20+ Best Battling Tips for New Players


Hey guys! Its Blaze back with another guide for you all!

If you may remember, I had done a post a few weeks back on ‘Best Tips for New Players’. Surprisingly, that guide was featured by Supercell in News Royale as well as some other medias! Happy with this response, I decided to do a post on ‘Best In-Battle Tips for New Players’ today!

Before I start, I would like to thank Rohan Reigns (One of the top contributors of Clash.World) who helped me in writing this guide by sharing some of his tips as well.

Now, without further ado let’s start!!


Best Battling Tips for New Players

Battle Deck Tips

Usually, when you think of battles, the first thought that comes to your mind is the Battle Deck. So, I will start with Battle decks.

The battle decks are no doubt the most important part of the battle. Without a good battle deck, you don’t really have a chance of winning. Building and selecting a good deck are very crucial.

Decks are classified as two types:

The main things that differentiate them are Tournament caps and Longer Overtime.

On ladder, even a weak card can be over levelled to be threatening while in Tournaments, all cards show their potential in a balanced environment.

Before building any deck, you should think of which format you are creating the deck for.

Aside from this, you need to select your archetype! This is the deck type which suites you. For knowing your archetype, see Norbysweg’s quiz. After this you have to select a win-condition you are most comfortable to play with and then finally start building your deck.

Deck building may be a small process, but building the best deck for you is a very long process.

Elixir Management

Elixir is the currency in the Battle and just as in real life, you need to manage your money properly.

You have to understand when you should spend elixir, how to spend it properly and keeping track of elixir. Once you understand this, then only you will fully be able to master your battling skills.

tradeElixir Trades

This is probably the most basic thing in elixir management.

How much elixir do you spend to counter opponent’s card(s)? This is the basic question.

Even though this is pretty basic, it has a HUGE impact on the outcome of the battle.

There are three types of trades:

  • Positive Elixir trade: You spend less elixir than your opponent and therefore you have more elixir with you. E.g. Countering Hog Rider (4) with Cannon (3) i.e. +1 net difference.
  • Negative Elixir Trade: You spend more elixir than your opponent and therefore you have less elixir with you. E.g. Countering Hog Rider (4) with Inferno Tower (5) i.e. -1 net difference.
  • Neutral Elixir trade.: You spend the same amount of elixir as your opponent and therefore you have the same elixir as your opponent has. E.g. Countering Hog Rider (4) with Tesla (4) i.e. 0 net difference.

elixir advantageElixir Advantage and Disadvantage:

Once you understand elixir trades, it’s time to understand elixir advantage and elixir disadvantage.

In the above part, we saw one on one trades which gave very less profit and loss, but as you know, the battles are full of card combos being used which will also give high profit and loss. So, we also have to look at card combos used on both sides.

Positive elixir trades give rise to Elixir advantage. Negative elixir trades give rise to Elixir Disadvantage.

Let’s consider a battle scenario in a lower level arena. You and your opponent both have max elixir bar i.e. 10 elixir with you. Your opponent decides to push with Hog Rider (4) + Minion Horde (5), a heavy 9push leaving him with 1 elixir. You defend it with Arrows (3) + Cannon (3) i.e. with 6 performing a +3 positive trade.

So now you have 4 while opponent has only 1. This means you have an elixir advantage while your opponent has an elixir disadvantage.

Now, you can use this advantage right away by sending a Hog Rider (4) and the opponent has elixir only enough to deploy Skeletons (1) elixir. The Skeletons will kill the Hog Rider, but not before he deals a good amount of damage.

OR you can just stay still and keep on doing positive elixir trades such that at one point you have a big elixir advantage and then you punish your opponent by destroying a tower completely and not just taking a chunk of HP off the tower.

OR you can invest elixir.

Elixir Banking

I said above, that you can also invest elixir…

What does this mean? You will understand everything about this in Elixir Banking i.e. here!

