Troop buildings and summoners deploy troops faster. Chaaaarge! Increases troop movement and attack speed. Buildings attack faster and summon troops quicker, too. Chaaaarge!
Lightning’s description Bolts of lightning hit up to three enemy troops or buildings with the most hitpoints in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers. Bolts of lightning damage and stun up to three enemy troops or buildings with the most hitpoints in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers.
Bowler’s description This big blue dude digs the simple things in life – Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders bounce off their target, landing behind for a double strike! This big blue dude digs the simple things in life – Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders roll through their target, hitting

Other changes:

  • You can send a maximum of 20 confetti while spectating any battle.
  • Training camp has some new predefined decks.
