Top Ladder Cards for Legendary Arena – Kairos Ladder Tier List


Hello everyone! I am continuing my series of Card Tier Lists with the Legendary Arena V2. My goal is to have the Competitive Tier List by the end of the week for those of you that are curious. After that, I’ll continue with my 2v2 Tier List and try to keep up to date with a Tier List every week.

For this Tier List, you’ll notice that I’m not going into detail as to why I moved each card. I wish I had time to type it all up, but I recently started Grad School and just don’t have the time to write everything up. So, if you care about the why behind the card moves, I cover each change in the accompanying video with this list found in one of the links below.

I used my own experience, the experience of several collaborators, and the Usage and Win Rates gathered from StatsRoyale to complete this list. It may not be perfect, but it’s pretty good. If you disagree with a point, I would really love to hear your reason as to why!

Note on the Stats: The data was collected before the Balance Changes and helped me build a framework on the Tiers that I tweaked as needed after the Balance Changes. Also, StatsRoyale uses 0.5 for draws which means that Win Rates will average a little higher than in Grand Challenges because there are more draws in the ladder. Also, mirror matches are included in the data, so that skews things a for cards with higher usage rates, but the data still helps reveal which cards are More and Less successful.


Kairos Ladder Tier List v1.0

Note about the Tiers: The Tiers are defined according to 1-2 words on how good they are for the current meta (From Poor, to Excellent).
There are some cards like the Royal Giant that could be in a higher tier depending on how overleveled they are.
I did my best to Rank cards by maintaining a balance between how good cards are when they are adequately leveled up and how easy it is to adequately level up those cards to be competitive in the current trophy range.

Note: My goal is to do another *Competitive Tier List** as soon as the meta settles down a bit. Hopefully in the next week, but possibly the week after.*

Note on the Stats: The data was collected before the Balance Changes and helped me build a framework on the Tiers that I tweaked as needed after the Balance Changes.
Also, StatsRoyale uses 0.5 for draws which means that Win Rates will average a little higher than in Grand Challenges because there are more draws in the ladder.
Also, mirror matches are included in the data, so that skews things a for cards with higher usage rates, but the data still helps reveal which cards are More and Less successful.

This Tier List is brought to you in partnership with StatsRoyale to provide you with the current Usage Rates and Win Rates in The Legendary Arena for each card. These stats help provide additional insight to help classify certain cards into the correct tier, but I also used my own experience and opinion to determine which tier they all fall into.


  • This Tier List is for The Legendary Arena. So let’s put the other arenas aside, along with challenges and tournaments. The Metas are completely different and Cards may be Tiered differently in thos metas.
  • Just because a card is in a high tier does not mean that it should be in all decks
  • Just because a card is in a low tier does not mean that it can’t be used in a competitive deck
  • A deck filled with High Tier cards may not be a great deck. Cards that compliment each other tend to help make the best decks, regardless of their tier
  • Cards are listed by Tier first, and then alphabetically, not by superiority or rarity. Alphabetical listing should make it easier to find the card you’re looking for
  • Cards in bold are cards that have been moved into a new Tier and their Old Tier is listed in parentheses
  • My opinion may be different than yours and that’s just fine. What’s important is that you share your opinion so the community can benefit from it

S Tier – Excellent

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale KnightClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap

S Tier cards are Excellent to use either because of their stats, versatility, or because they fit very well the current meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Fireball 27.2% 53.2% -6.8% -1.3%
Ice Spirit 12.3% 53.1% -7.7% -3.2%
Knight 19.9% 54.9% -10.0% -1.4%
The Log 26.6% 54.5% -15.9% -0.6%
Zap 37.8% 53.3% -7.8% -1.5%

Note: Not all S Tier cards need a nerf. Some are “Excellent” to use because of the meta, and some are “Excellent” because they simply offer a lot of value.

