Clash Royale Leagues – Basic Information


Today, Supercell has given us some basic information for the new Clash Royale Leagues feature which are going to be added into the game in the upcoming huge update!

Let’s take a closer look to see how the Leagues system works!

Clash Royale Leagues
Clash Royale Leagues

Clash Royale Leagues

How the Leagues system works

Above Legendary Arena are Leagues. It’s still Legendary Area and still offers the same size chest. The new Arena 11 chests offer 8% more cards compared to the lower Arena.

challenger I Challenger I: 4000 Trophies

challenger II Challenger II: 4300 Trophies

challenger III  Challenger III: 4600 Trophies.

Master I Master I: 4900 Trophies.

Master II Master II: 5200 Trophies.

Master III Master III: 5500 Trophies

Champion Champion: 5800 trophies

Grand Champion Grand Champion: 6100 Trophies.

Ultimate Champion Ultimate Champion: 6400 Trophies.

Each season now resets every 1 month instead of 2 weeks as before.

The resets are more balanced now.

For example, If you are in Challenger leagues, when the season resets, you will get down to 4000 Trophies. If you are in Master leagues, when the season resets, you will get down to 4300 Trophies. Higher, you will get reset to 4600 Trophies!

So, there are 3 thresholds here:

  • Challenger’s League Trophy Reset: 4,000 Trophies.
  • Master’s League Trophy Reset: 4,300 Trophies.
  • Champion League’s Trophy Reset: 4,600 Trophies!

The new Draft Chest in Clash Royale

Challenger I unlocks at 4000 Trophies. If you get there, you will get 1 Draft Chest when the season resets!

The awesome thing about this chest is you can even pick the one you want between two cards, as you can see here!

clash royale draft chest
clash royale draft chest

Once you reached a certain League,  you will lock into that chest regardless of how far you drop.

For example, once you reached Ultimate Champion at 6400 Trophies then drop to 4300 Trophies, you still get the Ultimate Champion Chest when the season resets.

Watch Yarn’s video for more information: