Clash Royale 2017: A Look Back

clash royale 2017

Sup kiddos, Trainer Lay / Radius here with a little summary of all important things that happened during this amazing year!

All big updates, important challenges, huge events are gonna be recalled. Let’s woke up our memories, enjoy!

clash royale 2017

Clash Royale 2017: A Look Back

January 1, 2017

2017 starts

Meta could be described in two words: Elite Barbarians. They were just buffed in a crazy way and turned into a way too OP card.

Some other meta cards were: Graveyard, Mega Minion, Giant.

January 13, 2017

Clan Chest has been updated.

Now, it starts every Monday, lasts 3 days, and needs 1600 Crowns to complete.

January 23, 2017

January Balance update.

Elite Barbarians, Mega Minion, and Ice Golem have received an obvious nerf, while Electro Wizard received a huge buff.

Probably the biggest shock was the Zap nerf, making it no longer one-hit the Goblins.

Four new cards were released: Goblin Gang, Battle Ram, Dart Goblin, and Executioner.

Clash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Executioner

The fourth one quickly turned into one of the most OP cards and shifted into meta in no time. Goblin Gang found their place on many decks, but the rest had really small use rate.

The most dominating decks at the time were: Giant Prince, Hog Bait, and Golem beatdown.

February 13, 2017

February Balance Update.

It was inevitable that Executioner is gonna see some nerfs. That was actually a good nerf because it didn’t make him dead, but not OP. Combinations like Executioner + Tornado were still great.

Except for this, almost all the updates were buffs.

The biggest ones were PEKKA (Deploy Time decreased from 3s to 1s), Poison (Duration decreased from 10s to 8s, damage increased by 24%), and Skeletons (Skeleton count increased from 3 to 4).

Other changes that didn’t change much were: Baby Dragon, Witch, Dark Prince and Skeleton Army.

Royal Giant and The Log were considered as one of the most OP cards in the game. Combinations like RG Furnace were everywhere, and The Log was just so good at the 2 Elixir cost.

This meta was sad… Log bait was slowly conceived…

March 13, 2017

Huge March Update!

First of all, Balance Update.

The biggest ones were Executioner (Axe hit radius increased by 10%),  Lumberjack (Rage Duration + 1.5s (+0.5s/level)), and Arrows (Now travel 33% faster). Nothing really game-changing.

Four new cards were introduced: Bandit, Heal, Bats and Night Witch.

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale HealClash Royale Bats

Bandit Draft Challenge was already announced on March 17, 2017. Down the road, Night Witch was absolutely overpowered, Heal was decent on only one deck (Dirty 3M Heal…), Bandit was viable, but not too good, and Bats were terrible.

legendary arenaNew Arena was introduced, Legendary Arena, which became Arena 11. Unlocks at 3800 trophies.

The old Legendary Arena turned into Hog Mountain and stayed as an Arena 10.

Clan Battles aka the first version of 2v2 was introduced.

Clan Battles can be played only with your clanmates. Play Clan Battles to complete Clan Battle Chest.

League System was introduced.

challenger Ichallenger IIchallenger IIIMaster IMaster IIMaster IIIChampionGrand ChampionUltimate Champion

Leagues start at 4000 Trophies. After reaching that, you will enter Challenger 1. Every next league starts after reaching 300 Trophies more. Challenger 2 – 4300. Challenger 3 – 4600 etc. League players could get the Draft Chest after each season.

Big update, ya?

April 1, 2017

Retro Royale!

Really cool and easy 6-win Challenge, where you can use only the cards, which were in the game during Global Launch. Great idea!

retro royale clash royale

April 23, 2017

April Balance Update.

The cancerous combo, Royal Giant, and Elite Barbarians are getting a desired nerf. Royal Giant’s deploy time increased from 1s to 2s, and Elite Barbarians’ had their HP reduced by 4, and Initial attack speed reduced by 0.1s.

