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Clash Royale Clan Wars Guide – The Ultimate Guide


clash royale clan wars battle

What is Clash Royale Clan Wars?

Clan Wars is the new feature being released in the huge 2018 April update.

The Clan Wars event lasts for 5 days. The whole Clan (50 members) can participate in Clan Wars.

Battle with your Clanmates and gain lots of rewards against other Clans around the world.

What you need to do right now:

  1. Find an active Clan which has at least 10 members to participate in Clash Royale Clan Wars.
  2. Your King’s Towers need to be at least level 8.
  3. Only Leaders or Co-Leaders can start the Clan Wars.
  4. Once the Clan War has started, go to the Social tab to see the map below:

clash royale clan wars map

Clan Wars Day #1: Collection Day

On the first day of the Clan War, do your best to get as many Clan Cards as you can for your Clan.

What is Clan Cards?

Clan Cards are used to build up your War Decks in the Clan Wars. Players can collect the Clan Cards on the preparation day.

The whole Clan use a public Clan Card Collection for the Clan Wars. All of the Clan Cards collected by Clan members on the preparation day will be moved to this Clan Card Collection. Clan Cards and levels are the same for every member in the Clan.

Clan Cards will be level up automatically as more cards are collected, no gold required.

The Clan Card levels will be lowered to your own cards level if they are higher than yours.

Clan Cards Tips

    • If your own card levels are too low, or usually lower than your Clan card levels, consider upgrading them.
    • You should upgrade multiple cards at once, rather than upgrading just a few cards to maxed.


What is Collection Day?

The first day of the Clash Royale Clan War is the Collection Day. During the first day, you have 3 matches to play in the War Map (screenshot above).

There are different game modes here for you to choose: 2v2 Ladder, Sudden Death, 2v2 Double Elixir, Draft Mode and Double Elixir. Once a game mode played, it will be replaced by a different game mode.

You use your own cards to play on the Collection day.

The number of Clan Cards you can get on the first day based on your Clan War League and your match results.

The winner will get more Clan Cards than the defeated one. The higher League your Clan is, the more Clan Cards your members can get.

Tips for the Collection Day

  • You can easily see and change your deck right on the Collection Day screen.
  • Play any game mode you want.
  • The winner will have x2 more cards than the defeated one. It’s definitely worth doing your best to get the win. If all of your members have 3 wins on the first day, that’s such a huge opportunity for your Clan on the second day.
  • Draft matches have the Tournament Standard. If your card levels are not great, it is always recommended to play Draft.
  • If all of the 50 members in your Clan participate in the War, your Clan will be matched with other 50-member Clans.

clash royale clan cards

clash royale war deck

Clan Wars Day #2: War Day

The second day of the Clash Royale Clan Wars is the War Day.

On the War Day, you have to build up a deck based on your Clan Cards.

You can’t use cards you haven’t unlocked yet, and your Clan Card levels can’t be higher higher than your own ones. So consider upgrading your own cards again at here.

Your Clan will get matched against 4 other Clans. Each Clan member has only 1 attack on the War Day using their own decks.

Tips for the War Day

  • Don’t forget to share your Clan deck with other Clan members via the Clan deck building screen.
  • Always test your Clan decks first before using it in the War.
  • Some players might have more than 1 match to ensure all of the Clans have the same matches played.
  • If you do not want to participate in the War, do not play in the Collection Day.
  • If you get hard-countered in a match and you just can’t win it, do the best to get a crown to help your Clan.
  • Win matters, play aggressive decks to win the match. Since the opponent Clans likely never get matches against you, there is no reason to take the tie.
  • Tap on your Clan’s boat to see more details about your Clan.
  • You can nudge players who haven’t used their attack yet.

clash royale war day


  • The rewards will be determined based on your Clan Trophies.
  • Gain more Clan Trophies to progress through the Clan Leagues.
  • You will get the War Chest at the end of the Clan War Season (2 weeks).
  • The War Chest is based on your Clan League and the highest ranked war you participated in during the season.
  • Better rank + higher league = bigger chest.

Clan League

Here are all of the information you need to know about Clan League.

Clan League Clan Trophy Requirement Collection Day Victory Gold War Day Victory Gold War Day King Level Cap
Bronze I 0 100 200 9
Bronze II 200 100 200
Bronze III 400 100 200
Silver I 600 150 300 10
Silver II 900 150 300
Silver III 1,200 150 300
Gold I 1,500 200 400 11
Gold II 2,000 200 400
Gold III 2,500 200 400
Legend 3,000 250 500 12

War Chest

Total Cards = (Clan League Base Value) + (Rank Bonus)

Gold = 7 x Total Cards

Rares = (Total Cards)/4; Epics = (Total Cards)/15

Clan League Base Value
Bronze I 90
Bronze II Updating…
Bronze III Updating…
Silver I 210
Silver II Updating…
Silver III Updating…
Gold I 330
Gold II Updating…
Gold III Updating…
Legend 450
Rank 4th-5th 3rd 2nd 1st
Bonus N/A 60 120 180

Instant Guide to Building Clan War Decks

First, you need to pick a win condition based on your favorite archetype.

Pick something you are interested in playing or you are confident that you are good with.

However, before picking the exact win condition, you need to pick out the archetype you want to play!

  • Beatdown
  • Siege
  • Control
  • Hybrid


Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

You will have a tank in general for your main damage output!

You will need to sacrifice tower HP for elixir leads, place and protect a Collector to further this elixir lead (in some decks)!

If you do decide this is the archetype you want to play, here are some notable win conditions for you:

Pros Cons
Great vs Siege decks! Weaker vs fast cycle decks.
During 2x Elixir, you have the advantage vs cheaper decks. Cards like P.E.K.K.A need you to make specific adjustments to take down.
Amazing counterpush potential Get struggled vs hard counters like Exenado or Giant NW decks.
Lots of 3 Crown wins. 1 misplay tank could cost you the game


Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale Mortar

Using Siege decks, you typically want to have a fairly cheap cycle.

You can easily take care of their units within the range of their towers! This can pose many advantages.

The win condition buildings are fairly tanky and can be used on defense as well!

Typically you have more than 1 win condition in this archetype.

Pros Cons
Works great vs faster cycle decks. Weak vs beatdown pushes.
Cheap cost allows you to out cycle counters Multiple tanks and heavy spells can be very annoying.
Only need 1 tower then defend. Weaker in 2x elixir
Almost always can get a draw. Once lost a Tower, you will be in a tough situation.


Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Skeleton BalloonClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Three Musketeers

You will want to control the pace and the tempo of the game.

Make sure your opponent follows your cycle. And like siege, have a deck that can defend really well at mitigating damage and giving up the least amount of damage possible.

Typically cheap to mid-range average elixir decks.

There are two other sub-archetypes in this section are: Cycle and Bait.

Fast cycle.

Pros Cons
Some decks here have hard counters.
Great vs beatdown decks! P.E.K.K.A and Siege counters most of these decks.
Great on defence to avoid damage. Usually doesn’t have enough damage to get more than 1 Tower.
Most of the time, stronger than siege.


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale MinerClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Three Musketeers

Here are some types of Hybrid decks you would want to know about.



    + Control: Giant Miner, Giant Graveyard, Golem Graveyard etc.

  • Beatdown+ Bait: Giant Sparky, Giant 3 Muskets, Giant Goblin Barrel etc.
  • Siege+ Bait: Mortar Bait – Hog Rider or Miner, X-Bow with Elixir Collector, etc.
  • Siege + Control: X-Bow P.E.K.K.A, Mortar P.E.K.K.A, etc.
Pros Cons
Typically can’t be hard countered. More skills based so you need to make decisions on the fly.
Harder to predict with a more diverse playstyle. 2nd win condition will take up 1 slot. Sometimes can be tedious.

Building Deck Around The Win Condition!

Before we get further, I want to explain some terminologies I will be using in the guide

  • Win condition – Card that gets you the most damage output.
  • Heavy spell – Spell that does typically above 200 damage.
  • Light spell – Cheap spell, less than 4 Elixir, for clearing swarms.
  • Glass cannon – Low-mid HP troop with high damage-per-second (DPS). Typically die to spell (or survive with just a little of HP). Examples: Witches, Wizard, Musketeer etc.
  • Mini tank-  Mid HP unit. Medium DPS. Used for sponging damage but not too reliable vs heavy pushes on their own. Examples: Ice Golem, Knight etc.
  • Splank – Tank + Splash damage dealer. Examples: Baby dragon, Valkyrie, Bowler etc.
  • Tank – Heavy card with 3000+ HP.


I will address 3 Musketeers separately because though beatdown you would typically play it different to a regular Giant or Golem deck + deck would build differently too!

Consider replacing the #7 or #8 cards with a Collector if your deck is too expensive.

Slot #1: Win condition

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Graveyard

Slot #2: Heavy spell

Typically to clear away medium-low HP troops, getting value in the process.

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Lightning

Slot #3: Light Spell

For clearing swarms.

Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale ZapClash Royale The Log

Slot #4: Main Support Card

Clash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Musketeer

Cheap cards that typically almost always paired up with the Giant.

It can either be a ground troop, or air troop. Should be below 5 Elixir, cheap and have splash damage and.

Slot #5: Ranged attacker

Typically would be able to deal damage from far away!

Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale WizardClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Witch

Slot #6: Glass Cannon/Tank Killer!

This will be your main way of dealing with your opponents heavy cards and their win conditions.

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Elite Barbarians

Slot #7: Ground Swarm+ Cycle

Something that can tank hits from dangerous troops like P.E.K.K.A, Prince etc so your Mini Tank won’t die or your own tank won’t get hit.

Also these guys could be your secondary source of getting damage!

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin Gang

Slot #6: Air Swarm or Cycle Card

Clash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale MinionsClash Royale BatsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Skeleton

These guys are similar, maybe a slight spell bait but in the air.

I prefer having a cycle but defensive card in my decks that fit this criteria.

That being said you can put in a cycle card here instead of the air swarmy card.


14pt;”>Deck 1 – Giant Beatdown


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale Flying ZappiesClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale GuardsClash Royale Bats

14pt;”>Deck 2 – Giant Classic Beatdown


Clash Royale GiantClash Royale fireballClash Royale ZapClash Royale Minions
Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale The Log

14pt;”>Deck 3 – Golem Beatdown w/o Pump

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Lightning
Clash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Goblin


Slot #1: Win Condition

Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale Mortar

Slot #2: Heavy Spell

Secondary win condition

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale fireball

Slot #3: Light Spell

For clearing swams

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale ZapClash Royale Arrows

Slot #4: Mini Tank

Soak up damage while you whittle down their troops HP with your own or the X-Bow or Mortar

Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale KnightClash Royale Valkyrie

Slot #5: Defensive Building or Tank Killer

Mainly for dealing with tanks in beatdown decks

Clash Royale TeslaClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Inferno Tower

Slot #6: Ranged defensive troop

Typically for dealing with air threats. Also able to cycle and kill troops from the safety of your side, protecting your X-Bow.

Clash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale WitchClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Electro Wizard

Slot #7: DPS Troop / Cycle Card

This isn’t the same as your defensive building.

This should be mainly a cycle card but all the same a card that does good DPS and transform into a counterpush.

Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Minions

Slot #8: Cycle Card

Mainly to just cycle while giving defensive utility.

Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale BatsClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Goblin


3.3 X-Bowler Cycle

Clash Royale X-BowClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Mega Minion

Standard 2.9 Mortar

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale RocketClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Knight
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale The Log

3.0 Mortar Cycle

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Bats


Slot #1: Win Condition

The main damage dealer.