Clash Royale elixir collectorIf elixir is In-Battle Money, then there should also be an Elixir Bank. And that bank is the Elixir Collector. Elixir Collector cost 6 but in its complete duration it returns 8.

Now, it doesn’t seem quite a lot but it is a very strategic play as the one elixir that it produces will help you strengthen your pushes.

As such, every deck doesn’t uses Elixir Collector, but you can also invest elixir by placing Passive Buildings like Tombstone, Furnace, Goblin Hut and Barbarian Hut. These buildings don’t give you more elixir directly, but give you elixir indirectly in form of troops. These buildings give a lot of value for their cost which in simpler words mean, for less elixir you get more amount of troops by using these buildings (which also act as distraction) than you would get if you used the actually Troop card to spawn the same amount of troops.


Over-committing is spending too much of elixir than needed, putting yourself in a tough situation.

For example, your opponent places down a Hog Rider towards your Tower and you use Bowler + Ice Wizard to stop it, which puts you at 1 Elixir. Your opponent could simply place a Battle Ram on the other lane to make a sneaky push while you don’t have enough Elixir left to defend. Of course he still have Elixir left to deal with your Bowler + Ice Wizard combo properly.

Elixir Leaking

You know that the max elixir we can hold is 10 and we get 1 Elixir every 2.8 seconds in 1x elixir and 1 Elixir every 1.4 seconds in 2x elixir.

If you stay at 10 elixir for more than this time period, you will not gain that extra elixir. This is called Elixir leaking.

If the opponent drops cards when you are sitting at 10 elixir, then your opponent has an Elixir Advantage.

So, it is recommended to keep on spending little elixir when you have about 9 elixir rather than not doing anything.


Elixir Tracking

This is a very advanced technique which is used by Clash Royale pros.

They literally keep track (or rather count) of the elixir they have as well as the elixir their opponent has!

This is next-level stuff, which I admit even I haven’t mastered myself. But if you just start practicing right now, from the lower level arenas, where the battles aren’t that complex, you might master this technique eventually once you are high enough.

This actually gives a whole new level to your battle skills.

For more advanced tips on this, you should take a look at here!

towerTower – A Powerful Resource:

This is a very important point to keep in mind during the battle.

Your Crown Towers are literally your greatest resource in game. You have a high amount HP, good range as well as damage for free… without spending even 1 elixir.

Utilizing them can change a lot of things mainly due to the amount of elixir you spend on defense.

Sometimes, you should just let the opponent hit your Tower If it’s still high HP.

  • If your a low-medium damage troop is heading down to your Tower, sometimes it’s better to just ignore them. For example: Bats, Ice Spirit, Spear Goblins, Archers, Fire Spirits etc.
  • If your opponent’s Hog Rider is running towards to your Tower and Bats are the cheapest counter you have in your hand, use them and let the Hog hit your Tower once.

Somehow, you just traded Tower HP to Elixir 😀 and now you have more Elixir for better moves.

If your Tower is at very low HP, which could be destroyed by a medium spell (or combo) like Poison or Fireball. If your opponent uses anything costly to take it off and you just can’t make a positive Elixir trade from that, ignore the Tower. He always can take it out tho.

Just remember however, that don’t completely ignore the opponent’s troop send to destroy your 1st tower, it may end up dealing lot of damage sneakily to your King’s Tower. So, just prevent that you don’t end up getting 3 crowned.

Advanced Tactics

In this part, I am explaining some advanced tactics used by high level players. They are very good and strong tactics that once you mastered them, you will gain a huge amount of success as well as giving you an edge over others.


Pulling is the simplest tactic. It means placing a troop to pull the opponents troop towards it.

All troops of the game have a thing called Sight. This unmentioned stat is very important mechanic of troops.

Most troops have a Sight that enables them to see troops placed in middle (or even further).

Generally, the pulling troop is placed in the Cross-fire area. The cross-fire area is the area where the range of your Princess Towers coincides. So, the pulled troop will receive double the damage and thus will die quickly.

Best troops for this are ranged troops like Musketeer as they can keep on damaging the opponent’s troops while they are being pulled.


