Free Chest Is Better Than Silver Chest!

Legendary Cards from Free Chests in Clash Royale

Free Chest Is Better Than Silver Chest!

In Clash Royale, you can get Free Chest after every 4 hours and the Silver Chest after every win match (most of the time). We all think that the Silver Chest is better than the free one. But is it really true? No I don’t think so. Let’s discuss about this today guys!

Free Chest Is Better Than Silver Chest!
Free Chest Is Better Than Silver Chest!

Free Chest Vs. Silver Chest, which one is better?

Silver chest can be obtained after almost every Clash Royale win match and you can get the Wooden (Free) Chest for free after every 4 hours. For months, I have seen a lot of players can get good cards (Epic and even Legendary) in those Free Chests.

Most of my Epic Cards come from Free Chests, for sure. I got 1 Baby Dragon yesterday and 1 Witch last week from Free Chests. At least for me, Silver Chests rarely contain Epic. They have the same amount of cards but the chances to get good cards from Free Chests are higher. I can get at least 2 Rares from 4 chests everyday.

2 screenshots below were shared by AuzzieZiggy and PineappleBombs. They were extremely lucky! Oh I have no idea about this guys!

Legendary Cards from Free Chests in Clash Royale
Legendary Cards from Free Chests in Clash Royale

Do you agree with me about this guys?