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale MinerClash Royale Skeleton BalloonClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Balloon

Slot #2: Heavy Spell

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale LightningClash Royale Rocket

Slot #3: Light Spell

Clash Royale ZapClash Royale The LogClash Royale Arrows

Slot #4: Mini Tank

Clash Royale KnightClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Battle Ram

Slot #5: 2nd Mini Tank/Ranged Attacked

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale PrinceClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Knight

Slot #6: Tank Killer

Clash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale PrinceClash Royale TeslaClash Royale Minion Horde

Slot #7: Ground Swarm

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale GoblinClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Skeleton Army

Slot #8: Cycle Card

Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Bats



Graveyard Poison Cycle

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Goblin HutClash Royale Mega Minion

Hog 3.0

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale fireballClash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Bats

Oldschool P.E.K.K.A Miner Poison


Clash Royale MinerClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Mega Minion


Slot #1: Main Win Condition

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Miner

Slot #2: Win Condition #2

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale X-BowClash Royale MortarClash Royale Miner

Slot #3: Heavy Spell

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Slot #4: Light Spell

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale ZapClash Royale Arrows

Slot #5: Support

This is the support for the main Win Condition. For example, If you want to build Giant Miner Deck, use NW for Giant.

Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale BanditClash Royale Royal GhostClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Flying MachineClash Royale Dark PrinceClash Royale Wizard

Slot #6: Ranged Troop/Cycle Card

If the slot #5 is a ranged card, use a Cycle card here.

Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale WizardClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Skeleton

Slot #7: Ground Swarm

Clash Royale GuardsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin

Slot #8: Air Troop

Can be single or swarm, depending on the win conditions and the idea of the deck.

Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale MinionsClash Royale BatsClash Royale Mega Minion


Mortar Bait

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale MinerClash Royale The LogClash Royale Zap
Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale BatsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Minion Horde

Giant Miner Hybrid

Clash Royale GiantClash Royale MinerClash Royale fireballClash Royale Zap
Clash Royale Night WitchClash Royale MinionsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Minion Horde

Mortar Miner

Clash Royale MortarClash Royale MinerClash Royale fireballClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale KnightClash Royale Flying ZappiesClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Mega Minion

Give it a test run!

Now that you’ve built your deck, you will want to give it a test go. Perhaps a challenge, tournament or friendly battle.

When I was testing some decks above, I created a few of them on my own.

I am not saying they will be perfect! Playing a game or two with them will show you where to improve the deck, what to change etc. Know what cards might be better.

Trial and error before you finalize a deck!

Lastly, you will need to make sure you’ve undergone several cycles of trial and error before you finalize your deck.

When you’ve finally finished the deck, just grind away with it. Get used to it’s cards, when to play what etc!

Once you got a good grasp of the deck, winning with it will not be too challenging of a thing to do!

With the help from darchangels13 and lolman

Mega Dragons – Meta But Off-Meta


Do you hate Hog decks? Do you hate Beatdown decks? Do you hate Splashyard decks? Do you hate Royal Pains and Elite Barfs? Look no furthur! You Won!

Here with a new deck that’ll destroy the meta and any confidence your opponent had!

Currently hovering around 4k trophies, I have made an all new deck that is great at just about everything! However, if you don’t have many cards in this deck that are very high level, I would advise staying away from this deck or only using it in tournament.

mega dragons

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale TombstoneClash Royale ZapClash Royale RocketClash Royale Goblin Gang

lumberjack dark prince analytics

This deck is not highly dependent on levels outside of Goblin Gang requiring a high enough level to survive Zap, and Rocket dealing enough damage to take care of Executioners.

Don’t have all the stuff required? Understandable, so I’ve compiled a list of substitutes that you can utilize!

General Gameplan


As with any semi-heavy deck, you should be using this time to find out what your opponent plays.

If you reach 10 Elixir, my suggestion is to wait for the opponent to make the first move.

If you want, you can place a Tombstone 4 tiles away from your King Tower, as a preliminary defense and a way to cycle and gain oppressive value.

If they rush Hog Rider and Ice Golem, You will have at least 2 of the following: Tombstone, Mega Knight, Inferno Dragon, Rocket, Goblin Gang, Bats. Many of these combinations will shut down that push. This is only 1 example of course.

What if they put RG at bridge? That’s a pretty easy shutdown. Wait for RG to walk across bridge, before placing a Tombstone.

It takes experience to find all the variety of ways to counter different setups with different hands, but when put in an experienced player’s hands, it does wonders on defense while observing.


If you’ve managed to amass a massive counterpush, don’t be afraid to go through with it! If you’re being forced into a corner by spell bait, that’s fine.

You have double elixir coming up soon, and by then, the amount of splash will be unmanageable.

Otherwise, play defensively while allowing remnants of countering cards to go and chip down towers, as well as rocketing any good elixir trades such as an Executioner.


This is when the deck is allowed to extend a bit more outside of defense and chip.

Here, counterpushing is still key, but utilizing splash and Inferno Dragon, you can quickly create a very problematic situation for the enemy.

Try this: Mega Knight, with Inferno Dragon on top of it. Then, Baby Dragon is a little ways behind. Combined with a Zap, This becomes very hard to prevent a crown.

In general, this deck excels at defending massive pushes while getting a single crown for a win.

If you draw a lot of games, that’s fine. Better to draw than to lose!


First of all, here’s how the deck does against many popular decks:

Clash Royale GolemGolem Beatdown: This is pretty difficult if the opponent is good at using Golem.

Remember that Tombstone, Inferno Dragon, Rocket, and Mega Knight are great at destroying these pushes

Goblin Gang and Bats will likely be Zapped or destroyed by the Golem explosion, but they work in a pinch.

Did they put Executioner + Witch + Wizard + Golem in one giant oppressive push? Spam laugh and rocket or Mega Knight that and win.

Otherwise, just play safe.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A: If it’s a PEKKA + Mega Knight deck, Inferno Dragon is a great friend to have.

Tombstone keeps a Mega Knight at bay for a very long time, and you have Bats and Goblin Gang.

Don’t Mega Knight the PEKKA and you’ll do great against this kind of deck.

If all else fails, just remember that there’s a Rocket in this deck, and your cheapest cycle including Rocket is Rocket->Bats/Zap->Goblin Gang/Tombstone->Zap/Bats->Rocket. All 4 are great at defense, especially against a PEKKA.

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard: This matchup is laughable. You have 4 hard counters in this deck.

I don’t think Graveyard is much of an issue.

Poison Graveyard is countered by Baby Dragon and Mega Knight, while Freeze Graveyard is countered by Bats and Goblin Gang. Zap also does wonders against Graveyard, especially with the shortened duration.

If all else fails, Tombstone actually works very well as a temporary diversion against Graveyard.

The only issue is if this deck has a fast cycle and can Rocket your tower. This is when you need to play offensive. More will be explained.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider: Anyone who plays Hog Rider is in for a fair matchup. Tombstone, Mega Knight, Bats, and Goblin Gang are great counters to Hog Rider.

Don’t be afraid to overcommit to a defense against Hog Rider, such as Tombstone + Goblin Gang, because then you’ve got a Goblin Gang rushing down lane and potentially a half health Tombstone pumping out Skeletons for 2 elixir.

If they are using a cancer deck such as RG, EB, and Hog all in 1, then laugh, because you can push faster than they can destroy your towers in a worst-case scenario.

Clash Royale Royal GiantRoyal Giant/Elite Barbarians: This deck was made to counter these decks.

Inferno Dragon shuts down Royal Giant. Electro Wizard stands no chance against Mega Knight.

Elite Barbs are countered by almost everything in this deck.

Clash Royale Goblin GangSpell Bait: This is one of the harder matchups, but can be trivialized by utilizing clever placement of splash units, and destroying their crown tower.

Do they have Inferno Tower or Inferno Dragon? Don’t be afraid to Rocket or Zap it!

Mega Knight can destroy a lone Inferno Tower with Zap and still jump, so it’s very fun to play against a spell-bait deck that is ill-suited against massive amounts of splash.

Clash Royale X-BowSiege Decks: If necessary, place an Inferno Dragon, and maybe a Mega Knight if they have an Electro Wizard.

This type of matchup is typically pretty easy.

By utilizing your tower as a resource, your opponents will struggle to prevent massive damage against their tower or massive setbacks in elixir.

Spawner Decks: Thank your lucky stars there’s a Tombstone, Baby Dragon, Rocket, and Mega Knight!


Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight: Please don’t replace. This deck is called Mega Double Dragon for a reason. If you really want, you can replace it with PEKKA, but please don’t.

If you replace it with Golem then it’s a whole new archetype.

Clash Royale Baby DragonBaby Dragon: This deck is called Mega Double Dragon for a reason. If you really want, Witch, Wizard, Executioner, etc. work.

Any splash unit that can target air and kill swarms is great for this deck.

The only problem is, Baby Dragon is the only one out of all of these that can fly, is Lightning-Resistant, and also costs less than any of the other substitutes.

Clash Royale Inferno DragonInferno Dragon: This deck is called Mega Double Dragon for a reason. Inferno Dragon is a huge threat that has to be dealt with. If your opponent fails to kill it, and it locks onto the tower, GG.

Replacements could include Electro Wizard and Musketeer if you wanted a better offense, but this deck focuses on the defense, and nothing kills tanks easier than Inferno Dragon, and no other viable alternative survives Lightning. (Or PEKKA but that’s something else entirely)

Clash Royale BatsBats: What’s 2 elixir and paired with a tank can devastate a tower? Well, Ice Golem’s DPS is pretty scary.

But what are Bats actually used for? The answer is, a variety of things. Not only do they distract an Inferno anything, but they can deal a hefty amount of DPS. Also, they’re 2 elixir.

Clash Royale TombstoneTombstone: This is my favorite building card in the game. It is so useful for so many things.

Did your opponent send a Hog Rider down the bridge? You can place your Tombstone 3 tiles away from your King Tower on the opposite side of the tower, and the Hog will be dragged to it!

More importantly, the Tombstone is an amazing diverter against Beatdown, Control, and Elite Garbage alike. More details below as to why Tombstone master race.

If you replace Tombstone I’ll hate you, but possible alternatives are Cannon and Furnace. If you really want you can put Inferno Tower.

Zap – Tied with Log as the most versatile spell, this deck only utilizes Zap over Log because of its ability to target air and reset.Clash Royale Zap

Zap’s damage is actually critical for this deck because when you send a big push… well I’ll get into that later.

The only possible alternative that I find reasonable is Arrows. Poison is too slow, and that will be explained.

Clash Royale RocketRocket – Rocket is one of my favorite spells. It’s not only a safeguard against massive pushes but also is a great value extractor.

Elixir Pump is also a great value extractor. Literally. However, I find Rocket more effective as not only a secondary win condition but also as a wonderful way to prevent big pushes from happening against Beatdown decks.

Lightning is a great substitute, but I don’t recommend Poison or Fireball.

Clash Royale Goblin GangGoblin Gang – 3 Elixir for a high arena Skeleton Army? Sure.

There is no difference between using Goblins and Goblin Gang other than the fact that Goblin Gang gives you 2 Spear Goblins for 1 Elixir, at a cost of having to commit more.

I think that this is my ideal Zap bait unit, but if you want, you can use Skeleton Army, Goblins, or Skeletons (not highly recommended).

Ok great! You know how to make the deck. Now how do you play the deck?

If you have any questions on how to play this deck, put them in the comments and I’ll address them when I find the time to!

Who wrote this? We didn’t see any author name in the article.

Anti-Meta Miner Poison Deck (Overwhelming)

Miner Poison

Hey guys Lolman here again, presenting to you with a slight mash-up of decks.

It’s basically an anti meta Miner Poison deck which was built specifically to counter meta decks.

Despite P.E.K.K.A being meta, I call this anti meta because it uses several off meta cards like Minion Horde, Ice Golem (which is off meta because its userate is not high), Minions (which have been replaced by Bats in most decks). It doesn’t have Mega Knight or Bandit.

Although it does have 3 legendary cards, the E-wiz, Miner and Log, You can unlock them fairly quickly when you’re at 2000+ trophies. I will name some substitutes for each of these cards in order to make it more f2p friendly!

Miner Poison

Anti-Meta Miner Poison Deck

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale The LogClash Royale P.E.K.K.A
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Poison

miner cycle analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale MinerMiner – Main win condition of the deck. No replacement for this card.

