Challenge/Tournament Card Tier List


Challenge/Tournament Card Tier List

Hey guys I’m ApocD21 from Clashicide. Other tier lists have been floating around but I have done different opinions. This tier list is my opinion for when the playing field is fair. At the top of ladder and Challenges/Tournaments.

Tournament Card Tier List
Challenge/Tournament Card Tier List

A quick background on myself

I am a challenge grinder with over 230,000 cards won. I used to do tourneys to but unfortunately those are hard too come by now. I have a personal best of 5272 and am usually in the low 5,000s the last couple of seasons.

I hope this helps in what you cards you should ultimately upgrade and request from clanmates or choose during deck design.

Challenge/Tournament Card Tier List

S Tier

Clash Royale The LongClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Electro Wizard

The strongest / most versatile cards in the game. These cards generally show up in multiple meta decks or are unique that their function can’t be replaced.

The Log- The most used card in the game. With the zap nerf, this card is almost mandatory. It is the best answer to Goblin Barrel. Trades positively with many top tier cards from all the Skeletons, Goblins, and Archers when they cross the river. The push back creating a mini stun pushes things out of your hogs way to the Tower. Killing Tombstone with the spawned Skeletons is extra gravy. I could spend an entire article saying log uses but you guys know.

Skeletons- So much value so little cost. Skeletons can kill Musketeer, Mini P.E.K.K.A, and even stop a Bowler when split around him. All while cycling your deck could be Skeletons. But if you didn’t know Skeletons can stop a hog while only allowing one hit. Same as many other 4 cost cards Skeletons + electro/Ice Wizard provide insane tank stopping power.

Electro Wizard- Electro Wizard is currently seeing play everywhere. He prevents tons of damage, while dealing respectable damage, and resetting troops to protect your other troops. The spawn zap is gravy on top and makes him a hard counter to skeleton army, minions, and all goblins while also being able to take out a minion horde in a pinch. Electro Wizard finds a use against almost any opponent.

A Tier

Clash Royale PrincessClash Royale MinerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Poison
Clash Royale LightningClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Ice Spirit
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale BowlerClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Golem

Very strong cards that are often cornerstones to decks. Generally they have strong stat to Elixir ratios and can stop many cards or have a unique function that is powerful but not dominant compared to A tier.

Poison- Has come back with a vengeance! Being the spell of choice for both miner and graveyard based decks. Capable of taking down glass cannons (Musketeer, Electro Wizard) while providing large area denial of swarms, all while having stronger chip damage than fireball.

Hog Rider- Hog rider got a nice mini buff in the last patch with it being able to by pass buildings in the other lane and 3 times from the river. This is a to the major detriment of spawners. Making it more difficult to pre-plant them. Not needing to waste an elixir on ice spirit or skeletons perform pig pushes adds up to several elixir savings over the course of the game.

Goblin Gang- This goblin value pack has really changed the meta. Now that most people have it to appropriate levels its use has skyrocketed in both challenges and ladder play. It preforms similarly to skeleton army on defense vs ground units while being partially  zap resistant, while also providing light air support, and better counter attack potential.  Goblin Gang can even be used to stop Goblin Barrels if you plant it quickly behind the tower!  It has effected a lot of other cards on this tier list.

Inferno Tower- Inferno tower is seeing increased usage again with significant uptick in Golem and Lava Loon decks, while spawners such as furnace and tombstone have fallen off. Providing an even trade vs giant and preventing all damage from a hog at a -1 trade. Currently the defense of choice. While high lightning use keeps it in check.

Princess- The range of Princess still makes her unique even though log is the most used card. Provides excellent chip to the Tower while controlling hordes or even just AOE down large pushes. Still found in hog and zap/log bait decks very often.

Miner- unique and versatile. Enables his own archetypes with chip with support from Furnace, tanking for Lava Hound, or as a mini tank for 3 Musketeers. A card that basically has no functional replacement

Lightning- When this card has a good matchup it can feel unstoppable. Hitting the Tower a building and a Musketeer can be devastating while helping your building seeker connect. Almost always has a target and is difficult to dodge. Also reasonable at finishing off the Tower but I would say Poison and rocket are stronger at those roles. One of the only ways to get value killing a Mega Minion if you can also hit another target.

