How to counter Mega Knight


Hi Clashers! It’s Krux here and I’m back with some new year vibes and a new Clash royale guide. I hope your new year has started off well and you will get a lot of crowns this year, both in-game and in real life. As the name says, today we will see the best Mega knight counters in Clash royale. Players sometimes find it difficult to defend against the metal giant, especially the new clashers. And the question has been asked a lot on our Discord. Let’s dive straight in!

About Mega knight

“He lands with the force of 1,000 moustaches, then jumps from one foe to the next dealing huge area damage. Stand aside!”

This is what the card description says about it and it is apt for the big guy. Mega Knight is unlocked in Arena 7 and costs 7 elixir to play. It has 3993 hitpoints and 268 damage at level 11.  Its unique deploy damage makes it a favorite in the game since its release in 2017.

counters series

Best Mega Knight Counters

  1. pekkaPekka: The masked katana-wielding Pekka can give butterflies to any enemy. Pekka is a very good counter to Mega knight in any deck or arena. It is a heavy hitter and takes a few seconds to kill the Mega Knight. It has 816 damage at level 11 and it would take 5 hits on a Mega knight with full health to kill it.
    Pekka also costs 7 elixir and it is a trade as it would work as offence after killing the Mega Knight.
  2. clash royale mega knightMega Knight: Diamond cuts diamond. Mega knight is an effective counter to Mega knight itself. The jump damage and the princess tower damage ensure that our Mega knight will survive after the combat. If you do not have any other counter for it in your deck, then save your Mega knight for its lookalike enemy.


best mega knight counters

3. Inferno Tower: Inferno tower is the best building defence against Mega knight. It also works against other tanks and tower chasers such as Ram rider and Hog rider. It costs only 5 elixir and it’s a positive elixir trade to counter Mega knight. It survives after killing the Mega knight and gives us time to build elixir. Just remember the positioning—it needs to be placed in the middle of the arena. Easily one of the best Mega knight counters.

mini pekka4. Mini Pekka: The lite version of Pekka is another one of the best Mega knight counters. With an elixir cost of 4, it is a huge positive elixir trade. Countering with Mini pekka requires us to remember that we have to place it close to the Mega knight. We won’t want to see our Mini Pekka getting jumped upon by the armoured enemy. It will reduce Mini Pekka’s health and it won’t be effective.


prince5. Prince: Prince is my favourite counter to the Mega knight. It costs one elixir lesser than Mega knight and also completely gets rid of it. Prince has to be played well for this. Place the Prince in the back before the enemy Mega knight crosses the bridge and enters our side of the arena. The prince should be charging before it faces the Mega Knight. The charging damage is a part of this card. Once it hits the Mega knight with the charged lance, our Prince will go on to march towards the enemy tower.


inferno dragon

6. Inferno Dragon: It depends on your deck. If you don’t have the other ground troops to counter the Mega knight, then Inferno dragon comes in the picture. Works well if placed early near the enemy. It will eliminate the enemy in some seconds and will be on full health. Pair it with a tank and make it a support for the push. Mega Knight counter with a positive elixir trade.



royal recruits

7. Royal Recruits: Not a popular card but if you want to try, Royal recruits can come out as one of the best Mega knight counters. The battalion with spears takes out the big guy within some seconds and taking little damage in return. The tip to remember is that the Royal recruits should be placed close to the Mega knight. If placed wrongly, the mega knight’s jump would shed their shields and they would die with only scratching the Mega knight.

That’s all for today. Hope you guys liked the guide and would have fun using the cards. Stay tuned with us for more Clash Royale guides, new, and updates. Clash On!