A Tier – Very Good

Clash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale LightningClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Baby Dragon
Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Giant
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale BatsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minions

A Tier cards are Very Good to use at the moment. They aren’t as game-changing as S tier cards, but are still seen in many top tier decks.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Archers (S) 10.9% 54.3% -6.5% -2.1%
Baby Dragon 20.7% 53.7% 6.9% -0.2%
Bats (C) 9.2% 52.8% 8.7% 1.9%
Electro Wizard (B) 21.9% 54.6% 4.5% -0.1%
Executioner 11.7% 53.9% -0.9% -0.7%
Giant 10.5% 51.5% -4.0% -2.2%
Goblin Gang (S) 14.5% 53.0% -9.1% -1.4%
Goblins 6.1% 52.7% -6.6% -2.5%
Hog Rider 27.7% 53.7% -0.2% -1.4%
Lightning (B) 10.1% 52.2% -5.2% -2.3%
Minions (S) 13.7% 52.7% -7.5% -1.6%
Tornado 12.6% 52.2% -3.8% -2.8%

B Tier – Good

Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale MinerClash Royale Princess
Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale GolemClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BalloonClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale PoisonClash Royale X-BowClash Royale Skeleton Army
Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale RocketClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Valkyrie
Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale MortarClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Royal Giant

B Tier cards are Good to use, especially if they add something to your deck that you want, but there may be better options for the meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Arrows (A) 23.6% 53.1% -0.2% -1.2%
Balloon 13.3% 51.9% 6.2% -1.4%
Bandit 9.9% 54.7% 3.3% -0.2%
Barbarians (A) 5.4% 54.8% -7.2% 0.0%
Bowler 4.0% 54.4% -2.5% -0.6%
Elite Barbarians 12.7% 53.0% -2.6% -1.4%
Elixir Collector (A) 8.0% 51.0% -8.2% -3.0%
Fire Spirits 9.3% 52.2% 2.2% -2.1%
Goblin Barrel 17.0% 51.0% 8.1% -2.2%
Golem (A) 9.2% 52.7% -3.0% -1.1%
Ice Golem 5.4% 52.5% -1.2% -1.6%
Ice Wizard 12.5% 53.9% 2.4% -0.9%
Inferno dragon (C) 12.1% 54.0% 5.6% 0.0%
Inferno Tower (A) 11.5% 52.3% 0.2% -2.3%
Lava Hound 5.2% 51.3% -0.8% -1.7%
Mega Knight 3.1% 56.6%
Mega Minion (A) 9.3% 53.4% -10.4% -1.3%
Miner (A) 13.8% 53.2% -1.6% -0.5%
Mini PEKKA (A) 9.8% 53.0% 5.4% -0.9%
Minion Horde 21.5% 52.7% 4.5% -1.3%
Mortar (A) 1.7% 53.6% -1.6% -6.2%
Musketeer (A) 11.8% 54.4% -0.5% -0.7%
PEKKA 11.1% 52.8% 5.2% 0.2%
Poison (A) 7.4% 51.2% -4.5% -3.2%
Princess 14.0% 53.7% -0.5% -0.7%
Rocket 11.0% 50.8% 1.5% -2.5%
Royal Giant 3.6% 52.6% -4.7% -0.7%
Skeleton Army 34.1% 52.9% 18.8% -1.2%
Tombstone (A) 4.1% 52.3% -3.8% -2.4%
Valkyrie 17.2% 53.8% 8.9% 0.5%
Xbow (A) 1.9% 46.7% 1.3% -12.5%

C Tier – Fair

Clash Royale LumberjackClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale FreezeClash Royale GuardsClash Royale WitchClash Royale Dark Prince
Clash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale WizardClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Furnace
Clash Royale BomberClash Royale CannonClash Royale Skeleton

These cards can be used well but they are usually put into a deck to finish the deck off or with the deck built around making them work. There are likely better options in higher tiers.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Battle Ram (B) 3.7% 52.6% -4.3% -2.2%
Bomber 5.3% 53.2% 1.7% -0.2%
Cannon (B) 2.1% 51.0% -3.5% -5.5%
Dark Prince 3.5% 53.4% 2.5% -2.1%
Dart Goblin 2.1% 51.7% 0.6% -1.2%
Freeze 5.0% 49.1% 1.3% -3.7%
Furnace 3.9% 53.0% -2.4% -1.5%
Graveyard (B) 7.1% 51.0% -3.1% -4.1%
Guards 1.4% 53.7% 0.2% -0.7%
Lumberjack 9.2% 54.6% 4.5% 2.3%
Night Witch (B) 8.6% 53.9% -16.4% -0.5%
Skeletons (B) 4.1% 49.5% -6.3% -6.5%
Three Musketeers 3.3% 51.0% -3.2% -1.7%
Witch 19.2% 53.4% 13.5% 1.8%
Wizard 30.9% 53.4% 21.6% 1.0%

