Clash Royale Update – Everything You Want To Know Is Here

Clash Royale Update

This page gives you all information about Clash Royale Update since the game released till now. After weeks, mainly because of loads of requests from players, I decided to create this special Clash Royale Update page so you can track things down easier.

Clash Royale Update

Clash Royale Update – Version History

I am going to sort this Clash Royale Update page by “Most Recent”.  If you want to read everything about the old updates Clash Royale, just scroll down to the bottom!

Game Version 1.5.0

Big Clash Royale Update (19/9/16)

Added new cards: Mega Minion, Inferno Dragon…

New Game Features:

Balance Change

  • Giant’s damage decreased by 5%.
  • Rage Elixir Cost decreased from 3 Elixir to 2 Elixir; Duration decreased by 2s; Effect decreased from 40% to 30%.
  • Lumberjack’s Rage effect decreased from 40% to 30%.
  • Mirror now can mirror cards 1 level higher than its own level.
  • The Log now pushes back everything on the ground.
  • Lightning now offers the 0.5s stun effect.
  • Bomber HP decreased by 2%; damage increased by 2%.

Game Version 1.4.1

Balance Change (24/8/2016)

    • Zap stun duration decreased from 1s to 0.5s.


    • Royal Giant attack speed decreased from 1.5s to 1.7s.


    • Baby Dragon attack speed increased from 1.8s to 1.6s.


  • Dark Prince damage increased by 7.5%.
  • Bowler HP decreased by 7%, damage decreased by 10%, Elixir cost decreased from 6 to 5.
  • Golem Damage and Death Damage increased by 5%, HP increased by 1%.
  • Golem Damage and Death Damage increased by 8%, HP increased by 3.2%.
  • P.E.K.K.A damage increased by 5%.
  • Prince: Damage increased by 2%.
  • Tombstone: Spawn speed increased from 2.9s to 2.5s.
  • Archers: Damage increased by 2%.
  • Princess arena damage radius decreased by 25%.
  • Lumberjack movement speed increased from Fast to Very Fast; Attack speed increased from 1.1s to 0.7s; Damage decreased by 23%.
  • Ice Wizard HP decreased by 5%.
  • The Log travel speed increased by 20%, cast time decreased by 66%.

Tournament Changes (7/7/2016)

  • 500 Gem Tournament Cap increased from 50 players to 100 players. Top 40 players gain rewards (20 previously).
  • 1,000 Gem Tournament Cap increased from 80 players to 150 players. Top 70 players gain rewards (40 previously).
  • 2,000 Gem Tournament Cap increased from 120 players to 200 players. Top 90 players gain rewards (60 previously).
  • 5,000 Gem Tournament Cap increased from 200 players to 250 players. Top 40 players gain rewards (20 previously).
  • 4-12 Card Chests opening time reduced to 3 hours from 4 hours.

Minor Update for Clash Royale (6/7/2016)

  • Fixed Tournament Location Bug.

Game Version 1.4.0 – Tournament Update 4/7/2016

Tournaments Mode unlocked at level 8

New Arena called Frozen Peak, unlocked at 2500+ trophies

4 New Cards: Ice Spirit, Bowler, Lumberjack and The Log!

Card Balance Changes




    • Goblin Barrel Elixir cost decreased from 4 to 3. Deploy time increased from 1s to 1.2s. Impact damage removed.
    • Giant Skeleton’s damage increased by 20% (this doesn’t affect his bomb damage).


    • Dark Prince damage increased by 8%.
    • Bomber damage increased by 9%.
    • Wizard attack speed increased from 1.7s to 1.6s.
    • Inferno Tower HP increased by 6%.


    • Elixir Collector now can be effected by spells. Read more at here.
    • Tombstone HP increased by 9%.


  • Bomb Tower HP increased by 6%.

Some other changes:

  • New Tourney related Achievements.
  • TV Royale is not improved a lot, showing better quality replays from top players.
  • TV Royale is now moved to the main Battle Tab, replacing the old Training Camp position.
  • Training Camp icon is now moved to the Deck tab.
  • When create the Friendly Battle, players can choose which Arena to fight, from Arena 1 to the ones they are in.
  • Cards in the Card Collection now can be sorted by Arena, Rarity or Elixir Cost.
  • Player Profile now shows the last used deck.
  • New icons added.
  • 11th Elixir was removed.
  • Some small bugs were fixed.

Game Version 1.3.2 – Big Clash Royale Update with new Cards and tons of Changes

Balance Update (21/6/2016)

    • Witch: Damage increased by 17%.
    • Prince: Damage increased by 9%.
    • P.E.K.K.A: Damage increased by 8%.


