Zap Vs. The Log – Which is Better?


Clash.World got so many comments asking about the best time to use Zap instead of The Log. Also, Although each has its own strengths, we usually use Zap as a very reliable substitution for The Log and vice versa.

Let’s do a do a small comparison for these two today!

Zap Vs. The Log

Zap Vs. The Log


The Log and Zap are two completely different spells, each has its weakness and strengths. You can use either of them regarding your skill, state and deck type.

However, If you need to choose only one, I strongly recommend The Log because it has so many pros which cannot be done by other spells.

For example, Lightning can stun troops, but it can’t take out Tombstone along with it Skeletons.


Clash Royale Zap

Clash Royale The Long


  • Stuns troops.
  • Brings down Minion’s HP to be “one-shotable” by the Tower.
  • Resets Prince, Dark Prince, Battle Ram, Inferno Tower, Inferno Dragon, Sparky… charges.
  • Can be easily over-leveled (Common Rarily).
  • Fast Casting.


  • Pushes back all ground troops.
  • Does significant damage.
  • Takes out Princess, Goblin Barrel and Goblin Gang for positive Elixir trade.
  • Has insane range.
  • Takes out Tombstone and its Skeletons.
  • Resets Prince charge.


  • Very small damage.
  • Short stun duration.
  • Can’t kill Goblins.
  • Small Radius.


  • Hits only ground units.
  • Only used on your side of the arena.
  • Slow rolling.
  • Legendary rarily.

Zap Vs. The Log Comparison

Shared by _Pentox


In general, The Log is slightly better. Each one has its own strengths so it’s up to you!