F Tier – Poor

Clash Royale Sparky
Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale Clone SpellClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Rage
Clash Royale HealClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Bomb TowerClash Royale Goblin Hut
Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale Tesla

F Tier cards are Poor options to use either because of their stats, how situational they are, or because they don’t fit well into the current meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Barbarian Hut 0.9% 44.0% 0.0% -11.2%
Bomb Tower 0.8% 47.4% 0.1% -6.3%
Cannon Cart 0.4% 46.3% 0.2% 1.9%
Clone 8.8% 47.0% 7.5% -1.8%
Giant Skeleton 7.5% 53.4% 5.8% 0.6%
Goblin Hut 2.0% 47.3% 0.3% -6.7%
Heal Spell (C) 0.7% 44.5% -0.9% -7.4%
Mirror 9.6% 46.0% 7.1% -3.8%
Prince 9.9% 51.7% 7.5% -2.4%
Rage 13.0% 51.0% 9.6% 1.6%
Sparky 4.5% 52.0% 2.7% -2.2%
Spear Goblins 4.6% 50.5% 2.3% -2.2%
Tesla 0.9% 48.8% 0.1% -2.6%
Previous Version

S Tier – Excellent

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale ZapClash Royale ArchersClash Royale KnightClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale MinionsClash Royale fireball

S Tier cards are Excellent to use either because of their stats, versatility, or because they fit very well the current meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Archers 17.4% 56.4%
Fireball 34.0% 54.5%
Goblin Gang 23.6% 54.4%
Ice Spirit 20.0% 56.3%
Knight 29.9% 56.3%
Minions 21.2% 54.3%
The Log 42.5% 55.1%
Zap 45.6% 54.8%

Note: Not all S Tier cards need a nerf. Some are “Excellent” to use because of the meta, and some are “Excellent” because they simply offer a lot of value.

A Tier – Very Good

Clash Royale Miner
Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale MortarClash Royale Barbarians
Clash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale elixir collector
Clash Royale TornadoClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale X-BowClash Royale Golem

A Tier cards are Very Good to use at the moment. They aren’t as game-changing as S tier cards, but are still seen in many top tier decks.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Arrows 23.8% 54.3%
Baby Dragon 13.80% 53.9%
Barbarians 12.6% 54.8%
Elixir Collector 16.2% 54.0%
Executioner 12.6% 54.6%
Giant 14.5% 53.7%
Goblins 12.7% 55.2%
Golem 12.2% 53.8%
Hog Rider 27.9% 55.1%
Inferno Tower 11.3% 54.6%
Mega Minion 19.7% 54.7%
Miner 15.4% 53.7%
Mini PEKKA 4.4% 53.9%
Mortar 3.3% 59.8%
Musketeer 12.3% 55.1%
Poison 11.9% 54.4%
Tombstone 7.9% 54.7%
Tornado 16.4% 55.0%
Xbow 0.6% 59.2%

B Tier – Good

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava Hound
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale CannonClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale Royal Giant
Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Rocket
Clash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BowlerClash Royale BalloonClash Royale LightningClash Royale P.E.K.K.A

