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Hog Freeze Cycle (Hard-Counters Almost Everything)

Hog Freeze Deck

Henlo my dear friends, I’m finally back!

If you don’t know me, my name is Norbysweg, and I started writing guides more than half a year ago!

At the moment I have quite good stats, sitting around 5200 trophies, and playing Grand Challenges every day!

Leaving that behind, today I’m bringing you this exceptional, surprising Hog Freeze deck, supported by two excellent defensive cards, the Mini P.E.K.K.A and Princess!

Now without further ado, let’s get right into the guide!

Hog Freeze Deck

Hog Freeze Deck

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Goblin
Clash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale BatsClash Royale Zap

hog freeze analytics

Meta Hog Freeze Deck

Sitting at 2.9 Elixir, this deck is a beast at cycling and getting many princesses down.

Princesses are what offer your deck stability, by denying many troops from distance.

You can easily catch your opponent off guard with chip Goblins or Princesses because this deck often relies on catching your opponent with one to zero response!

I got several 12 wins with this deck, an average of 6 out of 10, and I most often got a tower with Mini P.E.K.K.A Freeze!

Cards Breakdown

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider – Your main win condition, of course.

One of the best cards to pair with Freeze, because of it targeting only buildings!

When using Hog Freeze, you want it to be the push that automatically gets damage, like a Fireball, Rocket, or whatever!

The Hog Freeze isn’t like a Pekka or Golem Push: Waiting for 10 Elixir, then starting it and getting value out of your troops, it’s about doing it right away when you have few Elixir, so you can catch them off-guard!

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AMini P.E.K.K.A – Your secondary win condition, the Mini P.E.K.K.A is used as the main Tank Killer, as well as punisher!

There are two types of punishing with this deck, but I’ll talk about that later.

When defending a push with Mini Pekka, you most likely want it to deal its full damage, so protect it with Goblins, Ice Golem, or whatever you have!

Freeze+Mini Pekka kills every glass cannon push in the game, so keep that as an idea when defending huge pushes!

Clash Royale PrincessPrincess – Your main defensive card!

The Princess is used to chip away and kill pushes from far away, while her being one of the most annoying cards in the game.

With Zap being overused in the Meta, there is almost nothing to kill a defensive princess!

If you’re playing against a Miner player, always save Goblins to protect your Princess!

Clash Royale GoblinGoblins – One of the most solid defensive cards at the moment, and also used in fast-paced pushes.


Clash Royale BatsBats – Essential in almost every deck right now, the Bats are fast, high-DPS air troops that kill and chip lots of cards like Pekka, Balloon, Hog, Giant, Mega Knight, and else!

Their high DPS can be used super effectively on offense, for example eliminating a Minion Horde while attacking, by Zapping it while the Bats kill them in the blink of an eye!

Clash Royale ZapZap – Essential on offense, less used on defense though! It insta-kills troops like Bats, damages Hordes, Gangs, Minions, Goblins, and also resets Inferno Dragons and else!

Ice Golem + Zap is something you’ll use very often against Balloon or Miner players!

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem – The main tank for both of your possible pushes, also an essential defensive card, being able to slow down and kill small troops such as Skeletons and Bats, while also damaging things above like Minions!It’s also the best kiting troop, being able to defend a

It’s also the best kiting troop, being able to defend a P.E.K.K.A or a Mega Knight just by kiting and killing with Bats, offering crazy value in games!

Clash Royale FreezeFreeze – I explained everything at the Hog part, so yea!



General Gameplan

Starting Moves 

Your best starting moves are either Princess in the back, cycle Bats/Gobs, or Hog on offense!Never go Hog IG in

Never go Hog Ice Golem on offense as the first move, because they can easily counter with a Mega Knight, and destroy you after with no kiting left!


As I said earlier, there are two types of punishes you can do with this deck!

  • Pump-Punish: When your opponent pumps, the key is taking it out! Send a fake Goblins/Bats + Ice Golem push on one side, then immediately Hog in the middle so it takes out the pump!
  • Tank-Punish: Be that a Giant, a Golem, a Pekka! It’s worth punishing the other lane! In this case, you want to take out the Tower completely! If they place a Hog Counter like a Mega Knight or Pekka on the other lane, it’s worth going with Hog too! A regular Tank-Punish would be Ice Golem+Mini Pekka+Bats/Goblins.

Don’t be afraid to punish the other lane! Always remember, if you punish the other lane, EVEN if you towertrade, you’ll have the advantage of you attacking on the other side of the map at 1-1!Against this deck, the only method you can win

Against this deck, the only method you can win is to control the incoming pushes!

It’s kind of hard when you counter a push, then you can’t counterpush because it’s going to the King. If they go for it, you have the advantage, if they don’t, you have the advantage! If they tank in the back you just punish and you’re fine!


This deck can easily counter: Bridge Spam, Bandit Miner cycle, Classic Golem, Lava Miner Triple Minions

Clash Royale Lava HoundLavaloon – One of the Hardest matchups to start off!

As you’ve probably noticed, you barely have two air counters in this deck, which are pretty weak against the tanky aspect of the Lava and the Balloon coupled with it.

To counter that, you want to put pressure the whole game, and cycle like a monster.

Get the most value out of Zaps. Most likely Tombstones or Minions. Goblin Gangs survive the Zap, and the Mini Pekka has to hit them like they would be full health.

Your best bet is getting a good push at the start.

Mega Knight Balloon – Pretty even Matchup!

They have the Mega for the Hog, but you have the Princess which completely f*cks up their playstyle!

Always save Goblins for protecting Princess from Miner, and Freeze the Balloon if needed.

If they use their Mega Knight, you can just push through their defense like it was nothing.

Just Hog+Ice G+Mini P, and a Princess somewhere in the middle. How can they defend it?

Bait – Pretty controversial matchup, you always have to win the Princess Battle and get most value out of your Goblins.

The best move you can pull out is pre-placing Goblins or placing them super fast when you see the Barrel, so they go around the Tower and Block all the damage.

Outcycle their Inferno Tower first, and use freeze on your second push, when they don’t have it in hand!

Hog Cycle – Get the most value out of Mini Pekka and always watch out for Bats!

Keep your Zap or Ice Golem in hand when defending, and get most value out of your Goblins.

Surprise Freeze can easily win you the game, but only use it when you feel like he has no elixir.



Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Skeleton
Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Zap

Guanek’s Deck

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Freeze
Clash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale ZapClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minions

Pong’s Hog LJ

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale FreezeClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Ice Wizard
Clash Royale PrincessClash Royale The LogClash Royale BatsClash Royale Ice Spirit

Popular Hog Rocket

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale ZapClash Royale Rocket

Soo…. That was it guys!

Hope you enjoyed my new deck, because I sure did while playing it!

Don’t forget to tell your opinions, improvements in the comments below, and hope to see you in my next guide!

Ultra Fun Miner + Cannon Cart Deck

miner cannon cart

Hi; It’s PeakCell, and now I want to show you my newest friendly games deck. This deck is potentially good for challenges but is mainly designed for having fun in 2v2 battles.

It was only tested in friendly battles, but against good players, and is pretty good.

miner cannon cart

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale BanditClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale LightningClash Royale Bats

x bow control analytics

What is the point of this deck?

This deck is based on a nice synergy, in fact.

We’ll talk about it in the next part, but basically you have 2 shield units (Miner, Ice Golem) which protect 2 DPS units (Musketeer, Cannon Cart) supported by a temporization unit (Ice Spirit), burst cards (Bandit, Lightning) and an air card if necessary (Bats). Best explanation I can give 😉

Usually, this deck will only damage a tower while counter-attacking: Your miner can take your opponent by surprise, and your Ice Golem can transform a lonely unit into a problem, that you can then enhance by adding what your push needs: Burst, temporization, or DPS.


  • Can chip damage a tower if countered
  • Very fun to play
  • A shield – DPS – Tempo – Burst synergy
  • Huge counter-attacking potential


  • Swarms counter it
  • Hard to upgrade
  • Has no building
  • Defends with a lot of fragile units


Let’s go further into the details!

Clash Royale MinerMiner: Meatshield and potential win condition.

You want to use him as a counter-attacking card mainly. If you can, use it only this way, and to finish a Tower.

Try to be the less predictable possible on your Miner placements (especially if you want to finish a Tower with him) and support him well; that’s all you have to do with him.

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem: Tanky unit used to shield a push or kite.

Ice Golem has kinda the same purpose: He’s used as a counter-attacker. Put him before a Musketeer or a Cannon Cart and you have a threatening push!

