Best Substitutions for All Legendary Cards


All, this is Ven from Orange Seed.

Straight up, Legendary cards are not replaceable. They get their ‘Legendary’ status for a reason.

Sometimes, you will find some nice deck that you can’t use because the lacking of ‘Legendary card. This guide will try to discuss and find the closest replacement for the legendary card you don’t have yet.

Best Substitutions for All Legendary Cards

Best Substitutions for All Legendary Cards

For each legendary card, we will have a brief overlook of:

Clash Royale Ice Wizard

Ice Wizard

What is his special ability?

Ice Wizard’s attack will slow his targets’ movement and attack speed by 35%

What is his role in most deck?

Ice Wizard serves as a very strong defensive card. With the help of arena tower, he can deal with most glass cannon, low-health swarm units and even barbarians, bowler & executioner.

In terms of pushes, Ice Wizard act as a support card to slow down opponent’s troop, giving your side more time to deal more damage.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Ice Wizard is undergoing a very bad situation in the current meta. A lot of common & rare cards can replace his role just well, in terms of defense, these cards can do his job just well, and due to their dps, they are even better than Ice Wizard when you translate them to counter-push:

Note that these cards can’t deal splash attack except Tornado which is a spell:

  • Goblin Gang
  • Mega Minion
  • Archers
  • Tornado

Note that these cards can’t deal against air units and it’s better to only use them for defense:

  • Bomber can clear up ground swarm units very effectively
  • Ice Golem act as a very cheap tank to lure units. His death damage can be paired up with zap to clear swarm units.
  • Guards is good for luring and defending against incoming melee attackers. For troops dealing long range & splash attack, you may defend by surrounding them with Guards. For air units, lure them to the centre of the arena and let your princess tower finish them off.

Clash Royale Princess


What is her special ability?

Princess is the only troops that have longer range than Arena Tower, she can attack an Arena Tower without crossing the bridge.

What is her role in most deck?

Princess serves as a very strong support card. Her 9 tiles range makes her very effective in defending on other lane and dealing dual-lane pressure. It’s hard to counter her with a positive elixir trades except skeletons, goblins and fire spirits. (however, she almost always get a shot)

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Princess is difficult to replace due to her insane long-ranged splash attack, in terms of baiting spell and long-ranged attack support, here are her alternatives:

In terms of range & defense, with additional 1 elixir, you can try:

  • Musketeer
  • Baby Dragons

In terms of splash attack to clear swarm units:

  • Tornado
  • Arrows

Clash Royale The Log

The Log

What is The Log’s special ability?

The Log can push back all ground units and act as a pseudo-stun to buy you some time while defending. The knockback effect of Log can reset the charge attacks of the Prince, Dark Prince, and the Battle Ram.

What is The Log’s role in most deck?

The Log can effectively use to clear up ground swarm units. The best part is when it roll, the Log can deal damage to any troops in its path, it’s best use as predictive spell.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Without the push back effect, you can try:

  • Zap (Zap cannot eliminate Princess & due to the neft recently, Zap cannot disarm Goblin Barrel’s threat also. However, Zap has the ability to stun and reset troop’s charges, Sparky, Inferno Tower & Dragon, personally, I hope Zap get back it’s stun period to 1 sec)
  • Fire Spirits (high splash damage & radius to quickly clear up swarm units, including Goblin Barrel)
  • Arrow (with additional 1 Elixir, arrows has a wide range and can target air)

Clash Royale Miner


What is his special ability?

The Miner is the only mini tank that can be deployed anywhere on the arena.

What is his role in most deck?

The Miner is best used as surprise mini tank to shield your wounded troops, thus makes him the best card for counter-attack. If use him effectively, Miner can slowly chip away tower health. Besides that, Miner is good in destroying opponent’s Elixir Collector.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Miner cannot be replace in Miner-Poison deck which use him as the main win condition.

In terms of mini tank, you can try:

  • Knight
  • Ice Golem

In terms of surprise counter push of wounded troops, you can try: * Heal

Clash Royale Lumberjack


What is his special ability?

Lumberjack is very fast in both movement & attack speed. he will drop Rage spell upon death.

What is his role in most deck?

Lumberjack is used as a support troop that can defend quite well against tanks and upon death, his rage spell will further increase other troops attack and movement. Depending of your team up strategy, Lumberjack’s fast dps and Rage effect upon death can quickly take down a tower.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

In terms of defending against tank, you can try:

  • Mini Pekka (actually did a better job than Lumberjack)

In terms of sudden attack strategy, you can try:

Clash Royale Sparky


What is Sparky’s special ability?

Sparky can deal VERY HIGH area damage to ground units. Sparky can take down a tower in few shots if left ignored.

What is Sparky role in most deck?

Sparky is usually use as a win condition in a beatdown deck.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

In terms of high damage behind tank, you can try:

  • Balloon

In terms of splash attack behind tank, you can try:

  • Bowler
  • Wizard
  • Executioner

Clash Royale Lava Hound

Lava Hound

What is Lava Hound’s special ability?