Some other significant changes were: Balloon’s death damage delay decreased from 1s to 3s and  Executioner’s damage increased by 6%. Nothing more happened… :p

April 28, 2017

Clash Royale HealHeal spell was introduced via Heal Draft challenge.

Did you make 12 wins on it?

Clash Royale GraveyardAt this moment, meta could be described in two words: Graveyard and PEKKA. If people would only know these two can be paired for a deadly combo...


May 11, 2017

One of the biggest moments in Clash Royale history. Supercell released an announcement about The Crown Championship.

Players all around the world could register and fight for the $1.000.000 in total!

That was also the first time ever when players could get more than 12 wins on the challenge. The reward for reaching 20 wins was 250.000 Gems in total, and also Legendary Chest among others.

May 26, 2017

Clash Royale Night WitchNight Witch has been introduced via Night Witch Draft Challenge.

Back then, she was totally OP and everyone who unlocked her had like guaranteed 500 Trophies boost for free.

June 13, 2017

Big June update!

First of all, balance changes.

Night Witch has received an obvious nerf, but it didn’t really change her, she was still an outstanding card. Skeletons have been killed again (Skeleton count decreased from 4 to 3), Bandit’s dash now was initiating faster and spells such as Heal, Poison, and Tornado can stack up.

2 extra deck slots at level 8!

So when you reach lvl 8, your deck slots‘ count increases from 3 to 5. Such quality of life improvement! Am I the only one who actually can’t imagine playing without 5 slots?

New friend list system. Now friends can be invited via LINE or by sending them friend’s request via Messenger, Skype, Discord… whatever floats your boat!

Four new cards were announced: Meta Knight, Cannon Cart, Flying Machine and Skeleton Barrel.

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Flying MachineClash Royale Skeleton Balloon

At this moment, we can say that Mega Knight and Skeleton Barrel took a solid place in meta, what we can’t say about the rest (Cannon Cart actually had its great moment in Golem and Graveyard decks, but it wasn’t too permanent)

July 3, 2017

Ya boi Golem FTW aka Radius, now known as Trainer Lay / Radius, wrote his first guide about Heavy Beatdown. Just kidding :p

Bridge Spam was slowly changing the game…

dank bridge

July 20, 2017

2v2 Double Elixir Draft challenge has been introduced. I went 9-0 on it, how about you?

July 27, 2017

Clash Royale Cannon CartCannon Cart has been introduced via Cannon Cart 2v2 Draft Challenge. 2v2 was really popular back then, wasn’t it

Bridge Spam is completely dominating the game right now.

Everyone was waiting for its nerf, and we finally got what we’re waiting for on…

August 11, 2017

August Balance Update.

Bridge Spam received a big hit, nerfing cards like Battle Ram, and Night Witch.

Both siege weapons received a pretty big buff (Deploy time to 3.5sec from 4sec) Supercell revived some cards such as Mini PEKKA, and Ice Wizard.

In my opinion, it was really good balance update, pretty much no mistakes.

August 31, 2017

Ramp Up mode shared for players for the first time ever via 9-wins’ Ramp Up Challenge!

September 8, 2017

Clash Royale Mega Knight2v2 Mega Knight Draft Challenge.

But don’t judge a book by its cover! There’s not guaranteed Mega Knight after reaching 9 wins!

The final reward was just a Legendary Chest. You couldn’t imagine how disappointed I was after opening the Legendary Chest and getting… Princess.

September 22, 2017

Clash Royale Flying MachineFlying Machine Draft Challenge.

She (or he, I’m not sure) didn’t change really the game.

October 8, 2017

Huge October update!

Touchdown mode was introduced.

In big short, do everything you can to get a troop cross the touchdown line at the end of the Arena.

Mirror Challenge – Play vs the same deck and same rotation. Every deck contains the Mirror card, which is the game-changing factor. There are no excuses. The more skilled player wins.