He really makes pushes hard to deal with, when they are crafted well, so a full push (with DPS, burst and tempo) can be extremely powerful because of its shield(s).

Also, the Ice Golem is used to kite. Seriously, kiting can buy a lot of time to annihilate a push.

Clash Royale MusketeerMusketeer: DPS unit to defend and counter attack.

She’s a DPS unit you will want to use defensively. Then you’ll counter-attack with her.

She’s also an anti-air unit of the deck so make sure you can play her when necessary.

As the Cannon Cart, the Musketeer will sometimes still be up for a counter attack because of her range, which also allows for an Ice Spirit coverage when she’s countered past the bridge.

Clash Royale Cannon CartCannon Cart: DPS unit to defend and counter-attack.

It has the same role as the Musketeer, but is not countered by Lightning, only targets ground and costs 1 Elixir more.

Use it as a defense when you need to counter ground units (unless you have 1 Elixir to spare) and counter-attack with the other cards.

The Cannon Cart’s DPS is surprising and its shield and health points make it very, very good to take a Tower since it is hard to get rid of it (If it dies in range of the Tower, it will often get some hits against it. And it hits very hard).

This card will be your main counter-attacking card since it destroys your opponent’s defense very fast if well supported.

Clash Royale BanditBandit: Burst unit, to defend and attack

She’s a burst unit, so she’s going to take your opponents by surprise. Play her as a defensive unit when you need to, or put her behind your push when you’re counter-attacking. Either way, make the most out of her dash!

She works great with a DPS unit and an Ice Spirit because they will destroy your opponent’s defenses pretty fast since the Bandit also has a nice DPS after applying her burst.

Clash Royale LightningLightning: Burst card to make a push successful easily

Lightning is a burst card too , but is a spell.

It can completely destroy a whole defense, chip damage a Tower, change a Tower’s focus, and most commonly pair with DPS units and/or a Bandit so it destroys tanky units very fast.

You can also use the Lightning to make a good trade out of a bad placement or destroy an annoying Musketeer placed in the back of your opponent’s field.

Clash Royale Ice SpiritIce Spirit: Cycle card and temporizer

It is a cycle card, but mainly a temporizing card.

Think about it: Your two main offensive units are ranged DPS units. It means an Ice Spirit placed before the bridge will actually have the time to support them against melee counters because it can reach their positions pretty fast!

Also, the Ice Spirit is there for easy trades, like countering a lonely Musketeer with it.

Clash Royale BatsBats: Anti-air unit, but also double-threat tool!

It enhances a push by making your opponent having to think about countering air units too, most likely using more Elixir to do so.

Your opponent having too many things to counter can often make a push reach the Tower, so the Bats are pretty great to send when you have a well-crafted push going.


I hope you’ll like this deck! It was designed for friendly battles, but I’d like you guys to tell me if you succeed with it in challenges.

I may try it myself soon after seeing how well it does in friendlys. The Cannon Cart is very surprising since it has a lot of health and DPS, which makes this card fun to me, so I wanted to create a Cannon Cart deck: Here it is!

Anyway, have a lot of fun, and see you in the arena!


Flying Machine Chip Deck – New Meta?

flying machine

Hello everyone! My name is Herro and i am back with a guide with the new card, the Flying Machine!

I heard a lot of people saying the flying machine sucked so after i got 12 wins in the challenge, i decided to give it some love and make a deck for it! Replacements will be stated at the end so dont worry if u dont have all the legendaries

Please keep in mind all the battles I did were challenges and my Flying Machine was level 6. Still proved to be effective…

Lets get onto the deck!

flying machine

Flying Machine Chip Deck

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale MinerClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale Flying MachineClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Bats

hog freeze analytics

The Cards

Clash Royale Flying MachineFlying Machine: This new card has quite a lot of uses.

It has decent damage (142 at level 7) and has a 1 sec attack speed (which for reference is the same as the bandit).

It is very squishy but can deal lots of damage just like the Dart Goblin! It also has a range of 6, so it can out range most buildings if placed right.

In this deck, you mostly use it for defense or sniping annoying buildings such as Furnace or any building that cant target air.

Clash Royale PoisonPoison: Almost all the decks I make have Poison.

Its just such a good card with good area control because of the poison’s radius. Also a level 4 poison will kill a level 7 Flying Machine.

Clash Royale ZapZap: These days I use zap more than Log.

Pretty self explanatory on uses


Clash Royale BatsBats: The 5 bats provide tons of damage with a low cost of 2 elixir.

Also a great cycle card.


Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight: This bad boy is so good on defense.

Annoying Giant push? Mega Knight. Annoying Hog push? Mega Knight. Hotel? Trivago. All jokes aside.

If u have him, he is a great card to put into a deck with minimal defense such as this one!

He does fall off on offense, but if u have a big enough elixir lead, you should be able to push just fine!

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard: Great on defense, great at counter pushes.

Self Explanatory now.


Clash Royale MinerMiner: I just love this card.

Provides a light tank for small pushes with the Flying Machine or Bats.

The Miner also dishes out about 500 chip damage at Tournament Standards if left alone so never ever do that!

He is also a great cycle card if u really don’t have anything to put down.

Clash Royale BanditBandit: After the fall of bridge spam cards, the Bandit was pretty much untouched and makes a great addition to this chip deck.

I really have nothing much to say about her since she is such a good card.


Clash Royale Poisonekf9WOpClash Royale fireball

Clash Royale Zapekf9WOpClash Royale The LogClash Royale Arrows

Clash Royale Batsekf9WOpClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minions

Clash Royale Mega Knightekf9WOpClash Royale P.E.K.K.A

Clash Royale Minerekf9WOpClash Royale Goblin Barrel

Clash Royale Banditekf9WOpClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Battle Ram

General Gameplan

Early game

At first you just have to see what your opponent does.

Make small but positive elixir trades. With those trades you want to send miner after Miner to chip down the towers. Poison is great at making positive elixir trades.

Midgame (Before Overtime)

This is where u want to push and be more aggressive but not to aggressive.

Still make those positive trades and look for opportunities to chip.

Lategame (overtime)

Just keep pushing with Miner Poison and counter push! Elixir doesn’t really matter that much here but just keep in mind not to fall behind.

Also if you’re loosing, just defend with Mega Knight!


Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Cycle:

Mega Knight can usually destroy these pushes and your chip is very consistent so its not a problem

Clash Royale GiantGiant Beatdown:

You can get those juicy positive elixir trades with Mega Knight and just clean up with Flying Machine and Bats

Clash Royale GolemGolem Beatdown:

Since you don’t have a building, it might be hard but killing the supports is easy.

Just put down Mega Knight! Use Electro Wiz and Flying Machine to clean up.

Clash Royale MinerMiner Chip:

The only problem is if the opponent has a Knight which counters your Miner. Just switch up the positions and you should be fine.

Clash Royale Goblin GangBait:

You have zap, electro wiz, and megaknight for this matchup. Should be fine.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLavahound:

Can be really tough if the opponent has lightning or poison. Lavaloon can be very scary but not impossible to counter.

There you go! I wish u guys all success and Clash on!


Flying Machine – Best Tips For You

flying machine challenge

flying machine challenge

About Flying Machine

Cost Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Count Transport
4 1 sec Fast (90) 1 sec 6 Air & Ground x1 Air
Level Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
1 290 81 81
2 319 89 89
3 350 98 98
4 385 107 107
5 423 118 118
6 464 129 129
7 510 142 142
8 559 156 156
9 614 171 171
10 675 188 188
11 742 207 207

He is a medium investment (4 Elixir)which can fit in many deck archetypes.

He has slightly less HP and damage than a Musketeer, however he has slightly better speeds and he can fly.

Flying Machine is great for defending, counter pushes and supporting.

Think about him like a fragile Musketeer. He dies to Fireball.

Since Flying Machine has an attack range of 6, it can outrange lots of troops:

Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale WizardClash Royale CannonClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale Inferno Dragon

Flying Machine’s Counters

If you have the choice to pick out the Flying Machine, watch out these cards as they can easily counter him:

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale LightningClash Royale BatsClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale ArchersClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Knight

In short, most air targeting troops can counter the Flying Machine on defense, except:

Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Witch


  • Princess is okay If you can afford the Tower damage.
  • Fire Spirits will almost kill the Flying Machine. Thus, make sure your Tower is not distracted by something else.
  • Ice Spirit work very well If the Tower takes some damage first.
  • Witch will lose without Tower support.

