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Ultimate Guide on Building Hybrid Decks

hybrid deck clash royale

Hello fellow Clashers! I’m KairosTime and today I’m bringing you Part VI to the “Strategy Guide to Clash Royale” with the Ultimate Guide on Hybrid Deck Building.

This is a guide for new and experienced players alike and will help you get better at using understanding how Hybrid Decks work, and how to build them.

Check out this guide for some basic ideas on Hybrid Decks.

hybrid deck clash royale

Before we move on, I think that Hybrid Decks are some of the strongest decks in the game, but they require very skilled deck building and players to unlock their full potential. This guide will help you do just that!

In this guide, we’ll focus on these key topics:

  • What Hybrid Decks are (Pros & Cons)
  • Hybrid Deck Fundamentals
  • How to Build a Hybrid Deck

What Is Hybrid Deck?

hybrid deck

The 3 Primary Deck Archetypes are Control, Beatdown and Siege.

Each of these have their own strengths and weaknesses as well as deck types that they are Strong or Weak against.

Here’s a brief refresher on each of these Archetypes if you’d like it. (Click the links above for the complete guide on them).

Beatdown Siege Control
Win Condition Role Protects support units that damage the tower Primary tower destroyer from a distance Primary tower destroyer up close
Offensive Mindset Use the right support to counter enemy defenses Protect the win condition Strike when when the time is right (Elixir Advantage or Counterpush)
Defensive Mindset Use the tower’s health as a resource Turtle up if needed Focus on making positive Elixir trades so you can go on the offense
Overall Focus Creating an overwhelming offense while attempting to defend if needed (Prefers fighting on your side of the arena) Bouncing between an offensive strategy or defensive strategy depending on the situation (Stays on their side) Defensive gameplay geared towards making positive trades and channeling it into offensive combos (Prefers fighting on their side of the arena)
2 Triangle Theory Strong vs Siege

Weak vs Control

Strong vs Control

Weak vs Beatdown

Strong v Beatdown

Weak v Siege

Example Giant, Golem, Lava Hound, PEKKA Mortar, Xbow, Rocket (sometimes) Hog Rider, Miner, Battle Ram

A Hybrid Deck is a deck that contains cards or elements from more than 1 Archetype. For example, you could make a deck that includes the P.E.K.K.A and the Battle Ram for a Beatdown Control Hybrid deck.

Note: Hybrid Decks function a little differently than Double Decks or decks that have more than 1 win condition from the same Archetype. (Miner + Hog would be a Double Control Deck) However, Hybrid Deck building principles will help with Double Deck building as well because a lot of the principles are the same.

Hybrid Deck’s Cons

Although Hybrid decks break free from a lot of the rules that are associated with the three Archetypes, that doesn’t mean that they’re easier to play or build.

In fact, there are lots of Cons to Hybrid Decks:

Difficult to Build

An incorrectly built Hybrid deck will often times contain the weaknesses of both it’s archetypes without all of the strengths.

To get around this, a firm understanding of the current meta is required, as well as a sound understanding of each archetypes’ and cards’ weaknesses.

In order to build the best Hybrid deck, you’ll want to understand how the 3 types of Hybrid Decks work as well. Or you could just throw a bunch of cards together and hope to get lucky with an all star Hybrid deck!

Difficult to Play

Although Hybrid decks can be extremely successful, playing a Hybrid deck requires a lot of skill and understanding of the game.

Because it gives you two different functioning Win Conditions, it means that if you make the wrong choice in the given situation, it’ll often cost you a tower.

Also, only playing one of the archetypes leads to a 3-card disadvantage which can limit your options.

Note: Please let me know if you would like a guide on how to Play Hybrid Decks in the future

hybrid deck pros

Hybrid Deck Pros

If you’re a skilled player and you think you have what it takes to make and play a Strong Hybrid Deck, there are a lot of reasons why Hybrid Decks are an excellent choice.

It’s a High-Skill, High-Reward deck type so if you can pull it off, you’ll have a lot of advantages:

More Options

Although having more options can be a curse if you make the wrong choice, a skilled player will always make the right choice, which means that they’ll have the advantage over any deck archetype.

One example of this is a Control-Beatdown Hybrid playing primarily a Control style to counter a Beatdown deck so he always has the advantage.

Split Pushes

Having a Push with 1 Archetype going down one lane, while the other Archetype push is going down the other can really put your opponent into a tough spot since most people are accustomed to defending one type at a time.

This requires you have a big advantage, but is extremely rewarding if you can pull it off.

Double Threat

Some Hybrid decks use 2 Win Conditions that are similar and require similar counters to get rid of them. These “Double Threat” decks allow you to get past defenses once your opponent’s 1 or 2 counters are already used up, so your second Win Condition can get in on the Tower.

Example: Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Battle Ram


Other Hybrid decks use 2 Win Conditions that are different and require different counters. If the opponent only has the counters for 1 of them, the other Win Condition can make it’s way to the tower for some easy damage.

Example: Clash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Miner

Hybrid Deck Fundamentals

In order for us to talk about Hybrid Deck Building, it’s important to label each win condition as either Offensive or Defensive.

I will label them according to how easily it is for that Win Condition to provide offense or defense.

Keep it in mind that some Win Conditions can be used for both Offense and Defense, but fit better into one or the other.

I’ve added the Archetypes to these cards in parentheses. Bear in mind that some cards could be considered multiple depending on the user’s play style. However, these Archetypes are labeled according to the following definitions:

  • Control – Primary Tower destroyer up close
  • Beatdown – Acts as a tank to protect other cards that help destroy the tower
  • Siege – Primary Tower destroyer from a distance

Offensive Win Conditions

These are Win Conditions that either only target defenses, or that tend to provide more value on offense than defense.


Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale MinerClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Hog Rider


Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale BalloonClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale GiantClash Royale Golem


Clash Royale Royal Giant

Defensive Win Conditions

These are Win Conditions that offer more value on Defense and typically require a lot of support to deal damage to the enemy tower, with the exception of the Rocket.


Clash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale SparkyClash Royale Three Musketeers


Clash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale P.E.K.K.A


Clash Royale MortarClash Royale Rocket

Note: Some may even not consider some of these Win Conditions because they offer more value on Defense than Offense (Ex. Giant Skeleton or Elite Barbarians). These cards typically require a deck built around them to make them work as a Win Condition.

Hybrid Deck Building

Now that we have the Fundamentals down, we can talk about the 3 types of Hybrid Decks and how to build them:

  • Double Offense – Hybrid decks that contain 2 offensive Win Conditions
  • Double Defense – Hybrid decks that contain 2 defensive Win Conditions
  • Balanced Hybrid – Hybrid decks that contain 1 offensive and 1 defensive Win Condition

Double Offense Hybrid Deck Building

Double Offense Hybrid Decks offer two Win Conditions that are Offensive and as such, as long as you can stay on the offense, these decks are very difficult to defend against. However, they do tend to struggle on Defense so it’s important to build the deck around allowing you to apply constant pressure.

