Get Access to All the Best CR Decks via Discord!


Hey guys it’s Ash and today I’d like to share with you guys something special.


Lately, I’ve been working on a big project to get all of the Clash Royale community together in a fun and friendly place for us to talk about the game and help each other get better, as well as get easy access to all the best decks in the game for all Arenas.

So I created a Discord server for us.

Discord is an instant messaging app designed for gamers and big communities. You can find and download Discord on the App Store on your iOS device or Play Store from your Android device or you can simply use it on your computer browser.

Once you have Discord, go to “Join a server” and simply type in “ash” and join. Or simply click at the button below and you will be directly invited to my server.


Now that you have joined my community server. You can chat with hundreds of players here, including me.

One of the best part about my community server is that I’ve loaded up the best decks in the game here for all Arenas. Over 100 of the best decks! And I update and add new decks pretty much everyday here. And it’s super easy and quick to search these decks. Say you are in Arena 10, and you’re looking for a new deck.

On the left, you’ll see a bunch of different channels. Simply go to #arena10 and type in the command !decks to load up instructions.

Now since you’re searching decks for Arena 10, type in !Arena10. These commands are character sensitive, so you must make sure to appropriately type the characters in capital letters or lowercase as shown. So make sure the “A” is capital.

This will load up a bunch of different decks, organized by archetype.

So say you love beatdown decks and you love P.E.K.K.A. The P.E.K.K.A Rush deck is a very fun and powerful deck, so you can type !PekkaRush with capital P and capital R, and it will instantly load up the deck.

All the decks I share and will share in my videos will be easily accessible here as well. Let’s use this deck for a battle.

ash discord server

Now say you’re a F2P player who doesn’t really have high level epics or legendarys and want to get to Arena 10. So you can go to the Arena 9 channel type !Arena9 to search up decks. And then you’ll see options for F2P decks.

One of the best decks you can use to get a lot of trophies fast is the Hog Rider Mortar deck. So type !HogMortar with a capital H and capital M to see the deck.

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Lastly, I want to share a very powerful deck that I’ve been using lately to get a lot of 12 wins in Grand Challenges.

Along with all the popular meta decks you can find in my server, you can also find all the original decks that are created by me, which sometimes later becomes meta. So you pretty much have first access to the best decks in the game, before everyone else catches up.

So this is the Pekka Balloon Miner deck. Search !PekkaLoon and you’ll find this new deck.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale BalloonClash Royale MinerClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Goblin

Good luck!