B Tier cards are Good to use, especially if they add something to your deck that you want, but there may be better options for the meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Graveyard 10.2% 55.1%
Elite Barbarians 15.3% 54.4%
Minion Horde 17.0% 54.0%
Skeleton Army 15.3% 54.1%
Cannon 5.6% 56.5%
Bandit 6.6% 54.9%
Electro Wizard 17.4% 54.7%
Skeletons 10.4% 56.0%
Bowler 6.5% 55.0%
Battle Ram 8.0% 54.8%
Lightning 15.3% 54.5%
Princess 14.5% 54.4%
Fire Spirits 7.1% 54.3%
Ice Golem 6.6% 54.1%
Rocket 9.5% 53.3%
Royal Giant 8.3% 53.3%
Valkyrie 8.3% 53.3%
Balloon 7.1% 53.3%
Goblin Barrel 8.9% 53.2%
PEKKA 5.9% 52.6%
Ice Wizard 10.1% 54.8%
Lava Hound 6.0% 53.0%
Night Witch 25.0% 54.4%

C Tier – Fair

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Lumberjack
Clash Royale BomberClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale HealClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale FurnaceClash Royale WizardClash Royale Three Musketeers
Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Witch

These cards can be used well but they are usually put into a deck to finish the deck off or with the deck built around making them work. There are likely better options in higher tiers.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Three Musketeers 6.5% 52.7%
Wizard 9.3% 52.4%
Furnace 6.3% 54.5%
Inferno dragon 6.5% 54.0%
Dart Goblin 1.5% 52.9%
Freeze 3.7% 52.8%
Lumberjack 4.7% 52.3%
Heal Spell 1.6% 51.9%
Witch 5.7% 51.6%
Guards 1.2% 54.4%
Bomber 3.6% 53.4%
Dark Prince 1.0% 55.5%
Bats 0.5% 50.9%

F Tier – Poor

Clash Royale Sparky
Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale Tesla
Clash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian Hut
Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale RageClash Royale Clone SpellClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Bomb TowerClash Royale Giant Skeleton

F Tier cards are Poor options to use either because of their stats, how situational they are, or because they don’t fit well into the current meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Cannon Cart 0.2% 44.4%
Barbarian Hut 0.9% 55.2%
Sparky 1.8% 54.2%
Prince 2.4% 54.1%
Goblin Hut 1.7% 54.0%
Bomb Tower 0.7% 53.7%
Giant Skeleton 1.7% 52.8%
Spear Goblins 2.3% 52.7%
Tesla 0.8% 51.4%
Mirror 2.5% 49.8%
Rage 3.4% 49.4%
Clone 1.3% 48.8%

Note: F Tier cards can be used in a competitive deck, but the deck typically needs to be built around making them work, and they will still be inconsistent in competitive matches. Not all F Tier cards need a buff in my opinion.

ladder cards

New S Tier Cards

These cards are Excellent to use in the Legendary Arena because of their ease to level up, because they can be used in almost any deck, and because of their versatility on both offense and defense. With the recent balance changes, I didn’t feel like any Win Condition could honestly be a good fit for the S Tier. The choice for which Win Condition to build a deck around has become harder to make!

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap

Fireball, The Log, & Zap – These 3 cards have the highest usage rate and rightly so! In almost any deck you’ll find at least 1 of these decks, if not 2, and sometimes 3. The Fireball makes great value +1 level higher, Zap is easy to keep competitive, and The Log is good at lvl 1 or 2 for a very long time.

Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale KnightClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Goblin Gang

Archers, Knight, Minions, & Goblin Gang – All 4 of these cards offer Excellent versatility in a myriad of situations, both on offense and defense. Because they’re commons it’s really easy to keep them leveled competitively.

Clash Royale Ice Spirit

Ice Spirit – The Ice Spirit is a great option in almost any type of deck as a quick cycle card that also offers great utility. It has a high Win and Usage rate, but also does well when underleveled.

New A Tier Cards

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Mortar

Giant, Hog Rider, & Mortar – The traditional Archetype Triangle is finally restored as these three are all in the A Tier. I think they’re all Very good to use and should do a very good job at keeping each other in check.