Golem- With very respectable damage when it reaches the Tower the explosion damage that kills Skeletons, Goblins, and Minions allows those Golemites to keep on tanking. A couple Elixir lead can easily turn into a 100% Tower into rubble.

Ice Spirit- This little cycler still provides lots of value stopping other small cards from Skeletons, fire spirits Goblins and Minions for a positive trade. But the use as a mini tank and Freeze for retargeting keeps it in the top tiers.

Bowler- the ultimate ground stopper blocking hogs, or hitting support troops behind tanks while transitioning into a true tank on the other side of the river often with Graveyard or protecting X-Bow/mortar.

Minions- a high quality Graveyard counter, while efficiently killing ground units and high DPS punishes the Tower. Currently the most played troop.

Graveyard- I no longer view this card as S tier with new counters introduced in Executioner, zap not killing Goblins, the rise of Minions as the most popular unit, and Poison killing the Skeletons every tic. But the card is still extremely strong and if your opponent doesn’t have the right answer you could easily take off 1,000+ health.

Mega Minion- Executioner hurts his usage slightly but the lack of good spell to take him out keeps him in high use rates.

B Tier

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale ZapClash Royale BalloonClash Royale KnightClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale FurnaceClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale GiantClash Royale X-BowClash Royale RocketClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Three Musketeers

Strong and useful but do not dominate matchups. These cards often fill niche roles, have less dominant matchups or need specific support to bring out their true value.

Lava Hound- I think the hound is still strong but the main reason I think it is not a in the top tiers anymore is the Mega Minion nerf and the rise of Executioner and Electro Wizard. Executioner is pretty good vs every card hound users want to use. And Ewiz keeping Balloons/ inferno Dragon from the Tower.

Knight- A versatile stat stick with great health decent damage and good attack speed. its versatility has had it show up in Miner, Hog, and Graveyard decks. He is strong enough to be a decent counter to Graveyard even when standing in Poison, while doing an excellent job killing Electrowizards, and Goblin Gangs crossing the bridge. Often fills the role Ice Golem had, being used as a tank for Miner or being pushed by Hog Rider.

Royal Giant- While still strong on ladder from 3000-5000 it is consistent but generally isn’t going to win the season or challenges. I face other tanks way more frequently in challenges past 7 wins. Usually when I see RG in challenges my first thought is GG as I will usually win 2-1 or 3-1.

Executioner- I had a hard time placing this. He now misses some Minions or Skeletons making him have to throw his axe more before changing targets. He beats glass Cannons and hordes but if he is your only response to a Giant you are going to take a lot of damage. I think the range nerf was needed. But I think the .1 radius nerf shouldn’t have happened because I believe the game needs other reasonable counters to Goblin Barrel. With the stun removal coming I think B tier is a good place for him.

Baby Dragon- The best card you aren’t using! With multiple buffs Baby Dragon now takes down Minions and other swarms with ease. Has already find a home in Golem and some hound decks. I think his usage rates may rise a bit more.

Mini P.E.K.K.A- Want to kill a tank and have counter attack potential? I’m your guy? Want to execute a glass Cannon? That’s what I do. Still over shadowing lumberjack with the health and getting all that damage up front in a single hit.

Goblin Barrel – Very good chip damage on the Tower but log is the most used card for a -1 trade each time. Without the support of mirror or other cards vulnerable to log it is difficult to connect. A true build around card.

Three Musketeers- Another build around card. With Fireball and Lightning having high use rates I don’t view it as top tier. But if you are playing log/zap/arrows you could be in for a tough match.

Balloon- Another card that I view the buffs served very well. Now balanced and is finding a few homes as a situational Tower crusher. Electro Wizard and Executioner do a good job keeping it in check.

X-Bow- The better siege option in my opinion. Capable of taking a Tower on its own. Has some really strong and bad matches and can be difficult vs Lightning/ rocket.

Fireball- Being a bit overshadowed by poison in the current meta. Getting all your damage at once is nice for some decks like 2.6 Hog cycle. A lot of other decks have shifted to poison, lightning, or even rocket.