Kiting is the advanced pulling technique, which can actually be damn annoying for your opponents.

Have you ever seen a P.E.K.K.A. being distracted by and Ice Golem towards the other lane while the opponent is watching that helplessly?

Now, say instead of a ranged troop, you place a building-targeting troop like Ice Golem on the middle tile towards the opposite lane. The opponent’s troop will be pulled by it. Since your troop targets only buildings, it will move towards the other lane and the opponents troop being pulled will also be pulled towards the other lane.


Sniping is basically killing the support and then moving on towards the tank.

Why you may ask? Because the support is usually the one dealing more damage, not the tank.

This is also applicable to small scale pushes with Mini-Tanks.

Consider Knight + Archers basic push coming. Use a Mini P.E.K.K.A. to kill the Archers first and then he (yes Mini P.E.K.K.A. is a male… Rohan Reigns told me so) goes onto the lone Knight. If he was first deployed to kill the Knight, he would have survived with less HP but due to Sniping he has more HP.


Swarming is basically surrounding opponent’s troops with multi-unit cards.

This tactic can even kill so many Splash (Area) damaging troops. Many splash troops can only target troops in one direction (Sparky, Witch, Wizard etc). Even if the swarm dies without killing the troop, the crown tower will actually end up killing it.

Only thing to keep in mind are timing and placement. You have to learn it by experience. Slowly, but surely you will be able to master this tactic.

divideDivide and Conquer

This age-old tactic used by imperialists is also viable in battles.

If many cards are difficult to counter together, then single cards are easier to counter. So, what you basically do is divide the opponents troop and kill them individually rather than trying to kill them together.

Consider opponent sending a strong Giant + Witch + Minions Push. Defending together will be a difficult. But if you actually target troops individually, this push is nothing. Distract the Giant by placing Inferno Tower in the middle for example. Place a Knight behind the Witch and then place a Musketeer so that she can target the Minions. Musketeer can easily kill the Minions and help in killing the Witch and her skeletons while the Knight is tanking and damaging. Thus, you easily stopped opponent’s push.

tank sprankTank and Spank

As funny as it sounds, this tactic will help you kill most threats with ease…especially the annoying Elite Barbarians.

What do we do here?

Use a Mini Tank to distract and absorb damage from the threat cards and then place cheap, low HP, High DPS troops behind the threat to kill it.

Seems like not effective tactic?

Consider a scenario where your favourite Elite Barbs are quickly coming to take down your tower. Use a knight to pull and tank and then use Skeletons to spank. You will easily take care of them. Pretty cool, eh?

double laneDual Lane Pushing

Imagine yourself sending two threatening pushes towards the opponent, one push on each lane. How happy moment it is!

Imagine doing it every time and mastering this. You will be super strong. But how exactly do you do it?

Forming a Dual Lane Push (also known as Split Push) is a slow job and is mostly for 2x elixir period. The exact way to this is different for different cards.

  • Pure Dual Lane Push: This push is done with two win-condition pushes each having different sent simultaneously on both lane. These need to be formed slowly and carefully. For e.g. with a Giant + Hog Rider combo, a dual push shall be formed by forming a Giant + other card Push by placing a Giant behind the king and placing support behind him. Once Giant reaches the bridge, do a quick, strong push with Hog Rider + other cards on the other lane.
  • Split Push: Here, you actually Split your troops behind the king and form two pushes simultaneously by placing one card here and next card there unlike the Pure Dual lane push. For e.g. You can Split 3 Musketeers behind your king tower and then Knight + Battle Ram with 1 Musketeer and Ice Golem + Bandit with 2 Musketeers. Each push is deadly and is built simultaneously and not 1 by 1.

counter pushingCounter-Pushing

A thing which everyone does in the battle: Defend and then push with survived troops.

This is tactic all decks can use. Some decks specifically rely on this tactic for dealing damage.