Quests – One of the most long-suffering things since several months. I still have a feeling Quests are kinda a disappointment…

New shop – Now, instead of buying cards per heads, we have a “daily deals” what means we cannot buy 1 card, you gotta buy for example an x20 pocket. But why? The old shop was better. The only advantage of this change is a free gift.

#BringBackOldShop (Let’s do it in the comment section below!)

Balance Update. The biggest one was Tesla’s huge 30% buff and Lightning’s -0,5 Radius change. Spear Goblins’ hit speed has been decreased from 1,3s to 1,1s, what, to be honest, didn’t really buffed them as a 2 Elixir card, but Goblin Hut became really viable in control/beatdown decks! Sparky also got buffed, but she still doesn’t see much love.

touchdown map

October 26, 2017

King’s Cup Challenge 2!

That was a really fun to play challenge, where you could get one of the 8 decks created by teams made of one youtuber and one pro! The entire challenge was arranged into 3 parts:

  1. Practice – Free entry, no losing, ends after you get 10 crowns. After the practice is done, you unlock the next thing which is…
  2. Challenge – Free entry, 6 wins and you can move to the next stage. The final reward was 2000 Gold. After 3 losses, the challenge ends and you start again. Each entry costs 10 Gems. The final stage was…
  3. Elite Challenge – 1 free entry, each entry costs 100 Gems. 9 wins and you get your reward, which was Legendary Chest (!) Obviously after 3 losses, you’re out.

king cup challenge

October 30, 2017

Halloween Draft challenge.

Not really a reward-based challenge, just to put a Clash Royale community in the Halloween mood! People could draft & unlock Skeleton Barrel at 9 wins, although it wasn’t even tagged as “Released in x days.

What’s funny the reward was all Skeleton-based. Skeleton Army, Bomber, Witch, Giant Skeleton etc..

November 9, 2017

Double Elixir Challenge

Self-explanatory name, ya? Only cool thing was that Towers looked like Elixir Collectors.

November 28, 2017

You know what’s the best thing to wake up the game after 20 days without a fresh challenge?

20 wins’ Crown Championships challenge! Rules didn’t really change since the first one 20 wins challenge (See May 11, 2017)

December 8, 2017

Sudden Death Challenge

Sudden Death Challenge aka the most fun challenge ever in Clash Royale

As you may guess from the title, first player to get 1 crown wins. Hilarious decks like LumberLoon Freeze Clone had their minutes of glory.

What was your fastest match? Mine was 21 seconds tho. I used Giant Graveyard Poison.

December 11, 2017

December update!

electro valleyNew Arena – Electro Valley.

It became Arena 11,  and Legendary Arena became Arena 12. It unlocks at 3400 Trophies. It is visually one of the best Arenas in my opinion.

Two new cards: Hunter and Zappies!

Clash Royale HunterClash Royale Flying Zappies


Three new chests:

  • Lightning Chest: Replace card stacks of your choice with up to 5 Strikes
  • Fortune Chest: Get a glimpse of the future and see what your chest might contain!
  • King’s Chest / Legendary King’s Chest: Huge chests with only Rare, Epic and Legendary Cards (Legendary is guaranteed!). Remember this is like Draft Chest, you pick one of 2 cards.

Gold Rush and Gem Rush events were introduced. Nice way to make people play ladder more often.

Balance update

Biggest one was: -6% Damage for all stab Goblins, Guards’ DMG +5%, HP +5% and decreased hit speed, Elixir Collector’s HP nerfed by 13% and all damage spells’ damage decreased by 5% (Why Supercell, why?) Rest of these didn’t really change much.

December 18, 2017

Triple Elixir Challenge.

Max reward after 9 wins – 10 000 Gold.

December 22, 2017

Royal Ghost Mirror Challenge.

Clash Royale Royal GhostEveryone who managed to unlock him is really good. He’s incredibly good card, must-nerf.

Deja vu? Yes, I’m looking at you, Night Witch!

by Golem FTW aka Radius