    • Hog Rider: Damage decreased by 6%.
    • Lava Hound: Damage increased by 28%.
    • Tesla: HP increased by 8%.
    • Skeletons now spawn only 3 Skeletons instead of 4.
    • Cannon: HP decreased by 8%.
    • X-Bow deployment time decreased from 5s to 4s. HP increased by 18%.


    • Goblin Barrel spawn time decreased from 1.2s to 1s.


  • Mortar deployment time decreased from 5s to 4s.
  • Furnace lifetime increased from 40s to 50s.
  • Guards now don’t get affected by the pushback effect.

Balance Update (18/5/2016)



    • damage increased by 4%.

    • Miner: HP increased by 6%.
    • Fire Spirits arena damage radius increased by 25%.
    • Freeze: Duration decreased by 1 sec.
    • Guards: HP and damage increased by 8%.
    • Knight: HP increased by 10%.
    • Cannon: HP decreased by 5%.
    • Golem & Golemite: HP increased by 5%.


    • Elixir Collector: HP decreased by 9%.
    • Bomber: Damage increased by 10%.
    • Tesla: HP increased by 5%.
    • Witch: Damage increased by 10%.
    • Tombstone: HP increased by 10%.
    • Skeletons HP and damage increased by 5%. Witch, Tombstone, Skeleton Army and Skeletons are affected by this change.
    • Furnace: Elixir cost decreased from 5 to 4, HP decreased by 14% and lifetime decreased from 50s to 40s.


  • Lava Hound: Hitpoints increased by 3% and Lava Pups Hitpoints increased by 9%.

May Update (3/5/16)

New Card Level Caps

  • Common Level Cap increased from 12 to 13.
  • Rare Level Cap increased from 10 to 11.
  • Legendary Level Cap decreased from 6 ro 5.
  • King’s Tower Level Cap increased from 12 to 13.

New Rewards

    • Players now receive Gold for each win, even when all chest slots are full.
    • Crown Chest Rewards doubled.


    • Super Magical Chest drop rate doubled.


  • Magical Chest and Giant Chest drop rate increased.
  • Players in higher Arenas can request and donate more cards.
  • Players can buy Legendary Card in shop at Legendary Arena.

6 New Cards: Fire Spirits, Furnace, Guards, Lava Hound, Miner and Sparky.

Balance Changes

    • Mortar deployment time increased from 3s to 5s. Damage decreased by 10%.


    • Bomb Tower lifetime decreased from 60s to 40s.


  • Elixir Collector HP decreased by 20%.
  • Cannon HP decreased by 11%.
  • Royal Giant attack range increased by 1.
  • Mirrored Common and Rare Cards now have 1 level higher.
  • Valkyrie and Mini P.E.K.K.A now can be affected the push back effect.

Other Changes:

Game Version 1.2.2

Balance Update (23/3/2016)

    • Princess: Hitpoints decreased by 10%.
    • Valkyrie: Hitpoints and damage increased by 10%.
    • Balloon: Hitpoints increased by 5%.
    • Giant: Damage increased by 5%.
    • Ice Wizard: Damage increased by 5%.


    • Dark Prince: Charge speed decreased by 13%.
    • Prince: Charge speed decreased by 13%.


  • Royal Giant: Damage increased by 20%.
  • Poison: Damage increased by 5%.
  • Witch: Damage increased by 5%.
  • X-Bow attack range decreased from 13 to 12.
  • Tesla attack speed decreased from 0.7s to 0.8s. Lifetime decreased from 60s to 40s.
  • Cannon lifetime decreased from 40s to 30s.
  • Rage speed boost increased from 30% to 40%. Duration decreased by 20%.
  • Mirrored Legendary Cards have 1 level lower.
  • Three Musketeers Elixir cost decreased from 10 to 9.
  • Archers now have a quicker initial attack.

Minor Update (3/3/16): Bug fixes

Game Version 1.2.1 – Global Launch for iOS and Android (2/3/2016)

Small bugs fixed.

Clash Royale Update bugs on iOS fixed.

Game Version 1.2.0: Clash Royale Update with New Arena, Cards, Chest and Multi Battle Decks (29/2/2016)

6 New Cards: Royal Giant, Three Musketeer, Dark Prince, Poison, Princess, Wizard

New Arena: Builder’s Workshop. Unlocks at 1700 trophies. Royal Arena moved to 2000 trophies.

