Miner Pekka Poison | Clash Royale Deck


Hello Clashers! I hope you all are doing great. It’s Krux here and I’m back again with a gust of cool air and a new deck guide. Miner was buffed in the last balance changes and it has been out of meta for some time. This is no reason to stop us from playing the little digger. Today we are going to see the Miner Pekka Poison deck. Let’s go!

Miner Pekka Poison Deck

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Royal GhostClash Royale P.E.K.K.Amotherwitch

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale MinerClash Royale Flying ZappiesClash Royale Goblin Hutcopy deck

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  • Poison: Our pump-response card and to be used with Miner and Pekka. Poison’s relation with these goes a long way.
  • Royal Ghost: Our level-independent defence and sometimes the mini-tank to divert enemies.
  • Pekka: Our answer to Mega knights and Golems. Also, the investment to build a push.
  • Mother Witch: Mother witch is the defence troop for swarms and the support card to be bused with Pekka. Go Piggies!
  • Log: The log is here to save the Pekka from skeleton armies and goblins in the Miner Pekka poison deck.
  • Miner: Miner paired with Poison. It is our bait, mini-tank to divert attention, and the chipper.
  • Zappies: Our defence for air attacks, speedrunners and bait for fireball.
  • Goblin Hut: In Miner Pekka poison deck, the Goblin hut is the defensive building and the investment when the elixir starts leaking.

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The Miner Pekka Poison deck comes with an average elixir of 4. It has a good offence, defence and an average synergy score. The deck has four legendary cards and that makes it somewhat less preferable for free-to-play clashers but it is fun in mid-ladder if the cards are not maxed. Miner Pekka Poison

miner pekka poison deck

Opening: In this deck, we should know what not to do at the start of the game. Do not place the Pekka at the back. Do not send the miner digging and Poison or Royal Ghost to chip. These will be costly mistakes as our deck is not a fast cycle and we have heavy troops like Pekka and Mother Witch. It would be better to wait. If the opponent is also adamant, you can start with Goblin Hut or Zappies in the back. Just one move and then respond to what the opponent places to defend. If they place a heavy tank, you can summon the Pekka. If anything else, use Royal Ghost or Mother Witch if it’s an air troop. Our defence will be the push after defending successfully.

Mid-game: We have defended the opening attacks and now we should have the defence alive—Royal Ghost or Mother Witch or Zappies. Whichever it is, we will send our Miner to chip on their tower. Also, keep Poison handy to use at the right place to clear out the swarms if the opponent puts for the Miner. They will also defend the support (Royal ghost or MW). Let it be. Do not overcommit at this stage. This Miner Pekka Poison is not a one-push deck. We will be ready to defend their counter-push with our Zappies, Goblin Hut, and Pekka.miner pekka

Endgame: The point about this deck is that it can be used in two ways—Pekka poison deck and Miner with Royal Ghost. Zappies and Royal Ghost are our defensive troops and they will be the support after we send the Miner to the opponent’s tower. When we use Pekka as a defence for tanks, we will pair it with Miner and Poison. Repeat the defence-counter push cycle two or three times. It will take cycles to destroy the tower.

1. X-Bow: X-bow deck with Fireball, Knight and Archers. It can be a bit tricky to handle when we are new with our Miner Pekka Poison deck as we don’t have many low elixir cards. Our defences cost 4-5 elixir while X-bow is a fast cycle, especially in double elixir. IN such a matchup, we have to be extra cautious and count the opponent’s elixir and plan out the strategy. Try to make a big push with Pekka, Mother witch and then use Poison and Miner. Divert the miner to the X-bow and include the X-bow in the poison circle when you can.

This deck is replenishing the need for fresh enjoyment in the game. If you are in mid-ladder and want to try a new deck, Miner Pekka Poison is for you. Join our Discord to discuss new decks, clash royale news and mid-ladder frustration. Stay tuned with Clash World for more deck guides, royale news, and other interesting articles. Clash On!