Emote Mute Option is Coming in Clash Royale September Update


Couples of months ago, as we all know, Supercell stated that they would never add an option to mute emotes in Clash Royale. Luckily, seems like Supercell has changed their mind, they are revising their approach!

Clash Royale Emote

Gif shared by isakkeyten

In the upcoming update, Clash Royale players will be able to mute their opponents during the battle. In order to make the game not like an offline video game, players will still can see opponents trying to communicate but without any specific.

Emoticons were built for making for game more fun and for knowing the difference between bad cards and good cards but most players are really upset because of them.

Moreover, seems like Supercell will remake the emote system in game to make it more collectible and desirable. I just can’t wait to see them in the future!

Source: Clash Royale’s official website.