Anti-Meta Miner Poison Deck (Overwhelming)

Miner Poison

Hey guys Lolman here again, presenting to you with a slight mash-up of decks.

It’s basically an anti meta Miner Poison deck which was built specifically to counter meta decks.

Despite P.E.K.K.A being meta, I call this anti meta because it uses several off meta cards like Minion Horde, Ice Golem (which is off meta because its userate is not high), Minions (which have been replaced by Bats in most decks). It doesn’t have Mega Knight or Bandit.

Although it does have 3 legendary cards, the E-wiz, Miner and Log, You can unlock them fairly quickly when you’re at 2000+ trophies. I will name some substitutes for each of these cards in order to make it more f2p friendly!

Miner Poison

Anti-Meta Miner Poison Deck

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale The LogClash Royale P.E.K.K.A
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Poison

miner cycle analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale MinerMiner – Main win condition of the deck. No replacement for this card.

You will be taking care of Collectors, and doing your Tower damage with the Miner+Poison push.

Early, just use lone Miner until you figure out how your opponent counters him. You want to be prepared with your own, counter counters.

Remember to fix your placements in order to maximise damage on the Tower. By doing so you will eventually chip away for a 1-0 victory as this is a single Tower deck most the time.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – This is your tank killer, Hog destroyer etc etc.

Some games you won’t even need to play her.

If you see a huge push coming your way, you are more than likely going to be dropping her in front of it to kill the Giant, P.E.K.K.A, Golem, Mega Knight, 3 Musketeers etc while tanking as well with her high HP.

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard – With his spawn Zap and the decent damage, he will be vital in retargeting things. Defending your P.E.K.K.A for an example, from your opponents Inferno Dragon maybe.

He is also good at countering Hog etc.

He can be the deciding factor in a P.E.K.K.A v P.E.K.K.A battle. Because with him, the P.E.K.K.A supported by the E-wiz will have substantially more HP than the other. Which can be quite key in counterpushing with this deck.

Only 2 subs come to my mind: Ice Wizard or Musketeer. However, the more f2p one would be Musket.

Clash Royale MinionsMinions – One of the two Minions, typically used with Miner.

Should be used if say a Fireball is in cycle for giving a negative trade (Fireballing the Minions).

While Horde is more of a punish card, you ideally want to use this card to tank the spells and bait them out while using your skill/punish- Horde to well punish quite *skillfully*

Clash Royale Minion HordePunish Horde – As I’ve named the card. You punish with it. Bait out a spell then voila.

This card is no longer a negative Elixir trade to play! How skillful. Jokes aside.

Amazing DPS and you can punish an offensive Zap with this card using the Miner. Can be used to take a Tower down VERY VERY fast.

Good on defense too but be aware that your opponent will Fireball, Zap, or arrow it if they have the counters in their deck.

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem – This card is actually one of the MVPs in this deck. Kiting 101. Slow moving. Targets towers. He is a beast at what he does.

Also a good tank for the Miner. Plus only costs 2 Elixir. Death frost nova slows down everything within radius too! But kiting is his main purpose.

Here I will show a prime example of me using the Ice Golem to get rid of an almost overwhelming push which would’ve been more than able to easily take my Tower.

using ice golem

Clash Royale PoisonPoison – Paired up with Miner will get rid of squishy troops.

Should only be used to get value early on but after 2x Elixir begins cycle Miner poisons at will!

Try to get as much damage as you can.

Clash Royale The LogThe Log – Self explanatory.

Can be replaced by the Zap.


General Gameplay

Early game (3:00- 2:00)

Early game, I usually start off rather passive with one of the following moves.

  • E-wiz at the back.
  • Ice Golem at the back/center. Closer to the front if Miner is in cycle.
  • Minions split.
  • Miner in safe non-Tornadoable spot.

You ideally want to early on get a feel of your opponent’s deck.

Miner is a very easily coutnerable card doing about as much as a Zap’s damage per swing. Knight, Goblin Gang etc can easily counter him.

So what you want to do is to learn what you are facing. What they will use to counter your Miner.

He is ultimately your win condition. Figure that out then you have spells to make sure he connects with the Tower.

If they have Goblins and no Barrel, I would maybe use a Miner in front of Tower+ pre-emptive Log for an example. This will allow you to get the Log damage+ Miner damage. If ignored is more than a Rocket!

Mid-game (2:00- 1:00)

Around now you will ideally have a feel for your opponents deck.