You will be taking care of Collectors, and doing your Tower damage with the Miner+Poison push.

Early, just use lone Miner until you figure out how your opponent counters him. You want to be prepared with your own, counter counters.

Remember to fix your placements in order to maximise damage on the Tower. By doing so you will eventually chip away for a 1-0 victory as this is a single Tower deck most the time.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – This is your tank killer, Hog destroyer etc etc.

Some games you won’t even need to play her.

If you see a huge push coming your way, you are more than likely going to be dropping her in front of it to kill the Giant, P.E.K.K.A, Golem, Mega Knight, 3 Musketeers etc while tanking as well with her high HP.

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard – With his spawn Zap and the decent damage, he will be vital in retargeting things. Defending your P.E.K.K.A for an example, from your opponents Inferno Dragon maybe.

He is also good at countering Hog etc.

He can be the deciding factor in a P.E.K.K.A v P.E.K.K.A battle. Because with him, the P.E.K.K.A supported by the E-wiz will have substantially more HP than the other. Which can be quite key in counterpushing with this deck.

Only 2 subs come to my mind: Ice Wizard or Musketeer. However, the more f2p one would be Musket.

Clash Royale MinionsMinions – One of the two Minions, typically used with Miner.

Should be used if say a Fireball is in cycle for giving a negative trade (Fireballing the Minions).

While Horde is more of a punish card, you ideally want to use this card to tank the spells and bait them out while using your skill/punish- Horde to well punish quite *skillfully*

Clash Royale Minion HordePunish Horde – As I’ve named the card. You punish with it. Bait out a spell then voila.

This card is no longer a negative Elixir trade to play! How skillful. Jokes aside.

Amazing DPS and you can punish an offensive Zap with this card using the Miner. Can be used to take a Tower down VERY VERY fast.

Good on defense too but be aware that your opponent will Fireball, Zap, or arrow it if they have the counters in their deck.

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem – This card is actually one of the MVPs in this deck. Kiting 101. Slow moving. Targets towers. He is a beast at what he does.

Also a good tank for the Miner. Plus only costs 2 Elixir. Death frost nova slows down everything within radius too! But kiting is his main purpose.

Here I will show a prime example of me using the Ice Golem to get rid of an almost overwhelming push which would’ve been more than able to easily take my Tower.

using ice golem

Clash Royale PoisonPoison – Paired up with Miner will get rid of squishy troops.

Should only be used to get value early on but after 2x Elixir begins cycle Miner poisons at will!

Try to get as much damage as you can.

Clash Royale The LogThe Log – Self explanatory.

Can be replaced by the Zap.


General Gameplay

Early game (3:00- 2:00)

Early game, I usually start off rather passive with one of the following moves.

  • E-wiz at the back.
  • Ice Golem at the back/center. Closer to the front if Miner is in cycle.
  • Minions split.
  • Miner in safe non-Tornadoable spot.

You ideally want to early on get a feel of your opponent’s deck.

Miner is a very easily coutnerable card doing about as much as a Zap’s damage per swing. Knight, Goblin Gang etc can easily counter him.

So what you want to do is to learn what you are facing. What they will use to counter your Miner.

He is ultimately your win condition. Figure that out then you have spells to make sure he connects with the Tower.

If they have Goblins and no Barrel, I would maybe use a Miner in front of Tower+ pre-emptive Log for an example. This will allow you to get the Log damage+ Miner damage. If ignored is more than a Rocket!

Mid-game (2:00- 1:00)

Around now you will ideally have a feel for your opponents deck.

I would not really recommend making large predictions at this point of the game!

However, you around now will want to keep up with their cycle when there are threats in your opponents deck that you will want to save a card for.

If your opponent has a Goblin Barrel, you want to have Minions, E-wiz and or Log in cycle. Poisoning out their Princess. Etc.

Just go with the mentality that each time they use card. They must drop 4 more cards to reach it again. Rather than really bother with paying attention to where every other cards are. But keeping a general idea of their cycle in mind you will be able to optimise your damage.

For example, If they use a Fireball, always keep an E-wiz or Princess in cycle so you use Minion Horde + Miner. You can play your Miner in front of the Tower where you expect the card to be to tank then the Horde can snipe that then move onto the Tower! This will catch your opponent off their guard quite often.

mner minions

I knew that his E-wiz and Bats were out of cycle, so was expecting Bandit or Goblins. If I use Miner the front, that would be pointless, so I use Miner at the back, allowing Minions to get a few hits on the Tower! And he’d used his P.E.K.K.A so that’s even better because I can easily defend his push as well, allowing me to have a pretty massive counter push.

Late game (1:00-End)

Around now is where I just cycle Miner + Poison. Usually Poison is only accompanying it unless I am facing 3 Musketeers.

In which case, Miner + Log really is the only combination I use. Getting about 100 chip damage off the Tower.

Once it’s within ~300 HP, I will use Miner + Poison and Log in order to get the Tower down.

This isn’t an all in deck. Just defend, cycle and counterpush.

Not counting the P.E.K.K.A, it’s a rather quick cycle. Cards not to use to cycle are Minion Horde and P.E.K.K.A, the rest can be cycled rather easily and without much thought unless you must save a card on defense!

Just don’t overcommit too much, small Elixir deficits can be made up with Electro Wizard, or P.E.K.K.A.


Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider

Our deck can deal with this reasonably well.

Just make sure you Poison the E-wiz and if the E-wiz is out of cycle, what I like doing is Miner + Log in front of Tower.

Bats can deal with Miner but it’s fine. Juts try not to overcommit because early on a Hog + Goblin push say punishing that Log will come to get you.

Try to avoid their Lightning/Poison as well with your Ewiz because you want your E-wiz to support your P.E.K.K.A in P.E.K.K.A v P.E.K.K.A matches.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A Decks – Win the P.E.K.K.A battles with your E-wiz. Get value poisons. Avoiding value spells yourself!

It’s not a hard thing to do really. Just try to kill their E-wiz with your Miner + Poisons. Or in this case, Poison+ Log while your P.E.K.K.As are battling it out and get the Tower with the chip damage. This is a negative trade but remember, they will have to deal with your P.E.K.K.A + E-wiz on the counter!

In P.E.K.K.A + Mega Knight pushes. I try to use the Ice Golem to soak the hits because usually your P.E.K.K.A will be hitting their Mega Knight, which isn’t good because their P.E.K.K.A will take you down. Minions will also be used in a push such as this from my end to take down their E-wiz which almost always is in a deck that runs P.E.K.K.A nowadays.

pekka vs mega pekka

Ice Golem and e-wiz synergy well in allowing your P.E.K.K.A to get the upper hand in these exchanges with the slow and stun from each.

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight Decks

You have several answers to the Mega Knight but the major one is going to be the Ice Golem. You can use him to kite the Mega Knight to the other lane.

Minions + Ice Golem do very well with the damage from the towers kicking in too. You can completely shut him down. I will only really do this if you have other cards that require your P.E.K.K.A as a response to. Such as a Giant, or a Golem for an example.

Clash Royale GolemGolem Lightning

Deal with their Collectors efficiently. P.E.K.K.A, Poison + Log will take care of each and every push they make with minimal damage.

Don’t stack troops giving Lightning value.

Slowly but surely get the Tower down to 0 HP and this game will be in the bag.

Clash Royale Goblin GangLog bait –Easy match-up.

Try to avoid E-wiz at the back. Get value poisons. Poison Princesses off the board if they allow you to get the low HP Tower and her every time.

Keep an eye out for tricky barrels and try to keep your Log in cycle each time they have Barrel.

Only really Miner+ Log if Tower has really low HP and you have Knight out of rotation.

Not much else to say. You will almost always get Poison value off of your pushes.

I think that covers most the matchups and all. If it’s not clear already P.E.K.K.A is one of my favorite cards in game. Hope you have as much fun and success playing this deck as I have. Cheers.



The Most Underrated Cards of Clash Royale


Hey Guys! It’s lightningmaster823 here and today I will be showing you guys my personal opinion on the top 15 most underrated cards in the game right now!

underrated cards

Top 15 Underrated Cards in Clash Royale

*Note: The cards on this list are not in any specific order; therefore, the card at #3 can be just as underrated as #8.

Clash Royale elixir collectorElixir Collector

After the Elixir Collector got an increase in elixir cost (from 5 to 6) about a year ago, it went from being in practically every deck to being in virtually none.

It did get buffs like the elixir production rate was increased, but the main reason it is underrated is because of its high elixir cost. This made it very risky to play as even if you have it down, your opponent can just simply pressure you and then the elixir produced was basically a waste and now you would be at least 6 elixir behind.

However, it can force your opponent to make their first move. Ignoring Elixir Pump is also very dangerous as the opponent may get a significant elixir advantage out of it and overwhelm the opponent.

To be honest, I don’t think this card should be buffed, it has seen usage in many Golem decks, and with Mega Knight out as well, the Elixir Collector is seeing more love, especially with Mega P.E.K.K.A being everywhere.

Clash Royale Goblin HutThe Goblin Hut

The Goblin Hut was seen in the first deck type that was considered to be “cancer”, and that was Spawner Decks or Hut Spam Decks, it is still sometimes seen today, but most Hut spam Decks are seen in around Arenas 3 and 4.

Goblin Hut was underrated as it is completely overshadowed by the Furnace, with Furnace having a lower elixir cost, splash damage, and deals better damage, however, it provides pressure and it is more level-independent compared to Furnace, so if you’re an underleveled player like me, Goblin Hut would probably be a better option.

For more tips about this building, please take a look at here!

I personally think Goblin Hut should have its cost reduced to 4 elixir to rival the Furnace more.

Clash Royale Bomb TowerBomb Tower

Bomb Tower is a great defense and all, but it is so overshadowed by Inferno Tower, Furnace, and even Tombstone.

Most players don’t play Bomb Tower as there is so little value for such a high elixir cost, but it can counter Elite Barbarians for a +1 trade, a Hog Rider + Ice Golem combo for a +1 trade, and it can even counter Hog + Valkyrie for a +3 trade.

Personally, I would buff the Bomb Tower by either:

  1. Decreasing the cost to 4 elixir
  2. Allowing it to hit air units
  3. Giving it a death damage like it does in CoC

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard

Might be surprising that Ice Wizard is on here, but X-Bow has sort of shifted out of the meta due to the rise of Mega Knight and P.E.K.K.A. He is also still overshadowed by Electro Wizard (which makes me sad)

Despite being able to 1-shot Skeletons and Bats after the balance changes back in August, he took a hit with slower hit speed and his hit speed is only 0.1 seconds faster than that of E-wiz, and despite the fact that he is reliable against swarms, E-wiz can also do that with his Spawn Zap.

However, Ice Wizard is more reliable against medium swarms like Barbarians as he does splash damage with his normal attack while the E-wiz does not. He also has more HP and survives a Fireball 1 level higher than its relative level (lvl 1 Ice Wizard survives lvl 8 Fireball), unlike E-wiz. Ice Wizard is also only 3 elixir whereas E-wiz costs 4.

Personally, I would buff his HP so that he can tank 1 P.E.K.K.A shot; it’ll make sense as P.E.K.K.A is currently very popular.

Clash Royale Spear GoblinsSpear Goblins

Once one of the best cards, but now one of the worst, these guys may seem weak, but are pretty good, however, they are overshadowed by Archers, Goblin Gang, Dart Goblin, Minions, Electro Wizard, and even Ice Wizard.

Unlike their melee counterparts, Spear Goblins die to an equal-leveled Zap, but they easily distract troops, they also can provide some chip damage to the tower, that small amount of damage can possibly change the entire game.

I think their count should be increased as buffing their actual stats will also buff the Goblin Gang, but maybe their melee counterparts might die to Zap again after the next balance changes, we’ll have to see them never again.

Clash Royale Skeleton ArmySkeleton Army

Skeleton Army is a great card an all, but it is so overshadowed by Goblin Gang, despite having higher DPS than Goblin Gang, Goblin Gang has a small anti air option as well as being more resistant to Zap (as the Stab Goblins survive)

However, Skarmy tends to be better on defense as against a Hog; the Skarmy would prevent absolutely no damage (whereas with Goblin Gang, the Hog gets 1-2 swings depending on level). Skarmy is more reliable against Goblin Barrel and is better at pulling units.

I honestly think Skarmy should have 15-16 skeletons instead of 14.

Clash Royale BomberBomber

Bomber has its benefits, but the fact that it can’t hit air units makes it a bit useless. However, it does do a great job against a lot of troops (including Elite Barbarians) with the help of a tank.

It can also deal a decent amount of damage to a tower; it will throw its bomb once before death if ignored and has enough health to tank 1 shot, which is 271 damage at tournament standard.

Overall, Bomber should maybe get its range buffed just a little

Clash Royale LumberjackLumberjack

Lumberjack is good and all, but is currently overshadowed by Mini P.E.K.K.A.

When he started to popularize in Golem Decks back in late May, the Night Witch was released about 2 weeks later and she replaced him in practically every deck. Now that Night Witch is nerfed, now the Mini P.E.K.K.A is the challenge to overcome.

The Lumberjack can be useful as he drops a Rage upon death, which can help support pushes, even if something else is tanking, the Lumberjack can deal immense damage to the tower due to his 0.7 sec hit speed.

He is also reliable against certain swarms like Goblin Gang, whereas Mini P.E.K.K.A isn’t as reliable.

I honestly think his HP should get buffed so that he can tank one extra swing from Elite Barbarians.

Clash Royale mirrorMirror

Now we have the Mirror, this card has not been seen with much love as pretty much all Mirror gives is negative elixir trades, but sometimes, it’s worth it, like if I were to Zap a Skarmy or something and then a Goblin Barrel comes, then I can mirror the Zap AND be able to kill the Goblins as Mirror actually mirrors the card 1 level higher (lvl 4 Mirror gives lvl 10 Zap).

Mirror can also be used to psyche out your opponent, Mirror can work decently in Bait as if you send the Goblin Barrel and then your opponent counters with let’s say The Log, then you can Mirror the Barrel and deal some damage (unless they have other counters in rotation), plus you are also cycling your deck, not too bad.

I honestly think Mirror shouldn’t get buffed as it’s good as is. Just that people aren’t using it properly.

Clash Royale Barbarian HutBarbarian Hut

This is another card in the first deck type that was considered “cancer”, which was Hut Spam Decks.

Barbarian Hut is underrated as it is overshadowed by Furnace and Tombstone. Plus, being at a 7 elixir cost is quite expensive. However, it does have its uses, like keeping pressure in one lane and being a resource to getting an indirect elixir advantage, it also forces your opponent to make a first move.

On defense, it is actually pretty decent, the Barbarians that Spawn can attack the troops, and they do a decent amount of damage. The hut itself has quite a bit of HP.

Like many other cards, I don’t think this card should be buffed, it’s that it is not been used properly and a few control decks have it as well.

Clash Royale SparkySparky

Ah, here she is guys, yep, the so-called “trash can on wheels”, but guess what? Sparky isn’t a trash can on wheels; in fact she isn’t even close to being a “trash can on wheels”.

First things first, most players think Sparky sucks is because they don’t use her correctly, most players play her like a Golem, where you attempt to make a big push, but no, she is supposed to be used like a P.E.K.K.A, where you use her on defense, then counterpushing with her (assuming she survives the defense), just like a P.E.K.K.A!

In fact, a friend of mine actually raged after getting Sparky from a gold chest, but after using her, he found out that Sparky is actually pretty good, especially with cards like Tornado.

With this, Sparky does not necessarily need buffs, you just need to know how to use her and then you’ll know that Sparky would be good as is.

Clash Royale SkeletonSkeletons

Once popular, now underused, after the nerf in June, they spawn 3 skeletons again, it may seem like they’re useless, but they have potential for use, mainly for cycling purposes, but they still do well on defense despite Goblins being more popular as they contain more value for one more elixir.

Skeletons can still surround units well, as well as kiting units, but they need more precise timing for them to work now.

The changes I would make are that I would nerf Goblins so that they will die to an equal-levelled Zap again so that Skeletons and Guards can become interesting alternatives to Goblins.

Clash Royale GuardsGuards

Speaking of Guards, they are also here, they are good, but they are so overshadowed by Goblins, ever since Goblins could survive an equal-levelled Zap, the Guards’ usage dropped dramatically.

Guards have a shield that must be destroyed in order to kill them; even a Rocket can’t kill the Guards if they have their shields up.

Guards are excellent against Graveyard as they survive a bit longer compared to Goblins due to their shields enabling them to keep destroy the skeletons.

Clash Royale Clone SpellClone

Clone has great synergy with cards like Golem, Balloon, Lava Hound, and best of all: Giant Skeleton, if your opponent attempts to rocket your push, you can make their Rocket a Chief Pat Rocket* by cloning the troops.

Clone is also a great pocket card, you can also use then on troops to bypass buildings, which Orange Juice refers to as “Clone Skipping”.


Clash Royale Giant SkeletonThe Giant Skeleton

How can we forget this fella?

Giant Skeleton is really good when used properly, he is currently overshadowed by P.E.K.K.A, but Giant Skeleton is played just like P.E.K.K.A and Sparky use him on defense and then counterpush, as a bonus, if he dies in the process, the Giant Skeleton will drop a Bomb that can deal immense damage to the enemy troops.

*Chief Pat Rocket: A rocket that misses its target

Hope you enjoy my 6th article! You can use this guide as an advantage by using some of these cards, you’ll never know if your opponent will expect any of these cards!

Clash on, Everyone!


Top 50 Tips You Must Know To Get Easier Wins

clash royale tips

Hey guys it’s Ash and today I’d like to share possibly one of my most interesting and most in-depth Clash Royale strategy guide.

clash royale tips

Top 50 Clash Royale Tips for You

As a big fan of the game, I love discovering new strategies and mechanics, so in this video I’m going to share many of the most interesting strategies, secrets, tips, and tricks that I’ve learned throughout my time playing this game.

I’m positive that you’re going to find a lot of these very interesting, and I can guarantee you that not even the best players in the world know many of these.

1. Let’s start with the basics. You can use a troop that only targets buildings to pull opposing troops to other lane, allowing both your Arena Towers to deal a lot more damage.

2. Against a splash attacking troop, you can use a troop with lots of HP to distract it from one side, while you safely use your low HP troops to kill it from behind.

3. Or you can use a swarm card such as Goblins to surround and kill the splash attacker.

4. With a long ranged attacker such as the Musketeer, you can use her to shoot down the threat on the opposite lane, and then add a tank in front of her to counterpush. This is super useful when you need to counterpush on the opposite lane where the Arena Tower is weaker.

5. Immediately deploying a Pekka or Mini Pekka in the middle tile here can allow you to completely stop a Hog Rider from attacking your Arena Tower. If you place your Pekka or Mini Pekka anywhere else, then the Hog Rider will get one swing.

6. You can actually counter and pull a Mega Knight to your King’s Tower with just Skeletons and Ice Spirit. Countering a 7 Elixir troop with just 2 Elixir and activating your King.

7. And yes, you can do this with other troops such as Knight or Princess as well.

8. One of my favorite ways of countering a big threat such as a Pekka is by kiting it with Ice Golem while using any ranged attacker, even weak Spear Goblins to safely shoot the Pekka while she’s distracted. You can see that I’ve managed to completely stop the Pekka with Ice Golem and Spear Goblins and without her touching anything.

9. Another favorite way is by using an air attacker while kiting because of course the Pekka can’t touch an air unit. And then after killing the Pekka, I can make a very powerful counterpush while my opponent spent 7 Elixir on the Pekka.

10. Never dash vertically with your Bandit on defense, as this will make her vulnerable to the first attack. However, what’s most interesting is that because the opposing Bandit here re-adjusts her dash in a mere split second towards your Bandit, this allows your Bandit to dash attack first and win the fight without taking any damage.

11. If you deploy the Bowler immediately when the Goblin Barrel’s shadow hits the river, the Bowler can kill all 3 Goblins at once.

12. If you place your Tombstone right in front of the King’s Tower, you can actually completely shut down a Mega Knight.

13. Deploying your Goblin Gang on this tile is the best way to counter the Mega Knight:

14. You can do so many great things with the Tornado card. You can pull a Balloon to the King’s Tower by precisely placing Tornado as the Balloon approaches.

15. Less known fact is that you can pull an Ice Golem let its death damage activate your King.

16. Even less known is that you can use Tornado to pull a Royal Giant and have it attack your other tower instead. This is super useful when your opponent is just using his Royal Giant to take down your weaker tower to win, while your other tower has a more lot HP.

17. A smart player will use Tornado to pull your Miner to his King’s Tower and activate it. To avoid this, make sure to deploy your Miner in this safe tile, so Tornado cannot pull him to the King.

18. Of course the best counters to Mortar and X-Bow are high HP tanks, but with Tornado you can actually pull those tanks back behind the Arena Tower and have your Mortar or X-Bow re-directed onto their Arena Tower.

19. If you deploy your Goblins like this immediately after your opponent plays Goblin Barrel, you can actually stop all three Goblins and not take any damage (almost).

20. If you deploy your Electro Wizard, right as the shadow of the Goblin Barrel passes the river, you can actually stun all three Goblins.

21. Similarly, if you deploy the Mega Knight this way, you can instantly kill all 3 Goblins without taking any damage!

22. If say you already used your Fireball on something like Barbarians and then your opponent plays Three Musketeers in one lane, as a last resort you can use your Balloon’s death damage and The Log to stop these Musketeers from quickly taking down your tower.

23. You can use Tombstone to completely block a Furnace and the Fire Spirits from touching your tower.

24. Similarly, because Spear Goblins can’t kill Skeletons in one hit, you can also use Tombstone to block a Goblin Hut.

25. You can also use Tombstone to block a Princess, preventing her from moving forward for as long as the Tombstone is in play.

26. And similarly, you can use the Tombstone to also completely block a Mortar. The Tombstone has a lot of unique and useful properties.

27. It’s better to deploy your tank at the center on the opposite lane of the Mortar, as this will not only distract the Mortar throughout it’s lifetime, but you can also completely ignore it while not have to counter it. If the Giant gets too close to the Mortar of course, the Mortar can shoot your Arena Tower because of the blindspot.

28. It’s best to deploy your Archers right in front of your Arena Tower to counter a Goblin Barrel. This will allow your two Archers to block two Goblins, so you only take 1 hit from 1 Goblin.

29. If the Giant Skeleton manages to lock on your tower, you can use a troop that only targets buildings such as Ice Golem to redirect the Giant Skeleton’s target on the Ice Golem and have it follow it, allowing you to also prevent getting hit by his massive bomb damage.

30. Zap has so many useful properties. One of the sneakiest ways to use Zap is by using it to re-direct the Arena Tower’s attack on the Graveyard Skeletons, allowing your Mega Minion to deal a massive amount of damage. You can use this Zap re-direct strategy in a countless number of ways.

31. You pull threats such as Battle Ram or Giant while also avoiding big radius spell cards such as Poison or Lightning by placing your Tombstone or Inferno Tower up here.

32. You can completely stop a Goblin Barrel by pre-placing your Dark Prince behind your King’s Tower.

33. You can actually counter the Bandit while also activating your King’s Tower by splitting your Archers and then using an Ice Spirit to pull her to your King.

34. By simultaneously placing your Rocket and Goblin Barrel in this manner, you can hide your Goblin Barrel amidst the Rocket’s fire. However, this isn’t 100% undetectable, as if your opponent does this, you should always look for the shadow of the Goblin Barrel as that would give it away.

35. If you don’t have a counter to the Inferno Dragon in your hand, it’s best to kite it away.

36. If you place your Battle Ram in the 3rd tile from the river, you can kite and distract and move the Mega Knight to the other lane, without taking any damage on your Battle Ram.

37. If you know your opponent has a splash attacker such as Wizard or Executioner, you can place your Miner in this position to distract it while your Minions safely kill it.