Consider the ‘Divide and Conquer’ scenario I mentioned above. If Knight and Musketeer survive with good health and you have enough elixir, you can place a Hog Rider behind the Knight for a Hog Rider + Knight + Musketeer push which is in fact pretty strong. You may end up dealing loads of damage.

However, few points to note here are that Counter-pushing isn’t viable every time.

You have to take in account the surviving troops’ health, elixir advantage you have and amount of elixir your opponent has. If not taken these into consideration, your counter-push may become an over-commitment and the little elixir advantage you have will surely disappear, and even may convert into an Elixir disadvantage.

That’s all folks! Hope you guys enjoyed this 3112 words guide (my longest till now 😉). Ask me about anything in the comment section below or on Clash.World Discord.


By Blaze Stone.

Tips By X-bow, Graveyard, Balloon FTW

Tips on Building Decks

It’s important to have a solid working deck, although this is not the most important thing in clash royale. Here are a few categories decks should meet:

No more than 2 tanks!

First, I’ll define a “tank”. I think a tank should have at least 2000 hitpoints at tournament standard. Here are the troops I define as tanks:

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale GolemClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Lava Hound

There should not be more than 2 of these in your deck. Also, 2 tanks can work with the proper skill.

For example, there used to be this Giant-Lava Hound deck that worked very well on ladder for a time.

Now, I’m not saying that no tanks are bad. The Princess-Rocket Barrel deck has no tanks at all and it is still working extremely well.

But just keep in mind, using triple Giant is not a great idea.


Good decks have cards that go well together.

For example, just because P.E.K.K.A and Royal Giant are good cards, this doesn’t mean they’re good together.

The best examples of synergy are Executioner-Tornado or Goblin Barrel-Rocket. The Executioner shreds troops while the Tornado clumps them together. In Rocket-Barrel, the Rocket smoke hides the Goblin Barrel while the Rocket prevents the opponent from placing troops near the Tower to kill the Goblins if the Barrel is seen. I’m going to list and explain a few more good synergies so you understand.

Hog-Night Witch: You may not have heard of this before, but doing a pig push with a Night Witch is actually much more effective than Valkyrie. The Night Witch tanks for the Hog while the Hog destroys buildings. Most likely, the Night Witch will die. And in Clash Royale, troops and buildings will target the Hog instead of the newly-spawned Bats. These Bats will kill any defending troops, including the dreaded Army of doots and will attack the Tower if given the chance.

Golem-Graveyard: This doesn’t necessarily have to be Golem as any other tank works fine. This is a little obvious. Golem tanks for doots and doots kill the Tower. GG.

Miner-Poison: The Miner hits the Tower or troop, and Poison damages them. If the opponent does not use a troop of over 1000 hitpoints to tank and kill the Miner, then the weak troop, e.g. Musketeer or Goblin Gang will die. This 7 Elixir mini-push guarantees hundreds of damage.

For more details about synergy, I strongly recommend you take a look at here!

Offensive-Defensive Capability:

A Deck needs to be able to both defend well and attack well.

If a deck has Hog, Giant, RG, Goblin Barrel, Graveyard, then this Deck will be very poor at defending. and therefore not be good at offense either.

In  order to not get 3 crowned, you have to defend. And if your only defense is say a Goblin Barrel, you’ll not only get 3 crowned, but you won’t even take their Tower because of a lack of Elixir.

Having a bunch of building is also a bad idea. 2 buildings, one defensive and one Pump is enough.

As for spells, the amount doesn’t matter as long as not too many are the same type. E.g. Fireball, Lightning, and Rocket or Rage, Freeze, and Heal.

In Battle

Clash Royale is not all about decks and high level cards. A fair amount of skill is also needed to win duels and not Rage quit.


A very important skill to have in Clash Royale is fast reactions. For example, if the opponent rushes you with Ebarbs and Hog on the other lane, in order to counter them you’ll need to

  1. Know your deck cycle well so you can use the appropriate counters.
  2. DON’T PANIC!!! Breathe and don’t spam everything you have.
  3. Keep the card you’re going to use clicked on so at one touch the spell goes and kills whatever the opponent has.
  4. If the opponent rush on two lanes, try to combine his/her pushes into one.

