Flying Machine – Best Tips For You

flying machine challenge

flying machine challenge

About Flying Machine

Cost Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Count Transport
4 1 sec Fast (90) 1 sec 6 Air & Ground x1 Air
Level Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
1 290 81 81
2 319 89 89
3 350 98 98
4 385 107 107
5 423 118 118
6 464 129 129
7 510 142 142
8 559 156 156
9 614 171 171
10 675 188 188
11 742 207 207

He is a medium investment (4 Elixir)which can fit in many deck archetypes.

He has slightly less HP and damage than a Musketeer, however he has slightly better speeds and he can fly.

Flying Machine is great for defending, counter pushes and supporting.

Think about him like a fragile Musketeer. He dies to Fireball.

Since Flying Machine has an attack range of 6, it can outrange lots of troops:

Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale WizardClash Royale CannonClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale Inferno Dragon

Flying Machine’s Counters

If you have the choice to pick out the Flying Machine, watch out these cards as they can easily counter him:

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale LightningClash Royale BatsClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale ArchersClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Knight

In short, most air targeting troops can counter the Flying Machine on defense, except:

Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Witch


  • Princess is okay If you can afford the Tower damage.
  • Fire Spirits will almost kill the Flying Machine. Thus, make sure your Tower is not distracted by something else.
  • Ice Spirit work very well If the Tower takes some damage first.
  • Witch will lose without Tower support.

Flying Machine is good against:

Clash Royale CannonClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

  • Cannon/Tombstone – FM can help clear these quickly from the river as assistance to cards like Hog Riders
  • Helps defend flying troops from a distance like the MM and Minions on your side of the arena
  • Good against Lava Hound and Graveyard – Position far enough away from the tower so it won’t be Fireballed with the tower.
  • Graveyard spawns Skeletons twice as fast as the FM shoots, so skeletons will spawn, but the tower should help clear it

Flying Machine Synergies: 

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Hog RiderdotClash Royale MinerdotClash Royale Three MusketeersdotClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale BalloondotClash Royale GolemClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GiantClash Royale Mega Knight

  • Fast win-conditions like Battle Ram, Hog Rider or Bandit work very well with the Flying Machine.
  • Flying Machine could be used to bait out Fireball for Three Musketeers.
  • Great against Air Decks. Undoubtedly
  • Glass Cannon like FM is always good for Beatdown decks.

Some others would work very well with him: Ice Spirit, Ice Golem, Knight, Mortar, X-Bow etc.