New Chests: Giant Chest and Super Magical Chest

Multiple Battle Decks released.

14 new in-game Languages: German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Korean, Japanese, Arabic.

iOS 3D Touch supported to see card info.

Balance Changes:

    • Zap now stuns target for 1s. Damage reduced by 6%.


  • Giant Skeleton HP increased by 11%. Bomb Timer increased from 1s to 3s.
  • Tesla HP decreased by 5%.
  • Rage effect removed after 2 seconds when the affected troops leave the area.
  • Troops now will be harder to distract.
  • Troops won’t move towards and target units which attack them from far away.
  • Rare Card Donations now give 10 XP instead of 5.
  • Replay Controls now automatically hide after a few seconds.
  • Buildings and Troops which do arena damage won’t stop the animation If the targets die during the attack animation.

Game Version 1.1.0

Balance Changes (19/2/2016)

    • Card Spell’s Crown Tower Damage reduced by 20%.
    • Tombstone lifetime decreased from 60s to 40s.


  • Inferno Tower HP decreased by 6%. Lifetime decreased from 45s to 40s.
  • Musketeer damage increased by 11%.
  • Golem and Golemite HP decreased by 5%.
  • Skeletons (from Skeleton Army, Skeletons, Witch and Tombstone) HP and damage increased by 11%.
  • Witch damage increased by 3%.

Legendary Arena and Seasons Update (2/2/2016)

New Legendary Arena unlocks at 3000 trophies.

Season resets every 2 weeks. All players above 3000 trophies will be reset to 3000

Tournament Rules: King’s Tower level 8, Common Cards level 8, Rares level 6. Epics level 3.

Balance Changes:

    • Arrows damage decreased by 4%.
    • Wizard: Damage decreased by 7%.
    • Barbarian Hut:  Hitpoints increased by 10%.
    • Freeze AoE decreased from 4 to 3 tiles. Duration increased by 0.3s each level.
    • Bomber attack speed increased to 1.9s.
    • Golem HP, damage and death damageincreased by 43%.
    • Golemite HP, damage and death damage decreased by 43%.
    • P.E.K.K.A HP decreased by 13%. Cost decreased from 8 to 7.
    • X-Bow HP decreased by 15%. It now only targets ground only.


    • Inferno Tower lifetime decreased from 60s to 45s. Re-targeting units now 50% slower.
    • Cannon now costs 3 Elixir instead of 6. Attack ranged decreased from 7 to 6. Lifetime decreased from 60s to 40s. HP decreased by 55%.
    • Mortar cost decreased from 6 to 4. Lifetim decreased from 40s to 20s. Damage decreased by 40%. Attack range decreased from 13 tiles to 12 tiles.
    • Mirrored Common Card level increased by 4. Mirrored Rare Card level increased by 2.
    • Bomb Tower attack speed increased from 1.8s to 1.7s.


  • Elixir Collector production speed increased from 1.8s to 1.7s.

Some small changes:

  • Removed the Gold Cost for Battles.
  • Chests now give slightly less Gold.
  • Balloon, Giant Skeleton and Golem now show their death damage.
  • Improved notifications on iOS and Android.

Balance Changes and Chest Rewards (9/2/2016)

  • Mini P.E.K.K.A HP increased by 3%.
  • Valkyrie attack speed increased from 1.6s to 1.5s.
  • Giant HP increased by 5%.
  • Tombstone now spawns 4 Skeletons instead of 6 when destroyed.
  • Mortar Lifetime increased from 20s to 30s.
  • Musketeer cost reduced from 5 Elixir to 4 Elixir. Damage decreased by 25%.
  • Tesla damage increased by 7%.
  • Zap: Damage increased by 6%.
  • X-Bow deployment time increased from 3s to 5s.

Other changes:

  • Chests now contain more cards and Gold.

Game Version 1.0

Balance Changes (11/1/2016)

  • Prince HP decreased by 4%.
  • Mortar: Lifetime decreased to 40 seconds.
  • Goblin Barrel: Goblin level decreased by 1.
  • Witch: Skeleton level decreased by 1.

Global Soft Launch on iOS Changes (4/1/2016)

Game is available in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and New Zealand.

This is the review I wrote a long time ago, the first days when the game released

Clash Royale was introduced by Supercell, the creator of Clash of Clans, on 4th January 2016. This game is made based on not only Clash characters but also lots of new members. Collector and upgrade your favorite cards and upgrade them to defeat your opponent and get higher in Arenas. At the moment, there are 58 cards in total (Troops, Spells and Defensive Buildings), which brings into the game tons of strategies. Obviously Supercell is going to release lots of new cards in the upcoming Clash Royale update. Not only that, you can either join or create your own Clan, recruit members, request and donate cards, launch Friendly Battles and your own Clan Tournament. Sounds interesting? Yes, because this is one of the best games ever!

