Top 5 Rarest Emotes in Clash Royale


Hey there! I’m Krux here and I am back again with some fresh gust of wind and a new Clash Royale Article. I hope you all are enjoying the latest Clash Royale Season 17 and the ongoing Mega Rage Challenge. You can also check out our deck articles if you wanna learn some new Clash Royale decks this season.

CR rarest emotes

Today we will talk about the rarest emotes in Clash Royale. It’s been a while now with the emotes being introduced in the game. Emotes were added to Clash Royale in the year it launched, i.e., 2016. Emotes are the only way to communicate with the opponents during a match or for spectators. Apart from the six messages, of course. If emotes are a good feature or not is a question best left to the player’s discretion. Some people love them, some hate them. Whichever is the case, they are there and they are a part of the game. Let’s dive in this and find out which are the rarest Clash Royale Emotes!

What is Rarest?

You should be able to guess what do I mean by the Rarest but still for the very casual and new players, here it is. Rarest is not an in-game categorization for any emote. For this list, we are taking some factors into account to decide how rare is an emote.

  1. Availability: The emotes which are available in the shop to buy every 2 months are not rare by any sense. The ones which were or will be available once in the game and if you missed and they will never come back are called rare.
  2. Obtainability: Some emote which fit the above definition are free emotes given away by Supercell like a free Lost & Crowned emote we all got. It won’t be available again but it is given to all accounts. Not rare. Obtainable once is out thing.
  3. Hard-to-get: We all know how hard-to-get things in life are valued. Jokes aside emote which are not very easy to get and not 80% players get it to make them the rarest of all. They can take skill to get or some difficult task to do.

Let’s start!

Top 5 Rarest Clash Royale Emotes

5. Santa Ice Wizard and Santa Ice Spirit:

Santa Ice WizardSanta Ice SpiritThe two of our cold friends—Ice Wizard and Ice Spirit came dressed as the Santa in the Holiday Season of 2018. These are the only emotes of both of these cards in Clash Royale and the only emotes with a Santa hat. Or call it depicting Christmas in the Clash Universe. These exclusive emotes could be obtained in December 2018 only and have never appeared in the shop. December is coming and we can get some new Christmas emotes this time, who knows? But we won’t get the one in which the Ice Wizard is blowing in the falling snow.

4. Royal Ghost Gem:

Gem Royal Ghost

This one also syncs with the ongoing Treasures of the Old King Season 17 of Clash Royale. The Royal Ghost is a ghost of a dead king in the game and he has immeasurable gold and gems hidden inside the Clash Royale Palace somewhere. But the favourite gem never stops amusing him and this emote shows it. The Ghost gapes in surprise with a slight scream upon seeing the Gem. This emote was given to players who had earned Legend Trophies before the 2018 update changed it and removed the dual type of trophies from the game. Old thing, I guess.

3. CRL 2019 Goblin:

Champion Trophy GoblinThis Goblin with his face painted red and blue symbolises the Clash Royale League 20 Win-challenge of 2019. This emote was the prize you got after getting 20 wins the CRL challenge. The happy face of the goblin says it all. The challenge got pretty tough towards 17+ wins with semi-pros reigning the game. If you get matched up against someone donning this emote, take note, they are not the random trash Hog cycler.

2. Trophy Goblin Emote:

Clash Royale EmoteAnother emote of our green tiny friend, this Trophy goblin Emote of Clash Royale is one of the most extraordinary in the way it could be obtained in 2018. This emote was given to players who linked their Youtube account to their Supercell ID and watched the CRL 2018 finals live. This is one of the emotes earned through a unique way and without playing the game itself. Having this means that you are a good Clash Royale fan. Also an old one.

1. Champion Tournament King

GT emoteThis exclusive emote which shows the King happily rubbing a big trophy which has 1 engraved on it. This Clash Royale Emote first appeared in January 2020 in Global Tournament. The Top 100 players of Global Tournament get this emote. Out of the millions of Clash Royale players, not more than a thousand has this one.

So this was a look at the most exceptional Clash Royale emotes by their availability in-game. Stay tuned with us for more awesome Clash Royale stuff and guides. Clash On!