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale MinerClash Royale X-Bow

Golem, Miner, & Xbow – If you have the patience to focus on leveling up the Golem or Xbow on Epic Sundays, I think these are also Very Good for the current meta. The Miner is also a very good option if you can keep him up to a competitive level. Luckily, he can still cause some problems for your opponent if he is slightly underlevelled.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale TornadoClash Royale Arrows

Poison, Tornado, & Arrows – These 3 spells also find themselves in the Very Good category depending on the deck that you’re building. With a lack of 3M Heal in the ladder, Poison is a good option if you can level it up, and Tornado does well even when underleveled. The Arrows had a very surprising Usage Rate, and although that may be to the Night Witch being in the meta, I still think the Arrows are a Very Good option to use as Spell Bait is seeming to make a comeback in the new meta.

Clash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Barbarians

Executioner, Mini PEKKA, and Barbarians – I selected these troops as Very Good for the meta when it comes to strong defenses. The Mini PEKKA is an obvious choice to use since his buff and his ability to defend against all the Very Good Win Conditions. The Executioner finds his place here as the king at defending swarm troops, and is decent even if underleveled, even when not paired with the Tornado. With Siege entering back into the meta, I think the Barbarians will be a great defense in the meta. They shred through tanks, are almost impossible to stop after your opponent has dropped an Xbow, and make it tough on the Miner and Hog Rider as well. They’re easy to level up quickly which is why I think they’re justified in this spot.

Clash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Tombstone

Inferno Tower & Tombstone – I think both of these are very good options when it comes to defensive buildings. The Inferno Tower does a great job at handling big tanks and pairs well in Control and Siege Decks. Tombstone is a good option if your deck struggles against faster ground threats or if you want some skeletons to distract your inferno tower.

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Goblin

Baby Dragon, Musketeer, Mega Minion, & Goblins – These cards do a good job at jumping between offense and defense, and do a Very Good job at countering popular cards. The Musketeer should only be used if you have her leveled up competitively so that Fireballs +1 Levels won’t 1 shot her. But she’s a Rare so it should be easy to keep her leveled up competitively.

Clash Royale elixir collector

Elixir Collector – I love this card for so many reasons. It works great to help you build up that massive push that will crush your opponent, and works super well in Siege Decks for 2 reasons: it forces your opponent to go on the offense when you want them to, and acts as Fireball or Rocket bait so your Siege building is left untouched. It fills many unique roles that other cards can’t which makes it a Very Good card to use.

New B Tier Cards

Clash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Battle Ram

Lava Hound, PEKKA, Graveyard, Goblin Barrel, Balloon, Battle Ram – These Win Conditions are considered to be Good in the current meta. They really aren’t bad options to use, but they are either too difficult to level up to a competitive point, or they require a deck built around making them work.A lot of these work well in Hybrid Decks (2 WC’s from different archetypes), or Double Decks (2 WC’s from the same archetype) when paired up with other Win Conditions that are a bit more reliable in the Legendary Arena.

Clash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Elite Barbarians

Royal Giant & Elite Barbarians – I actually thought about putting these guys in both the A Tier and the C Tier, but I thought that would be weird, so I put them in the middle. They’re easy to level up and overlevel, and are A Tier cards when overleveled, but they’re really poor cards when underleveled. At about 4600 trophies, cards start to be maxed and even maxed RG’s and EBarbs really stop working. At that point, they become C Tier cards and you almost never bump into them. But before then, they are viable options if overleveled, so I put them in the B Tier.

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Lightning & Rocket – I think these are Good cards to use, but they aren’t as versatile as the S Tier and A Tier spells. I think the B Tier is a good place for them to start out at.

Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice Wizard

Night Witch, Electro Wizard, Bandit, Princess, & Ice Wizard – These Legendary cards are Very good, if not Excellent cards to use in tournaments, but because it’s difficult to level them up to a competitive standard and they lose the edge they have in other metas. The Ice Wizard took a hit with his decrease in overall DPS with his “buff” which means that he’s not likely to 1-shot Skeletons or Bats any time in the ladder. He’s great in tournaments, but only good in the Legendary Arena (unless you happen to have him maxed).

Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Skeleton

Bowler, Skeleton Army, Ice Golem, Valkyrie, Minion Horde, Fire Spirits, & Skeletons – These cards are good cards to use and I didn’t see much reason why they should be any higher or lower. Some of them are outshined by other cards, or these cards fill specific roles that work in a few types of decks.