38. If your opponent decides to use something like a Pekka to distract your oncoming troops, by placing your Miner behind the tower, you can pull the Pekka back, allowing your troops to lock onto the tower.

39. One very important fact to know is that a lone Balloon can be stopped by simply pulling it to the center in this manner with a building such as a Tombstone. Other than the Balloon’s bomb damage, it will not get a single hit on your tower.

40. If you orient two buildings in this manner, you can actually pull the Balloon to your King’s Tower and activate it.

41. Hog Rider has lots of useful defensive properties. Such as using him here to distract the splash attacker as your Minions safely kill the Executioner.

42. Or you can pull back a troop and allow your Arena Tower to deal more damage to it by having your Hog Rider jump over the river.

43. You can even use a Hog Rider to distract a Bandit, and then use an Ice Spirit to pull the Bandit and activate your King.

44. By deploying your Skeletons and Ice Spirit in this manner, you can actually not only counter the Bandit, but also activate your King’s Tower.

45. If the Royal Giant locks on your tower, then you can place a building on top of it to re-direct its target onto the building instead.

46. By placing a building such as a Tombstone two tiles in front of your Arena Tower, you can not only distract the Royal Giant, but also allow it to pass the bridge and allow your Arena Tower to shoot it while it’s distracted by the building.

47. If you place a building in this position, you will allow a Hog Rider to easily bypass it and deal lots of damage. But, by placing it 1 tile higher, the Hog Rider will not be able to bypass it. This will allow your Tombstone to completely shut down the Hog Rider as both your Arena Towers shoot it.

48. Because the Baby Dragon can fly and has range, you can use him to fly over the bridge and safely take down a Furnace in this position, without getting shot by the Arena Towers.

So hope you guys found this video very interesting. Hopefully it blew a lot of minds. So be sure to leave a like if you found this video interesting and useful. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe for more great Clash Royale content. I’ll see you guys again soon. Later!

P.E.K.K.A Mega Knight – Unstoppable Deck (Free Trophies)

mega pekka

Hey there guys, Lolman here with another guide. Today I will be showing you this P.E.K.K.A Mega Knight deck I’ve been having a lot of success with recently. So I started using P.E.K.K.A Mega Knight in the Mega Knight challenge, and this deck is just a variant of my original deck that I created. Similar decks have been made, however I will be sharing my deck.

mega pekka

P.E.K.K.A Mega Knight Deck

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale MinionsClash Royale elixir collector

trifecta analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale elixir collectorElixir Collector – Arguably the most important card in this deck during the early game. It is vital that you Pump up and defend.

The pushes in this deck are quite expensive. Not as expensive as say Golem 3 Musketeers but this is a close second.

An ideal push having a P.E.K.K.A, Mega Knight ((support or opposite lane)), E-wiz and Zap, which is 20 Elixir total! This is insane but very very possible with a sizeable surge of Elixir.

Vs decks with pushes that can absolutely punish your Elixir Collector, it’s best to wait. For example, Miner + Balloon+ Arrows. With a bad cycle on your part, this can take a Tower and a Collector easily.

So I always try to fix up your hand for one which can defend against almost anything first before pumping up.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A – This is the tank killer in this deck. Use her vs Hogs, Giants, Golems etc.

Try not to overcommit because he is an expensive defense.

With this, deck early on, I prefer not to commit and defend while I cycle Elixir collectors. The only time I play P.E.K.K.A or Mega Knight at the back is when I am significantly ahead in Elixir (maybe 3-4 Elixir ahead. ). Even then, I would only do so if I am very confident that my opponent will be trying to push that same lane.

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight- Similar to P.E.K.K.A, one of your defend and counterpush cards.

Never drop this guy unless you can get the value or you are significantly ahead in Elixir which can afford him.

Now you will use Mega Knight and P.E.K.K.A in different situations.

If someone rushes with say Giant + Goblin Gang, I would counter that with Mega Knight and maybe Minions as opposed to a P.E.K.K.A and Zap because the Gobs will kill the P.E.K.K.A really really fast.

He’s also great at rushing your opponent too if you have a good cycle and they do something that puts you ahead in Elixir by a great margin.

With this deck it’s okay to take damange because it’s a 3 crown monster. It is the ultimate beatdown deck. I say this because it hard counters Golem 3M and Golem Mega Knight or any real Golem deck.

rusing with mega knight

Rushing with Mega Knight – I saw he pumped up and knowing I was significantly ahead because he had rushed with a Miner + Bandit earlier also cycling quite a bit to Pump up made me feel safer with rushing him with a push like that and I took his Tower.

Clash Royale ZapZap­ – Very important vs Inferno Tower and Dragon.

Mega Knight + Zap fully counter an Inferno Tower and do Tower damage. Just time your Zap well in order to mitigate the damage.

It’s not really a Barrel counter so don’t bother wasting this card on a Goblin Barrel! Use your other cards to do so.

Clash Royale Electro WizardE-wiz – Reset and defense.

Used vs bad Inferno Towers, Inferno dragons as well!

He also can save your life vs siege – Ie if your opponents X-Bow locks on your Tower you can drop E-wiz to get it to retarget onto him or something else! This can save a LOT of damage off of your Tower.

Just keep in mind, chances are opponent will defend your E-wiz before he resets things so try to protect him without overcommiting. I added this on top of my original deck b

Clash Royale MinionsMinions – Used to distract Inferno Tower, also good vs Minions, Hog Rider etc.  Hog only gets 2 swings on Tower.

Also Bandit + Minions can be devastating if it connects with the Tower. Good defense for your Collector too. Zap resistant. I still believe that Minions > Bats now because of how many people run Zap. Hence why I changed that out for this.

Clash Royale Mega MinionMega Minion – Similar principle.

If Minions get spelled off you have him. Also in Golem decks I will use the Mega on the Baby Dragon while Minions say take care of the Night Witch for an example.

Can be used as an Inferno Tower distraction too!

Also on a counter push the opponent will have to answer a Mega so it’s great at positive Elixir trades!

Clash Royale BanditBandit – This is your pressure card.

Great vs Inferno Towers and at sniping cards while your P.E.K.K.A, Mega Knight or both are lumbering towards the Tower.

Combined with say a well timed Zap and it will be a devastating addition to your push!

Also great at defense too 1v1 she trades well and positively vs a LOT of cards.

** Something key here is if you place your Mega Knight behind your P.E.K.K.A, she will move faster! Similar to say a Valkyrie in front of Goblins as they will push her faster.

Changes from my original deck

  • Archers-> E-wiz.  : Because of the continuous reset and also a greater defensive versatility.
  • Ice Spirit-> Mega Minion: Similarly in order for it to be more defensive also to add some more air defense because I see a lot of Balloon circling around this meta.
  • Bats -> Minions – Greater spell resistance.
  • Poison-> Bandit: Faster cycle also I found that I just e-wiz and 2 tanks weren’t enough ground distraction. Bandit and Mega Knight also P.E.K.K.A synergyze well together with a Zap added to the mix.


Early game- 3:00- 2:00

Pump up, that is key in this phase of the game. Just make sure you have a reasonable defensive hand though.

For example, If your hand is P.E.K.K.A, Mega Knight, Zap, and Elixir Collector. Chances are you don’t really want to Pump up right off the bat.

You want a hand you can defend with, Ie- E-wiz, Minions, Bandit, Elixir Collector. That would be a hand you feel relatively safe pumping up with. You can defend the Collector and any push coming towards you.

It’s okay to take damage so if say they rush with Miner+ Bandit, defend your Pump at all costs then prioritize the Bandit.

So basically the name of the game early on is Pumping up and protect the Pump.

Also depending on what they play, switch up the Collector placements.

Miner Poison? Then Pump up behind Tower of more HP not centre cause they can Miner Tower+ Poison Collector for an example. Etc.

You won’t really end up doing much on offense unless like above you punish a bad decision and just make them regret life by taking a Tower.

All while getting a feel for your opponents deck and figuring out how you will work around their counters.

Mid-game (2:00- 1:00)

Ideally you will have at least 1 Collector down by now.

Vs Log bait, it is hard. They will want to Rocket your Collector every single time but you can use this to your advantage by pressuring hard at the same time! This can either get you at least 1 Elixir off the Pump because they defended. Or a couple of hundred damage off their Tower which can be quite key.

So since you know your opponents deck, you will want to ideally just defend with your cycle cards, E-wiz, Minions, Mega Minion, Bandit etc in order to Pump up again. Defend with those and you will get back to an Elixir Collector quite fast and Pump up.

If I have a somewhat heavy counterpush going, I will not even bother waiting for max Elixir to Pump up because they WILL have to spend Elixir on my counterpush.

Though depending on matchups all of this will definitely vary.

For example, vs a Mega Knight or Golem deck, you will want to Pump up with them. Don’t give Elixir Collector+ Tower + troop Lightning value, and also defend with your P.E.K.K.A and counterpush.

Try not to overcommit.

Around this time I will prioritize pumping up over just steamrolling a push by adding unnecessary cards into it!

Try to build a strong Elixir lead going into 2x Elixir.

Late game (1:00-OT)

Depending on the match-up you will either play for the long-game or you will want to just stop pumping up and go all in.

This situation can vary, depending on how much damage is done on each Tower.

It’s not really a good idea to bottle up like that if your Tower(s) are low and your opponent can spell cycle you for an example.

However if they run a deck like 3 Musketeers or Golem and where they will maybe try to build a push, you can feel free to Pump up in because you can make positive trades. For example, 2M + Ram+ Bandit can be shut down by Mega Knight for massive positive Elixir trade.

However ideally you will want to either defend with or slow roll a P.E.K.K.A or Mega Knight. And then build up troops behind them. Sometimes I do get maybe 2 Mega Knights or P.E.K.K.As in a push along with one of the other troops, as well as support like E-wiz, Minions.

You want to overwhelm them with the sheer destructive power of the deck. P.E.K.K.A for troops like Mini P.E.K.K.A, Valk, Knight etc. While Mega Knight is for swarms like Skeleton Army or Goblin Gang.

These two synergize well together because they cover up each of their weaknesses. Because of this you will want to have a few Collectors going into 2x Elixir and with that surge just steam roll them and take there Tower(s) and watch your 3 crown percentage rise up really fast.

Before I go into match-ups, I want to cover one more thing…

On defense, when to use Mega Knight and when to you use P.E.K.K.A?

Both do the same thing but some better than the other in some cases. I will list out what card I’d play in response to a threatening move my opponent will make.

  • Golem/Giant at the back – P.E.K.K.A behind king Tower. (Ideally I will Pump up first! Then play this card, you will have Minions, Mega Minion etc for support by then as well!)
  • Hog + support or tank. I.e.- Ice Golem or Knight. – Mega Knight will mitigate most damage rather than P.E.K.K.A because of the knock back and splash hitting both troops!

mega knight vs hog

The Mega Knight only allowed for 1 Hog hit on the Tower! While the P.E.K.K.A would have taken 2 hits on the Ice Golem and then slowed because of the death effect allowing the Hog about 2+ hits depending on your timing.


Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Lightning (P.E.K.K.A)

This deck is quite popular and understandably so! Because it is actually quite strong and dominant in the current meta. Their P.E.K.K.A will be your #1 annoyance but it’s quite easy to deal with this.

You will want to Pump up making sure you do so behind the Tower with more HP (not at the center because of the Lightning radius could give value). Even if they Lightning the Collector. It’s a +1 trade for you and when you steamroll them it’s very easy to overwhelm the P.E.K.K.A

. Just build yourself an advantage then overwhelm on the counterpush. Try to catch them in moments of low Elixir when you Pump up.

pekka mega

Overwhelming P.E.K.K.A with your troops.

Clash Royale MinerMega Knight Miner or Battle Ram

One of the easier match-ups

E-wiz is key because both the variants I saw had Inferno Dragon. Try to save your Inferno Dragon for this, also vs the Miner version.

I would avoid pumping up in the centre if they already Miner + Poisoned one Tower + Pump. I would switch placement to behind the Tower which has more HP.

