Best Tips For Getting 9 Wins in 2v2 Mega Knight Challenge


2v2 battle clash royale

Best Tips for Winning 2v2 Mega Knight Challenge

Mega Knight Tips

mega knight 3Since he targets both troops and buildings, he can be distracted pretty easily.

However, don’t place troops like Ice Spirit or Skeletons 4-5 tiles away from him otherwise he will jump straight to them, dealing x2 splash damage (480 damgae). Not only that, he might have enough room to jump straight to the Tower.

So, in order to deal with him, treat him as a Bandit.

Remember his splash damage tho. 1 Jump + 1 Hit are enough to kill Musketeers, Wizards etc. Which is similar to the Fireball + Zap/Log combo. So keep this in mind. Defending with Knight or Valkyrie is a lot safer than utilizing glass cannons.

His jump has the weight of a Fireball. And his attack has the weight of The Log.

Though he is easily capable of dealing a lot of damage because of how long he can stay alive, his actual DPS is very low so defensively he doesn’t really work like a P.E.K.K.A as a tank killer. Nor will he be that huge of a threat to answer.

Do not use the Mega Knight as a win condition.

A simple Knight + Ice Spirit or Knight + Skeletons combo should be able to shut down a lone Mega Knight with the help of the Tower. So you will want to pair him up with something else as a win condition, keeping it more as a control deck rather than beatdown deck.

That being said, I do see him working similar to a Golem as well, tanking for the supporting troops because an Inferno Tower will not be enough to stop him. He would simply jump on top of the Inferno Tower if not distracted. Neither Inferno Tower nor Tombstone will be effective vs him. A simple Zap or Fireball etc will negate the Inferno Tower!

In fact, I do not recommend using buildings in your deck at all except maybe a Collector if your is heavy. A building just creates a shortcut to the Tower for him.

Using cards like Goblins or Archers etc aren’t really that viable against Mega Knight because he has splash damage. You should treat him like a Dark Prince in this case.

Don’t play the Barbarians or Goblin Gang in front of him because he will kill them all in a few hits while tanking all of the damage.

Unlike the Dark Prince, he has over 3000 HP. You want to place the troops within his charge range in order to minimize the damage.

If you use a Knight, place him right when the Mega Knight crosses the bridge.

If you use Goblin Gang, surround Mega Knight once he crossed the bridge.

Air troops are a sure-fire way of counter but he will still be able charge to the Tower, dealing a lot of damage, somewhat like the Bandit and Cannon Card.

Mini P.E.K.K.A will be definitely the best counter in the game for the Mega Knight.

Reliable Mega Knight Counters

Clash Royale KnightClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale BatsClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Guards

Troops which would work well with Mega Knight

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale MinerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ZapClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale BowlerClash Royale LightningClash Royale Graveyard

Interactions with squishy troops (Ignoring the charge damage)

  • 1 hit: Skeletons, Goblins
  • 2 hits: Archers – will only have a few HP after first hit so zappable or Ice Spirit + Mega Knight hit will kill them.
  • 3 hits: Musketeer, Wizard, Ice Wizard, Witch and Electro Wizard
  • 4 hits: Night Witch

For more tips on the Mega Knight, please read this guide

General 2v2 Tips

Clash Royale Mega KnightDo not use the Mega Knight as a win condition.

A simple Knight + Ice Spirit or Knight + Skeletons combo should be able to shut down a lone Mega Knight with the help of the Tower. So you will want to pair him up with something else as a win condition, keeping it more as a control deck rather than beatdown deck.

That being said, I do see him working similar to a Golem as well, tanking for the supporting troops because an Inferno Tower will not be enough to stop him. He would simply jump on top of the Inferno Tower if not distracted. Neither Inferno Tower nor Tombstone will be effective vs him. A simple Zap or Fireball etc will negate the Inferno Tower!

Always pick at least one win condition!

This is probably the most fundamental thing you must do while playing Draft Challenge. It is extremely hard to win the game without a win condition. You just can’t pray for the victory. Win condition + supports are always better than glass cannons only.

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava Hound

Pick one of these cards If possible.

All of them work very well in any Draft Challenge as they require specific counters. If your opponents do not have one of those counters, they will find it very difficult to deal with these cards.

Clash Royale BalloonClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale SparkyClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Princess

Pick a direct damage spell.

Sometimes, you are not lucky enough to get for your own win condition. You will need a direct damage spell then to take out the Tower. This challenge is “Double Elixir” so you will cycle back to your spell very fast. Also, since the Elixir regeneration rate is very fast, your opponent will probably drop multiple troops at once, giving you chances to get positive Elixir trades.

Moreover, spell cycle is very strong in Double Elixir Challenges. Once the enemy Tower is below 2xRocket threshold, you win the game.

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Keep your deck cheap but not too cheap otherwise you will need to play with 10 fingers.

In draft challenge, normally the choices will be pretty similar (for example Minions vs Minion Horde). Choose the cheaper cards! It’s best to keep your deck cheaper. We never know what the opponents give us.

If you pick too many expensive cards, you will give the opponents good opportunities to get positive Elixir trades with heavy spells (above).

However, because this is 2v2 Double Elixir battle, don’t hesitate to pick heavy tanks and aim for huge pushes.

Make sure most of your cards are well rounded.

Choose the cards which can counter a variety of cards!

For example, Zap, Fireball, Skeleton Army, Goblin Gang, Knight etc can deal with various cards; they are also relatively cheap, making them great choices.

Like mentioned at the second tip, maybe your opponent got some specific cards which are hard to deal with with specific counters, it’s better to get versatile cards.

Don’t forget pocket card!

This is the card which your opponent would never think of, giving you the opportunity to play it at the right moment.

It is ideal to have at least 1 pocket card. It could be Freeze, Balloon, Graveyard, Three Musketeers etc.

It is often good to have at most 1 pocket card in your deck. This is a card that your opponent least expects for you to play at the opportune moment.

Pick cards based on your teammate’s picks

Don’t forget that this challenge is based on teamwork a lot. So, don’t forget to look at your teammate’s picks. If your teammate picks Graveyard, pick Poison instead of Rocket. Etc.

These cards are so good in 2v2!

Pick them If you can!

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale BowlerClash Royale MinerClash Royale PrincessClash Royale The LogClash Royale PoisonClash Royale fireball

These cards don’t work very well in 2v2 as they do in 1v1 battles. This is because you can gain value from spell easier in 2v2.

Clash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Goblin Hut

Always hover your cards for a few seconds!

This is a super-important tip. Players are tons of Elixir every day because of not doing this.

Hover your cards so your teammate will have a decent amount of time to do the right things.

You guys are a team!

^ this.

Sometimes, when I place my Golem down, my teammate decides to play his Giant Graveyard push on the opposite lane (wute?).

Support each other!

If you get a bad teammate, try the best!

There is nothing we can do her.

Don’t leave the game If your teammate Logs Minions or Fireballs Golem. Try your best to help him/her out.

I got coupled with a bad teammate once. I did the best to cover him on defense and all he could do was to place his Graveyard when I play my Golem. We won that one.