Flying Machine is good against:

Clash Royale CannonClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

  • Cannon/Tombstone – FM can help clear these quickly from the river as assistance to cards like Hog Riders
  • Helps defend flying troops from a distance like the MM and Minions on your side of the arena
  • Good against Lava Hound and Graveyard – Position far enough away from the tower so it won’t be Fireballed with the tower.
  • Graveyard spawns Skeletons twice as fast as the FM shoots, so skeletons will spawn, but the tower should help clear it

Flying Machine Synergies: 

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Hog RiderdotClash Royale MinerdotClash Royale Three MusketeersdotClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale BalloondotClash Royale GolemClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GiantClash Royale Mega Knight

  • Fast win-conditions like Battle Ram, Hog Rider or Bandit work very well with the Flying Machine.
  • Flying Machine could be used to bait out Fireball for Three Musketeers.
  • Great against Air Decks. Undoubtedly
  • Glass Cannon like FM is always good for Beatdown decks.

Some others would work very well with him: Ice Spirit, Ice Golem, Knight, Mortar, X-Bow etc.

Ultimate Guide To Using Poison

clash royale poison

Hey guys! Its Blaze with my 25th Clash.World guide!! I am super excited! Continuing the streak of writing milestone guides related to my favorite card Poison (and Miner too) I will be writing this guide, The Ultimate guide on using Poison!

Poison is hands-down my favorite card in the game, be it ladder or tournament I always try to add Poison in my deck as much as I can. Currently, its almost lvl7 on my main account so you know how much I like it and well how much experience I have with it since I am using it since Trifecta w/Poison was the meta!

So, let’s start without any further delay!

clash royale poison

Ultimate Guide To Using Poison

Overview to Poison

Clash Royale PoisonPoison is a 4 Elixir Epic Spell card which is unlockable from Arena 5 (Spell Valley).

In basic terms, it is a cross between Arrows and Fireball i.e.  moderate damage of Fireball (bit more than Fireball) with the long radius of Arrows as well as having the Damage Over Time aspect to it.

Poison lasts for 8 seconds and has 8 ticks i.e. one tick per second.

At Tournament Standards, it deals 75 DPS (30 to Crown Towers) so, in total 600 dmg (240 to Crown Towers).

All these factors make it one of the best spells in the game in terms of its ability to provide high value (more value than The Log, mainly because it can also hit air) for just 4 Elixir.

Earlier, Poison had the slowdown ability just like the Ice Wizard. However, due to it Poison became too over-powered and it was nerfed. After that nerf, Poison dropped from the Top Tier to the Bottom most tier and needed two more buffs to actually be back in the meta like the one now.

Poison’s interaction with other cards:

At equivalent levels, Poison interacts in the following manner:

  1. It takes 1 tick to kill Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Bats
  2. It takes 2 ticks to kill Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Lava Hound(Lava Pups)
  3. It takes 3 ticks to kill Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale GoblinsClash Royale Princess
  4. It takes 4 ticks to kill Clash Royale Archers
  5. It takes 5 ticks to kill Clash Royale Guards Clash Royale Bomber
  6. It takes 8 ticks i.e. its whole duration to kill Clash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Wizard
  7. It cannot kill but severely damage Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Witch
  8. It is a great counter to spawner buildings: Clash Royale FurnaceClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian Hut
  9. It denies 5 Elixir out of 8 Elixir from the Clash Royale elixir collector

Synergies w/Poison on Offense and Defense:

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Ice GolemPoison + Ice Golem:

Poison takes time to deal damage so many a times, troops escape its radius before it can completely damage them.

Ice Golem can distract the troops for some seconds so that they remain in the radius and its death damage can kill the troops which survive with a sliver of health.

Its Slowdown effect after death has overall a similar kind of effect with Poison as Poison’s pre-nerf slowdown.

This is actually very good when couple with Hog Rider as the Poison + Ice Golem’s Frost Nova can slowdown cards like Barbarian allowing Hog one more hit and later on kill the Barbarians as well.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Ice SpiritPoison + Ice Spirit:

Just like Ice Golem, Ice Spirit also helps troops to prevent escaping.

It can stun a bunch of troops for 1.5 second that is it can ensure at least 2 ticks of Poison and with his damage kill troops which survive with sliver of health.

This combo is cheaper than above combo, but Ice Spirit can die rather quickly before actually stunning troops due to his low HP so Ice Golem is a bit safer option.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Ice WizardPoison + Ice Wizard:

The third member of the Frozen Trio.

Like I said above, Ice Golem’s Frost Nova gives a similar effect like Poison’s pre-nerf slowdown.

What if you had constant slowdown? That’s right! Ice Wizard is a great defensive combo to do with Poison.

Even after rebalancing, Ice Wiz takes too much time to deal damage, but with Poison you don’t have to worry about damage! Poison can deal all the damage while Ice Wiz slows down troops and makes them stay longer in the Poison’s radius.

This is a great combo on defense when you have strong beat down push coming, especially when your deck also has Inferno Tower/ Dragon.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale The LogPoison + The Log:

The Log can push back troops back into Poison’s radius as well as deal decent amount of damage thus making sure that most troops don’t survive.

Only downside is that you can’t push air troops :P.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale TornadoPoison + Tornado:

With this you can pull troops in the Poison’s radius.

For e.g., let’s say opponent splits 3M in the back. You can pull all 3 in one lane and then kill them together, damage the Tower with +2 Elixir trade. Value!

This is also useful when using Graveyard (as in Splashyard decks) where you can pull troops in the Poison radius so they die quickly and GY deals good amount of damage. One problem is that this combo cost 7 Elixir so use it whenever you get good value.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapPoison + Zap:

Aside from its ability to stun and damage the troops so they die completely, Poison helps in situations where a low HP troop (Minion Horde, Minions, Dart Goblins, Archers) become pretty annoying when you have good push going.

Zap instantly kills them and thus, your troops are free to damage.

However, as I said above, this tactic should be used only when you have a good, strong push going.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale ValkyriePoison + Valkyrie:

This is a pretty good offensive combo when you can pair the Valkyrie with a troop that can push her like a Battle Ram.

This is kinda like a Beefed-up Ice Golem + Poison combo. Instead of waiting for Ice Golem to die and Poison completing its duration, Valkyrie can quickly kill swarms like Barbarians (even Elite Barbarians) when they are used for defense and clear the way for your win-condition.

Poison also kills any air swarm like Minion Horde when they are used for secondary defense when the first one failed.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Inferno TowerPoison + Inferno Tower/ Dragon:

Poison helps to clear out any cheap low HP units which are send to distract Inferno Tower/Dragon and makes it easier to kill the tank.

owever, in case the opponent sends troops like Barbarians, you may have to use another troop along with these cards.

That’s the reason I said that Poison + Ice Wizard + Inferno Tower/Dragon is a pretty strong defensive combo as Ice Wizard can help kill distracts as well as slow down the Tank and the support units.

*Poison + Bowler is a good combo as it’s boulders push back troops back in the Poison. But most troops which are effected by the push back generally die to Poison + The Log which also has pushback and Bowler being costly, generally I recommend using The Log*

Special Tactics and Placements:

Always use your Poison to gain value and not for Tower damage.

For e.g. If opponent splits 3M in the back, Poison the Tower with 2M and not the Tower with lower HP.

using poison

Value > Tower Damage

Predicted Poison / Pre-Poison:

Pre-Poison is the most important tactic that you should learn as a Poison user. This tactic can give you loads of value if you master it.

In this tactic, you basically place your Poison beforehand on the arena where you think opponent most likely will drop a card. The effect of this is that the dropped will die quickly and won’t get enough time to do much damage. This tactic not only helps on offense but also on defense. Many a times, opponent ends up placing many troops and giving you more value.

For example,

On Offense: Opponent always counters your Bandit with Tombstone. Any Skeletons that spawn will die so Bandit can dash straight to the Tombstone and the death-spawn Skeletons will also die to Poison so opponent will need to drop another card say Goblin Gang to counter the Bandit or they will get damage. The Goblin Gang will counter the Bandit but they will die themselves due to Poison. Overall, you ended up getting -1 Elixir trade but for 240 dmg to Crown Tower which isn’t a bad trade.

On Defense:  Opponent always supports his Giant Witch push with Minions to distract your Inferno Tower. Poison the Giant Witch as well as the area near the Inferno Tower where most likely Minions will be dropped. Poison will kill the Minions as well Witch’s Skeletons along with severely damaging her before they can distract the Inferno Tower. Giant and the Witch will die to Inferno Tower along with help of your Crown Tower giving you +4 Elixir trade which is huge for defense against 1 push.

predict poison

In order to successfully use this tactic, you need to learn to read your opponent, understand his playstyle and his moves and manipulate him in order to make him drop particular card and give you value. This skill will only be learned to battling more and more and will improve as you become more experience.

