Lumber Ram Rider Bridgespam | Clash Royale deck


Hey there! Fellow clashers! Today, we’re back with an exceptional bridge spam Lumber-Ram Rider Clash Royale deck. Nevertheless, it is an off-meta deck. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t work, this deck is used by many top players and has an excellent win rate against the meta decks. So let’s see what it’s about.

Lumber-Ram Rider Clash Royale Deck

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Lumberjackice golemClash Royale fireball

Clash Royale Barbarian BarrelClash Royale BanditClash Royale Magical ArcherClash Royale Ram Rider

copy deck

Deck Cards

  • Ice Golem: The best damage absorbing and defensive card in the game, can also kite ground units like Knights, Mini Pekkas and even mama Pekkas.
  • Ram Rider: A stronger variant of a hog rider having to snare ability and as lethal as a hog rider if it’s on the tower!
  • Lumberjack: A great offensive and defensive arm, melts the tanks because of its better damage and hit speed. Can be utilized when needed as counter-attack as it drops the rage spell for the new troops while dying.
  • Inferno Dragon: MELTS tanks in seconds with the dominant lava beam falling from its mouth, fatal if engaged on troops with massive hit points.
  • Magic Archer: His piercing ability is one of the finest in the game and drives him truly exceptional, a perfect defensive card if placed correctly MELTS everything by his geometry.
  • Fireball: For supporting the ram rider to connect to the tower by damaging the opponent’s defensive troops and valued for defence if required.
  • Barbarian Barrel: For that nasty goblin barrel or that skeleton army, a great defensive card overall.
  • Bandit: A major bridge spam card, it is hard for the opponent to react in time to counter it when placed on the bridge. Also has defensive capabilities.

Lumber Ram deck cover

Deck Strategy

You can Start passively or aggressively according to your play style if you play passive you can play a Magic Archer at the back or ice golem to see what the opponent’s cards are or you can always rush the bridge with the 3-elixir Bandit to see what counters he has for your cards.
When the game progresses, use Lumberjack, Inferno Dragon and Bandit for defence and then use Ice Golem as a mini tank for the remaining troops and aggress with playing the ram rider.IMG 20210105 152839

REMEMBER, bridge spam is all about double lane attacking and putting pressure on the opponent to win. You can aggress with the ram rider on one lane with the counter-attacking troops and play Bandit on the other lane to put pressure on the opponent to counter it, and if he fails you get good tower damage. While attacking with Lumberjack or Ram Rider, always play the Magic Archer on the river line as to get building damage (if the opponent has one), for their swarms as his arrow pierces skeleton army, goblin gang and you can always use the power of GEOMERTY and take advantage of a wrongly
placed card by your opponent in form of tower damage because of magic archer’s range.
You can predict play Fireball if the opponent has Barbarians, Wizards, Musketeer any buildings as their defensive troops will be destroyed by the Fireball and cleaned up by your supporting units. Always use Fireball when you know they’re going to play air troops like Minions, Mega Minion, Skeleton Dragons because this deck doesn’t have many splashers and the magic archer does not kill these air troops in 1 tick.
With Bandits dash and Magic Archer’s arrows buildings or the opponents ground units can be destroyed plus Bandit provides a good defensive usage to stop mini tanks such as Knights and Mini Pekkas.Ram lumber deck

If Ice Golem is in your hand, ALWAYS play it at the bridge as a tank for other units It can prevent the Inferno Tower locking on on your Ram Rider and will be pushed ahead by your supporting troops which will make it the first target for opponents troops/buildings. When facing a beatdown push, play Inferno Dragon so that it can lock on their tank and if they have supporting units you can use the Ice Golem to distract their Electro Wizards hits or hits by the other troops buying enough time for the dragon to destroy the tank then you can prepare for counter push with the ram rider.


1. Mega Knight: Watch out for this big guy it is THE best counter for ram rider and it can completely sabotage your counter push by its spawn damage. So what you can do is when your opponent plays Mega Knight in the left lane, rush the right one with bridge spam by which the opponent will spend elixir there to counter your push and you can easily play 4-elixir inferno dragon to melt the big knight.
2. Tornado/Splashers: As there are versatile cards in this deck which offer low to medium hit points, splashers/tornado can counter your deck very easily even a wizard-tornado can stop your entire push and will give a chance to the opponent for a counter-attack. So, why give them? What you can do is use the bridge spam wisely i.e. when they don’t have a Tornado in rotation, you can use Magic Archer more to take advantage of their wrong placements using his geometry and chip their tower for free damage.
3. Swarmies: You won’t always have Magic archer in hand for the swarms, your Lumberjack, Bandit, Inferno Dragon can be easily distracted with Spear goblins, Skeletons giving the opponent positive elixir trades so when facing these type of decks, aggress in double elixir does not give your opponents chances for positive elixir trades. Also if they have goblin barrel, use the Barbarian Barrel exclusively for it or else, Goblin Barrel will mean guaranteed damage on your tower, you need to play wisely against log bait decks.

If you win some matches using this Clash Royale deck, thank Shreyas K who shared this guide with us. Stay tuned with us for more articles and guides. Clash On!