We all are more or less mobile game addicts to some extent. These games come as saviors in long hours of boredom and provide just the right amount of entertainment when we need to kill time aimlessly. Clash Royale tops many of our lists of most-loved mobile games that we have spent hours on. The game is nothing short of a sensation, just like Clash of Clans. So, therefore, just like Clash of Clans, they will have a series of similar games which will be inspired by the original version. Though we are not saying it is a negative matter, since the tactics of the game as well as the combinations of the genres that they have used in the game is very suitable for a mobile game.

Since we are attempting to provide you with a wholesome review, we are assuming that it just be that this is the first time that you are hearing about Clash Royale. So we can describe it as a card game and we will make it very easy for you to understand that. Let us describe it in a very simple manner. Your card will just represent real-time strategy units which are game-like in nature. So these units will be dropped on the MOBA-ish battlefields which have multiple lanes as well as two towers along with a base. You need to defend your own and attack them too simultaneously. We can understand that it might sound complicated to you, but as far as Clash Royale is concerned you do not need to have any knowledge of card games or MOBAs or even RTS games or even the emergent strategies pertaining to any if the genres, since everything has been channelized in a very accurate manner.

If you want it to be explained further, let us give you the example of Hearthstone. In that game, the players have to collect numerous cards which are scattered across many classes which are, in turn, employed in a thirty card deck. Even if you have never played such a game, consult the Hearthstone tutorial. The game Magic has sixty cards which are more difficult to manage than the thirty cards.

Relatively in Clash Royale, the players get to choose eight from about a dozen cards in order to build a deck. You need to tactfully unlock the tiers of cards available. The RTS, as well as the MOBA elements, are broken down into simple terms. The success of the game depends on the speed with which you can arrange the units not how cleverly. All you have to do is to drag the cards from your hand which brings the card’s unit to the battlefield. You have to be careful about positioning the units since some of them might want to target structures while the other units might hit the thing that is closest to them. The casting cost attached to the cards increase with power level but if managed properly, the costly cards can be countered by the ones which are cheap and employed at the right time.

One of the first Epic card of the game is the Prince which costs about 5 Elixir to play and then it will move towards the closest unit. So a typical game of Clash Royale will need you to choose your eight cards which will probably come together with the aid of some strategy along with answers to some of the threats that you can be subjected to. You have to search for an opponent who preferably has the same level of the trophy as you, then dump out the cards and knock down a number of their crown towers as well as defending your own at the same time. The final step would be to demolish your opponent’s prime King Tower. There are other obstacles like the leveling-up system that is applicable for both the player as well as the separate cards. When you upgrade a card, you always get awarded a “King Level” which renders your in-game towers more powerful and will bestow you with more hit points. The mire you gain access to the cards, the more the complications arise. Just like Clash of Clans, you can join clans too but it will only increase the hurdles. Up to fifty players have the option to band up together in order to donate a number of cards to each other. The rank that you have possessed against your enemies is dependent on the number of trophies that you have collected.

Also, if you want to see what the look of a top-tier play is, Clash Royale has a collection of replays that they have which is called “Royale TV”. This is a great feature since it enables you to take note of the cards that are in use, but you do not have them yet. Also, you might not have thought of strategies for the cards that you already possess. It is highly likely that you see players in Royale TV who have spent hordes of money on the game, but let us tell you that it is totally natural. If you are a free-to-play player, the things that you see can be super beneficial. Royale TV has been updated a few times now to show players the best matches in game but I think there will be a very big Clash Royale update for this feature soon!

The ardent fans of Clash Royale will tell you that there is hardly a thing that you will not love about the game. You can play the game for weeks without spending a buck. Supercell has released a few new cards so you do not need to worry about the stagnating card pool. So you can look forward to the schedule they prepare when there is new content. This game is a wonderful hybrid of card games, MOBAs as well as strategy games. It is one of the top apps which comes absolutely free and has steadily climbed to the top of the charts raking in huge profits. This style of playing games has become very popular and can be thoroughly enjoyed.

Clash Royale is truly an outstanding video game. Hopefully Supercell will release lots of great update for Clash Royale in the future to keep the game fresh.

Okay guys hopefully you have found this Clash Royale Update page helpful. Don’t hesitate to comment If you have any advice or question!