Passive Poison:

When using Poison passively i.e. just to kill a single troop and not as support for offense or defense, place your Poison in such a way that as soon as you drop Poison, the troop walks in the radius.

Don’t drop the Poison on the troop even if it is a low HP troop like Princess or Archers.

There are two reasons behind it:

  1. When the troop walks in the Poison, it receives dmg by all 8 ticks so the Poison can fully deal its damage
  2. If opponent wants to drop another troop he won’t be able to do so because the new troop will also be damaged.

It is also possible that since you didn’t drop Poison earlier, opponent may drop another troop (or even a building) just as you place your Poison giving you more value.

Countering Furnace:

Poison is a great counter to Furnace.

Generally, when you use Poison, 1 Fire Spirit still makes it to your Tower.

Now, I will tell you a simple technique so that 0 fire Spirit will make it to your Tower which is pretty beneficial as each Fire Spirit deals lot of dmg. Instead of placing your Poison as soon as they drop the Furnace, wait for 3 seconds and place your Poison (or just enough late that at least 1 of the spawned spirits is damaged by 1 tick).

counter furnace

The reason behind this is that, Poison lasts for 8 seconds while Furnace spawns 2 Fire Spirits after 10 seconds. So, if you place Poison as soon as they drop a Furnace, Poison’s duration will be over before the next wave. If you wait for some time and drop Poison just enough that 1 Spirit is damaged, the Poison will last just long enough that 1 fire Spirit from the 2nd wave will be damaged. So, you don’t have to worry about 2 waves of Fire Spirits as the Crown Tower will kill them before they go Kamikaze mode. 1 fire Spirit less can be considered almost as 1 moderate spell more to finish off Tower.

Using its Large Radius:

Poison has a large radius as you know. Always try to utilize this to the maximum to give maximum value.

poison radius

For e.g. Due to its large radius, Poison can damage to Elixir Collector (or other passive buildings as well) if 1st is placed in front of King Tower near to left Princess Tower and 2nd behind left Princess Tower besides the King Tower. So, you will end destroying the 1st Collector denying 5 Elixir of the 2nd Collector as well as dealing 240 damage to the Princess Tower. Only care should be taken that you place it precisely and pay attention to it. Many a times, your finger might slip and you may end up activating the King Tower.

Poison for Ladder Play vs Tournament Play:

Even though, I use Poison on Ladder, I face many problems which doesn’t make it the best choice for ladder. Mostly, Fireball dominates the ladder.

On the other hand, Poison is actually a pretty good choice for Tournament Play where Fireball isn’t seen as much.

Poison is an epic card so it is difficult to level it up. And in the format where there isn’t a limit to over levelling of commons, Poison has a harder time than compared to Fireball (a rare card which can be levelled up in short time, if not as easily as commons).

Poison takes significantly longer time to kill the troops which sorta gives the feel that troops survive infinitely long in the Poison.

In Tournament Play though, due to level restrictions, Poison does a good job at dealing damage even better than Fireball as at equivalent levels, Poison does more damage. Also, its slow duration and control aspect makes it better choice for the long Tournament play.

Most strong Ladder win-conditions don’t have a strong synergy with Poison and thus Poison doesn’t do well for Trophy Pushing except for certain cases.

Most strong Tournament win-conditions have a strong synergy with Poison and thus Poison does well for getting wins consecutively.

Best Win-Condition to use with Poison:

As I said above, Ladder win-conditions don’t do well with Poison and Tournament win-conditions.

Since, strong Ladder win-conditions are mostly Commons and Rares while Tournament Win-conditions are Epics and Legendries, Poison can be said to do well with Legendary and Epic win-conditions than Rares and Commons.

Clash Royale MinerMiner:

Of course, I would have to start with this. My first legendary Miner!

Miner Poison is pretty strong tactic for Tournament Play and can actually be considered Tournament Meta.

Their synergy is pretty simple and effective making it a beautiful combo. Miner is killed mostly by swarms and Poison is one of the best swarm clearing cards.

Use them together and you can easily damage. Poison guarantees Tower damage while helping Miner to do more hits together chipping the Tower.

This deck type has a lot of variety and I will be doing a guide specifically on this deck type very soon!

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A.:

The meta tank and tank killer!

P.E.K.K.A. as you know can easily be distracted and killed by swarms so like above, we have one of the best swarm killer: Poison!

Some may argue that generally P.E.K.K.A. even though being win-condition in general, isn’t actually treated as a win-condition in most P.E.K.K.A. Poison decks. But since their synergy is pretty strong I decided to include it here.

This combo is best used along with Miner, Hog Rider or Battle Ram as win-conditions.

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard:

Graveyard and Poison have an insane synergy like they were created by Supercell to complement each other almost perfectly.

Poison protects the Graveyard for 8 seconds out of 9 seconds of Graveyard’s duration thus enabling Graveyard to deal relatively more amount of damage.

Clash Royale Battle RamBattle Ram:

Battle Ram has a pretty strong synergy with Poison which can be proved by the dominance of Bridge Spam couple of months back.

Poison takes care of all swarms (yup, you will find this word lot of times here) which threaten Battle Ram and giving it the opportunity to charge straight toward the Tower and deal tons of damage.

Clash Royale GiantGiant:

We have Goison!

For those of you new players who didn’t play CR almost a year back, Goison was the meta during that time. And by far IMO, the most annoying meta. You all know how annoying it is to face RG and EB, but we admit it they are seen in like once in 5 battles on average. Goison was faced by us in almost every other battle. How annoying would that have been. This combo was so strong that Poison had its slowdown removed because this combo broke the game.

Enough of history, this combo works because Poison gives control and constant damage over a large area enabling the support to kill the defences while the Giant tanks.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider:

Hog Rider + Poison wasn’t seen much for a long time until the recent P.E.K.K.A. Hog deck started dominating in Tournaments. This combo was actually a pretty strong combo and the meta before the Goison Meta. It was the Trifecta Meta!

Trifecta = Hog + Valkyrie + Musketeer. This combo dominated the game for a pretty long time and may occasionally crop even now after 1 year!

Poison is a swarm clearing card and does helps Hog. But since the current meta Hog decks are more fast paced, especially for Ladder, Fireball seems a better choice in general.

Clash Royale GolemGolem:

Not seen much in a long time but still viable. Goison is OP? What bout this stronger Goison?

Golem Poison is pretty smart combo because Golem death damage along with Poison can finish of a majority of troops and deal loads of damage making the road clearer for the support to deal damage.

Currently, Golem is seen more with Lightning (due to removal of Poison’s slowdown and addition of stun effect to Lightning) and thus this combo is a rare sight.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound:

Again, not seen much but a good combo is Lava Hound + Poison.

Lava Hound is basically countered with either Air swarms or Point Damage Glass cannons or Inferno Tower/Dragon.

Out of these, Poison can take care of the air swarms and Glass cannons. And you can add Zap for the Infernos.

However, as above, Lightning is popular choice as it can counter Infernos + Glass Cannons better and have Arrows for air swarms. But if using a Lava Miner deck, Poison is slightly better.

Best Poison Decks in the meta:

Finally, we have the best decks utilizing Poison in the current meta.

*You may not see all of the above-mentioned win conditions while see some repeated. The reason behind this is that not all of the win-conditions are the strongest options to use in the meta at the moment*

P.E.K.K.A. Hog Poison Cycle

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale BatsClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Electro Wizard

P.E.K.K.A. Miner Poison Control

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MinerClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Zap
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale MinionsClash Royale BanditClash Royale Electro Wizard

Giant NW Miner Poison Beatdown

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale MinerClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Electro Wizard

New Meta Bridge Spam

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale BatsClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Electro Wizard

Knightyard Poison Cycle

Clash Royale KnightClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Tombstone

That’s all folks! Hope you guys enjoyed reading this long guide and have more success with Poison. Ask me about anything the comments section below!

Top Ladder Cards for Legendary Arena – Kairos Ladder Tier List


Hello everyone! I am continuing my series of Card Tier Lists with the Legendary Arena V2. My goal is to have the Competitive Tier List by the end of the week for those of you that are curious. After that, I’ll continue with my 2v2 Tier List and try to keep up to date with a Tier List every week.

For this Tier List, you’ll notice that I’m not going into detail as to why I moved each card. I wish I had time to type it all up, but I recently started Grad School and just don’t have the time to write everything up. So, if you care about the why behind the card moves, I cover each change in the accompanying video with this list found in one of the links below.

