Clash Royale August Balance Update – Bridge Spam Meta Is Over!

clash royale update

Hello guys,

As always, Supercell is releasing the new Balance Change update on August 11th in order to make the game fine tuned and to keep the fun throughout the updates.

This time, Supercell is tuning down Night Witch, Battle Ram, Graveyard and boosting some underrated cards! Let’s take a closer look!

clash royale update

Clash Royale August Balance Update

Clash Royale Night WitchNight Witch:

Damage -9%, range -11%, Bat spawn speed to 7sec (from 6sec), spawns 2 Bats on death (from 3)

Clash Royale Battle RamBattle Ram:

Takes a bit longer to begin charging, Barbarians spawn slower

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard:

Duration to 9sec (from 10sec), spawns 15 Skeletons (from 17)

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard:

Hitpoints -2%

Clash Royale HealHeal:

Duration to 2.5sec (from 3sec)

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AMini P.E.K.K.A:

Damage +4.6%

Clash Royale X-BowX-Bow:

Deploy time to 3.5sec (from 4sec)

Clash Royale MortarMortar:

Deploy time to 3.5sec (from 4sec)

Clash Royale Dark PrinceDark Prince:

Damage +6%, hit speed to 1.4sec (from 1.5sec)

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard:

Damage +10%, hit speed to 1.7sec (from 1.5sec)

Clash Royale BatsBats:

Bat count to 5 (from 4)


1. Battle Ram Nerf
The Battle Ram was at the heart of Bridge Spam strategies, rushing towards towers and dealing significant damage upon impact. In the August 2017 update, Supercell introduced a crucial change: the Battle Ram’s charge speed was reduced, making it easier for defenders to counter before it reached their towers. Additionally, the Barbarians that emerged upon breaking now had reduced hitpoints, making them less threatening and easier to handle with spells or defensive troops.

2. Bandit Adjustment
The Bandit’s dash ability was another key component of Bridge Spam decks, allowing her to quickly close gaps and deal hefty damage. In this update, the Bandit received a slight cooldown increase between her dashes, providing defenders with a better chance to react and counter her aggressive plays. This change helped slow down the relentless pressure that Bandit brought to Bridge Spam decks.

3. Night Witch Nerf
The Night Witch was a powerhouse in Bridge Spam decks, summoning bats that swarmed enemy defenses while dealing significant melee damage. The August 2017 update reduced her Bat spawn rate and hitpoints, making her less of a dominant force. This nerf meant she could no longer survive as long on the battlefield, reducing the overall potency of Bridge Spam pushes.

4. Electro Wizard Tweak
The Electro Wizard, known for his stunning entry and versatile control, was slightly reworked to reduce his impact on the battlefield. His spawn damage was decreased, making him less effective at instantly eliminating swarms and other low-health units. This adjustment allowed for more counterplay against the Bridge Spam’s immediate pressure tactics.

How the Meta Evolved

The August 2017 update didn’t just nerf Bridge Spam—it opened the door for new strategies and deck archetypes to rise. Here’s how the meta evolved in the aftermath of these changes:

  • Control Decks Gained Popularity: With Bridge Spam’s pace slowed, control decks that emphasized defense and counter-pushing became more viable. Players began experimenting with cards like Tornado, Executioner, and Ice Spirit to effectively manage and dismantle enemy pushes.
  • Beatdown Decks Made a Comeback: Beatdown decks, which focus on building a strong push behind a tank, benefited from the nerfs to Bridge Spam’s fast and reactive playstyle. Cards like Golem, P.E.K.K.A., and Lava Hound re-emerged as powerful options, providing players with a slower, but devastating approach to dismantling opponents’ defenses.
  • Increased Variety in Deck Building: With Bridge Spam no longer the dominant force, players felt freer to experiment with a wider variety of decks. This led to a more diverse meta, where creativity and adaptability were rewarded, and the same repetitive strategies were no longer the norm.

Adapting to the New Meta

As the dust settled from the August 2017 Balance Update, it became clear that success in Clash Royale now required adaptability and a willingness to explore new strategies. Here are some tips for thriving in the post-Bridge Spam meta:

  • Diversify Your Decks: Don’t rely on a single strategy. Explore different archetypes, from control to beatdown, and keep your opponents guessing.
  • Master Defense: With the speed of the game slightly reduced, there’s more room for defensive play. Practice with cards like Tornado, Inferno Tower, and defensive spells to keep your opponent’s pushes at bay.
  • Stay Updated with Meta Trends: As the meta evolves, keep an eye on popular decks and strategies used by top players. Watching replays and following the community can help you stay ahead of the curve.

What are your thoughts?