Clash Royale Star Levels


Star levels in Clash Royale allow you to add some bling to your cards only after you reach level 13. Star points are earned along with gold when you get max level cards from chests, challenges, donations, trades, and the shop. They can be earned when you aren’t level 13 but will carry over.

To max one card, it takes 45,000-star points. 10,000 for level one, 15,000 for level two, and 45,000 for level three. To the huge amount of star points needed just to get one card maxed, try not to waster them on cards that you don’t like. Here are some of the best cards to use your star points on:

Rocket: Features a goblin riding on top and great effects.

rocket trails star levelgoblin on rocket star level

Arrows: Multi-colored streams behind them.

arrows star level

Cannon Cart: Completely changes the design of the cannon and covers it with gold.

cannon cart star level

Goblin Gang: Each Goblin gets decked out with an awesome hairdo.

goblin gang star level

Graveyard: Adds golden effects, gravestones, and skeletons.

graveyard star levels


There are some of the best looking ones, but not all look as good. Make sure to spend your star points carefully, especially the ones that you get at the beginning since they take a while to accumulate.

In addition, if you’re having trouble getting to level 13, check out our guide for F2P’ers here!