I used my own experience, the experience of several collaborators, and the Usage and Win Rates gathered from StatsRoyale to complete this list. It may not be perfect, but it’s pretty good. If you disagree with a point, I would really love to hear your reason as to why!

Note on the Stats: The data was collected before the Balance Changes and helped me build a framework on the Tiers that I tweaked as needed after the Balance Changes. Also, StatsRoyale uses 0.5 for draws which means that Win Rates will average a little higher than in Grand Challenges because there are more draws in the ladder. Also, mirror matches are included in the data, so that skews things a for cards with higher usage rates, but the data still helps reveal which cards are More and Less successful.


Kairos Ladder Tier List v1.0

Note about the Tiers: The Tiers are defined according to 1-2 words on how good they are for the current meta (From Poor, to Excellent).
There are some cards like the Royal Giant that could be in a higher tier depending on how overleveled they are.
I did my best to Rank cards by maintaining a balance between how good cards are when they are adequately leveled up and how easy it is to adequately level up those cards to be competitive in the current trophy range.

Note: My goal is to do another *Competitive Tier List** as soon as the meta settles down a bit. Hopefully in the next week, but possibly the week after.*

Note on the Stats: The data was collected before the Balance Changes and helped me build a framework on the Tiers that I tweaked as needed after the Balance Changes.
Also, StatsRoyale uses 0.5 for draws which means that Win Rates will average a little higher than in Grand Challenges because there are more draws in the ladder.
Also, mirror matches are included in the data, so that skews things a for cards with higher usage rates, but the data still helps reveal which cards are More and Less successful.

This Tier List is brought to you in partnership with StatsRoyale to provide you with the current Usage Rates and Win Rates in The Legendary Arena for each card. These stats help provide additional insight to help classify certain cards into the correct tier, but I also used my own experience and opinion to determine which tier they all fall into.


  • This Tier List is for The Legendary Arena. So let’s put the other arenas aside, along with challenges and tournaments. The Metas are completely different and Cards may be Tiered differently in thos metas.
  • Just because a card is in a high tier does not mean that it should be in all decks
  • Just because a card is in a low tier does not mean that it can’t be used in a competitive deck
  • A deck filled with High Tier cards may not be a great deck. Cards that compliment each other tend to help make the best decks, regardless of their tier
  • Cards are listed by Tier first, and then alphabetically, not by superiority or rarity. Alphabetical listing should make it easier to find the card you’re looking for
  • Cards in bold are cards that have been moved into a new Tier and their Old Tier is listed in parentheses
  • My opinion may be different than yours and that’s just fine. What’s important is that you share your opinion so the community can benefit from it

S Tier – Excellent

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale KnightClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap

S Tier cards are Excellent to use either because of their stats, versatility, or because they fit very well the current meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Fireball 27.2% 53.2% -6.8% -1.3%
Ice Spirit 12.3% 53.1% -7.7% -3.2%
Knight 19.9% 54.9% -10.0% -1.4%
The Log 26.6% 54.5% -15.9% -0.6%
Zap 37.8% 53.3% -7.8% -1.5%

Note: Not all S Tier cards need a nerf. Some are “Excellent” to use because of the meta, and some are “Excellent” because they simply offer a lot of value.

A Tier – Very Good

Clash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale LightningClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Baby Dragon
Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Giant
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale BatsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minions

A Tier cards are Very Good to use at the moment. They aren’t as game-changing as S tier cards, but are still seen in many top tier decks.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Archers (S) 10.9% 54.3% -6.5% -2.1%
Baby Dragon 20.7% 53.7% 6.9% -0.2%
Bats (C) 9.2% 52.8% 8.7% 1.9%
Electro Wizard (B) 21.9% 54.6% 4.5% -0.1%
Executioner 11.7% 53.9% -0.9% -0.7%
Giant 10.5% 51.5% -4.0% -2.2%
Goblin Gang (S) 14.5% 53.0% -9.1% -1.4%
Goblins 6.1% 52.7% -6.6% -2.5%
Hog Rider 27.7% 53.7% -0.2% -1.4%
Lightning (B) 10.1% 52.2% -5.2% -2.3%
Minions (S) 13.7% 52.7% -7.5% -1.6%
Tornado 12.6% 52.2% -3.8% -2.8%

B Tier – Good

Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale MinerClash Royale Princess
Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale GolemClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BalloonClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale PoisonClash Royale X-BowClash Royale Skeleton Army
Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale RocketClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Valkyrie
Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale MortarClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Royal Giant

B Tier cards are Good to use, especially if they add something to your deck that you want, but there may be better options for the meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Arrows (A) 23.6% 53.1% -0.2% -1.2%
Balloon 13.3% 51.9% 6.2% -1.4%
Bandit 9.9% 54.7% 3.3% -0.2%
Barbarians (A) 5.4% 54.8% -7.2% 0.0%
Bowler 4.0% 54.4% -2.5% -0.6%
Elite Barbarians 12.7% 53.0% -2.6% -1.4%
Elixir Collector (A) 8.0% 51.0% -8.2% -3.0%
Fire Spirits 9.3% 52.2% 2.2% -2.1%
Goblin Barrel 17.0% 51.0% 8.1% -2.2%
Golem (A) 9.2% 52.7% -3.0% -1.1%
Ice Golem 5.4% 52.5% -1.2% -1.6%
Ice Wizard 12.5% 53.9% 2.4% -0.9%
Inferno dragon (C) 12.1% 54.0% 5.6% 0.0%
Inferno Tower (A) 11.5% 52.3% 0.2% -2.3%
Lava Hound 5.2% 51.3% -0.8% -1.7%
Mega Knight 3.1% 56.6%
Mega Minion (A) 9.3% 53.4% -10.4% -1.3%
Miner (A) 13.8% 53.2% -1.6% -0.5%
Mini PEKKA (A) 9.8% 53.0% 5.4% -0.9%
Minion Horde 21.5% 52.7% 4.5% -1.3%
Mortar (A) 1.7% 53.6% -1.6% -6.2%
Musketeer (A) 11.8% 54.4% -0.5% -0.7%
PEKKA 11.1% 52.8% 5.2% 0.2%
Poison (A) 7.4% 51.2% -4.5% -3.2%
Princess 14.0% 53.7% -0.5% -0.7%
Rocket 11.0% 50.8% 1.5% -2.5%
Royal Giant 3.6% 52.6% -4.7% -0.7%
Skeleton Army 34.1% 52.9% 18.8% -1.2%
Tombstone (A) 4.1% 52.3% -3.8% -2.4%
Valkyrie 17.2% 53.8% 8.9% 0.5%
Xbow (A) 1.9% 46.7% 1.3% -12.5%

C Tier – Fair

Clash Royale LumberjackClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale FreezeClash Royale GuardsClash Royale WitchClash Royale Dark Prince
Clash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale WizardClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Furnace
Clash Royale BomberClash Royale CannonClash Royale Skeleton

These cards can be used well but they are usually put into a deck to finish the deck off or with the deck built around making them work. There are likely better options in higher tiers.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Battle Ram (B) 3.7% 52.6% -4.3% -2.2%
Bomber 5.3% 53.2% 1.7% -0.2%
Cannon (B) 2.1% 51.0% -3.5% -5.5%
Dark Prince 3.5% 53.4% 2.5% -2.1%
Dart Goblin 2.1% 51.7% 0.6% -1.2%
Freeze 5.0% 49.1% 1.3% -3.7%
Furnace 3.9% 53.0% -2.4% -1.5%
Graveyard (B) 7.1% 51.0% -3.1% -4.1%
Guards 1.4% 53.7% 0.2% -0.7%
Lumberjack 9.2% 54.6% 4.5% 2.3%
Night Witch (B) 8.6% 53.9% -16.4% -0.5%
Skeletons (B) 4.1% 49.5% -6.3% -6.5%
Three Musketeers 3.3% 51.0% -3.2% -1.7%
Witch 19.2% 53.4% 13.5% 1.8%
Wizard 30.9% 53.4% 21.6% 1.0%

F Tier – Poor

Clash Royale Sparky
Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale Clone SpellClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Rage
Clash Royale HealClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Bomb TowerClash Royale Goblin Hut
Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale Tesla

F Tier cards are Poor options to use either because of their stats, how situational they are, or because they don’t fit well into the current meta.