I would not really recommend making large predictions at this point of the game!

However, you around now will want to keep up with their cycle when there are threats in your opponents deck that you will want to save a card for.

If your opponent has a Goblin Barrel, you want to have Minions, E-wiz and or Log in cycle. Poisoning out their Princess. Etc.

Just go with the mentality that each time they use card. They must drop 4 more cards to reach it again. Rather than really bother with paying attention to where every other cards are. But keeping a general idea of their cycle in mind you will be able to optimise your damage.

For example, If they use a Fireball, always keep an E-wiz or Princess in cycle so you use Minion Horde + Miner. You can play your Miner in front of the Tower where you expect the card to be to tank then the Horde can snipe that then move onto the Tower! This will catch your opponent off their guard quite often.

mner minions

I knew that his E-wiz and Bats were out of cycle, so was expecting Bandit or Goblins. If I use Miner the front, that would be pointless, so I use Miner at the back, allowing Minions to get a few hits on the Tower! And he’d used his P.E.K.K.A so that’s even better because I can easily defend his push as well, allowing me to have a pretty massive counter push.

Late game (1:00-End)

Around now is where I just cycle Miner + Poison. Usually Poison is only accompanying it unless I am facing 3 Musketeers.

In which case, Miner + Log really is the only combination I use. Getting about 100 chip damage off the Tower.

Once it’s within ~300 HP, I will use Miner + Poison and Log in order to get the Tower down.

This isn’t an all in deck. Just defend, cycle and counterpush.

Not counting the P.E.K.K.A, it’s a rather quick cycle. Cards not to use to cycle are Minion Horde and P.E.K.K.A, the rest can be cycled rather easily and without much thought unless you must save a card on defense!

Just don’t overcommit too much, small Elixir deficits can be made up with Electro Wizard, or P.E.K.K.A.


Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider

Our deck can deal with this reasonably well.

Just make sure you Poison the E-wiz and if the E-wiz is out of cycle, what I like doing is Miner + Log in front of Tower.

Bats can deal with Miner but it’s fine. Juts try not to overcommit because early on a Hog + Goblin push say punishing that Log will come to get you.

Try to avoid their Lightning/Poison as well with your Ewiz because you want your E-wiz to support your P.E.K.K.A in P.E.K.K.A v P.E.K.K.A matches.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A Decks – Win the P.E.K.K.A battles with your E-wiz. Get value poisons. Avoiding value spells yourself!

It’s not a hard thing to do really. Just try to kill their E-wiz with your Miner + Poisons. Or in this case, Poison+ Log while your P.E.K.K.As are battling it out and get the Tower with the chip damage. This is a negative trade but remember, they will have to deal with your P.E.K.K.A + E-wiz on the counter!

In P.E.K.K.A + Mega Knight pushes. I try to use the Ice Golem to soak the hits because usually your P.E.K.K.A will be hitting their Mega Knight, which isn’t good because their P.E.K.K.A will take you down. Minions will also be used in a push such as this from my end to take down their E-wiz which almost always is in a deck that runs P.E.K.K.A nowadays.

pekka vs mega pekka

Ice Golem and e-wiz synergy well in allowing your P.E.K.K.A to get the upper hand in these exchanges with the slow and stun from each.

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight Decks

You have several answers to the Mega Knight but the major one is going to be the Ice Golem. You can use him to kite the Mega Knight to the other lane.

Minions + Ice Golem do very well with the damage from the towers kicking in too. You can completely shut him down. I will only really do this if you have other cards that require your P.E.K.K.A as a response to. Such as a Giant, or a Golem for an example.

Clash Royale GolemGolem Lightning

Deal with their Collectors efficiently. P.E.K.K.A, Poison + Log will take care of each and every push they make with minimal damage.

Don’t stack troops giving Lightning value.

Slowly but surely get the Tower down to 0 HP and this game will be in the bag.

Clash Royale Goblin GangLog bait –Easy match-up.

Try to avoid E-wiz at the back. Get value poisons. Poison Princesses off the board if they allow you to get the low HP Tower and her every time.

Keep an eye out for tricky barrels and try to keep your Log in cycle each time they have Barrel.

Only really Miner+ Log if Tower has really low HP and you have Knight out of rotation.

Not much else to say. You will almost always get Poison value off of your pushes.

I think that covers most the matchups and all. If it’s not clear already P.E.K.K.A is one of my favorite cards in game. Hope you have as much fun and success playing this deck as I have. Cheers.