Clash Royale Season 17: Treasures of the Old King (November 2020)


Hey Clashers! I’m Krux here, back again bringing you some pleasant cool wind and the latest info about Clash Royale’s new season. Clash Royale Season 17 is starting on November 2 and here is everything you should know about it.

After an electrifying October with Electro giant and Electro Spirits, Treasures of the Old King awaits to be taken away. I hope as the name is, they give out more gold in the season. Let’s take a look at Clash Royale Season 17 emotes, pass royale, and other stuff.

Season 17

Clash Royale Season 17 Pass Royale

The in-app purchase in the game of Pass Royale gives you some cool emotes and tower skin which is exclusive to Pass Royale users and can’t be obtained otherwise. Let’s have a look what Season 17 offers.

s17towerskinTower Skin: Ghostly Treasure
The new tower skin that comes with the pass royale in Clash Royale Season 17 is a semi-transparent ghostly skin with a greenish-blue tint. There is a giant ghostly sword at the King Tower’s front. A heap of gold coins lie near the Princess tower.


Untitled 1Exclusive Emote: Mega KNight ball Clash
Clash Royale Season 17 will have three Mega Knight emotes. This one will be unlocked with Tier 20 of Pass Royale. Mega Knight claps with his metallic balls in thsi one. Really sends a message to the opponent, “I’m gonna crush you”

Untitled 2

Mega Knight Thumbs Up: If you did not know that the Mega Knight can put off his metal balls, you now know it. In this emote, he interchanges one ball and shows you a motivating thumbs up.

MK emote 3Mega Knight Jump and Smash: The one thing we love when our opponent places the wizard and witch at the same spot. Mega Knight smashes them with his thudding jump. This emote will be available in the shop in Clash Royale Season 17.


Clash Royale Season 17 Arena: Royal Tomb

Clash Royale Season 17 Arena

To match the Ghostly tower skin and the Season’s name—Treasures of the Old King, the arena of Clash Royale Season 17 is set in a hall of a palace with pillars standing behind the towers and the surrounding royal architecture. The hall is filled with gold, gems, and trophies. The Arena floor has greenish-blue tiles and skeletons sit as the audience on both sides of the Arena when we battle. The green floor with the red tiles connecting over the bridge to the Princess towers looks cool to me.

Clash Royale Season 17 Balance Changes

Supercell is working with diligence on Clash Royale now and also trying to incorporate the community’s views in balance changes. Let’s look at Season 17’s changes.

  • Elite Barbarians (Rework): We all know that the pair of barbarians are too fast and we can do nothing but get ont hit before we drop our skarmy. Now their speed has been reduced from Very Fast to Fast. It is 90 now from the previous 120. Their hitpoints and damage have been increased to stop them from being useless.
  • Graveyard (Rework): Ok, this is a bit complex here. The minimum radius of spawning for the skeletons have been increased from 3 to 3.5. It means that the skeletons will spawn between the area enclosed by two circles of radius 3.5 and 4. More simply, skeletons will spawn a bit further from the center now making it easier for the victim to react and giving them some time before their tower is down.
  • Mini Pekka (Buff): Mini Pekka’s declining usage rate made Supercell increase its hit speed by 0.1 second. Subtle change, but good.
  • Tombstone (Buff): A slight buff in its health from 422 to 440.
  • Electro Wizard (Nerf): E-wiz is a good card. It’s damage has been reduced a bit in Clash Royale Season 17’s balance change and it still is a good card.
  • Sparky (Nerf): Ok, this one is something now. The time taken by Sparky for its first hit has been increased to 1 second from the previous 0.5 second. Sparky has been a dominating card in all metas, let’s see what this changes.

So this was all about the Clash Royale Season 17: Treasures of the Old King. Brace yourself up with the best decks and tactics to ace the upcoming season in the game. For the season’s meta decks, challange decks and tips, stay tuned with us at Clash World. Clash On!