Best Elite Barbarians Decks and Strategies

Best Elite Barbarians Deck

Hello guys it’s Ash and today I am going to show you the best Elite Barbarians decks I have been using these days. Since Elite Barbarian were released, I have been tirelessly testing tons of decks evolving around the Elite Barbarians. Below are the 3 decks that I have been getting the best success with the Elite Barbarians.

Best Elite Barbarians Deck

Best Elite Barbarians Decks

But first, I want to give you guys my humble opinion on the new Elite Barbarians. After lots of tests, I feel like these new guys are pretty horrible. They are totally not deserved their 6 Elixir cost. However, this is a common card, which is always easy to be leveled up. Although Elite Barbarians have a huge offensive potential but they are common, they should be great on ladder, not in Tournaments or Challenges. Let’s talk about the Royal Giant! He is a big problem to lots of players on the ladder because of people playing very high level Royal Giants. Level 9 Royal Giant doesn’t do it very well in Challenge/Tournament. That’s why I feel like the Elite Barbarians can be great on the ladder but not in Challenges/Tournament.

Also, I have a small note here  for you If you want to build your own Elite Barbarians deck. They work best with fast troops. They are just so fast to build up for big pushes with Golem, P.E.K.K.A etc. Hog Rider, Fire Spirits, The Log and Lumberjack are the best companions of Elite Barbarians.

Elite Hog Freeze

The first deck I want to show you is the Elite Hog Rider Deck. Truly this deck is not very elite haha but personally I have found that Elite Barbarians and Hog Rider have a great synergy together since they are both very fast troops. Also, Freeze Spell is excellent when coupled with fast units. Once either Hog Rider or Elite Barbarians locked on a frozen Tower, you can quickly take it out in seconds.

If you don’t have The Log, you can absolutely replace it with Zap. Log works better with Hog Rider since it can remove the weakened Tombstone and also all of the Skeletons left.

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale FreezeClash Royale The Long
Clash Royale fireballClash Royale CannonClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Mega Minion

Elite Miner Bait Deck

The next one is another fast paced deck, Miner Elite Barbarians Bait Deck. I have found that the Elite Barbarians work best in this type of deck. You have lots of moves to bait out spells and when you have a potential push with the Miner shielding damage for Elite Barbarians, you can quickly take out any Tower.

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale Tombstone
Clash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale ZapClash Royale fireball

Elite Giant Beatdown

The last one is Elite Giant Beatdown deck. The best thing I like about this deck is that it is not weak to Lightning. If you have a Elite Barbarians, Giant and Musketeer push, the Lightning won’t hit the Musketeer since she has the lowest HP.

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Minions
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale The LongClash Royale fireballClash Royale Tombstone

 Here are some great guides on Clash Royale Arena you should read first before using these decks:

More details on using these decks:

Hopefully you guys like my Elite Barbarians decks! Good luck!