Valkyrie Prince Log Bait | New Clash Royale Deck


Hey there! It’s Krux here and I am back with some chilling winter breeze and a new Clash Royale Deck Guide. Another month has passed away and we are here near the end of Season 16 of Clash Royale. We are into the last week of Shocktober and it is time for us all to push the ladder up and get some prizes when it ends. There is no need of an introduction for Log bait as a Clash Royale Deck. It is one of the classics. For the new players:

Classic Log bait has Princess, Goblin barrel, Rocket, Log, Knight, Inferno Tower, Ice Spirit, Gobling Gang. The clue is in the name. We have a deck which will force our opponents to use their defensive spells again and again and we have just too many low elixir offensive cards and they will run out of the counter and we will destroy their tower with each Barrel or Rocket. Log Bait is a fast cycle deck, you can read the wholesome guide at Classic Bait guide.

There are a dozen variants of the Log Bait. We will today look at another one- The Valk Prog Bait. I named the Clash Royale deck myself and have been playing it for a while now.

Log Bait Valkyrie Prince Clash Royale Deck

Clash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Princess

Clash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale fireballClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale The LogProg Clash Royale Deck

We have some cards common to Log Bait and Valkyrie, Prince, and Skeleton Army as different.

Deck Cards

  • Valkyrie: We have Valkyrie as the defence against swarms, hordes and other moderate enemies like Wizards, Executioners, and Witches.
  • Skeleton Army: Apart from being bait for spells, a good defence if placed appropriately.
  • Prince: We have the charming royal guy with us because we wanted the deck to be a bit easier for the casual players. Our answer to Princes, Wizards, and even Mega Knight. Also, an offence, one lance and you are done.
  • Princess: Placing it far from the enemies to defend from a range. Sometimes used as a small and cute support girl.
  • Inferno Tower: Building to kite building chasers and heavy tanks.
  • Fireball: Our Pump response card and also to take out that group near the enemy’s Princess tower.
  • Goblin Barrel: Our win condition. Barrel goes flying after they just Zap or Log or Skarmy.
  • Log: The omnipresent card in all cycles. Multi-purpose card to defend and stop swarms.

Deck Strategy

Opening: You can wait for your opponent to make a move because you will have the counters with you. Also, that will make you look like a pro. Or you can just start the game with the Goblin Barrel. See if you can bait out your opponent’s spell early. If you don’t have the Barrel, you can place the Prince at the Bridge. Do this and have the Log on your fingertips to take out their counter Skarmy or Goblins. You can also place your Princess at the back and wait for her to come near the Princess Tower till your opponent’s troops reach the bridge. Then defend with Prince, Valkyrie or anything keeping the Princess alive. The first one is the best bet, Prince is risky but okay.

Valk Prog

Defending: After you and your opponent have placed some cards, it is your time to defend. If they have thrown a heavy tank like Mega Knight or Pekka or Giant, place your Inferno tower at the middle. Also, take care of the Electro wizard and other support that your opponent places as it is very important for us to keep the Inferno Tower burning the tank. use Valkyrie and Prince to clean the push. We cannot let the tank reach our Tower. If in some case, our Tower dies, you can use Skeleton Army. It is really satisfying when the little skeletons take out the Pekka and your opponent can do nothing but just watch. After a successful shutdown, you will immediately throw your Goblin Barrel on their tower if they have used their spell in the pushing. It will force them to put some milder counter. Then you will place your princess to take out their just placed card from afar.

Counter-Pushing: After defending and keeping your Princess alive, place the Prince of Valkyrie. If they place two cards like Skeletons to distract the Prince and then a Knight to stop it. Go for the Goblin Barrel while their Princess Tower is targetted on your other troop. More tasty chip damage. If they place some heavy card to defend, then don’t make the mistake of throwing the Barrel or anything, just place your Inferno Tower and use another card to stop the push. Again, same, just when the battle is over, throw your Barrel to force your opponent to use some non-counter card.

Cycling Tips: You have to repeat the above procedure, cycling fast. There is a lot that can go in this deck depending upon what your opponent is playing. The strategy is slightly different against different archetypes. Like if they are on beatdown, you will place your Prince at the back, and build a good defence to stop the big push. Sometimes, placing your Skarmy in the other lane just to make sure that the opponent can’t collect elixir for their Golem or Lava Hound. This deck needs a good amount of practice, so don’t worry if you lose in the initial matches.

Stay tuned for more articles, news, and Clash Royale deck guides. Clash On!