Top 10 Cards for Underleveled Players


Hey! Nitrome95 here coming with a top 10 cards for underleveled players.

How did I come up with this list? I made a list of every level 8 at 3000+ or level 9 at 3500+ that I played to make this list.

I decided to make this list to help you guys who get frustrated with facing higher leveled people. Some of these cards are used because they are simply good. Others, however may surprise you.

Top 10 Cards for Underleveled Players

Best Cards for Underleveled Players

#10 – Mega MinionClash Royale Mega Minion

Of course this card is on the list. Since it is resistant to most spells, except Lightning and Rocket, it serves its purpose no matter its level. Great on offense and defense and can fit in almost every deck archetype. However, almost everyone uses this card so that includes underleveled players.

#9 – Royal GiantClash Royale Royal Giant

Another obvious choice. If you focus on upgrading him enough, he can be 1 or even 2 levels higher that the level of your King’s Tower. Solid stats and long range help a lot. This card isn’t located at higher rank because he is expensive, especially if your opponent has hard counters to your Royal Giant.

#8 – SparkyClash Royale Sparky

This is where it starts getting weird. Surprisingly, lots of underleveled players use Sparky! My guess is that its insane Damage-per-Hit doesn’t increase much when you upgrade it, making it non level dependent. It’s also an underused card in the meta, catching your opponents off guard when used. This card opens the window for lots of spell bait decks.

#7 – Lava HoundClash Royale Lava Hound

I am thoroughly confused about why underleveled players use Lava Hound. If your Lava Hound is underleveled, the Lava Pups will be one shot by zap. Something that I notice about Lava Hound players I know is that they play that deck style almost religiously. This could give them lots of practices since it is available early in the game.

#6 – Hog RiderClash Royale Hog Rider

There is nothing really special ability that makes this card able to compete in higher trophy ranges as a low level. Hog Rider players have a very good sense of fundamentals, which will get you really far in the game.

#5 – Barbarian HutClash Royale Barbarian Hut

My top sleeper pick in this game IMO. It does such a great job creating a brick wall in your defense, preventing even the largest of pushes from passing through. The level doesn’t really matter, as Barbarians at any level will still do insane chip damage at the tower and always force your opponent to play defensively.

#4 – Giant SkeletonClash Royale Giant Skeleton

Yup, the worst tank in the game. Players that use this card understand that, so their main purpose with this card isn’t to get it to the tower; it’s more like a support troop. A popular combo is the giant skeleton hog rider. The Giant Skeleton with some support troops clear out most of your opponent’s defense, allowing your Hog Rider to sneak past to the tower.

#3 – X-Bow

Clash Royale X-BowX-Bow is such a good win condition that I’m surprised that not that many people use it. No matter its level, it does devastating amounts of damage to the enemy tower. It requires great skill to predict your opponent’s next move, making a skilled but underleveled player the perfect candidate for this card. Players will not expect this card to pop out, adding a surprise element to your play.

#2 – Rocket

Clash Royale RocketHere’s another high skill high reward card that doesn’t depend of levels. If you defend with lots of positive elixir trades, sit back and watch your rocket decimate the opponent’s tower. Can also be used to destroy support troops no matter the level.

#1 – Goblin Hut

Clash Royale Goblin HutThe number one spot goes to… GOBLIN HUT! You heard me right, GOBLIN HUT! Literally every underleveled player uses this card. It’s an amazing on defense to disrupt your opponent’s attack rhythm. IMO the least level dependent card in the game because unlike the Furnace, Spear Goblins always survive a tower hit for the chip damage. This card’s main gain from upgrading is its HP, and that’s not a very important part of it.

Honorable Mentions

  1. Fireball
  2. Log
  3. Graveyard
  4. Ice Golem

That was a bit of a short guide. If you are struggling with high card levels in your arena, consider using one of these cards.

Comment below if you have any other cards that you want to share. Take care everybody and have a happy X-Mas (or Hanukkah) (or Kwanza) (or winter?) :D.