Once you get the Pump lead and Elixir flowing, it’s only a matter of when you decide to start building your pushes and eventually just take their towers.

It’s no challenge whatsoever to beat this deck especially if they don’t deal with your collectors efficiently.

Clash Royale GolemGolem Lightning

Not much needed to be covered here. Save your P.E.K.K.A for the Golem.

I like to Mega Knight the support then Zap the Bats of the Night Witch, Minions for the Mega and Baby Dragon and you will have a Tower taking counterpush.

Keep up with their pumps.

Also! If they do something like Pump up. And you do the same, and they Lightning? Feel free to rush them.

They dropped a Collector giving you a free Collector then Lightning should mean they are broke, save 10 then go for a Mega Knight Minions rush push and you will be able to very easily deal with whatever they defend with, with maybe an E-wiz or Mega Minion. Also don’t give Collector+ Tower+ troop Lightning value

vs golem lightning

Successful Golem defense. +2 trade . I used 19 Elixir while opponent used 21 Elixir. Allowing me an early Elixir lead. Along with me being able to Pump up again!

Clash Royale Three Musketeers3 Musketeers

Quite easy match-up. Keep up with pumps.

Slowly roll P.E.K.K.A towards the 1 Musket. Chances are they will Battle Ram, Bandit etc the lane of the 2 Musketeers giving you the perfect chance to just drop your Mega Knight on top for easy value.

If he doesn’t kill the Musketeers with the 2nd hit or they’ve added say Bats, Minion Horde etc on the push, just use your Zap.

This will give you a huge positive lead and a P.E.K.K.A marching down the other lane with near full HP!

vs 3m

My ideal defensive strategy vs 3 Musketeers deck.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLavaloon

I haven’t faced this deck at all. In about 40 games I played in challenges but it should be straight forward.

You have Minions and E-wiz to deal with the Hound and Balloon, Mega Minion as well.

Zap is key, Zap can win your Mega Minion battle. You should not have any problems facing them.

I think I covered pretty much everything. Give this deck a try. It is really really really strong, so play away till Mega Knight ultimately like most new card releases gets hit with the nerf hammer!

Best of luck, Lolman out.

Get Access to All the Best CR Decks via Discord!


Hey guys it’s Ash and today I’d like to share with you guys something special.


Lately, I’ve been working on a big project to get all of the Clash Royale community together in a fun and friendly place for us to talk about the game and help each other get better, as well as get easy access to all the best decks in the game for all Arenas.

So I created a Discord server for us.

Discord is an instant messaging app designed for gamers and big communities. You can find and download Discord on the App Store on your iOS device or Play Store from your Android device or you can simply use it on your computer browser.

Once you have Discord, go to “Join a server” and simply type in “ash” and join. Or simply click at the button below and you will be directly invited to my server.


Now that you have joined my community server. You can chat with hundreds of players here, including me.

One of the best part about my community server is that I’ve loaded up the best decks in the game here for all Arenas. Over 100 of the best decks! And I update and add new decks pretty much everyday here. And it’s super easy and quick to search these decks. Say you are in Arena 10, and you’re looking for a new deck.

On the left, you’ll see a bunch of different channels. Simply go to #arena10 and type in the command !decks to load up instructions.

Now since you’re searching decks for Arena 10, type in !Arena10. These commands are character sensitive, so you must make sure to appropriately type the characters in capital letters or lowercase as shown. So make sure the “A” is capital.

This will load up a bunch of different decks, organized by archetype.

So say you love beatdown decks and you love P.E.K.K.A. The P.E.K.K.A Rush deck is a very fun and powerful deck, so you can type !PekkaRush with capital P and capital R, and it will instantly load up the deck.

All the decks I share and will share in my videos will be easily accessible here as well. Let’s use this deck for a battle.

ash discord server

Now say you’re a F2P player who doesn’t really have high level epics or legendarys and want to get to Arena 10. So you can go to the Arena 9 channel type !Arena9 to search up decks. And then you’ll see options for F2P decks.

One of the best decks you can use to get a lot of trophies fast is the Hog Rider Mortar deck. So type !HogMortar with a capital H and capital M to see the deck.

ash discord server 2

Lastly, I want to share a very powerful deck that I’ve been using lately to get a lot of 12 wins in Grand Challenges.

Along with all the popular meta decks you can find in my server, you can also find all the original decks that are created by me, which sometimes later becomes meta. So you pretty much have first access to the best decks in the game, before everyone else catches up.

So this is the Pekka Balloon Miner deck. Search !PekkaLoon and you’ll find this new deck.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale BalloonClash Royale MinerClash Royale Bats
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale Goblin

Good luck!

In-Depth Analysis of the Golem Beatdown Playstyle (Pro Tips)

golem beatdown

What is up guys, Corrosive Logic here (Small youtuber and CR enthusiast)!

It’s been a while since I’ve made a Clash Royale guide, but the Golem beatdown deck I started playing yesterday gave me some inspiration!

golem beatdown

In-Depth Analysis of the Golem Beatdown Playstyle (Pro Tips)

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Inferno Dragon
Clash Royale BanditClash Royale ZapClash Royale BatsClash Royale elixir collector

This is the deck I am using at the moment.


Just off topic I’d like to shamelessly congratulate myself as I’ve wrote 24 guides in total with this one about to be my 25th, and hopefully not my last!

In this guide I’d like to show my Golem beatdown deck that has been getting me 12 wins in grand challenges and explain how to play it in the current meta, also I would like to explain some more in depth tips about playing beatdown.

A lot of guides have been written on various beatdown decks and how to play beatdown; although these guides can provide good information, I feel that most of these guides also give inaccurate, vague information regarding certain scenarios and beatdown rules in general.

Pros often tell you things such as “don’t play Golem until Double Elixir”, but the truth is a lot of these pros are just being hypocritical as they do end up playing Golem in single Elixir.

In this guide I’ll mostly be referring to Golem beatdown specifically, I hope to tackle some of the common misinformation that circulates regarding playing beatdown, things that a lot of pros do put never describe in detail.

I’ll try to describe more scenarios in order for you guys to actually picture concrete situations, instead of following unclear tips.

It’s not that this has not been talked about, I just feel it hasn’t been gone into enough detail, in order for players to fully understand beatdown.

General Gameplan

“Pretty much how every Golem beatdown deck is played”

In my opinion “beatdown” as a deck archetype is very broad description for a playstyle that can be sub classified into a lot of different decks.

“Beatdown” is basically the idea behind gathering a big Elixir lead by taking damage and making your opponent lose momentum (explain in more detail later), and using this Elixir to take your opponent’s crown towers down in one or two pushes.

Golem, Giant, Lava Hound and P.E.K.K.A beatdown are all similar in the idea behind beatdown, but at the end of the day each of these are different deck archetypes played in different ways.

I pretty much just wanted to clear that out early, as I find that a lot of people seem to think that they are all the same.

The majority of beatdown decks carry the Elixir Pump to help accrue that massive Elixir lead, and so does this deck.

After you get that Elixir lead, in typical beatdown fashion you play your tank at the back, you support your tank with the RIGHT support units, and then you proceed to get the 3 crown and the hoo-rah!

That’s the summary of playing Golem beatdown, in a very VAGUE but simple 2 lines.

Opening plays

First off lets start off with the opening plays in this deck of mine.

  • If I have the Elixir Collector, I will 100% play it above my king Tower the moment I reach 10 Elixir.
  • If Elixir Collector is my next card in rotation I will most likely cycle Bandit or Bats in order to use my Pump, unless I’m forced to defend my opponent’s push thus forcing me to spend Elixir defending instead of using the Pump.
  • If Pump is not my hand, I will either cycle Bats at the back, or wait for my opponent to make the first move and react accordingly.
  • If I don’t have Elixir Pump or Bats in cycle, I will wait for my opponent to make the first move.

When my opponent makes the first move

  • If my opponent attacks (Hog push, Goblin Barrel etc.), I will defend accordingly.
  • If my opponent plays a slightly faster card at the back (Lumberjack, Bandit, Electro Wizard, Goblin Gang etc.), then I react by playing one of my support unit cards at the back on the same side.
Golem during x1 Elixir? Why not!

If I played Golem at the back on the same side as one of these fast cards, the fast card would reach my crown Tower before my Golem can tank the damage. Playing the Golem near the middle is also simply impractical in single Elixir time, so the only time I would play Golem at the back is when my opponent plays a slower card at the back, for example the Knight, or even Giant or Mega Knight. This pretty much immediately grants me some Elixir value.

If they played a Knight at the back, it’s simply going to cross the bridge and get a few shots on my Golem before dying to my crown Tower or whatever I support Golem with. This is a perfect example of the “only play Golem in Double Elixir” rule being inaccurate.

In this specific case, playing Golem at the back not only denies my opponent value of his troops, it also minimises the chances of my opponent punishing me in the opposite lane as he has already lost some Elixir.

Moreover, if my opponent decides to try to keep his card’s value, for example if he decides to support this Knight with an offensive Hog, Miner or Graveyard, all I have to do is defend lightly.

Even if I take 1000 damage, most likely whatever I used to defend is going to survive and help my Golem counterpush, all the while my opponent has used 7+ Elixir, has low Elixir to defend, and pretty much just threw his crown Tower away.

That is basically every situation I can encounter at the opening of a game. The only situation I haven’t covered is if my starting hand doesn’t have Bats, Golem, Bandit or Elixir Pump… in this case you’re more than likely going to throw away Elixir at the start of the game, thankfully the chances of you having this hand are extremely low.

Momentum – Timing Your Golem

golem 2Playing your Golem at the right times is essential to winning games.

Typically you want to play your Golem when you have an Elixir lead, or when cycling to another Pump wouldn’t be productive.

The majority of the time you want to stick to the same lane that your opponent is attacking, it would be very unwise for your opponent to attack your Golem side, as you can just defend and counterpush behind the Golem with your support units.

A very common issue a lot of players face is being undecided on whether they should play the Golem, or cycle a card in order to play the Pump.

Now this depends on what sort of deck your opponent is playing. Keep in mind that in this beautiful deck of mine, every single support unit has to be reacted to besides the Bats, even if on their own.

What I mean by this is that Electro Wizard, Bandit, idrag and Mega Knight all have to be defended against, even if they are just played alone.

This is very useful to know, because let’s say for example you play your Electro Wizard in order to cycle to a Pump, your opponent then counters your Electro Wizard with let’s say a Bandit. When your opponent’s Bandit starts waddling back to your side, you’re going to have to make a decision. Will you play the Pump but suffer 800 damage because of the Bandit, or will you counter the Bandit with your own Bandit and start a vicious cycle of your opponent countering your Bandit with another lone card?

This is why I think that in a lot of situations like these, when you’re unsure of what your opponent is going to counter your cycle card with, just go ahead and play a Golem at the back instead of trying to cycle to a Pump.

The only times I would cycle is if I’m sure that my opponent is just going to counter with a passive card, for example if I cycle Bandit and I’m sure that he’s just going to counter with Ice Golem, Goblins, Ice Wizard etc. This way I can feel safe knowing that I don’t have to react to his lone card and I can safely play my Elixir Collector.

Another point about momentum I would like to mention is, try to only play your Golem at a time so that every other card you play after the Golem is going to support it.

For example, if I play a Golem at the back, I don’t want to have to react to an eWiz crossing the bridge, or a Balloon in the opposite lane, I want any support card I place to be able to support the Golem, thus be behind the Golem.

So try to deal with any of these stray cards before you play your Golem, in order to not lose momentum.

If my opponent rushes my opposite lane after I play the Golem, I will inevitably have to counter, but I will try to use as little as possible, and focus more on nullifying damage rather than preventing it.

Also a neat trick is to play something like eWiz on your Golem side of the arena, but still be in range to shoot at your opponent’s troops in the opposite lane. This allows you to both nullify damage and also support your Golem with the Electro Wizard.

When to Commit to the Golem?

Knowing when to commit to the Golem is deeply interlinked with momentum and an Elixir lead.