Lava Hound is the only buidling-target flying tank in the arena. Upon death, Lava Hound split into 6 Lava Pups that can deal massive damage.

What is Lava Hound role in most deck?

Lava Hound is usually used as the flying tank in Air-Beatdown deck. Lava Pups that spawn upon Hound’s death can deal massive damage if there’s a Miner act as a surprise tank for them.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Lava Hound is the only Building Target Flying tank, thus it is difficult to replace. Minion Horde can replace Lava Pups for the distraction & fast dps.

In terms of tank, you can try:

  • Golem
  • Baby Dragon (as a mini flying tank)

Clash Royale Electro Wizard

Electro Wizard

What is his special ability?

Electro Wiazrd’s attack can briefly stun his targets. Upon deployment, he stuns and deals minor area damage (similar to zap).

What is his role in most deck?

Electro Wizard is usually used as a defensive card in a deck. His spawn can clear swarm troops and his stun attack can slow down opponent’s troops. He can then perform good counter attack if you successfully shield him with a mini tank or tank.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Electro Wizard’s spawn & stun effect is not replaceable. But in terms of using him as a defensive role, you can try:

  • Musketeer
  • Baby Dragon (act as air defend, can deal splash damage and have higher hitpoint)
  • Wizard (cost 1 more elixir but is great at splash attack)

Clash Royale Inferno Dragon

Inferno Dragon

What is his special ability?

Inferno Dragon’s damage increases over time as he remains focused on a single target, similar to the Inferno Tower.

What is his role in most deck?

Inferno Dragon is usually used as a defensive card against tank. You can then translate him to counter-push by shielding him with a tank in front. Inferno Dragon who locked on a tower can burn it down in seconds.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

In terms of melting down tank in seconds, you can try:

  • Inferno Tower

Clash Royale Bandit


What is her special ability?

Bandit has the ability to dash to nearby targets, dealing double damage if she hits a target with her dash. She is immune to damage while dashing.

What is her role in most deck?

Bandit is usually used as a surprise card in a deck. Due to her invulnerability while dashing, without countering, a wounded bandit almost always get a hit on the tower. She act as a quite effective defense against single target glass cannon and even Bowler & Executioner.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

Bandit’s dash effect is not replaceable. But in terms of using her as a defensive role, you can try:

  • Knight
  • Mega Minion
  • Goblin Gang
  • Archer

Clash Royale Graveyard


What is Graveyard special ability?

Graveyard can be placed anywhere in the Arena and summons the Skeletons one by one within the spell’s radius.

What is Graveyard’s role in most deck?

Graveyard is usually used as a win condition in a deck. With a mini tank/tank shielding the graveyard, the little skeletons can tear down the arena tower in seconds. Small to medium spells are use to destroy any troops that try to counter the graveyard.

What is the closest replacement for the card?

  • Skeleton Barrel  

In my opinion Skeleton Barrel is Mini Graveyard…

I agree it is not even close to Graveyard but in the hands of skilled player it could be used like a Graveyard.

Clash Royale Night Witch

Night Witch

What is Night Witch special ability?

Night Witch summons 2 Bats with pretty impressive damage every 7 seconds.

Upon death, she spawns 2 more Bats onto the battle.

What is Night Witch’s role in most deck?

She is generally the heavy hitter in most of the deck and used as a Glass Canon behind a tank to do so much damage.Her bats makes her even more dreadful when she is behind a tank .

What is the closest replacement for the card?   

  • Musketeer (Unlike Night Ưitch, she is a ranged troop but serves the similar role)
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A (High DPS  card just like Night Witch but can’t target air)
  • Witch: For +1 Elixir, She is a decent replacement as her damage along with her Skeletons is somewhat comparable to Night Witch and over and above regular witch splashes.

Clash Royale Mega Knight

Mega Knight

What is Mega knight special ability?

Behold. This bad boy lands with the power of 1000 moustaches. Such power much wow xD.

He is the only tank who can splash, dash and spawn with a Fireball.

What is Mega Knight’s role in most deck?

This guy’s role is to defend a deathball and counter push.

Is he a win-condition? No , I don’t think so.

His role is to defend -> act as a tank in counter push for Balloon, Graveyard, Hog, Battle ram etc .

What is the closest replacement for the card?  

  • P.E.K.K.A

Even though P.E.K.K.A  cannot land with the power of 1k moustaches :p, this guy packs a punch and his role in most of the deck is same as that of mega knight.  


  • Legendary cards are not replaceable, this guide only tries to find the closest replacement
  • Try your best to reach Hog Mountain to unlock legendary cards in shop. Save up gold by donating to clan, collect your normal chest, clan chest & crown chest. Most importantly, don’t simply upgrade troops that is not in your main deck
  • Use Gems on Challenge. You may obtain a lot of Gold through challenge.
  • For every free challenge, remember to learn the strategy first before jumping to the battle.

I hope this will be helpful to everyone! Please leave your comment if I missed anything. Thanks!

Shared by venyong