Royal Giant Barbarians | Best Clash Royale Deck


Hey Clashers! It’s Krux here and I am back again with some cool early winter breeze and a new Clash Royale Deck guide. We are mid-season with only two weeks left for the Season 16 Shocktober to end. We all know pushing the ladder in the early season is not positive emotions. If you are looking for a new deck to try, here we are with Royal Giant Barbarians Deck which will make your opponents cry!

            Royal Giant Barbarians Clash Royale Deck

Clash Royale ZapClash Royale fireballClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Tesla

Clash Royale Barbarians Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale The LogClash Royale Skeleton

This Clash Royale deck with Royal Giant and Barbarians has 3.4 elixir cost which makes fast to cycle. There are several low elixir cards in this Royal Giant Deck.

Deck Cards:

  • Zap: The two elixir electric shock to take out swarms and retarget bad guys like Inferno Dragon.
  • Fireball: Fireball is the pump-response card in this deck. Used on buildings placed by your opponent.
  • Royal Giant: Our big British friend with a hand cannon is the tank and the win condition in this deck.
  • Tesla: The defence building on the deck to stop the damage.
  • Barbarians: The only other high elixir card after the Giant, super defence.
  • Archers: The pair of pinkheads as our air defense if placed correctly.
  • Log: You know how to use it, don’t you? It’s the Log. We have Zap too, no worries.
  • Skeletons: The 1 elixir card to cycle our deck quickly and also a defence.

Deck Strategy

RG barb deck 2

Opening: The game starts and with this fast cycle Clash Royale deck you don’t have to worry about that boring 10 seconds to pass before you make a move because the opponent is just as adamant as you are. You can start with the Archers in the back of the King Tower. You can also start with the Skeletons. And if you don’t have both in your starting 4 cards, you can even zap their princess, haha. This deck has so many spells that we don’t have to worry. After the first cycle of any of these cards, you can place your Royal Giant at the bridge. Yes, go straight for their tower. Do not place any other cards as we’ll need them to take out the enemy’s defences. Keep your Fireball or Log or Zap handy for their swarms, defence buildings etc. Use your spell to take out their defence buildings and surrounding troops and if they used a Skeleton Army or Minions, you again know what to do.


Mid-game: After placing the initial card and the Royal Giant, it is time to defend their counter push or attack. They will be using their Goblin Barrel or Skelly Barrel etc. Hopefully, you should have one spell left, Log or Zap them. It is pretty straightforward that you will have to defend using Barbarians and Tesla here. Tesla should mostly be placed in the middle of the arena. Use Barbarians and the spell you got in hand to clean their push without taking damage on the Tower. Use Barbarians for Graveyard if they use, Use Archers alongside Tesla for Dragons. These are examples, combine the defence cards and the Tesla to save yourself without over-committing.


Attack Cycle: After successfully defending your tower, you will cycle the Royal Giant again at the bridge. If the Archers or Barbarians are alive, place the Royal Giant ahead of them to use them as support. Even if they are not there, place the Giant at the River and keep your fingertips on the spells. Take out their defences with Fireball or Zap. Do not over-commit at this point also because we will have to cycle attacks more than twice in this Clash Royale deck. So save elixir for defence after placing an RG. Around three cycles will take out the opponent’s tower.

This was the Royal Giant Barbarians Clash Royale Deck. A deck full of spells to make you feel like a wizard and beat your opponents without breaking a sweat. I hope you have some good time trying this deck. Stay tuned for more guides and fun stuff. Clash On!