Like I mentioned above, there are times when you don’t have an Elixir lead but will be forced to play the Golem.

In these cases, you often don’t want to commit heavily to the Golem as you won’t have the momentum to do so.

  • If your opponent has an Inferno Tower, and you don’t have the Elixir lead to overwhelm it, then just let your Golem go as you will end of making more negative trades if you try to commit.
  • If you feel like you’re playing against P.E.K.K.A, then you literally CANNOT play the Golem until you have either an Elixir lead or caught your opponents P.E.K.K.A played too early (I’ll talk more about how to deal with P.E.K.K.A later).

In the horrible scenario in which you did play a Golem, and they are countering with a P.E.K.K.A, then I either try to kill the P.E.K.K.A while my Golem is still tanking, or I let my Golem die and try to counter the push coming back at me….neither of them are nice situations to be in…

In the case where your opponent does not have a super counter in the Inferno Tower or P.E.K.K.A, and your opponent counters your Golem with other cards, then I know it’s ok to commit.

You don’t have to necessarily commit 100%, just commit enough to at least kill off your opponent’s cards while they’re still targeting the Golem. This way your opponent won’t be able to counterpush.

inferno golem deck

When and How to take damage

As a beatdown player, you are more than likely going to suffer damage.

80% of knowing when to take damage, and when to defend it comes down to experience and your feeling for the game, as there’s so many possible scenarios that it’s very difficult to explain, however I will do my best to give a few pointers and tips.

Taking damage can occur at any point in the game, whether it’s letting a stray eWiz hit your Tower, or getting punished after you play an Elixir Pump or Golem.

You as the beatdown mindset player have to decide how much you are going to expend in order to defend without losing momentum.

  • If you are ahead in Elixir, you can afford to defend more, knowing that you still have the Elixir and momentum for offense.
  • If you are behind in Elixir, then you will have no choice but to take damage in order to try to come back into the game.

This is important, let me give you an example.

Your opponent has Mega Knight Bandit coming down towards your full health Tower. You have enough Elixir to barely keep your Tower alive at 500 health points, but it would leave you completely dry, completely robbing you of any momentum. Instead of defending and leaving yourself with negative Elixir, it’s better to Pump up in the opposite lane, then lose the Tower and some king Tower health, while countering cheaply so that they don’t get too much damage on your king Tower.

Now the next scenario is when they punish you after you play Golem. I’ve already briefly talked about this in momentum, but you need to take damage in order for you to be able to support your Golem.

Let’s have an example against Log bait. If I play Golem at the back, and they rush with Ice Spirit Goblin Barrel in the opposite lane, yes I can play Bandit eWiz to practically take away all the damage, but that also means that my opponent will just counter my Golem with Inferno Tower.

In this case it might be a better play to just Zap the Barrel, suffer 800 damage but also have enough to overwhelm your opponents Inferno Tower.

Overall when they punish after your Golem play, you need to think smartly, nullify damage cheaply and try to use your troops in a way that will survive and counterpush. It’s important that your troops survive, even if it costs you Tower health. Often times in order for your troops to survive you’re going to have to let your opponents troops lock onto your Tower before you counter them, so that they don’t kill your defensive troops.

The last scenario is when they punish your Pump.

With the middle Pump placement, miners can be countered easily. The only way for them to take out your Pump is with spells. Fireball, Poison and Lightning are all fine, as you still make +1 Elixir, just try to play Pump on the opposite side next time in order to spread the damage between your towers.

However it can be troublesome when your Pump is behind your crown towers, and they decide to Miner. You have literally a 50/50 chance of guessing which Miner placement they use. If you guess wrong, you’re going to lose your Pump value, and this is simply a risk you have to take while playing beatdown.

In my opinion protecting my pumps is more important than suffering crown Tower damage.

Remember, although you used 6 Elixir on your Pump, a full Pump is a potential 8 Elixir sitting there…. So protect it guys.


Minimalizing Your Opponent’s Ability to Punish (Especially vs Hog Lightning)

Ultimately we’ve established that we as beatdown players are going to receive damage, but in conjunction with keeping momentum and timing your Golem, we have to minimalize our chances of getting punished.

A specific matchup I’d like to discuss is Golem beatdown vs Hog Lightning, because Hog is capable of punishing so hard.

Typically when I Pump up at the start of the game they will send in their Hog and punish me.

Be careful when countering Hog with Bandit/eWiz, you don’t want your opponent to be able to hit Pump, Tower and your defensive troop with one Lightning, that would just be insane value and it could quite cost you the game, so make sure that you place your troop far away from the Pump.

Q13RqLHowever if your opponent does not Lightning Pump, you could be in a very good position. This is the situation, you have a Pump down, you have suffered 3 Hog hits, but you have a defensive card that survived that your opponent will have to react to.

At this point, you have incredible momentum.

Whatever your opponent uses to react to your stray card, you can ignore it and just play Golem at the back. You are now ahead in Elixir by an absolute mile, since you have a Pump and they were forced to react to your stray card!

Lets get back on track and talk about what to do to prevent being punished by Hog when you play Golem.

Hopefully you will have realized that your opponent is playing Hog early in the game, and you won’t make the mistake of playing Golem at the back when they have Hog in hand.

The only time this might be acceptable is if you are playing Golem on the damaged crown Tower side, forcing your opponent to have to split the damage between your crown towers if they choose to punish you.

Otherwise, against Hog I will typically wait for them to have used their Hog offensively, or even to punish my Pump.

After they use their Hog I can just plomp my Golem’s a** at the back, and rest assured that he has no Hog to punish me.

This is a perfect example of throwing your opponent off his momentum.

If your opponent refuses to use his Hog….well then I guess your opponent won’t be dealing any damage!

Playing Against Hard Counters

There’s 3 main hard counters to Golem, and I’ll explain how to play against them.

counter golemP.E.K.K.A

Let’s start off with the worst. P.E.K.K.A completely destroys Golem, doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.

Unfortunately for us, P.E.K.K.A is rampant in the current meta, and the fact of the matter is, every deck out there has a counter deck.

If a P.E.K.K.A player plays perfectly against you, you’re going to lose….no question about it. However there are ways to outplay P.E.K.K.A in this matchup that isn’t as impossible as you might think.

I’ve played against P.E.K.K.A plenty of times in these grand challenge runs and won.

In an ideal scenario, you want to hold your Golem and wait for them to play P.E.K.K.A.

Against P.E.K.K.A beatdown decks your opponent is going to have to end up playing P.E.K.K.A. In this case, you can either play Golem at the back of the opposite lane, and possibly trade towers, or you can let the P.E.K.K.A travel a bit further, then play your Golem on the same side as the P.E.K.K.A.

This allows you to take out their P.E.K.K.A when it’s on your side of the arena with the Inferno Dragon. Since it’s on your side of the arena, enemy Electro Wizard won’t be able to reset the iDrag because it’s protected by the Golem. Lightning doesn’t kill iDrag and Zap will only prolong the inevitable.

However there will be many occasions where your opponent is playing P.E.K.K.A Hog, or P.E.K.K.A Miner, and they will refuse to play P.E.K.K.A. In this case you just have to go for a Golem push. An ideal situation is where you would have built an Elixir lead with pumps, which allows you to overwhelm their P.E.K.K.A. However this isn’t always possible, and you will have to play smart. You have no choice but to try to take out the enemy P.E.K.K.A using your Inferno Dragon. Try to attack them when they don’t have eWiz in cycle, but if they do you will simply have to either snipe the ewiz with Bandit/Mega Knight, or you will have to put enough troops in front of the idrag so that the enemy eWiz can’t reset it.

Another thing you can do against an impenetrable P.E.K.K.A wall is to wait for them to use all their Elixir to counter your Golem, then rush the other lane with Mega Knight and other support units. This isn’t a reliable tactic but has saved me the game on a few occasions. However only do this as a last resort when you really see no way to counter their P.E.K.K.A.

That’s my 2 cents on how I deal with P.E.K.K.A.

counter golem 1Inferno Tower and Dragon

These are two hard counters to Golem that I don’t worry too much about.

Both of these are easy to overwhelm on a well committed Golem push.

All you have to do is get a bit of an Elixir lead, go in with the Golem and use your Zap to buy you enough time for your support units to overwhelm the enemy.

Inferno Tower and Dragon can also be reset by Electro Wizard if they’re played too close to the bridge.

Inferno Tower is commonly played with Log bait, and against Log bait you have to heavily depend on your Mega Knight to win games.

The Inferno Tower can’t deal with both the Golem and Mega Knight, only possibly one, so it’s pretty self-explanatory how you are able to overwhelm your opponent with Mega Knight and other support units.

Which Support Units to Play Behind Golem?

golem supportThis is also something I would like to briefly talk about.

When supporting your Golem, wait until the last possible moment before playing support units.

There’s only so much Elixir to go around so you better choose the support units you’re going to use carefully. Either react to what your opponent counters your Golem with, or think what sort of deck your opponent and what sort of cards he’ll use to counter Golem.

For example if you know he likes to play a ranged card, then playing Bandit to support the Golem is probably a better idea than playing the Inferno Dragon.

Just a very simple tip for you guys to keep in mind.

Playing Golem in the middle or at the back?

This is my final tip for you guys.

A common dilemma that I face as a Golem player is whether to play Golem at the back or towards the middle of the arena.

In an ideal world I get to play the Golem at the back everytime to build my push. The majority of my Golem placements will be at the back because that’s simply the best way to build your push.

I only play the Golem in the middle when

  • There is like last 40 seconds of the game. If I play Golem at the back, it’s barely going to reach my opponents crown Tower in that small time frame. Because of this, I might play Golem just above the king Tower so that it will actually reach my opponent before the game ends.
  • I need my Golem to tank for something. For example if an enemy P.E.K.K.A is coming towards my side, I might play a Golem+Inferno Dragon to take care of anything my opponent uses to push. This Golem placement might not necessarily be in the middle of the base. I could still play it behind the crown Tower, but not all the way at the back, as long as my Golem is able to walk forward and tank for my crown towers, it’s perfectly fine.
  • I want to increase the chances of my support units being able to counterpush. For example if I play Golem all the way back, and they punish my opposite lane or same lane, whatever I use to counter their push is going to get no value because it’s in front of my Golem. However if I had played Golem in the middle then that means whatever I use to counter their punish can continue to survive and support my Golem.


Beatdown isn’t as unskillful as you might think! There’s a lot of thought process going through a beatdown player’s mind, specially on the decision making part of the game. Whereas in cycle/control decks there’s less decision making and more precision play in terms of defending perfectly.

I hope you guys enjoyed this guide and learnt some more advanced tricks regarding playing Golem beatdown.

I would very much appreciate it if you guys could check out and possibly subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Mega Knight Yard (FriskYard)

mega graveyard

Hello, beauties and gentlebeauties! This is Inaros (Frisk Dreemurr in the comments!), coming to you live with a report of my status in the crown championship…I failed. I lost in the second stage.

But anyway, like I said, I’m Frisk, and today I want to share a deck that uses the Mega Knight!

mega graveyard

Clash Royale Mega KnightClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Goblin Barrel
Clash Royale PoisonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale KnightClash Royale Arrows

trifecta analytics

Card Breakdown!

Clash Royale Mega KnightMega Knight:

Out now! Landing with the power of 1,000 mustaches, this handsome guy lands with a POW, and keeps packing a punch, jumping from troop to troop!

He seems to be a hybrid of these cards: The Electro Wizard (spawn damage), the Lava Hound (tankiness), and the Bandit (charging up before dealing area damage; 2x damage after charging).

He may seem powerful at first, but can be easily stopped by various troops/troop combos, some not costing more than 5 elixir for a +2 trade

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard:

Start a party whenever you plop this card onto the field… a Skeleton party, anywhere in the arena! YAAAAAAAY!

Spawns a whole lot of doots, but you can never tell where, as RNGesus controls the card. Can take a tower with the right support.

Just beware of Valkyrie. Though she hasn’t made an appearance in the Arena lately, it’s best to be careful.

You all know your placements already, so no need for explanation! *winks*

Clash Royale PoisonPoison:

A must have in almost all Graveyard decks. Destroys most glass cannons. Clears out any potential swarm that easily shuts down your doot party.

Also helps the doots in destroying the tower quicker.

Try not to use Poison on defense unless you absolutely have to.

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard:

He lands with a POW, and then continues to impress by attacking 2 targets at a time! What a show-off!

He is extremely useful in resetting the charge of Prince, Dark Prince, and Battle Ram. Also stops Inferno Dragon and assists tanks in dealing with Inferno Tower.

He’ll play a defensive role in this deck, but can squeeze himself into a counter push if possible.

Having him at level 2+ is recommended as most Fireballs are overleveled, killing him instantly when used.

Clash Royale Ice SpiritIce Spirit:

This little guy, in my opinion, is the best common card ever!

It’s tanky (for one-Elixir card!), fast, and just plain adorable. Their best feature is a 1.5 second freeze, buying you just enough time to stop that P.E.K.K.A push or to allow your Battle Ram to deal that deadly charge damage!

Clash Royale KnightKnight:

The Mega Knight’s lesser counterpart. Used to be a card we’d just use in the lower arenas, but now he has found a spot in many decks and in ALL arenas!

Offers decent damage per hit and at a decent hit speed too.

Very tanky when overleveled, and can stop most glass cannons on it’s own! Good mini tank for Graveyard.

Read more about him here.

Clash Royale ArrowsArrows:

Pretty self explanatory. Effective against swarms and as a glass cannon finisher.

Now, you may be asking, why have Poison AND arrows in the same deck? See, Poison takes a bit of time to kill swarms, so when making a graveyard push, a tank’s survival is essential.

Arrows offer an instant response. Use on Goblin Gangs and Minion Hordes that want to destroy your hopes and dreams.

Clash Royale Goblin BarrelGoblin Barrel:

Use when Graveyard starts to fail. Can deal hundreds of damage if left unanswered.



Clash Royale Mega Knightekf9WOpClash Royale GolemClash Royale Giant

Clash Royale Poisonekf9WOpClash Royale fireball

Clash Royale Electro Wizardekf9WOpClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Musketeer

Clash Royale Knightekf9WOpClash Royale Ice Golem

Clash Royale Arrowsekf9WOpClash Royale ZapClash Royale The Log

Tips and Advice

  • Mega Knight is a wonderful card. It really is. I like it, and plan to make a ladder deck with him once I acquire him in my card collection. He is a  well-rounded card, but don’t overly rely on him.
  • Don’t send him alone, as he will likely get distracted and start to attack other troops. If he jumps to the side opposite of your Graveyard push, you’re screwed.
  • Mega Knight is expert at counterpushing. Wait for your opponent to make a push and drop him so that he hits every troop. This way you can get elixir advantage, which allows you to drop that GY without the risk of getting counterpushed.

General Gameplan

3:00- 1:01:

Knight at the back will be your best starting play here.

The second-best play will be Ice Spirit wherever you please.

You will be able to stop most pushes, because Knight+Ice Spirit can take care of most ground pushes. You have Electro Wizard as the extra helper.

Mega Knight is going to be your surprise card, so try not to reveal him until Double Elixir time. The ONLY exception is when the other dude has a deathball push coming at you, and you need Mega Knight’s spawn to clear out the troops.

1:00- 0:00:


With this deck’s cheap cost, you’re sure to outcycle your opponent, crush his defenses, and take his tower(s).


In the event that you go to overtime, it’s best you play for a draw.

Graveyard needs a lot of support to be able to do anything, and your opponent will likely be 10 times more alert than before.


Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound:

I hate this card, to be honest. I especially hate Lavaloon. DON’T, I repeat, DON’T let them get their Balloon down. You’re likely screwed if that happens. Pre-Poison to make sure they don’t even think about using their Minions/Gang.

Clash Royale GolemGolem:

As soon as the big guy goes down, immediately rush the other lane with a Knight+Graveyard push. Have Poison/Arrows ready just in case.

Clash Royale Goblin GangBait:

You have various splash cards on your side. You should be able to keep up with their cycle.

Clash Royale X-BowSiege:

This is gonna be a tough matchup. Don’t let their siege weapon lock onto your tower. Mega Knight and Electro Wizard are available in the event that they do.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Rider:

Knight+ Ice Spirit with Electro Wizard should be enough to stop most pig pushes. Mega Knight also works(ish)

Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard:

Go all out. Sadly, you may need to use defensive Poisons. E-wiz’s spawn damage is viable as well

Clash Royale Goblin HutSpawner:

You won’t encounter these very often, but if you do, don’t even bother attacking. The Spawners will crash the doot party 🙁


Well, that was it! My second deck. Not off meta, but it’s still Frisk style.

Next up, more drama! More romance! More FRISKINESS! In other words, Cannon Cart 😉

Stay Determined!

Frisk Dreemurr

Best Tips For Getting 9 Wins in 2v2 Mega Knight Challenge


2v2 battle clash royale

Best Tips for Winning 2v2 Mega Knight Challenge

Mega Knight Tips

mega knight 3Since he targets both troops and buildings, he can be distracted pretty easily.

However, don’t place troops like Ice Spirit or Skeletons 4-5 tiles away from him otherwise he will jump straight to them, dealing x2 splash damage (480 damgae). Not only that, he might have enough room to jump straight to the Tower.

So, in order to deal with him, treat him as a Bandit.

Remember his splash damage tho. 1 Jump + 1 Hit are enough to kill Musketeers, Wizards etc. Which is similar to the Fireball + Zap/Log combo. So keep this in mind. Defending with Knight or Valkyrie is a lot safer than utilizing glass cannons.

His jump has the weight of a Fireball. And his attack has the weight of The Log.

Though he is easily capable of dealing a lot of damage because of how long he can stay alive, his actual DPS is very low so defensively he doesn’t really work like a P.E.K.K.A as a tank killer. Nor will he be that huge of a threat to answer.

Do not use the Mega Knight as a win condition.

A simple Knight + Ice Spirit or Knight + Skeletons combo should be able to shut down a lone Mega Knight with the help of the Tower. So you will want to pair him up with something else as a win condition, keeping it more as a control deck rather than beatdown deck.

That being said, I do see him working similar to a Golem as well, tanking for the supporting troops because an Inferno Tower will not be enough to stop him. He would simply jump on top of the Inferno Tower if not distracted. Neither Inferno Tower nor Tombstone will be effective vs him. A simple Zap or Fireball etc will negate the Inferno Tower!

In fact, I do not recommend using buildings in your deck at all except maybe a Collector if your is heavy. A building just creates a shortcut to the Tower for him.

Using cards like Goblins or Archers etc aren’t really that viable against Mega Knight because he has splash damage. You should treat him like a Dark Prince in this case.

Don’t play the Barbarians or Goblin Gang in front of him because he will kill them all in a few hits while tanking all of the damage.

Unlike the Dark Prince, he has over 3000 HP. You want to place the troops within his charge range in order to minimize the damage.

If you use a Knight, place him right when the Mega Knight crosses the bridge.

If you use Goblin Gang, surround Mega Knight once he crossed the bridge.

Air troops are a sure-fire way of counter but he will still be able charge to the Tower, dealing a lot of damage, somewhat like the Bandit and Cannon Card.

Mini P.E.K.K.A will be definitely the best counter in the game for the Mega Knight.

Reliable Mega Knight Counters

Clash Royale KnightClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale BatsClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Guards

Troops which would work well with Mega Knight

Clash Royale BanditClash Royale MinerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ZapClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale BowlerClash Royale LightningClash Royale Graveyard

Interactions with squishy troops (Ignoring the charge damage)

  • 1 hit: Skeletons, Goblins
  • 2 hits: Archers – will only have a few HP after first hit so zappable or Ice Spirit + Mega Knight hit will kill them.
  • 3 hits: Musketeer, Wizard, Ice Wizard, Witch and Electro Wizard
  • 4 hits: Night Witch

For more tips on the Mega Knight, please read this guide

General 2v2 Tips

Clash Royale Mega KnightDo not use the Mega Knight as a win condition.

A simple Knight + Ice Spirit or Knight + Skeletons combo should be able to shut down a lone Mega Knight with the help of the Tower. So you will want to pair him up with something else as a win condition, keeping it more as a control deck rather than beatdown deck.

That being said, I do see him working similar to a Golem as well, tanking for the supporting troops because an Inferno Tower will not be enough to stop him. He would simply jump on top of the Inferno Tower if not distracted. Neither Inferno Tower nor Tombstone will be effective vs him. A simple Zap or Fireball etc will negate the Inferno Tower!

Always pick at least one win condition!

This is probably the most fundamental thing you must do while playing Draft Challenge. It is extremely hard to win the game without a win condition. You just can’t pray for the victory. Win condition + supports are always better than glass cannons only.

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava Hound

Pick one of these cards If possible.

All of them work very well in any Draft Challenge as they require specific counters. If your opponents do not have one of those counters, they will find it very difficult to deal with these cards.

Clash Royale BalloonClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale SparkyClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Inferno DragonClash Royale Princess

Pick a direct damage spell.

Sometimes, you are not lucky enough to get for your own win condition. You will need a direct damage spell then to take out the Tower. This challenge is “Double Elixir” so you will cycle back to your spell very fast. Also, since the Elixir regeneration rate is very fast, your opponent will probably drop multiple troops at once, giving you chances to get positive Elixir trades.

Moreover, spell cycle is very strong in Double Elixir Challenges. Once the enemy Tower is below 2xRocket threshold, you win the game.

Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Keep your deck cheap but not too cheap otherwise you will need to play with 10 fingers.

In draft challenge, normally the choices will be pretty similar (for example Minions vs Minion Horde). Choose the cheaper cards! It’s best to keep your deck cheaper. We never know what the opponents give us.

If you pick too many expensive cards, you will give the opponents good opportunities to get positive Elixir trades with heavy spells (above).

However, because this is 2v2 Double Elixir battle, don’t hesitate to pick heavy tanks and aim for huge pushes.

Make sure most of your cards are well rounded.

Choose the cards which can counter a variety of cards!

For example, Zap, Fireball, Skeleton Army, Goblin Gang, Knight etc can deal with various cards; they are also relatively cheap, making them great choices.

Like mentioned at the second tip, maybe your opponent got some specific cards which are hard to deal with with specific counters, it’s better to get versatile cards.

Don’t forget pocket card!

This is the card which your opponent would never think of, giving you the opportunity to play it at the right moment.

It is ideal to have at least 1 pocket card. It could be Freeze, Balloon, Graveyard, Three Musketeers etc.

It is often good to have at most 1 pocket card in your deck. This is a card that your opponent least expects for you to play at the opportune moment.

Pick cards based on your teammate’s picks

Don’t forget that this challenge is based on teamwork a lot. So, don’t forget to look at your teammate’s picks. If your teammate picks Graveyard, pick Poison instead of Rocket. Etc.

These cards are so good in 2v2!

Pick them If you can!

Clash Royale RocketClash Royale TornadoClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale BowlerClash Royale MinerClash Royale PrincessClash Royale The LogClash Royale PoisonClash Royale fireball

These cards don’t work very well in 2v2 as they do in 1v1 battles. This is because you can gain value from spell easier in 2v2.

Clash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Barbarian HutClash Royale Goblin Hut

Always hover your cards for a few seconds!

This is a super-important tip. Players are tons of Elixir every day because of not doing this.

Hover your cards so your teammate will have a decent amount of time to do the right things.

You guys are a team!

^ this.

Sometimes, when I place my Golem down, my teammate decides to play his Giant Graveyard push on the opposite lane (wute?).

Support each other!

If you get a bad teammate, try the best!

There is nothing we can do her.

Don’t leave the game If your teammate Logs Minions or Fireballs Golem. Try your best to help him/her out.

I got coupled with a bad teammate once. I did the best to cover him on defense and all he could do was to place his Graveyard when I play my Golem. We won that one.