Card V2 Usage % V2 Win % Usage V2-V1 Win V2-V1
Barbarian Hut 0.9% 44.0% 0.0% -11.2%
Bomb Tower 0.8% 47.4% 0.1% -6.3%
Cannon Cart 0.4% 46.3% 0.2% 1.9%
Clone 8.8% 47.0% 7.5% -1.8%
Giant Skeleton 7.5% 53.4% 5.8% 0.6%
Goblin Hut 2.0% 47.3% 0.3% -6.7%
Heal Spell (C) 0.7% 44.5% -0.9% -7.4%
Mirror 9.6% 46.0% 7.1% -3.8%
Prince 9.9% 51.7% 7.5% -2.4%
Rage 13.0% 51.0% 9.6% 1.6%
Sparky 4.5% 52.0% 2.7% -2.2%
Spear Goblins 4.6% 50.5% 2.3% -2.2%
Tesla 0.9% 48.8% 0.1% -2.6%
Previous Version

S Tier – Excellent

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale ZapClash Royale ArchersClash Royale KnightClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale MinionsClash Royale fireball

S Tier cards are Excellent to use either because of their stats, versatility, or because they fit very well the current meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Archers 17.4% 56.4%
Fireball 34.0% 54.5%
Goblin Gang 23.6% 54.4%
Ice Spirit 20.0% 56.3%
Knight 29.9% 56.3%
Minions 21.2% 54.3%
The Log 42.5% 55.1%
Zap 45.6% 54.8%

Note: Not all S Tier cards need a nerf. Some are “Excellent” to use because of the meta, and some are “Excellent” because they simply offer a lot of value.

A Tier – Very Good

Clash Royale Miner
Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale MortarClash Royale Barbarians
Clash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale elixir collector
Clash Royale TornadoClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale X-BowClash Royale Golem

A Tier cards are Very Good to use at the moment. They aren’t as game-changing as S tier cards, but are still seen in many top tier decks.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Arrows 23.8% 54.3%
Baby Dragon 13.80% 53.9%
Barbarians 12.6% 54.8%
Elixir Collector 16.2% 54.0%
Executioner 12.6% 54.6%
Giant 14.5% 53.7%
Goblins 12.7% 55.2%
Golem 12.2% 53.8%
Hog Rider 27.9% 55.1%
Inferno Tower 11.3% 54.6%
Mega Minion 19.7% 54.7%
Miner 15.4% 53.7%
Mini PEKKA 4.4% 53.9%
Mortar 3.3% 59.8%
Musketeer 12.3% 55.1%
Poison 11.9% 54.4%
Tombstone 7.9% 54.7%
Tornado 16.4% 55.0%
Xbow 0.6% 59.2%

B Tier – Good

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava Hound
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale CannonClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale Royal Giant
Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Rocket
Clash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BowlerClash Royale BalloonClash Royale LightningClash Royale P.E.K.K.A

B Tier cards are Good to use, especially if they add something to your deck that you want, but there may be better options for the meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Graveyard 10.2% 55.1%
Elite Barbarians 15.3% 54.4%
Minion Horde 17.0% 54.0%
Skeleton Army 15.3% 54.1%
Cannon 5.6% 56.5%
Bandit 6.6% 54.9%
Electro Wizard 17.4% 54.7%
Skeletons 10.4% 56.0%
Bowler 6.5% 55.0%
Battle Ram 8.0% 54.8%
Lightning 15.3% 54.5%
Princess 14.5% 54.4%
Fire Spirits 7.1% 54.3%
Ice Golem 6.6% 54.1%
Rocket 9.5% 53.3%
Royal Giant 8.3% 53.3%
Valkyrie 8.3% 53.3%
Balloon 7.1% 53.3%
Goblin Barrel 8.9% 53.2%
PEKKA 5.9% 52.6%
Ice Wizard 10.1% 54.8%
Lava Hound 6.0% 53.0%
Night Witch 25.0% 54.4%

C Tier – Fair

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Lumberjack
Clash Royale BomberClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale HealClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale FurnaceClash Royale WizardClash Royale Three Musketeers
Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Witch

These cards can be used well but they are usually put into a deck to finish the deck off or with the deck built around making them work. There are likely better options in higher tiers.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Three Musketeers 6.5% 52.7%
Wizard 9.3% 52.4%
Furnace 6.3% 54.5%
Inferno dragon 6.5% 54.0%
Dart Goblin 1.5% 52.9%
Freeze 3.7% 52.8%
Lumberjack 4.7% 52.3%
Heal Spell 1.6% 51.9%
Witch 5.7% 51.6%
Guards 1.2% 54.4%
Bomber 3.6% 53.4%
Dark Prince 1.0% 55.5%
Bats 0.5% 50.9%

F Tier – Poor

Clash Royale Sparky
Clash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale Tesla
Clash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian Hut
Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale RageClash Royale Clone SpellClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Cannon CartClash Royale Bomb TowerClash Royale Giant Skeleton

F Tier cards are Poor options to use either because of their stats, how situational they are, or because they don’t fit well into the current meta.

Card V1 Usage % V1 Win %
Cannon Cart 0.2% 44.4%
Barbarian Hut 0.9% 55.2%
Sparky 1.8% 54.2%
Prince 2.4% 54.1%
Goblin Hut 1.7% 54.0%
Bomb Tower 0.7% 53.7%
Giant Skeleton 1.7% 52.8%
Spear Goblins 2.3% 52.7%
Tesla 0.8% 51.4%
Mirror 2.5% 49.8%
Rage 3.4% 49.4%
Clone 1.3% 48.8%

Note: F Tier cards can be used in a competitive deck, but the deck typically needs to be built around making them work, and they will still be inconsistent in competitive matches. Not all F Tier cards need a buff in my opinion.

ladder cards

New S Tier Cards

These cards are Excellent to use in the Legendary Arena because of their ease to level up, because they can be used in almost any deck, and because of their versatility on both offense and defense. With the recent balance changes, I didn’t feel like any Win Condition could honestly be a good fit for the S Tier. The choice for which Win Condition to build a deck around has become harder to make!

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap

Fireball, The Log, & Zap – These 3 cards have the highest usage rate and rightly so! In almost any deck you’ll find at least 1 of these decks, if not 2, and sometimes 3. The Fireball makes great value +1 level higher, Zap is easy to keep competitive, and The Log is good at lvl 1 or 2 for a very long time.

Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale KnightClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Goblin Gang

Archers, Knight, Minions, & Goblin Gang – All 4 of these cards offer Excellent versatility in a myriad of situations, both on offense and defense. Because they’re commons it’s really easy to keep them leveled competitively.

Clash Royale Ice Spirit

Ice Spirit – The Ice Spirit is a great option in almost any type of deck as a quick cycle card that also offers great utility. It has a high Win and Usage rate, but also does well when underleveled.

New A Tier Cards

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Mortar

Giant, Hog Rider, & Mortar – The traditional Archetype Triangle is finally restored as these three are all in the A Tier. I think they’re all Very good to use and should do a very good job at keeping each other in check.

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale MinerClash Royale X-Bow

Golem, Miner, & Xbow – If you have the patience to focus on leveling up the Golem or Xbow on Epic Sundays, I think these are also Very Good for the current meta. The Miner is also a very good option if you can keep him up to a competitive level. Luckily, he can still cause some problems for your opponent if he is slightly underlevelled.

Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale TornadoClash Royale Arrows

Poison, Tornado, & Arrows – These 3 spells also find themselves in the Very Good category depending on the deck that you’re building. With a lack of 3M Heal in the ladder, Poison is a good option if you can level it up, and Tornado does well even when underleveled. The Arrows had a very surprising Usage Rate, and although that may be to the Night Witch being in the meta, I still think the Arrows are a Very Good option to use as Spell Bait is seeming to make a comeback in the new meta.

Clash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Barbarians

Executioner, Mini PEKKA, and Barbarians – I selected these troops as Very Good for the meta when it comes to strong defenses. The Mini PEKKA is an obvious choice to use since his buff and his ability to defend against all the Very Good Win Conditions. The Executioner finds his place here as the king at defending swarm troops, and is decent even if underleveled, even when not paired with the Tornado. With Siege entering back into the meta, I think the Barbarians will be a great defense in the meta. They shred through tanks, are almost impossible to stop after your opponent has dropped an Xbow, and make it tough on the Miner and Hog Rider as well. They’re easy to level up quickly which is why I think they’re justified in this spot.

Clash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Tombstone

Inferno Tower & Tombstone – I think both of these are very good options when it comes to defensive buildings. The Inferno Tower does a great job at handling big tanks and pairs well in Control and Siege Decks. Tombstone is a good option if your deck struggles against faster ground threats or if you want some skeletons to distract your inferno tower.

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Goblin

Baby Dragon, Musketeer, Mega Minion, & Goblins – These cards do a good job at jumping between offense and defense, and do a Very Good job at countering popular cards. The Musketeer should only be used if you have her leveled up competitively so that Fireballs +1 Levels won’t 1 shot her. But she’s a Rare so it should be easy to keep her leveled up competitively.

