Gold Reward and Legendary Cards in Shop


Clash Royale Gold Reward and Legendary Cards in Shop

Hello guys, today I am going to give you a great news about the upcoming Clash Royale update which is releasing in May! We are going to get Clash Royale Gold reward after every win. There are also a lot of new features are waiting for you! Let’s take a look guys!

Gold Reward and Legendary Cards in Shop
Gold Reward and Legendary Cards in Shop

Clash Royale May Update!

New Gold Reward and Donation/Request Cap

Arena Gold Clan Requests Clan Donations
Common Rare Common Rare
1 5 10 1 1 1
2 7 10 1 2 1
3 9 10 1 2 1
4 11 20 2 4 1
5 12 20 2 4 1
6 14 20 2 4 1
7 15 20 3 6 1
8 20 40 4 8 1

We can get 20 Gold Rewards in total every day.

Clash Royale Legendary Cards in Shop

Yes! We can buy Clash Royale Legendary Cards in shop at Arena 8! The first card costs 40k Gold and we can buy up to 3 cards at a time in total!

Clash Royale Legendary Cards
Clash Royale Legendary Cards

And there are also lots of other new Clash Royale changes and features! You can take a look at here for more details!