Clash Royale Season 18: Logmas (December 2020)

Hey Clashers! I’m Krux here, back again bringing you some cool holiday wind and the latest article about Clash Royale’s new season. Clash Royale Season 18 is starting on December 7 and I will be covering everything that you should need to know about it.
The last season we saw the Royale ghost roaming in the royal tomb arena and a lot of royal ghost in the party mode. After a haunting November, we are ready for a Holiday season. The Clash Royale Season 18 is called Logmas, with the log being the centre of the Christmas season. You can watch the Logmas video on their Youtube which shows the log being the Christmas tree this year. Let’s take a look at what Clash Royale Logmas has to offer!

Clash Royale Season 18 Logmas Pass Royale

Clash Royale Logmas has some good in-game things coming up. The season’s pass royale has bright holiday emotes and tower skin. The shop also has a Logmas tower skin. Let’s see how these measure on the coolness level!

Clash Royale Season 18Tower Skin: Logmas Sled
This green and yellow coloured tower skin is built like a sledge with two yellow bows protruding on the King Tower. There are two lamps on the sides of the King Tower, glowing pale yellow like on a Christmas street. The ornamented Clash Royale Season 18’s logmas tower skin looks beautiful to me. Very lovely!

tower shop logmasTower skin in shop: Logmas
The second skin of Clash Royale Season 18 will be available in the shop to buy. This one has a wreath with a big star in the centre hung on the King Tower. The Princess towers have Christmas bells and lights. A good one though I liked the other one more.

Clash Royale Season 18 Logmas Emotes

logmas emoteThe Log: This Logmas emote has the Log decorated with lights and the star. It spins and gets dressed as the tree for this Holiday. This emote will be free to all players and will be unlocked at Tier 5. A Logmas gift for all clashers!

lumberjack emoteLumberjack Logmas: The lumberjack whistles coolly but then the Log toers over him hauntingly. Cool emote. This will be a prize in one of the challenges in Clash Royale Season 18. Try your best for this good emote.

bowler giftBowler with Gift: I haven’t seen many bowler emotes and this one is a good one. The bowler opens a present and takes out a crown. This is the Clash Royale Season 18’s pass royale exclusive emote.

Sad bowlerSad Bowler: Looks like Logmas guest is the bowler. This is another Bowler emote for the season. The stands in the snowy wind and sadly licks a candy cane. Melonchaly and sweet. This emote will be in the shop and has a good BMing capability.

Mother wtich emoteMother Witch Laugh: The mother witch laughs an evil laugh with her stick in her hand and lightning thunders behind her. A good new emote for the card. This also will be available in the shop for the buyers.

Clash Royale Season 18: Logmas Arena

logmas arenaWe all are in the holiday spirits and to match with the jolly happiness filling the streets, the builders will decorate the Clash Royale Arena with beautiful nutcrackers, pine trees, Logmas lights, bells and so much more. The Logmas arena is one the most beautiful in the game seen till now for me. Snow covers the floor of the arena and it is studded with candy canes and presents lying around. There are shops on the both the sides which are shimmering with Logmas lights. There are decorated pine trees on the sides and nutcrackers behind the red king. It will be a sweet treat to the eyes this season. Very lovely!

Clash Royale Season 18 Logmas: New Card

motherwitchYes, you read that right. A new card is coming to Clash Royale in the next season. With the start of Logmas, the Mother Witch will be playable in the game. Mother Witch is the mother of the two witches in the game as the name suggests. It looks really cool in the teaser video and we are looking forward to it. Mother Witch will also be boosted for the season, so be ready to spill some potions on the arena. Soon we will be out with an article on Mother Witch which will cover everything about it.

So this was all about the Clash Royale Season 18: Logmas. Prepare yourself for a log-filled Christmas season in Clash Royale and stay tuned for more articles, deck guides and updates with us. Clash On!