Mega Knight Magic Archer New Meta Deck


Hey Guys! It’s Krux here, back again with some fresh air and new meta deck guide. I hope you all are safe and doing well at your homes. We are more than a week into the new season now, which is Prepare for War. The season has been going good and there are also special challenges to prepare for the War. We all are excited about the update but let’s not forget that the time is here to push ladder. We want to break our personal bests this season, ain’t we?

This season’s balance changes are one of the most disliked as I see people ranting every other day about it. For me too, the nerf for Royal Delivery and Bats hit hard. I used them all the time last season. It is time for us to learn some new meta decks. Let’s start!

Mega Knight Magic Archer New Meta Deck

Clash Royale BanditHeal SpiritClash Royale Goblin CageClash Royale The Log

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Royal HogsClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Magical Archer

There is no way people will break through our legendary-heavy deck with Hogs and Mega Knight. It is time to show some dominance on the ladder.

Deck Cards

  • Bandit: The Bandit is one of our defensive cards and also an investment of elixir to make a move.
  • Heal Spirit: The tiny yellow baby spirit is our one elixir card to cycle the deck. not limited to cycle, it has a versatile use. We will see.
  • Goblin Cage: The only building card. Our main defence and investment of elixir at the right times.
  • Log: Another low elixir card. Can be used to cycle the deck, to take out ground splashes and defence.
  • Mega Knight: Mega Knight is a threat in this deck. Needs no intro; you know the deal.
  • Royal Hogs: The pink creatures are our win condition. Also, spell bait for Fireball. Then MK is the condition.
  • Electro Wizard: Our main defence. Will be played to defend air attacks and build a counter push.
  • Magic Archer: Magic Archer is another defence along with E-Wiz. It will also annoy the opponents from this side of the bridge.

Deck Strategy

Just like we do every time, wait a few seconds for your opponent to make a move. Not much needed, after five seconds you can start. This deck is not the one which will get you punished, so it is safe to play first. You need to play the right card though. Do not put your Mega Knight at the bridge. That is a dumb and fast way to lose a tower. It will result in a big counter push which is not in our Archer’s hands to defend.

According to what cards you have, you can send the Log rolling first on their tower. If you have Heal Spirit, you can send the yellow friend and it will jump happily into their tower. If your opponent is adamant and doesn’t make a move even after taking these, you can use the Royal Hogs at the bridge and wait. This is to see the opponent’s deck and defence. Do they have an Inferno Tower or Tesla?
If you played hogs, and your Hogs survived and connected to their tower. Maybe because they couldn’t put a building and rather put a Valkyrie or something. Then place your Magic Archer on the bridge. It will align with the tower and their defence, taking arrow by arrow a delicious amount of damage.

Push 3

In Mid-game, you will put the Goblin Cage at the right times whenever they send a Hog Rider, Ram Rider, or building chaser. If it is a big tank like Giant or Royal Giant then, use the Electro Wizard with the Goblin Cage to finish it off without taking any damage. Both your troops survive and when they reach the bridge, call your Royal Hogs to the arena. Send them running free to their tower while the Electro Wizard protects them. Your opponent will place a building to save them. This is the time to use our yellow friend again. Place the Heal Spirit and it heals your Hogs and Wizard and they connect to the opponent’s tower. You will see a Log or Fireball coming from the enemy as a last attempt. Just enjoy the show.

Magic Archer New Meta Deck

If you are matched up with a fast cycle like Wall Breakers or X-Bow. Then you will have to play dual-lane aggression in the game. Start with the Mega Knight in the back of your king tower. Send Electro Wizard behind it to nullify any Inferno Dragon or Tower. Your opponent will place their building to stop this. Let you Mega Knight jump and take it out slowly. Your elixir builds up and you send the Royal Hogs in the other lane. This will make your opponent pour elixir like a waterfall. Place the Magic Archer to get some delicious arrow damage while they try to defend. This thrilling episode should end with you getting some good amount of damage to their tower and relaxing again to build up the elixir.

Your opponent’s defence will counter push, not too strong though. If they try to add more to the push, just play your game, i.e, Goblin Cage with E-Wiz or Bandit. Then Hogs or Mega Knight with the Heal Spirit catching up behind. Mega Knight is preferred here because Hogs are building chaser and they should be used to put pressure in the other lane.

I hope you get some good wins using this new meta deck in the ladder. Best of luck for your grinding session. Use the comment section to tell what deck are you using this season. Clash On!