Clash Royale elixir collector

Elixir Collector – I love this card for so many reasons. It works great to help you build up that massive push that will crush your opponent, and works super well in Siege Decks for 2 reasons: it forces your opponent to go on the offense when you want them to, and acts as Fireball or Rocket bait so your Siege building is left untouched. It fills many unique roles that other cards can’t which makes it a Very Good card to use.

New B Tier Cards

Clash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Battle Ram

Lava Hound, PEKKA, Graveyard, Goblin Barrel, Balloon, Battle Ram – These Win Conditions are considered to be Good in the current meta. They really aren’t bad options to use, but they are either too difficult to level up to a competitive point, or they require a deck built around making them work.A lot of these work well in Hybrid Decks (2 WC’s from different archetypes), or Double Decks (2 WC’s from the same archetype) when paired up with other Win Conditions that are a bit more reliable in the Legendary Arena.

Clash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Elite Barbarians

Royal Giant & Elite Barbarians – I actually thought about putting these guys in both the A Tier and the C Tier, but I thought that would be weird, so I put them in the middle. They’re easy to level up and overlevel, and are A Tier cards when overleveled, but they’re really poor cards when underleveled. At about 4600 trophies, cards start to be maxed and even maxed RG’s and EBarbs really stop working. At that point, they become C Tier cards and you almost never bump into them. But before then, they are viable options if overleveled, so I put them in the B Tier.

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Lightning & Rocket – I think these are Good cards to use, but they aren’t as versatile as the S Tier and A Tier spells. I think the B Tier is a good place for them to start out at.

Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice Wizard

Night Witch, Electro Wizard, Bandit, Princess, & Ice Wizard – These Legendary cards are Very good, if not Excellent cards to use in tournaments, but because it’s difficult to level them up to a competitive standard and they lose the edge they have in other metas. The Ice Wizard took a hit with his decrease in overall DPS with his “buff” which means that he’s not likely to 1-shot Skeletons or Bats any time in the ladder. He’s great in tournaments, but only good in the Legendary Arena (unless you happen to have him maxed).

Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Skeleton

Bowler, Skeleton Army, Ice Golem, Valkyrie, Minion Horde, Fire Spirits, & Skeletons – These cards are good cards to use and I didn’t see much reason why they should be any higher or lower. Some of them are outshined by other cards, or these cards fill specific roles that work in a few types of decks.

Clash Royale CannonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Cannon – I feel like the Cannon will be a Good option with Siege coming into the meta, but it’s important that it’s leveled up to do a decent job.

New C Tier Cards

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale WitchClash Royale Guards

Luberjack, Inferno Dragon, Dark Prince, Witch, & Guards – These cards are difficult to maintain at a competitive level, and fill very specific roles that are required in only a few types of decks. Overall they are fair cards to use, but can be used with the right deck. I’m not convinced the Dark Prince is ready for the ladder, and the Inferno Dragon has too little health when underleveled to be the offensive threat he can be in challenges.

Clash Royale FreezeClash Royale Heal

Freeze & Heal – These cards work in only 1-2 types of decks and usually aren’t the greatest option unless you have the skill to pull them off. If you can make a deck around making them work well, they are definitely a beast to deal with.

Clash Royale Three Musketeers

Three Musketeers – Fireball is everywhere in the Ladder. These lovely lassies really struggle because of that unless they’re leveled up adequately, but if you’re going to climb with them, they need to be overleveled so you can pass players with card levels above your own. They do work well in Fireball Bait decks if you build them right though!

Clash Royale BomberClash Royale BatsClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale FurnaceClash Royale Wizard

Wizard, Furnace, Dart Goblin, Bomber, & Bats – These either have to be overleveled in order for them to help you climb (Wizard/Furnace), or only fill certain roles that are often-times better covered by other cards (Dart Goblin/Bomber). I think the Bats are definitely better than they were, but we’ll have to see if people are ready to invest in upgrading them before we’ll know if they’re better than the C Tier for the ladder. I do have a hunch that they’ll be going up to the B Tier on the next version of my Ladder Tier List.

New F Tier Card

Clash Royale SparkyClash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale Prince

Sparky, Giant Skeleton, & Prince – These cards are just not good options when it comes to Win Conditions for the Ladder (I know… the Prince isn’t really considered a Win Condition, but I’ve had some people argue with me that he is, and they’ve brought up some valid points, so I decided to include him here). Not only are these cards hard to level up competitively, but they are just too easy to counter by the skilled player. You can get some towers here and there with them, but not consistently.

Clash Royale Cannon Cart

Cannon Cart – I almost considered not including the Cannon Cart on the Tier List because so few people have it leveled up high enough to be competitive in the Legendary Arena, but I couldn’t just ignore it. It’s almost never used in challenges and tournaments, and because it’s an Epic card, I don’t think it should be used in the ladder unless it gets a buff. It just offers too little value for 5 elixir. We’ll see if someone comes out with a meta-breaking deck including the Cannon Cart though!

Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale RageClash Royale Clone Spell

Clone, Rage, & Mirror – Ah yes, the F Tier spells! I really enjoy messing around with these cards because they act as great surprises, but they require a very well-made deck to even work sometimes and they are incredibly difficult to make work consistently. I did however have someone tell me Rage was OP in my stream yesterday! Maybe he knows something I don’t!

Clash Royale TeslaClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Bomb Tower

Barbarian Hut, Bomb Tower, Spear Goblin Hut, & Tesla – These cards just aren’t good. I’m glad they aren’t good as well (except maybe Tesla) because they would make the meta extremely defensive to the point of not being fun.

Clash Royale Spear Goblins

Spear Goblins – They just don’t do enough DPS to warrant putting into very many decks. They don’t even work very well in spell-bait decks. I honestly think they could be buffed with a 4th goblin. I wouldn’t want their DPS or health to be buffed because that would make the goblin gang stronger. But a 4th goblin would add DPS and they’d still be easily removed with Zap or the Log. That’s just my own secret desire though.

Do you consider yourself a highly competitive tournament player?

I’d love your expertise in helping ensure this Tier List is as accurate as possible! Send me a DM for details on how you can help with polishing this list before it comes out!

Competitive Collaborators who helped make this list as accurate as possible!

  • SFTrickshots
  • Toufix
  • Henry Ren
  • Many more silent collaborators from behind the scenes

This Tier List is accompanied by a YouTube video of my own making that you can find here:


P.E.K.K.A Barrel Mirror Deck – So Annoying!

pekka bait deck

Hey there guys Lolman here with yet another P.E.K.K.A deck guide. This time it’s an off meta P.E.K.K.A, old school bait deck.

While currently the Knight Princess Barrel version is quite popular, I happen to really like Minion Horde, a.k.a the punish Horde.

Also, this deck uses one of my favorite buildings, the Furnace, which left alone does more than a P.E.K.K.A at 1014 damage at tourney cap!

And plus side is you will be able to Mirror your Furnace! Sending out level 10 Fire Spirits at tourney cap as well. Either way, onto the deck!

pekka bait deck

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale mirrorClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Minion Horde
Clash Royale FurnaceClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log

battle ram chip analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale Goblin BarrelGoblin Barrel – Main win condition of this deck.

You will want to try to find your opponents counter to the card, and then you will ideally want to play it after the counter has been used.

Capitalizing on your opponents mistakes. Logging a Goblin Gang? Then punish with Barrel.

Try to play it in the non Tornadoable spot because an Activated King’s Tower can be crucial vs a player using Zap!

Clash Royale mirrorMirror – Accidentally Poison a Wizard and they Pump up? No worries, Poison it with the Mirror!

It’s a slightly negative trade however you won’t be as behind in Elixir as you would be if you ignore it.

Also if they say Log something like a Gang? Then feel free to Mirror it!

Also something I love doing is if you end up playing a P.E.K.K.A because the Mega Knight on one lane then they say like Golem the other lane or Giant rush? You have a Mirror P.E.K.K.A! 8 Elixir but your other P.E.K.K.A will also march down with a lot of HP now with two P.E.K.K.As, one level 4 and one 5 march down on each lane to your opponents side.

Can be replaced by a Miner or Princess depending on preference

Clash Royale FurnaceFurnace – This is your chip damage card.

Ideally you want to chip away at your opponents towers then finish them off with your Mirror Poison + Log. Which is 600 damage. 240 damage from the level 4 Poison, 264 from your level 5 and then last but not least 96 from the Log.

