Wall Breakers EBarbs Deck

Wall Breakers Ebarbs deck
Hi there, Clashers! It’s Krux here and I’m back again with a summer thunderstorm and a new deck guide. Elite Barbarians are alive in the game this season after the balance changes. There are many Ebarbs decks to be seen. We covered the Golem Ebarbs deck and now we have brought you today a tasty thing called Wall breakers Ebarbs deck with which you can annoy your opponents to the peak. Haha, let’s get started!

Wall Breakers Ebarbs Deck

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale ZapClash Royale fireballClash Royale MinerClash Royale BomberClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale wall breakersClash Royale Elite Barbarianscopy deck

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  • Mega Knight: Our tank. Our crusher. The heavyweight to smash everyone.
  • Zap: The small spell to take out Skeleton armies and reset attackers.
  • Fireball: Fireball is the pump response and defence spell in this Wall breakers Ebarbs deck.
  • Miner: We know Miner is the best companion to the Wall breakers.
  • Bomber: Bomber is our low-elixir defence for ground troops and support card while pushing.
  • Inferno Dragon: Our anti-air defence, the killer for Pekkas and Mega Knights and a spell bait.
  • Wall Breakers: Tiny little friends as our win condition and to keep the opponents on their toes.
  • Elite Barbarians: Another win condition and to spam in the other lane.

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With an average elixir cost of 3.8, this Wall breakers Ebarbs deck is not as heavy as it looks. It has good defence and offence. The free-to-play score is not so great because it has three legendary cards. But if you have a decent level Mega Knight and Inferno Dragon, there are no worries. Miner is not so level dependent as it is a mini tank in this deck.Wall Breakers Ebarbs deck

Opening: The best way to start with is waiting. Wall breakers Ebarbs deck doesn’t have a lot of starting hands to play as the first move. If we don’t want to wait or it is getting sleepily long to wait, we start with the Wall breakers in the middle of the two bridges, so that they split to both the Princess towers. This is the way if we have them in the first four cards. If we don’t, then we can also send the Miner on the tower and then the wall breakers. Ebarbs and Mega Knight are not our first move ever. After the initial moves, defend what they sent for your Wall breakers using Bomber (most probably). If the opponent plays aggressive and spends too much elixir, we can counter push with our Ebabrs or Mega Knight. For example, if they used The Log and then a Witch for the Miner and Wall breakers, they spent 7 elixirs, we can send our Mega Knight on the Witch and then the Bomber as support. If not, we will defend using our Bomber or Zap as needed.mk ebarbs

If you see a Golem or Pekka at the back of the enemy’s tower, punish them with Wall breakers so that they are forced to spend the elixir. We don’t want them to build a massive push against us. Even if they don’t respond to the Wall breakers, do not overcommit and send more troops. We want our defence when they attack.

Mid-game: If we find a big push from the opponent coming, we’ll place the Inferno Dragon in the right lower corner. We will wait for the attack to cross the bridge and then we will use either the Mega Knight or the Elite barbarians to tank for the Inferno Dragon. Once placed, our Inferno Dragon should lock on the tank. We can also have the Zap in hand to get rid of Bats/Goblins or any feeble support. We won’t hesitate to even use the Bomber in the middle of the arena if it’s tough to take out the push. We don’t have a building and these small defences should make it for it. Once we have successfully defended, we have Miner, Wall breakers, and Fireball to use. Just as the enemies are taken out, send the Miner and Wall breakers on the Princess tower. We’ll also keep the Fireball on our fingertips to use on the defence the opponent places. It would be a positive elixir trade to fireball Witches, Wizards, Rascals, Buildings etc. We got the damage and now it’s our turn again to defend.ebarbs

Endgame: We have our Ebarbs/Mega Knight along with the Bomber and Inferno Dragon to defend. Start with the supports in the back and place the heavyweights on the enemy troops themselves. At times, it can get tricky to defend. Decks, where there is a lot of air attacks, can be hard as we don’t have an anti-air splash attack. In such cases, we’ll have to put dual lane pressure on the opponent to avoid big attacks in one lane. We can send the Wall Breakers in the other lane while our troops fight their attack in the other lane. If the opponent places a lot of troops in the fighting lane, we will send the Ebarbs in the other one to squeeze out a crown. In any match, we will repeat the cycle with or without dual lane pressure.

1. Lava Hound decks: Most of the Lava hound decks are overflowing with air attacks such as Balloon, Dragons etc. And this makes them a counter matchup for our Wall Breakers Ebarbs deck. Suh a match requires essential dual-lane play and good elixir counting. We have to avoid the Lava Hound and the Balloon in the same lane at any cost. Mega Knight and Ebarbs should go in different lanes while using Fireball on the Princess Tower and the defence.

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