For example, In the Hog-Ebarbs example stated above, use your building in the middle but leaning towards the Hog, use a mini-tank (Ice Golem, Knight, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Miner, etc) near the building. The Hog, unless supported by spells, (unlikely) will die to your building . Also, behind your building, it’s better to have a ranged troop so your building doesn’t die. Once the mini tank dies to the Ebarbs, they will attack and destroy the building. After this they will try to attack your ranged troop(s). By this point, at least one Ebarb should have died to your mini-tank and ranged troops. If the ranged troops die, the towers should be plenty to get rid of the last one which would not have much health left.

Don’t depend on countering with only one card:

counter hog riderIf a Hog is rushing down your lane, don’t just depend on your Skeleton Army. If you place it and sit back and relax, the opponent could simply Zap your Skellies into an Elixir puddle. A better idea would be to support with at least an Ice Spirit or unzappable card.

This also applies to countering other win conditions such as Balloon, Graveyard, Ebarbs, and even Goblin Barrel.

Many skilled players who actually learn from their mistakes learn how to predict doots or other swarm with Zap, Log, Arrows, or Fireball.

Keep this in mind when playing a building as well.

For example, when using a Inferno against a super overlevelled Royal Giant, use a Ice Spirit, Mega Minion or swarm because the opponent could Zap your Inferno and you will lose a lot of Tower hitpoints. Baiting out their spell with swarm is a very good idea because unless they either have a super fast cycle or mentally deranged, they won’t both Zap your Inferno and use a spell on your swarm.

Know when to keep pushing or stop:

Let’s say by some miracle you took the opponent’s Arena Tower. If you have troops left, do you keep pushing, or do you defend?

This decision should be made on three things:

  • What troops and how much of their hitpoints are left?
  • What troops do you have in your hand?
  • How much Elixir do you have?

Let’s say you took their Tower with a Golem push and the Golemites and a full-health Wizard are left. What do you do? If your hand is a Executioner, Zap, Goblin Gang, and Graveyard for example, and you have three Elixir, what do you do?

There are three obvious choices here: Graveyard the towers, Goblin Gang to attack the King, and Goblin Gang on the other side. The worst move here actually is the second one. Once you place that Goblin Gang, the opponent could Fireball the Wizard, Golemites, AND the Goblin Gang for a positive Elixir trade. The best move would be to use the Goblin Gang on the other lane. This will accomplish a few different things. It can bait out a spell, severely damage the Tower, and/or prevent the opponent from ignoring your troops and rushing you. If you have five or more Elixir, the best play would be to Graveyard the king Tower.

Card Placements

air pushAir

Always place air troops, with the exception of Minions and Bats, leaning as far as possible towards the edge of the arena.

This prevents troops from being distracted by a building not leaning towards your troops.

Lava Hound users should always place their hound in the corner instead of sending it straight towards the Inferno.

If the opponent has an Inferno set up, put Bats or Minions as close as possible towards the Inferno.

siege pushSiege

There are only two good placements for these.

  • One space from the bridge but as close as possible towards the edge as to still be in range. This puts your siege leaning and therefor much easier to defend.
  • The other placement is directly in the middle at the river. This is a little harder to defend as ranged and air can easily counter it but melee troops stand no chance.



I’m sure you guys know OJ’s placement so I won’t explain that. I’m going to be explaining my own placement that I found out by experimenting.

In this example we will use the left Arena Tower as our victim. There are three different ways to place my placement.

You can place it right on the bottom left corner, one space up from that, or one space right from that. This Graveyard placement guarantees Tower damage and can spawn doots from all sides of the Tower, but primarily on the bottom and left sides.

This placement does not activate the king Tower and in my opinion, is the best. Graveyard users should try using this placement.



Thank you for reading this article and hopefully, I will be able to bring you more.