But what I look to do each match is to try to Mirror your Furnace, either same lane. Or opposite lane. There are situations where I would do one or the other.

Say both towers are high HP? Then I would try to place both on the same lane.

Doing so remember, a defensive Ice Wizard for an example will have far more value than if it was just one Furnace!

If one of the towers is in 3 digits. Then I will start chipping away at other Tower while letting one Furnace go to work on the low HP Tower. The excess Fire Spirits will be a waste otherwise!

Clash Royale Minion HordeMinion Horde- Ideally you want to use this on defense.

Works well to Mirror this if they Arrow or Zap them. Be careful though, as good as they are on defense.

They can easily be countered! Especially decks with say Fireball, Arrows and Zap.

You want to also try to punish them for overcommiting with say Minion Horde counters for an example.

Clash Royale Goblin GangGoblin Gang- Other Spell bait card.

You want to ideally get them to Log your Gang. Then Mirror Gang and then Barrel. That is an ideal situation especially if you catch them with really low Elixir!

You will do hundreds of damage to the Tower if they can’t counter effectively.

Good DPS on defense as well! Both mirrored and non mirrored won’t die to Zap! Try to avoid Ice Spirit and Ice Golem though because that will make them zappable.

Clash Royale PoisonPoison- Fireball works just as well, I prefer this because P.E.K.K.A. + Poison+ Log literally can shut down any and all pushes in the game. Especially if Golem decks start overwhelming you.

Also more damage than a Fireball too, so that’s a plus.

Albeit, it’s not instantaneous.

Clash Royale The LogThe Log – Zap or Arrows will work as replacements and it’s rather self explanatory.

Takes care of swarms and 96 chip damage each time you roll it down to their side. Though should be saved for specific threats. Like the Barrel!

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – Tank killer. Some matches you don’t even need to use her.

Use her on Hog, Giant, Golem etc pushes. Try to get value with her.

Protect her from the Inferno Dragon! And keep her from getting swarmed and let her get to work on the tanks.


Early game – (3:00- 2:00)

Early on I actually prefer to start off aggressively. One of the following moves will be more than ideal as a starting play.

  1. Furnace at the centre.
  2. Goblin Gang at the bridge
  3. Goblin Barrel in the non Tornado able spot.

Though playing this deck I have had some unfortunate starting hands. Such as; P.E.K.K.A, Mirror, Poison, Log.

In this case you can wait for them to make a play. But P.E.K.K.A in the back can be played just be careful about getting rushed. You will have to wait a while before you can play your second P.E.K.K.A by mirroring her!

The Mirror is always your failsafe. Especially in 2x Elixir when you will be able to gain the Elixir needed for that +1 card!

Try to get a feel of your opponents deck at this point. Figure out what cards you need to save, what you can cycle to get damage.

Not facing a Collector or 3 Musketeers? Then feel free to Poison that E-wiz at the Tower and ignore him if they don’t add like a tank in front. Etc.

However in general I do prefer to just have more of an aggressive playstyle so I will usually continuously when maxed out drop like a Gang at the bridge to pressure and earn a reaction. Hopefully even getting them to Log it out.

Mid game – (2:00- 1:00)

Here is where you either bait out their Barrel counters or punish them not having one.

Zap is easy to deal with. Just get something tanking.

Mid game this is easy if you defend with a P.E.K.K.A. Get a good defense. Keep your P.E.K.K.A alive and on the counterpush you can Goblin Barrel ftw!

Ideally try to get a value Poison. It lasts for 8 seconds. That’s what I love about it. Unlike Fireball or Rocket. They don’t have to slightly delay say a defensive Skeleton Army etc. They have to wait for it to end in order to not lose whatever counters they use. Vs spell bait especially.

A combo I really like is if their Log is out of cycle I use Barrel + Poison. Knight is seldom used alone vs the Barrel so I catch the Goblin Gang too! Which allows me to save the Log exclusively for their Goblin Barrel.

So around this time, in a nutshell, you will want to work around their counters and stack your Furnaces!

This will allow you to exert more pressure and potentially whittle away their towers HP to spell cycle range!

Late game – (1:00- end of OT)

Over here one thing I would really recommend doing is, similar to Miner Poison, use Goblin Barrel Poison!

Just as long as you aren’t facing say a 3 Musket deck or anything of that sort. Even then you can simply Mirror your Poison on them, depending on that cycle of yours.

I will either try to Log them and Barrel them to death. Or cycle Barrel + Poison.

Each swing from the Gobs will give you a 100 + damage!

Also remember to defend. Your P.E.K.K.A, Furnace, Horde etc are your defences. Try to bait spells out which allow you to get the green light to defend with!

That is what you ideally should be doing. Get whatever value Poison you can get that will hit their Tower and when you can afford it, Mirror Poison + Log their Tower.


Here I will discuss some of the match-ups you might end up facing and how you will be able to to deal with each of them effectively.

Clash Royale The LogLog bait (Classic)

Vs the Knight Princess one, I try to keep my Furnaces up all the time. They will have to cycle Knight or Gang to defend, allowing me to to get a good Elixir advantage.

Poison out their Princess. Always have either Goblin Gang or Log in cycle for the Barrel. Just keep in mind they might do a sneaky Barrel + Log on your Tower to get your Gang if you’ve used your Log.

P.E.K.K.A won’t be much use here. Try to get the Poison chip damage.

Also if they Rocket, you can just stack Furnaces behind the Tower and in the center for more pressure! The Fire Spirits do wonders vs Knight + Gang! So you can save your Log for the Barrel all the time.

So some major points I want to get through are always Poison Princesses, stack Furnaces to have them drop troops into the Furnace.Poison Princess off even if you must Poison the other Tower. Or if you have a good idea of rotation just Log her saving the mirrored Log for the Barrel.

poison princess

Poison out their Srincesses and stack up Furnaces. Ideally opposite lane of where they are targetting!

using log

Only use Log if you really know their cycle. I knew he didn’t know I had Mirror and he had Barrel in cycle so overall for a +1 trade I logged his Princess and Barrel.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – Vs P.E.K.K.A decks this shines.

Just try to avoid the Poisons that the opponent might get because other than P.E.K.K.A and Furnace everything else dies to Poison!

Take out the E-wiz with your Horde, Gang etc. And P.E.K.K.A on P.E.K.K.A usually cancels each other out.

Remember to capitalize with your Mirror in mirroring only what you really need!

For example, you Gang and they Log. they have a Bandit? Don’t play the Horde. Mirror the Gang!

Try to bait out their Poisons with Furnace, or Lightning. Then Mirror it in the same lane.

Exerting more pressure down that lane and get them to play into you.

If they run Hog. Quite literally all your troops except the Barrel counter the Hog! Just be aware of what spells they have in cycle.

Clash Royale GolemGolem

Deal with their pumps and ideally Log + Poison on defense because troops stacked behind the Golem can mean bad things for your P.E.K.K.A. Especially a Night Witch stacking up troops.

I faced a few Golem Witch decks. Witch is even worse with her Skeletons. So deal with their pumps and then try to cycle back to your Poison by the time their Golem reaches the bridge.

pekka vs golem

Defensive Poison if you get value. In this case he was using an off meta Golem deck but the Witch is very deadly vs your P.E.K.K.A. So in order to try to negate the Skeleton spawn and significantly damage her I used a Poison.

Clash Royale MinerMiner Control

Try to not get any value Poisons. Use Gang even if he Poisons them on the Miner because this will mitigate a lot of Miner damage only really getting Poison damage on the Tower.

Assuming they can’t punish you hard, you want to Barrel, then Mirror once they use their Log and catch like an E-wiz, Bats, gobs, Bandit in the Poison.

Typically P.E.K.K.A or Mega Knight are in these decks. Use your P.E.K.K.A. Inferno Dragon can be tricky to deal with. Just try to snipe with your Horde. If they counter Horde well start trying to bait out Poison on Tower, then try to Mirror Horde once they maybe arrow/ Zap the Horde for an example. Though Inferno Dragon isn’t a huge bother because you will not rely on P.E.K.K.A for damage!

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard

I faced a few Graveyard decks in my runs so I like to simply Poison the Graveyard early on.

Bait out Poison on Furnace, stack them and then pressure with Barrels to bait out Zap etc. Don’t give them value Poisons and try to save your Log for their Graveyard!

P.E.K.K.A is great at blocking all their tanks at the bridge so the Tower doesn’t lock onto them as well! Only really do this if they don’t have either Inferno in the push or deck. Otherwise their counterpush will be deadly!

I think I covered all there is to really cover with this deck. If you have questions or queries just comment below. Hope you guys have fun with this deck. Cheers. Lolman out.