Elixir Collector- Use rates have fallen off as Lava hound has mostly excluded it now and there is less giants in the format than before. Miner poison really punishes pump users

Zap- How the mighty have fallen. The previous most used card in the game is struggling to find a homes in challenges and tourneys. No longer an auto include with log providing the defense vs goblin barrel, skeleton army, goblin gang, while often chipping their tower, plus Electrowizard providing the instant Zap if you still need it on defense. Zap is still versatile

Musketeer- Being severely overshadowed by Electrowizard but still finds a home in some decks due to exception range and DPS. Even with use rates on the decline she is still a very strong card.

Furnace- Has several factors working against it from its strength a few months ago. Hog being able to bypass it was a major nerf, Inferno tower being needed to shut down mega tanks, and Princess use rates are also up with her being an effective counter to a lot of the swarm cards in the meta has also hurt a bit.

*C Tier

Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale TornadoClash Royale BanditClash Royale CannonClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale ArchersClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale FreezeClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale MortarClash Royale Minion Horde

Average.* Cards here sometimes fill specific roles but sometime are over shadowed by more versatile cards in the upper tier.

Tombstone- Log is the most popular card and hog usage is declining.

Minion Horde- A boom or bust card. Playing Giant Electro Wizard Lightning and log? You could be in for a time. Without proper counters can dominate a matchup. With proper counters it is often negative Elixir with no effect.

Archers- Does a good job often but rarely wins a game. With more viable Graveyard answers now available their use rates are declining.

Tornado– I’m not a tornado believer. It is great vs hog. But hogs useage is declining. Executioner range nerf hurts tornado. But other tanks besides hog often have ranged support that will still be hitting your Tower. No chip damage to Towers.

Arrows- Are you playing Lava Hound or Minion Horde is the bane of your existence? Yes? Consider playing arrows. No? Play something else.

Mortar- Pretty good on ladder when max over shadowed by at the top of the leader board and challenges.

Valkyrie- Kind of like knight but very good vs Graveyard. Over shadowed by Bowler, Executioner, and Electro Wizard. Minions is a cheaper counter vs Graveyard.

Ice Golem- Has taken a couple hits with the nerf to its death damage radius making effect less units but the main card it counters- Skeleton army is being used significantly less and knight is acting as a higher DPS replacements in many decks.

Skeleton Army- The rise of Goblin Gang and the return of the 4th doot to regular Skeletons has crushed its use rate.  Skeleton army while still being extremely high DPS is mostly finding a use in decks that are already running Goblin Gang.

Battle Ram- I look at Battle Ram as worse than Hog Rider on offense and worse than Knight / Ice Golem on Defense. It does fill a niche but I like the more specialized cards better.

Bandit- I love the concept of Bandit. Being a high mobility, good damage dealer. But in practice her charge up to dashing takes just a bit to long and/or she doesn’t hit hard enough. There is a lot of competition at 3 elixir. I like Knight better on defense, Miner better on offense, and Goblin Gang fills the middle ground nicely.

Cannon- While its match-ups haven’t really changed inferno tower is stealing a lot of it’s glory.  2.6 Hog isn’t as popular currently

Freeze- Always more powerful on ladder where it last longer. Balloon and Graveyard have mostly dropped freeze. Balloon’s BFF is now Lavahound again while Graveyard prefers poison.

D Tier

Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale mirrorClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale BomberClash Royale GuardsClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale TeslaClash Royale WitchClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale WizardClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale P.E.K.K.A

Below average. Cards here have stats that may need to be adjusted. Role creep may effected them where there is a more efficient option now

Barbarians- To expensive for basically a purely defensive card. Basically never reaches the Tower. Hasn’t aged well with new card introductions.

Elite Barbarians- Probably really controversial. Can they counter attack? Yes. If you played a collector when your had 6 Elixir? Well you are going to have a bad day. But the hit speed nerf was brutal. Mini P.E.K.K.A and Valkyrie matchups changed. But there is several more factors that fit into this ranking for me. Hog is being used less, E-Barbs suffers from nerfs to Ice Golem and ice sprit, and the buff to Skeletons also really hurt. Executioner and Bowler seeing a lot of play makes Mini P.E.K.K.A generally a better option. IMO over nerfed. I think they need their hit speed back. Near zero uses at the top after the nerf.