Clash Royale CannonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Cannon – I feel like the Cannon will be a Good option with Siege coming into the meta, but it’s important that it’s leveled up to do a decent job.

New C Tier Cards

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale WitchClash Royale Guards

Luberjack, Inferno Dragon, Dark Prince, Witch, & Guards – These cards are difficult to maintain at a competitive level, and fill very specific roles that are required in only a few types of decks. Overall they are fair cards to use, but can be used with the right deck. I’m not convinced the Dark Prince is ready for the ladder, and the Inferno Dragon has too little health when underleveled to be the offensive threat he can be in challenges.

Clash Royale FreezeClash Royale Heal

Freeze & Heal – These cards work in only 1-2 types of decks and usually aren’t the greatest option unless you have the skill to pull them off. If you can make a deck around making them work well, they are definitely a beast to deal with.

Clash Royale Three Musketeers

Three Musketeers – Fireball is everywhere in the Ladder. These lovely lassies really struggle because of that unless they’re leveled up adequately, but if you’re going to climb with them, they need to be overleveled so you can pass players with card levels above your own. They do work well in Fireball Bait decks if you build them right though!

Clash Royale BomberClash Royale BatsClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale FurnaceClash Royale Wizard

Wizard, Furnace, Dart Goblin, Bomber, & Bats – These either have to be overleveled in order for them to help you climb (Wizard/Furnace), or only fill certain roles that are often-times better covered by other cards (Dart Goblin/Bomber). I think the Bats are definitely better than they were, but we’ll have to see if people are ready to invest in upgrading them before we’ll know if they’re better than the C Tier for the ladder. I do have a hunch that they’ll be going up to the B Tier on the next version of my Ladder Tier List.

New F Tier Card

Clash Royale SparkyClash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale Prince

Sparky, Giant Skeleton, & Prince – These cards are just not good options when it comes to Win Conditions for the Ladder (I know… the Prince isn’t really considered a Win Condition, but I’ve had some people argue with me that he is, and they’ve brought up some valid points, so I decided to include him here). Not only are these cards hard to level up competitively, but they are just too easy to counter by the skilled player. You can get some towers here and there with them, but not consistently.

Clash Royale Cannon Cart

Cannon Cart – I almost considered not including the Cannon Cart on the Tier List because so few people have it leveled up high enough to be competitive in the Legendary Arena, but I couldn’t just ignore it. It’s almost never used in challenges and tournaments, and because it’s an Epic card, I don’t think it should be used in the ladder unless it gets a buff. It just offers too little value for 5 elixir. We’ll see if someone comes out with a meta-breaking deck including the Cannon Cart though!

Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale RageClash Royale Clone Spell

Clone, Rage, & Mirror – Ah yes, the F Tier spells! I really enjoy messing around with these cards because they act as great surprises, but they require a very well-made deck to even work sometimes and they are incredibly difficult to make work consistently. I did however have someone tell me Rage was OP in my stream yesterday! Maybe he knows something I don’t!

Clash Royale TeslaClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Bomb Tower

Barbarian Hut, Bomb Tower, Spear Goblin Hut, & Tesla – These cards just aren’t good. I’m glad they aren’t good as well (except maybe Tesla) because they would make the meta extremely defensive to the point of not being fun.

Clash Royale Spear Goblins

Spear Goblins – They just don’t do enough DPS to warrant putting into very many decks. They don’t even work very well in spell-bait decks. I honestly think they could be buffed with a 4th goblin. I wouldn’t want their DPS or health to be buffed because that would make the goblin gang stronger. But a 4th goblin would add DPS and they’d still be easily removed with Zap or the Log. That’s just my own secret desire though.

Do you consider yourself a highly competitive tournament player?

I’d love your expertise in helping ensure this Tier List is as accurate as possible! Send me a DM for details on how you can help with polishing this list before it comes out!

Competitive Collaborators who helped make this list as accurate as possible!

  • SFTrickshots
  • Toufix
  • Henry Ren
  • Many more silent collaborators from behind the scenes

This Tier List is accompanied by a YouTube video of my own making that you can find here: