Mega Knight Hog Rider Deck

Mega Knight Hog Rider deck
Hey Clashers! It’s Krux here and I’m back again with a gust of winter air and a new deck guide. There are many Hog Rider cycle decks in the game and they are evergreen for those who play Hog rider in every challenge and tournament. Hog Rider is boosted for this week in Clashmas Season and if you think you can try one yourself, then we have Mega Knight Hog Rider Deck for you. Let’s go!

Mega Knight Hog Rider Deck

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale BatsClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Princesnowball

copy deckWith 3.5 as the average elixir and shortest card cycle of 8, the Mega Knight Hog Rider deck is a fast cycle deck. This has great attack potential and godly defence. The free-to-play score is also good as it has only one legendary card and two epics.

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  • Hog Rider: Our win condition. No need to say that we will be cycling Hog riders to take those towers down.
  • Mega Knight: To crush a group of troops. To lead out push before Hog rider takes over.
  • Freeze: We have freeze as the defensive mechanism which stops enemies in their tracks
  • Snowball: The spell which we will be using unrestrained to knock back the enemies and damage.
  • Skeletons: These are not useless in this Mega Knight Hog rider deck. Our short-range defence and barrel bait. Also, to cycle the deck cards fast.
  • Dart Goblin: Our anti-air defence and another spell bait.
  • Prince: Defence with a lance. To stop heavy hitters.
  • Bats: Our both air and ground defence and card cycler.

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The Mega Knight Hog Rider deck comes with good synergy and godly versatility. The cards go well with each other and there is no problem in playing fast.

Mega Knight Hog Rider deck

Opening: Our Mega Knight Hog Rider deck is a fast cycle deck and we don’t have to wait much. Once the elixir bar gets full, we can start with our moves. Either place the Skeletons at the back, or the Prince. Don’t spam the Hog rider at the bridge; it will waste our one damage cycle. After the first step, the opponent will also place their card at the back of their King tower. Our next reactions will depend on it. If they drop a heavy tank such as Pekka or Golem, then wait to see which support troop they place behind the tank. Accordingly, place the Bats or Dart Goblin behind our Prince. Then wait again for the

MK Hogopponent to place something and drop the Mega Knight to smash their defence to the
Our Mega Knight Hog rider deck gives us great defence for most type of attacks. After defending the push, we will let the elixir build. Prince and Dart goblin would be our choice to defend. Bats can also accompany.  We will use the Freeze if there is a big air push. Freeze coupled with Dart goblin to take out balloon and lumberjack for example. So, it should be placed with it affecting all the troops placed by the opponent. Our defence which is alive would be the support for the Hog Rider. And just like this, we will turn the dart goblin as support. We will let the elixir bar fill after this rampage. Once it is full, we will start the cycle again with Skeletons or Prince at the back. We now know the opponent’s deck and our first move will depend on it. ground. The opponent will be busy defending the Prince and the Mega Knight and we will take advantage of this. Send the Hog rider roaring in the arena. The spells should be on our fingertips to clear any Skeleton army or minions the enemy places.

MK Hog 2Endgame: A fast cycle like Mega Knight Hog rider deck should make the opponent annoyed with the repeated Hog Riders. We will repeat the cycles with the hog Rider paired with the Prince in the front and Snowball, again and again. Also combining the other cards to defend anything that comes. In an unusual case, if defending gets difficult against a massive push, we will have to force the opponent to use elixir by placing the Hog Rider in the other lane. It will stop them to build a big push. In normal cases, our Prince, Dart Goblin and Bats combination would be enough.

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