Wizard- Basically he is like knight. Good at most things but if you need a specific job done, Musketeer, Princess, and Electro Wizard are cheaper while Bowler and Executioner are beefier. The best was to give its own feel. Make him 5 range again slow his attack speed and making him 2 shot barbarians. So his hit box should be made larger but non penetrating.

Tesla- Need to stop a tank? Cannon is cheaper vs hog and Giant and inferno is stronger vs Golem, Lava Hound, and Balloon.

P.E.K.K.A- The removal of 3 second delay is the first step. I think it needs more buffs though. Needs to be more like Mini P.E.K.K.A with longer hit range and slightly increased hit speed. I mean she is huge why is her range so tiny?

Dark Prince- No role. Lots of suggestions have been made. But I think he needs to be able to do a better job vs Skeleton Army. Maybe with wider AOE. But what does that do for Valk? Hard card to balance.

Witch- Good in the early game. The worst glass Cannon. Increasing spawn speed would make it a hard counter to slow single target hitters.

Inferno Dragon- Retargeting faster was a nice buff. Takes to long to kill a Skeleton/Minion. Balloon is better at taking a Tower. Skeleton Army, Tombstone, Inferno Tower are better at taking down on coming tanks.

Barbarian Hut- Used only with three Musketeers, If that deck ever became meta, Fireball and Poison use rates would just increase and kill it.

Bomber- inferior to Princess for the price point. To fragile. Barbarians aren’t meta.

Guards- basically the regular Skeletons are stronger and more that stab Goblins survive zap where do Guards fit in?

Fire spirits- In an awkward spot that Furnace takes down the troops you need with fire spirits, and spells are more versatile.

Mirror- Mirror has lost its spot in the meta again with mirrored Furnace and Mirror Goblin barrel seeing very little play. Not much need to mirror a Log bait card when you have so many choices.

Dart Goblin- Another casualty to Goblin Gang. Also it’s main counters Tombstone and Furnace are seeing less play.

Ice Wizard- Useage rate of near zero has been fully replaced by Electrowizard. He isnt unique anymore without his high health and he is unable to help much vs a graveyard.

Goblins, and Spear Goblins- The goblin value pack has completely eliminated their already tiny use. not sure what Superfell can do to fix besides add one more of each?

Clone- I think it should get the Rage treatment and moved down to 2 elixir. Both are win more cards. Meaning only strong if you are already winning the push.

Goblin Hut- I can get all my goblin up front if I play Goblin Gang or furnace is pretty much strictly stronger.

F Tier

Clash Royale SparkyClash Royale RageClash Royale Bomb TowerClash Royale Giant Skeleton

Bottom of the barrel- Cards that often have no role, easily countered, or only help when you are already winning. Stats may need a larger buff or a rework.

Sparky- Even with Zap’s nerf and falling useage, there has been so many counters introduced. There is a long hill to climb for her to be viable.

Giant Skeleton- A tank with low damage and easily distracted. To many low cost counters.

Bomb Tower- No role. Also overshadowed by Cannon and Inferno Tower.

Rage- Rage is a win more card. When you going to win the battle? This helps you win more and crush them faster. Other spells will help you win more games I promise.

Some Recommended Decks for Challenges/Tournaments(First 3 in Video)

  • Golem, Lightning, Elixir Collector, Electro Wizard, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, the Log Skeletons,
  • Hog Rider, Lumberjack, Electro Wizard, Princess, Goblin Gang, The Log, Rocket, Skeletons
  • LavaHound, Balloon, Arrows, Lightning, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Goblin Gang, Skeleton Army
  • Xbow, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirits, The Log, Skeletons, Fireball, Minions, Inferno Tower,
  • Bowler, Electro Wizard, Knight, Baby Dragon, Tornado, Poison, Graveyard, Skeletons
  • Miner, Poison, Inferno tower, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, Electro Wizard, Knight, The Log.

If you read all this thank you. I hope you found this insightful. I have started streaming about a week ago on Twitch. I would like to do this when new cards are released. Feedback is always appreciated.

Shared by ApocD21