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GiantClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Minion Horde
Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale Spear GoblinsClash Royale ArrowsClash Royale elixir collector
Jason’s Deck was the deck to win the first Clash Royale Competitive Championship! It utilized both the Giant and the Hog Rider to make a Beatdown-Control Double Offense Hybrid Deck

Deck Building Process:

  1. Select 2 Offensive Win Conditions – You’ll want to select 2 Win Conditions that you will either Combo together, or that you will send 1 at a time to keep pressure on your opponent. Good Combo’s are cards that require different types of responses like the Hog Rider and Balloon. Cards to send 1 at a time are usually cards that require similar responses so you can hopefully catch your opponent off guard, like the Hog Rider and Giant.
  2. Select 1 Win Condition Support – You’ll want to select 1 card that is chosen specifically because it will help both of your Win Conditions deal damage to the tower. For example, Lightning does a good job at supporting both the Giant and the Hog Rider if Inferno Towers are popular.
  3. Select 2-3 Anti-Meta Defense Cards – You’ll want to select some cards that are specifically chosen to defend against the most popular Win Conditions in the current meta. Make sure these cards also do a good job at supporting your Win Condition.
  4. Select 2-3 Cards to Fill Holes – Here is a very in-depth Deck Building Guide where you can scroll down to “Fill the Holes” and see what I mean. Basically you’ll want to select the last 1-2 cards to cover any weaknesses your deck may have.

One important aspect to recognize while building Double Offense decks is that they really struggle to defend if you have a bad hand.

As such, you want to ask yourself what the worst hand would be if your opponent were to drop a threat that needed to be dealt with immediately.

With the example of the Jason deck, this would be a Hog Rider, Giant, Arrows, and Elixir Collector. With this hand, you wouldn’t be able to defend.

Make sure you build a deck that doesn’t have any of these hands or you’ll find yourself in trouble.

Double Defense Hybrid Deck Building

Double Defense Hybrid Decks contain 2 Defensive Win Conditions. Because of this, they make it difficult for your opponent to deal damage to your tower, but they can struggle on offense.

These decks can do well on the Ladder because of their ability to pull a draw if they find themselves in an unfavorable matchup.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MortarClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Night Witch
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log

This Double Defense Beatdown-Siege deck uses the PEKKA and the Mortar to support each other, and make it tough for the opponent to deal tower damage

Deck Building Process:

  1. Select 2 Defensive Win Conditions – You’ll want to select a couple of Defensive Win Conditions that do a good job at supporting each other so you can actually land hits on the tower.
  2. Select 2-3 Win Condition Support Cards – Because your Win Conditions are already defensive, you can focus the majority of the rest of your card slots with cards that are geared toward actually assisting your Win Conditions. Once again, it’s important to select Support cards that will support both of your Win Conditions so you don’t limit your options. These will also have to be cards to counter defenses that might give your Win Conditions a hard time
  3. Select 1-2 Anti-Meta Defense Cards – Since your Win Conditions are already defensive you only need 1-2 cards geared toward countering Meta Offenses. Select these to cover offenses that your Win Conditions don’t counter themselves.
  4. Select 1-3 Cards to Fill Holes – Similar to the Double Offense Deck Building, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t any major weaknesses to your deck by “Filling the Holes”.

Note: Make sure you have at least 1 damage dealing Spell to help finish off towers. Anything 4+ elixir should work great since Double Defense Hybrids struggle on offense.

Balanced Hybrid Deck Building

Balanced Hybrid Decks are definitely the easiest to Build and to Play because they include 1 Offensive Win Condition and 1 Defensive Win Condition.

As such, you don’t have to worry nearly as much about making sure that you have to cover Defense with Offensive power, or vice versa.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale BanditClash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Goblin Gang

This Balanced Hybrid Deck is a variation of the one I made 3 months ago and won 14 Challenges in a row with, about half of which were Grand Challenges

Deck Building Process:

  1. Select an Offensive Win Condition – You can start with the defensive one, but I prefer to start with my primary Tower Destroyer. It doesn’t really matter which Win Condition you start with as long as the two work very well together. It’s a good idea to select an offensive Win Condition that the majority of the meta won’t have a great counter to.
  2. Select a Defensive Win Condition – You will want to select a Defensive Win Condition that also does a good job at supporting your Offensive Win Condition, or vice versa depending on the meta. For example, a Battle Ram does a great job at clearing Inferno Towers to allow for PEKKA’s to make it to the tower. You’ll want a Defensive Win Condition that also does a good job at defending against Meta Win Conditions
  3. Select 1-2 Win Condition Support Cards – You will want these cards to be cards that can help support both win conditions. In the example above you could select the Baby Dragon as a support to both the PEKKA and the Battle Ram if Tombstones are popular.
  4. Select 1-2 cards as your Anti-Meta Defense – These cards should do a good job at covering the weaknesses that your Defensive Win Condition may have against Meta Offenses.
  5. Select 2-4 Cards to Fill Holes – Use the last slots to make sure your deck doesn’t have any obvious weaknesses and that it can handle the current meta.

Thanks so much for reading this guide! If you’re interested in learning more, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you can be the first to see my guides. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them as comments on my video and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!

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P.E.K.K.A Bridge Spam Deck (New Meta Deck, Not The Old Cancer)


Hey guys Lolman here!

I was trying out the Ice Wizard in a few decks and one of my all time favorite deck types are P.E.K.K.A control decks.

Starting all the way back with the Miner Poison that GoHawks created. I decided to play with a similar deck with a few recently buffed cards in it. Now without further ado onto the deck!

pekka ram deck

New Meta P.E.K.K.A Bridge Spam Deck

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Miner
Clash Royale The LogClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Bats

battle ram chip analytics

The Deck

Clash Royale MinerMiner

One of two win conditions in the deck, the easiest to get damage with so is probably your primary win condition.

He is the main answer to Collectors.

Also on tower, he can do more damage than a Rocket if ignored for half the price.

He can snipe Princesses very well.

Mainly this card should be used on offence rather than defence but in the worst case, don’t hestitate to use him.

For example, Miner is only 3 Elixir so if you have only Electro Wizard and Miner, it’s best use Miner to tank rather than having your Electro Wizard get killed and Tower almost gets massacred.

miner placement

Typical Miner placement

Clash Royale Battle RamBattle Ram

Secondary win condition. Miner, Battle Ram and Poison is your main push of the game. 11 Elixir and not many cards can stop it without giving your Poison value.

Battle Ram can be changed out for a Hog.

I’ve noticed that P.E.K.K.A + Hog decks have been getting quite popular recently and it should work almost as well as P.E.K.K.A + Ram.

I prefer the Battle Ram because of its defensive capabilities.

drop battle ram

Drop it similar to a Hog! That way it charges right at moment it crosses the bridge!

Clash Royale PoisonPoison

Your value card, this card is meant to assist in your Ram and Miner pushes in getting value.

Pumps up? Miner tower and the Poison both Pump and the tower.

Normally the opponent will be dropping something like Goblins, Night Witch etc to defend the Pump and this will give you value.

Your push is 7 Elixir and you can get rid of their Pump advantage.

You can ignore the defending card most the time and also get an extra 240 damage on the tower.

Also, don’t cycle Miner + Poisons unless your opponent is running Log bait or something where the counters to your Miner are predictable.

Always get value with it so that you aren’t just wasting 4 Elixir in a way.

Clash Royale The LogThe Log

Self explanatory. Sorry guys!


Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wiz

Now this is mainly for air splash and slow.

P.E.K.K.A + Ice Wiz = rip Golem and support. It’s VERY easy to defend a Golem push with this combo regardless of the size.

Keep in mind that your P.E.K.K.A is more than likely to be dead so vs Golem Night Witch etc it’s always handy to cycle back to Poison for defence.

Cycling an Ice Wiz in the back of your damaged lane is the way to go. This will make your opponent less likely to drop a Hog or Ram etc on that lane.

Ice Wiz + Miner also synergize well. I have my Miner tank while Ice Wiz slows the tower, causing Miner to live longer.

Ignored, an Ice Wiz can deal a reasonable amount of damage to the tower. 315 damage at tourney cap.

He is the main Graveyard counter in this deck.

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard

Now with the 2x Wizards in the deck, I only got a few words of warning.

While they are really good on defence, you want to avoid 3 things: Fireballs, Poisons and Lightnings.

Electro Wizard is more for Inferno Dragon etc. I faced a lot of X-Bow Inferno Dragon decks so Electro Wizard is very important at resetting him otherwise you will be screwed. They just have to distract the P.E.K.K.A long enough for the Inferno Dragon to murder the P.E.K.K.A and then you have to watch your tower getting destroye.

So Electro Wizard is somewhat niche in this deck and situational.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A

You’ll be running big momma P.E.K.K.A to deal with tanks.

She is excellent against Hogs, Bridge Spam pushes. 3 Muskets etc.

She doesn’t have infinite HP so you can’t 100% rely on her. Especially vs Golem decks if they stack up a lot behind the Golem. They can potentially kill your P.E.K.K.A really fast.

Clash Royale BatsBats

With the new buff, these bad boys went from irrelevant to amazing.

At tourney cap, 335 DPS for only 2 Elixir is so steal. To put this into perspective, this is more DPS than a buffed mini P.E.K.K.A at tourney cap which is 332 DPS.

Albeit they can get Zapped, but all the same that’s an even trade. And now with Night Witch nerf and Log bait on the rise, people are more likely to run Log than Zap.

Ice Wiz + Bats is usually enough to completely shut down all tanks in the game!

General Gameplay

Early game

This deck leans a lot on the P.E.K.K.A on defence so in 1x Elixir I’d avoid a push like Miner, Ram, Poison from the get-go.

Your opponent counters with a P.E.K.K.A? You will be paying your opponent 4 Elixir to drop a P.E.K.K.A and have him counter push with basically a full HP one!

So start off with maybe a Miner in the non-Tornado zone or maybe a Battle Ram with a Log being ready.

I’d avoid spending more than 6-7 Elixir as a starting play.

NEVER EVER drop a P.E.K.K.A at the back aggressively unless it’s 2x Elixir and you have a half-HP tower and the other at full HP.

If you are playing vs Hog, you don’t want to pre-emptively play your P.E.K.K.A.

So without overcommiting try to dish out damage to your opponent’s tower with Poison and Miner and Battle Ram.

Play semi-aggressively while getting accustomed to your opponents rotation and deck.

These are key in making predictive plays.

Mid game

By now you ought to know what you are playing against and have a general idea just what your opponents cycleis.

Vs spell bait, when they got Knight in cycle, if you want to play a pre-emptive Poison to kill their Goblin Gang for an example. Or know when your opponent has their spells in cycle etc.

So, by keeping track of these things! It’s okay to play a bit risky in maybe using a Ram + Poison push when you might need Poison on defence.

Around this time, till 2x Elixir, try to whittle down your opponents tower as much as possible.

Also one tip is if your opponent counters the Battle Ram very easily, rather than using a Miner to tank for your Ram, try to do that vice versa! Use Miner once your opponents tower locks onto the Ram, allowing your Miner to get extra hits off on the tower!

Late game

Around now, usually I give up the Ram and cycle Miner Poison!

You should have your opponent’s health roughly below 1500 at this point. Each push would deal over 300 damage.

Defend and when you got a counterpush, place a Ram in front but otherwise when you are the aggressor, I would simply cycle Miner + Poison push.

For example, with about 15 seconds left and one of my towers down to ½ HP. I would not be worried playing pre-emptive P.E.K.K.As to make my opponent reluctant to drop a tank or Hog etc on the same lane.

Try to avoid this vs Bridge Spam because your opponent can take your tower VERY fast. Only if they run something like Hog cycle, Giant, Golem etc.

Continue whittling away the tower, be prepared to occasionally go into overtime and try to get that 1-0 victory.

While this deck has a LOT of 3 crown potential, it’s mainly a 1-0 deck as it’s Miner cycle with the P.E.K.K.A being treated as an Inferno Tower.


Clash Royale GolemGolem Lightning – P.E.K.K.A+ Miner Poison.

Poison on defence and P.E.K.K.A demolishes your opponents ideal Baby Dragon + Golem+ Night Witch+ Mega push.

Preventing Bats from stacking up and also use Poison + Electro Wizard to get rid of all support as well, allowing your P.E.K.K.A to survive with a massive amount of HP left, ready for a counterpush.

Don’t give value with Electro Wizard and Ice Wiz and also don’t let them Pump up! Miner tower + Poison the Collector.

If you know they don’t have Gobs or Night Witch or Lumberjack in cycle then Miner the collector for that positive trade and rely on Battle Ram + Poison for damage because they are more likely to switch which tower the Pump is behind.

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog Lightning cycles (P.E.K.K.A and Mini P.E.K.K.A version)- In this matchup do NOT give them P.E.K.K.A value.

Never drop your Ram again as an aggressive play if you know the opponent’s P.E.K.K.A is in cycle (most likely it is!).

Miner is your best friend but not in the Tornado spot.

Dropping Ram will earn a P.E.K.K.A in its face then Hog etc. It’s not a good move as your P.E.K.K.A will most likely be occupied with his, and if you drop like an Electro Wizard P.E.K.K.A + tower and other troops, you will get Lightninged.

You want them to drop their Hog on you and you then use your P.E.K.K.A on the counterpush.

The one who makes the most of their counterpush will win!

Keep in mind that your opponent’s P.E.K.K.A when defending yours will die or almost die! Use your Electro Wizard to ensure that because P.E.K.K.A + Electro Wizard >> P.E.K.K.A + tower.

If it’s the mini P.E.K.K.A version, you can use your P.E.K.K.A directly on the Hog. It takes 3 swings without the tower to kill the Hog but you made a -2 trade and have a full HP P.E.K.K.A going down the lane!

Clash Royale ExecutionerExecutioner Tornado (Specifically Hog) – This can be a little tough to face because if you P.E.K.K.A + Ram the same lane, that’s asking for trouble vs that combination.

So you ideally want to do something along the lines of defend the Hog with your P.E.K.K.A then counter push the other lane with something like Ram + Bats or Miner + Ram etc. They will ideally have to use their Exe, Knight etc on the P.E.K.K.A’s side.

Clash Royale MinerMiner Poison- Vs Miner Poison it’s not that difficult. Just get some good value Poisons and don’t give them value Poisons.

Keep your Electro Wizard safe on offence.

P.E.K.K.A isn’t your win condition so try to bait out the Inferno on your P.E.K.K.A and then use Ram + Poison on the other lane to kill their Electro Wizard etc.

Try to keep at least a counter for their Miner. When placing say an Electro Wizard or Ice Wiz for it, try to avoid where their Poison would be even if the Miner locks onto your tower. It barely deals any damage to it.

Clash Royale The LogLog bait­ – Miner Poison beats Log bait!

Meta is still rock paper scissors. Get value Poisons. Save Log for Barrel and you’re golden. P.E.K.K.A will be useless in this match-up.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLavaloon­- Bats on Balloon, Ice Wiz on Lava Hound.

If they Arrows your Bats then Electro Wizard right underneath. Also Poison on defense if they add like a Mega Minion etc to their push then counterpush with Miner in *front* of thentower, then a slightly delayed Log to take care of Gang/ Skarmy.

Easy match-up if played right.

Clash Royale X-BowX-Bow- Don’t need P.E.K.K.A for this.

Ideally this is what you want to do! Miner tower then Poison X-Bow and tower and Log the X-Bow.

Use Ice Wiz on defense because they will most likely drop a Mega and the X-Bow will hit your Ice Wiz and Miner. Possibly taking them out but it at MOST will get about only 200 -300 damage off tower which is less than a Barrel, which for 6 Elixir is a waste because it is a hefty investment.

In 2x Elixir, you can afford a defensive P.E.K.K.A. You can also play Electro Wizard for Inferno Dragon and Poison the X-Bow + tower!

I think I covered most there is to cover with this deck. It’s a very solid deck. Friend of mine got 20 wins with this deck as well! So if you haven’t already try it out and hopefully you have success trying it out! Cheers.

Revamped Three Musketeers Deck for The New Meta!


Hey guys this is TheMoonBean69 here with my first ever guide on Clash.World (hopefully).

So these recent balance changes have dropped the Night Witch in favor of Mini P.E.K.K.A and Ice Wizard.

My previous deck contained the Night Witch, but in experimenting in the Legendary Challenge, I found that the Ice Wizard and Mini P.E.K.K.A combo was stronger and more effective at dealing with swarms.

This deck did get me to 12 wins in the Legendary Challenge as well as a Grand Challenge. Without further ado let’s hop into the cards.

Three Musketeers Deck

Revamped Three Musketeers Deck

Clash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale MinerClash Royale Ice Wizard
Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale The LogClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Bats

miner poison nighwitch analytics

Cards Breakdown

Clash Royale Three MusketeersThree Musketeers– What do I have to say about these ladies? Powerful and versatile both on offense and defense. My favorite win condition and hands down one of the stronger cards at the moment. Just don’t use them when you don’t have a good elixir advantage, but other than that just keep on cycling these ladies to take easy towers.

{Swapped out for- Nothing}

Clash Royale elixir collectorElixir Pump– The Three Musketeer best friend and another great value card for many reasons. It can act as a spell bait allowing you to strike out with your musketeers and quickly take or deal massive damage to a tower. Play as a starting hand or when you have an elixir advantage.

{Swapped out for- possibly another bulding}

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard– My first legendary, this card still hold a lot in my hear. Although before this buff, this card was wildly underpowered, now it is one of the strongest defensive options and paired with the musketeers can clear out swarms and make the musketeer’s lives easier.

{Swapped out for- Ice spirit if wanting a cheaper overall deck}

Clash Royale The LogThe Log– My 2nd favorite spell and a great utility card, The Log can clear out swarms allowing your musketeers to hammer down that tower. Very helpful for stopping charges and just an overall great card.

{Swapped out for- Zap would be the best choice but arrows can work although there is no way to stop charge attacks}

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem– My first level 8 rare and although this little buddy has fallen out of the arena, it is slowly coming back with more and more decks utilizing this little golem. Use to support your musketeer pushes and to kite enemies to the other side of the arena.

{Swapped out for- Knight but would not recommend.}

Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AMini P.E.K.K.A- This baby P.E.K.K.A has seen its use in the eaerlier stages of the Arenas, but quickly becomes obsolete due to stronger and cheaper counter cards. This buff has allowed this card to shine again and just destroy hogs and golem pushes.

{Swapped out for- Nothing except maybe a musketeer but not recommended.}

Clash Royale BatsBats- One of the most useless cards, these were Air Larrys but could not keep up with the DPS they needed. Now that a 5th bat has joined the ranks, this cards can become one of the best cycle cards.

{Swapped out for- Minions/Skeletons/Goblin Gang, etc

Clash Royale MinerMiner- A very nice chip card, this card can wreak havoc on your opponent’s elixir pumps and greatly support your musketeers pushes. Not a primary win but rather secondary win condition.

{Swapped out for- Hog}

Now that the cards are out of the way, let’s get into the gameplan and matchups!

General Gameplan


Ideal starting hand is pump with Mini P.E.K.K.A, Ice Wizard and Miner.

Drop pump at full elixir and be prepared to defend with a Mini P.E.K.K.A.

Keep defending their pushes and hold off on the musketeers unless they use a spell to destroy your pump.


This is when you should have one pump down, preparing to get a 2nd one down soon.

Do not worry if your tower has less than 1500 hitpoints remaining, keep concentrating on defending and making positive elixir trades.

Start to make miner pushes and/or drop three musketeers if you feel confident.

Double Elixir Time

This is where you just go ham.

Split Three Musketeers and support with Ice Golem, Bats, Miner and Mini P.E.K.K.A. Continually cycle until you have taken a tower or severely crippled it.

If the tower is within log and miner range, stop going on offense and instead defend.

Your opponent, out of desperation, is most likely going to throw cards down hoping to take a tower, make sure he cannot get through your defenses.


Clash Royale GolemGolem– This shouldn’t be a problem as long as you make positive elixir trades and use Mini P.E.K.K.A to defend. Use Ice Golem to soak up damage while Bats cleanup. Should not be too hard of a matchup


Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound– This might be a bit troublesome if they continually lightning/fireball your musketeers. Bats are prone to zap/arrows and support units can easily kill the bats. Overall not a very good match up unless they do not use spells on your musketeers.


Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A– Another simple match up, simply use Ice Wizard to slow down the troops and Bats to clean up. If they have support units, use Ice Golem to soak up damage and Mini P.E.K.K.A to finish the supports off.


Clash Royale GiantGiant- Not much needs to be said, pretty much same game plan as Golem or P.E.K.K.A



Clash Royale Hog RiderHog- Annoying match up but if you place your Mini P.E.K.K.A perfectly, will not be able to get any hits on the tower. Make sure to never use Mini P.E.K.K.A on offense if they have a hog and keep it for defense.


Clash Royale Royal GiantRG- Use Mini P.E.K.K.A for RG use Ice Golem to soak up support units and use Bats to clean up


Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard- Use Ice Golem to tank and Bats t deal with the Graveyard. If they poison, immediately place Ice Wizard to clean up remaining skellies.


Deck Composition

  1. Three Musketeers
  2. Elixir Collector
  3. Royal Ghost
  4. Bandit
  5. Golden Knight
  6. Battle Ram
  7. Fireball
  8. Log

Key Card Roles and Strategies

  1. Three Musketeers
    The heart of the deck, the Three Musketeers, provide a massive damage output. Split them behind the King Tower to apply dual-lane pressure, forcing your opponent to spend Elixir defending both lanes. Use them defensively to eliminate high-health units and then counter-push.
  2. Elixir Collector
    Elixir management is crucial for this deck’s success. The Elixir Collector allows you to build up the necessary advantage to play the Three Musketeers while maintaining pressure on your opponent. Place it strategically to bait out spells like Fireball or Poison, which are often crucial counters to your Three Musketeers.
  3. Royal Ghost
    The Royal Ghost adds a stealthy component to your offense, effectively targeting squishy troops and sneaking in chip damage on towers. It’s also a great defensive card against swarms like Skeleton Army and Goblin Gang, which can be problematic for the Musketeers.
  4. Bandit
    The Bandit is perfect for quick, high-damage strikes. Use her to dash into enemy support troops or towers. Her speed and invulnerability during dashes make her a solid choice for punishing opponents who overcommit on defense.
  5. Golden Knight
    Golden Knight’s dash ability synergizes well with split-lane pressure. His versatility in both offense and defense makes him a key card in controlling the tempo of the game, and his dash can clear out low-health troops while adding a punch to your pushes.
  6. Battle Ram
    The Battle Ram is your primary win condition. It synergizes well with split-lane pushes, often forcing your opponent to split their defenses and overcommit on one side. If left unchecked, the Battle Ram can deal massive damage, especially when paired with the Musketeers.
  7. Fireball
    Fireball serves as your primary spell for dealing with swarms and support troops that counter your Musketeers. Use it wisely to maximize its value, often hitting multiple units or finishing off weakened towers.
  8. Log
    The Log provides a reliable way to deal with swarms and push back enemy troops. It’s especially useful against Goblin Gang, Skeleton Army, and can help in dealing with cheap cycle cards that can distract your pushes.

Playstyle and Tips

  1. Early Game
    In the early game, focus on establishing an Elixir advantage using the Elixir Collector. Play passively and defend efficiently, allowing you to identify your opponent’s counters to the Three Musketeers. Deploy a few chip damage units like Bandit or Royal Ghost to keep your opponent on their toes.
  2. Mid Game
    As you move into the mid game, start splitting the Three Musketeers behind your King Tower to create dual-lane pressure. By this stage, you should have an Elixir advantage, allowing you to support both lanes with cards like Battle Ram, Royal Ghost, or Bandit.
  3. Late Game
    In double Elixir time, the deck truly shines. You can cycle faster and overwhelm your opponent with continuous pressure. Aim to keep your Elixir Collector down at all times and force your opponent to make inefficient trades. The key is to keep them guessing which lane you’ll push next.
  4. Matchups
    • Against Spell-Bait Decks: The Log and Fireball provide ample coverage for dealing with swarms and bait cards. Prioritize Log for Goblin Barrel and Fireball for heavy swarms.
    • Against Beatdown Decks: Use Three Musketeers defensively to eliminate tanks, then counter-push. Split lane pressure can force your opponent into awkward positions.
    • Against Control Decks: Elixir Collector is your best friend. Force out their heavy spells early, and then capitalize with your Musketeers when their counters are out of cycle.


Thank you guys so much for reading this guide and if needed, my wish is your command. I will be in the comments section helping people out so feel free to ask questions!

MoonBean out!

Giant Skeleton Control – How to Smash the Meta!


Hi guys this is CookieMonsterCR.

Have you heard enough of ‘ding’ sounds of Battle Ram hitting your towers? Are you tired of Hogs smashing down your towers? Do you feel helpless when you see Golem slowly striding towards your doom? And you finally get giant depression when they drop that Heal on 3 Muskies and Ram?

I have one simple trick that can solve all of these problems 🙂 !!!

giant skeleton

Clash Royale Giant SkeletonClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale MinerClash Royale Bandit
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale The LogClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Arrows

lumberjack dark prince analytics

Cards Breakdown

Clash Royale Night WitchNight Witch aka All in one: Let’s face it, Night Witch is super good, that works good in Night defense, offense, split push (distraction).

You should use her almost every time she is in rotation

Clash Royale Giant SkeletonGiant Skeleton aka the slow play: GSkelly has couple uses, of course to stop big pushes with his bomb if it’s worth it, Three Muskies, Golem with support, very good against those.

If you don’t have a good play also decent to start with him in the back to force response on opponent, instead of trying to go on offense first

Clash Royale MinerMiner aka Mister Counter and Split push: Miner is used to tank for the troops in counter pushes. You are often left with Night Witch, low HP GSkelly and possibly Bandit, use Miner to tank for all of those.

Additionally, you almost have to use him to “split push”, by that I mean if you see Golem, P.E.K.K.A, even Giant dropped in the back, go for a quick push with Miner one other card, they have to react, or trade the towers (which is a good thing)

Clash Royale BanditBandit aka miss All Over the Arena: Darting here and there creates a lot of threat, good to defend and counter push with.

She is a great hidden support to Skeleton as she helps him deal with medium and low HP troops, also good split push cards.

It is possible to even drop it alone on a tower with worth it trade

Clash Royale PoisonPoison aka The Only way to deal with Night Witch: Drop it on big incoming pushes, ALL pushes against you with Night Witch and to kill low HP troops in front of either Skeleton, or Miner (also decent for pumps)


Clash Royale The LogThe Log: Straight forward! Use it to knock back troops and clear way for Skeleton and Bandit



Clash Royale MinionsMinions: They turn out to be very useful in this deck!

Having a lot of DPS makes them decent at killing tanks, makes them a huge threat when dropped with Miner (tower kill) in a split push.

They are also good a killing small troops and distracting Inferno when dropped above Skeleton.

They are very good to counter pure bridge spam deck (good against Inferno Dragon, Night Witch, Ram, Bandit)

Clash Royale ArrowsArrows: In this deck, there are not that many air targeting troops, and Minion Horde was doing great damage to me, especially when paired with Heal.

Arrows is almost necessary. It helps a ton against Zap/Log bait decks rising in popularity again

I’ve tried several different options like:

  • Zap: Not good enough for Minion Horde Heal;
  • Tornado: This is worth to consider gives a lot more flexibility and good against other decks but couldn’t help me with 3 Musky Minion Horde Heal, if you can figure out how to utilize it in this deck.
  • Guards not enough to counter pure Bridge Spam. Minions are better.
  • Skeletons, not strong enough when used in split push with Miner
  • -Goblin Gang, interesting substitute for Minions, but very often they get killed easily (look popularity Log vs Arrows)

I might add other possibilities if I try out something later (or somebody will comment, I may also edit)

General Gameplan

If you see a tank (Golem, P.E.K.K.A, Giant etc) played at the back, the best play is to quickly split push.

  • Miner + Minions is a great threat for the opponent’s tower. The best counter to it is Arrows (not many people run that now). Hover your finger above your opponent’s tower, tap Miner (first hand) and tap above the tower (second hand) and tap in Minions (first hand) then tap in the exact same place (second hand) for guaranteed perfect timing.
  • Miner + Bandit: Can get countered a little bit more easily. Use if you know opponent don’t have good response.
  • Solo Miner: With reactive (not predictive!) Log/Arrows. It’s possible that he won’t be answered, which makes defending a really hard time
  • Go for Giant Skeleton Night Witch push, very hard to deal with if opponent is low on elixir, usually you end up trading towers

After split push drop in the back Night Witch (if possible, otherwise Minions) on the side which is under attack and Giant Skeleton behind the opponent’s tank, preferably attacking enemy supporting troops.

Night Witch shreds through tanks like nothing. It is really insane. If there is enemy Night Witch involved, ALWAYS POISON.

If you have an elixir advantage after the successful defense, you should consider couple ways to counterpush

  • Drop Night Witch right at the bridge and after a shot delay drop Miner behind the tower. The Tower will focus on the Night Witch (not Bats, not Miner). There is literally no good way to counter this move, even Skarmy gets destroyed by 7 or 9 bats and full HP Miner very strong play
  • Giant Skeleton + Night Witch: Straight forward, use if you have a big elixir advantage
  • Miner + anything you got (Minions, Bandit, Night Witch) just a decent play and guarantees damage on tower. Support it with spells (maybe even predictive)

Always defend with Night Witch, she can do good against any troop and use Bats (and possibly alive Night Witch) on counter push with Miner, Bandit or both.

REMEMBER this deck is a reactive, control type not aggressive deck!

You can sit on full elixir even sometimes but do not do a strong first play, because certain decks will instantly shut you down.

The only allowed starting plays are: Bandit alone/Miner + Minions/Giant Skeleton at the very back.

During the game, always try to drop in Miner to tank for your troops after the defense. Sometimes I even manage to get the Giant Skeleton to the tower (way more possible than a P.E.K.K.A getting to the tower).

Do not feel obligated to attack one tower only


Clash Royale Three Musketeers3 Musky Heal Minion Horde: Drop Poison on Night Witch, play anything on Ram, then counter push leftovers with Miner and Poison/Log.

Use Giant Skeleton on defense as a slow play, or in 2x elixir on the side with 2 Muskies (if they split, drop ONLY Giant Skeleton on that side and defend the other with Bandit +  Night Witch).

Keep Arrows for Minion Horde. When opponent Pumps up, drop Miner onto it, followed by Minions and consider Poisoning also

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog: Quite easy! Night Witch + Bandit on the Hog, do not overcommit on one side, keep some back up for opponents split push, play on counter push


Clash Royale GolemGolem anything: Once the opponent dropped Golem, use the split push on the other side, then drop Night Witch at the back of the Arena to go through the Golem and use Giant Skeleton behind the Golem to tank the supporting troops (and probably blow them up)


Clash Royale Battle RamBridge Spam: DO NOT PLAY FIRST if not having an elixir advantage, REACT AND DEFEND. that’s the only advice you need to remember! Drop Poison in counter push or on top of the Night Witch and slowly chip away Health of tower with Miner.

Clash Royale BalloonAny Balloon deck (Ice Golem Balloon, Knight Balloon, Giant Balloon): keep Minions and if possible Night Witch for it and try to get it down, don’t hesitate if needed to Poison and arrow it down


Clash Royale GraveyardGraveyard: Play Night Witch or Minions on the Graveyard, Giant Skeleton/Bandit in front to deal with support troops.

If you face Grave Poison, you can play Minions on Grave to test first, afterwards drop Bandit on the Graveyard and after about 5-6s Log everything, additionally use Minions on the tank for the Graveyard. Play the Night Witch a little bit behind the tower, the opponent will probably drop Poison further in front and completely miss the Night Witch, then counterpush.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLavaloon: Luckily not too common nowadays.

It is really hard to play against this deck. You have to 3 crown them before they do! Go for Skeleton, Night Witch, Poison push and then Miner and Bandit. Split push and defend a little maybe with Minions, of just Poison.

I haven’t figured out the best way to deal with it, still trying (I’ll maybe edit later) things. I wasn’t able to fight against Lavaloon a lot

Final Tips

  • Defensive Miner is not a bad thing, he has good HP and decent DPS (his damage against tower is lowered that’s why you might not feel it)
  • Don’t mind cycling Log on other troops (even only for push back effect) to get to Night Witch and Bandit
  • Log and Poison large pushes, everything dies a couple of second quicker
  • Alone Bandit (and alone Bandit in the middle of opponent’s zone after one tower down) is an okay play to force a reaction (in fact very often people can’t react fast enough when Bandit is dropped in the middle)
  • Night Witch in defense is good against almost everything!

If you’ve read this whole post a am really thankful, it took quite some time for me to write it and I feel like many people can and will benefit 😀

Any response and comments are welcome, I’ll try to answer and add to this post.

My IGN is CookieMonster #29LOQORQ feel free to add me.

Have fun!

By CookieMonsterCR

2.9 Battle Ram Cycle

bridgespam cycle

Hello everyone! My name is Herro and this is my first article on Clash.World.

So recently bridge spam has been very popular and powerful in the meta. I’ve always wanted to try it out but i don’t have the Bandit, Night Witch, or the Inferno Dragon (the only legendaries i don’t have rip)

So, I have made a completely new bridge spam deck that is great on offense and defense and has a amazing average Elixir cost of 2.9.

Now you must be thinking, how is a 2.9 deck going to defend against any sort of big push? Well you’re going to find out by reading this deck guide.

Without further ado, lets get into the deck!

bridgespam cycle

Clash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Poison
Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale TombstoneClash Royale Zap

hog freeze analytics


Disclaimer: This deck has 2 Legendaries and i do not think they can be replaced. So if you are going to replace them, the deck might not be as good as the original.

Clash Royale Battle RamBattle Ram: The deck can’t be a bridge spam deck without the trusty Battle Ram! This card is great on offense with the unique barbarian spawn ability. Also is great at defense and has a unique ability: Lightning rod!

The Battle Ram (if placed correctly) can absorb all 3 hits from a Lightning spell. Great at clutch wins or protecting your 3 Musketeers (not in this deck though lol)

Clash Royale Ice GolemIce Golem: A cheap tank with the special slow ability. This card is self explanatory on its uses.


Clash Royale Ice SpiritIce Spirit: This card is another cheap card with the special Freeze mechanic. Paired up with the Battle Ram, this little guy can help your Ram connect to the Tower and deal that juicy 2x charge damage.

I remember when the little guy had a 2 second stun making him so overpowered for only 1 Elixir.

Clash Royale Ice WizardIce Wizard: This frosty dude is a very underrated card in the meta at the moment. His slow is so great on defense (and offense!) and is versatile for only 3 Elixir.

I do believe he needs some love and a buff would be great. (maybe ability to one shot Skeletons and Bats like the Witch?)

Clash Royale Electro WizardElectro Wizard: This guy is way to powerful on defense. Paired up with the Ice Wizard, they make a great combo on defense and offense.

One of the best legendaries at the moment.

Clash Royale PoisonPoison: This card was super overpowered back when it had a 20% slow. After its nerf it fell out of the meta but was brought back with some buffs.

It is great when used on offense to support your Ram. Its great at dealing with Night Witches.

Clash Royale ZapZap: Self-explanatory card.


Clash Royale TombstoneThe last slot can be many cards. I have experimented and the best cards to put in this slot are Tombstone, Guards, Cannon, and Inferno Tower.

Tombstone is a good defense with constant Skeletons coming out of it. Tombstone is great at banking Elixir and is mostly a bad trade to fire spells at it. Guards are a very underrated defensive card. I especially like how they counter most of the cards in the meta.

Bandit coming your way? Use Guards. Battle Ram? Use Guards. Graveyard? Use Guards. Guards are like the Dark Prince in a way. They are really good at a certain role and fall off at others. Guards are great on defense but fall off at offense (Just saying I might be biased because Guards were my first level 5 epic and is my favorite epic card).

Cannon is another underused defense. It provides lots of damage for only 3 Elixir. Also at the moment I use Cannon variant of this deck.

The Inferno Tower is self-explanatory. It’s a great tank stopper overall. The only bad thing about it is its Elixir cost but the Inferno Tower does bring lots of value with its ability to stop tanks.


This deck is very similar to the play style of bridge spam. You punish the opponent by rushing them with fast cards such as the Battle Ram. Although this deck is cheap, it can pick apart big pushes by Elixir advantage.

With this deck you want to make smart plays with Elixir without giving the opponent free advantages like a Pump.

If someone starts with a Pump, immediately push with a mixture of Battle Ram, Ice Golem, Ice Spirit, and Poison.

Poison is needed to shut down the Pump and don’t save it for 3 Musketeers. Always destroy the Pump.

In 2x Elixir don’t focus on defense too much. Because of the decks 2.9 Elixir cost you can constantly cycle to Battle Rams and keep your opponent focused on defending instead of pushing for a Tower. If your Tower is at 500 HP or less, don’t focus on it. Rather push the other lane to easily get a crown and pressure your opponent to do something.

This deck works great in challenges. In ladder your only problem will be card levels.


In this section ill talk about the most popular matchups

Clash Royale Battle RamBridge spam: This deck works fairly well against bridge spam. You can use Poison effectively in a push and kill all the counters to your Battle Ram push with ease. Not a hard matchup


Clash Royale GolemGolem: Bridge spam absolutely destroys Golem decks. You have to constantly pressure them and destroy their pumps to prevent a Golem from being dropped. If they drop a Golem….you still destroy them with a all in push.

Clash Royale Lava HoundLava Hound: Not so many Lava Hound users these days. Ice Wizard and Electro wiz combo is enough to stop a lot of the damage. Also utilize the Lightning rod mechanic on the Battle Ram to prevent Lightning damage!

Clash Royale Hog RiderHog: You can easily pick apart Hog pushes with Cannon and support units. Be careful not to fall behind in Elixir though.


Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AP.E.K.K.A: The hardest matchup to face against. Pekkas can pick apart your push easily. It is very easy to defend against it. The game will most likely end in a draw.

Hope this guide helped you all. If you have questions ask in the comments section!

[Discussion] State of Clash Royale


clash royale

Hey guys, SCorpSCilla here, today with a short discussion that has been roaming around for quite a while.

Recently, in light of all the new cards coming out and 2v2 ending 🙁 some of my friends started to say, “Man, what is Supercell doing? I don’t need new cards. I need like new emotes and like daily quests and stuff.” And that got me thinking. Are new cards necessarily good? Daily quests sounds like something that would make people play more. Those kind of things.

I go to Clash Royale Reddit (good lord the chaos over there tho), and so many people are also having the same thoughts.

In my opinion, on one side, Supercell actually does a pretty good job at giving quality gaming, and I honestly think that Supercell makes some of the best games out there.

On the other hand, new cards are not the things we need right now. We need quality things like skins, quests, balance changes etc.

Clash Royale, the real-time strategy game from Supercell, has remained a beloved staple in the mobile gaming community since its release in 2016. Combining elements of collectible card games, tower defense, and multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA), Clash Royale has continuously evolved, maintaining a dedicated player base while attracting new players. Let’s delve into the current state of Clash Royale, examining its latest updates, the community’s sentiments, and the challenges it faces.

Recent Updates and Developments

Supercell has consistently rolled out updates to keep the game fresh and engaging. The introduction of new cards, balance changes, and seasonal themes ensures that the gameplay remains dynamic. The most recent updates have seen the addition of unique cards like the Phoenix and Monk, each bringing new strategies and challenges to the arena. The developers have also focused on refining the game’s balance, ensuring that no single card or deck dominates the meta for too long.

Seasonal updates have added a layer of excitement, with new themes, challenges, and rewards. The introduction of Pass Royale has provided players with a structured progression system, offering exclusive rewards and perks. These updates have kept the game engaging, encouraging players to return regularly and participate in seasonal events.

Community Sentiments

The Clash Royale community is known for its passionate and vocal nature. Players frequently share their thoughts on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and the official Clash Royale forums. The general sentiment towards the game’s updates is mixed. Many players appreciate the continuous content updates and the developers’ efforts to balance the game. However, some players express frustration with certain aspects, such as matchmaking, the prevalence of certain card combinations, and the occasional pay-to-win feel.

Matchmaking has been a recurring point of contention. Players often feel that the matchmaking system is not adequately balanced, leading to matches where skill levels or card levels are mismatched. This can result in frustrating gameplay experiences, especially for newer or less experienced players.

Despite these concerns, the community remains engaged and active. Content creators on platforms like YouTube and Twitch continue to produce high-quality content, including strategy guides, deck reviews, and live gameplay. The competitive scene also thrives, with tournaments and esports events drawing significant attention.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Clash Royale faces several challenges as it moves forward. One of the primary issues is maintaining a balance between keeping veteran players engaged and attracting new players. The game must evolve to stay relevant in the fast-paced mobile gaming market while preserving the elements that made it successful in the first place.

Monetization is another area that requires careful consideration. While in-game purchases are a crucial revenue stream for Supercell, the developers must ensure that the game does not become overly reliant on pay-to-win mechanics. Striking this balance is vital for maintaining a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.

Looking ahead, the future of Clash Royale seems promising. Supercell’s commitment to regular updates and community engagement bodes well for the game’s longevity. The potential for new game modes, innovative cards, and enhanced social features could further enrich the Clash Royale experience.

So here is a question that I want to give to all of you, Clash.World people!

  1. Does Supercell need to rework their gaming quality for us?
  2. Do we need new cards right now?
  3. What to do to improve Clash Royale in this state?

Also, some of the cards right now are pretty terrible. Like Dark Prince, Spear Goblins, and Tesla are all overshadowed, but they all have one thing in common: They are overshadowed in higher Arena cards. Honestly, I don’t think we should buff these cards because in lower arenas, where people don’t have Legendaries and Goblin Gang, these cards are like just what they need.

However, many people would disagree. So share your thoughts about the state of the game in the comments below guys.

SCorp out.

Instant Guide to Countering Three Musketeers


People are using Three Musketeers a lot these days, making it from a ‘underused’ card to a top win condition.

It’s not only because of their potentials, it’s also because so many people still don’t know how to deal with Three Musketeers properly…

Understanding the Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers card deploys three high-damage Musketeers across the battlefield. Their combined firepower can decimate troops and buildings if left unchecked. Knowing how to effectively counter them is crucial for maintaining control of the match.

Best Counters for Three Musketeers

1. Fireball and Log Combo

  • Fireball: This spell deals significant damage to all three Musketeers, reducing their health to a manageable level.
  • Log: Follow up with the Log to finish them off or weaken them further, making it easier for your other troops to clean up.

2. Rocket

  • Rocket: This high-damage spell can take out all three Musketeers if they are placed closely together. Timing and placement are key to maximizing its effectiveness.

3. Lightning

  • Lightning: This spell targets the three highest hitpoint units in its radius, making it a perfect counter if the Musketeers are deployed with other high-health troops.

4. Valkyrie and Tornado Combo

  • Valkyrie: Deploy her in the midst of the Musketeers. Her spinning attack deals area damage, hitting all three at once.
  • Tornado: Use the Tornado to pull the Musketeers together, ensuring the Valkyrie’s attack hits all of them.

5. Minion Horde

  • Minion Horde: This air unit can quickly overwhelm the Musketeers if they are not supported by splash-damage troops. Be cautious of spells like Zap or Arrows that can counter your Minion Horde.

Supporting Counters

1. Ice Golem and Ice Spirit

  • Ice Golem: Use him to distract the Musketeers while your other troops or towers deal damage.
  • Ice Spirit: Freeze the Musketeers temporarily, giving your towers and troops extra time to take them down.

2. Electro Wizard

  • Electro Wizard: His spawn zap and regular attacks can stun the Musketeers, reducing their firing rate and allowing your other units to chip away at their health.

Strategic Deployment

  • Split Placement: Place your counter troops strategically to prevent the Three Musketeers from targeting them all at once. For example, deploy the Valkyrie slightly off-center to ensure she can spin and hit multiple Musketeers.
  • Elixir Management: The Three Musketeers card costs 9 Elixir, making it a heavy investment for your opponent. Take advantage of this by pressuring the other lane or launching a counter-push when they deploy the Musketeers.

Tips for Success

  1. Predict Opponent’s Moves: Anticipate when your opponent is likely to play the Three Musketeers and have your counters ready.
  2. Maintain Elixir Advantage: Always try to keep enough Elixir in reserve to counter the Musketeers when they appear.
  3. Adapt and Adjust: Be flexible with your counters. If your opponent supports their Musketeers with specific troops, adjust your strategy accordingly.

counter 3m

Instant Guide to Countering Three Musketeers

Take a look at your deck first

Since most 3M decks come with Elixir Collector, you should have at least 1 hard counter to it. Also, make sure you have at least 2 counters to the Three Musketeers and their combo.

This might sound a lot but to be honest, 3M and Elixir Collector have a pretty wide range of counters… Just find out those counters and the ways to use them then you are good to go!

Let’s use the 2.6 Hog Cycle deck for example!

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale TornadoClash Royale Ice Golem
Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale SkeletonClash Royale The LogClash Royale fireball

Pump Counters: Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale fireball

Three Musketeer Combo Counters: Clash Royale fireballClash Royale The Log + Clash Royale fireballClash Royale Tornado + Clash Royale The Log + Clash Royale Musketeer + Clash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Skeleton + Clash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Musketeer

As you can see, we actually have a wide variety of counters to Three Musketeers here, meaning we should have a good chance at winning. We can even cycle the Fireball to damage both Elixir Collector and Three Musketeers when needed.

Some more tips for you:

  • Use cards which are good against 3M but are also versatile. For example: Clash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Barbarians
  • Use cheap deck to control the opponent’s rotation.
  • Do some friendly-battles with your friends.

Best Counters to 3M Decks

It’s the best to think of Three Musketeers as an archetype with several branches, not as a single card.

Some cards work very well against both 3M and their companions, such as Battle Ram or Knight.

Tier S (The best of the best, include in your deck if you can)

Clash Royale The LogThe Log has the ability to do massive area damage, push back all troops immediately when your opponent has a huge death ball push with bridge spam cards.

Use it on their push to deal damage and pay more time for your defending troops.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.A

In the current meta, it’s obvious to see that P.E.K.K.A is the best answer to 3M and bridge spam.

Use P.E.K.K.A to deal with the over-committed side.

Tier A (Definitely great additions to your deck, but can be outplayed)

Clash Royale fireball

Always great vs massive 3M deathball pushes.


Clash Royale LightningPlay this as soon as possible before the opponent drops Battle Ram.


Clash Royale Rocket

Same as Fireball but a lot better at dealing with huge pushes. Requires some good skills tho.


Clash Royale Tornado

Group everything. Works great with Fireball.


Clash Royale Poison

Great when used with The Log.

Use it on offense to prevent counterpushing.

Clash Royale Valkyrie

Almost always great vs 3M pushes or at least deals enough damage to bring 3M to very low HP.

Always place her on top of the opponents!

Clash Royale Barbarians

Most Three Musketeer decks can’t deal Barbarians.


Clash Royale Night Witch

Can be used to deal with 2 Musketeers very effectively. Works well vs Battle Ram.

Great card overall!

Clash Royale Musketeer

Great vs 2 Musketeers. Great vs Battle Ram.

Couple her with The Log for the best!

Clash Royale Minion Horde

Just watch out for Ice Spirit.


Clash Royale Electro Wizard

Great vs Battle Ram.

Remember to place him behind your Tower tho.

Clash Royale Tombstone

Battle Ram greatest counter.


Clash Royale elixir collector

Use Elixir Collector to Counter Collector. Problem? xD


Clash Royale Bowler



Tier B (Still good options, but are risky or not as effective)

Clash Royale Executioner

Use Bowler instead unless he is level 1.


Clash Royale Giant SkeletonHow can we forget this guy?

Great vs almost any 3M push. However, a bit easy to deal with.

Clash Royale Elite Barbarians

In case you don’t have Barbarians…


Clash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.ANeeds to be overleveled or you will need to weaken the Musketeers first.


Clash Royale LumberjackLumberjack doesn’t have good HP. Needs to be overleveled otherwise you need to damage the 3M first.


Clash Royale KnightDepending on your other support cards… If you have enough DPS, use him!


Clash Royale Battle RamGood against 2 Musketeers.


Clash Royale WizardDepending on their push. You should use Musketeer instead because she is great vs both deathball and spread out.


Clash Royale Skeleton ArmyIn case your opponent doesn’t have Log or Zap…


Clash Royale Goblin GangIn case your opponent doesn’t have Log or Zap…


Clash Royale MinionsGood vs 1 Musketeer. Not a bad choice.


Clash Royale Ice SpiritGood vs Battle Ram or 1 Musketeer.


Clash Royale MinerCounters Elixir Collector


Do you have any other tips on countering Three Musketeers? Don’t hesitate to share it with us!

By PlasmaTicks

Cannon Cart – Stats, Strategies and Tips

cannon cart clash royale

Hey guys it’s Ash and in this guide I’m going to show you guys all about the new Cannon Cart.

I’m going to show how to effectively use this card, how to counter it, and show you 1 on 1 demonstrations of this card versus all the other cards.

cannon cart clash royale

Cannon Cart

Basic Information

Clash Royale Cannon CartThe Cannon Cart acts as a moving troop card, but when its shield is destroyed, it converts into an immobile building. It moves fast, in fact it’s just as fast as a Mini P.E.K.K.A. It has a big attack range of 5.5 tiles, which is half a tile more than a Bowler, but half a tile less than a Musketeer.

Compared to a normal Cannon, the Cannon Cart does much more damage, but has a much slower hit speed.

The Cannon Cart’s shield will not be destroyed by Fireball or Poison, but will be destroyed by Rocket or Lightning. Lightning will destroy the Cannon Cart’s shield, but will not touch the Cannon.

The biggest setback to the Cannon Cart is that it can not target air units, which can be a problem for an expensive 5 Elixir card, so it’s best to pair the Cannon Cart with spells such as Arrows or Fireball, as well as troops that can kill Minions and Bats easily, such as Fire Spirits, Wizard, or Executioner.

Cost Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target
5 1.2 sec Fast (90) 1 sec 5.5 Ground
Level Hitpoints Shield Hitpoints Damage Damage per second
1 550 550 153 127
2 605 605 168 140
3 665 665 185 154
4 731 731 203 169
5 803 803 223 185
6 880 880 244 203
7 968 968 269 224
8 1,061 1,061 295 245

Notable Matchups

Let’s start with how the Cannon Cart can be used on defense and offense first, and then we’ll go over ways to counter it at the end.

Clash Royale Battle RamIt’s an excellent counter to the Battle Ram, stopping both the Ram and two Barbarians effectively, while maintaining its shield.


Clash Royale Hog RiderSince it acts as a troop when it still has its shield, the Hog Rider will ignore the Cannon Cart and go straight for the Arena Tower, and land two swings.


Clash Royale GiantThe Cannon Cart is very different from a normal Cannon, it won’t be able to attract a Giant when it still has its shield, so it’s not a very good at stopping big tanks.


Clash Royale GiantGiant + Support = However, most people will use a support unit behind their tank, so you can use the Cannon Cart to shield against the damage behind a Giant. When the Cannon Cart is destroyed, it can then pull the Giant.

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AWith its shield, it can take two big hits from a Pekka before its shield is broken, but it won’t do as much as just scratch the Pekka. Pekka is an excellent counter to the Cannon Cart.


Clash Royale PrinceIts shield can also take a charged attack from Prince and take a second hit before its shield is broken.


Clash Royale BanditEven with charge, Bandit will fail to destroy the Cannon Cart’s shield.


Clash Royale SparkySparky’s attack will destroy the Cannon Cart’s shield.


Clash Royale MortarIt can distract a Mortar, and shoot it from range and destroy it quite easily.


Clash Royale Elite BarbariansElite Barbarians are an excellent counter to the Cannon Cart.


How to use Cannon Cart on Offense

Now let’s go over the best ways to use the Cannon Cart on offense. Because it’s a ranged attacker, it is best to use a tank or mini tank in front of the Cannon Cart. Such as, Ice Golem, Knight, Giant, Golem, or Pekka. All of those are great to use in front of the Cannon Cart.

While behind the Cannon Cart, you want to support it with something that can attack air units such as Minions, because the Cannon Cart and tank are weak to air.

So for example, a great way to use the Cannon Cart on offense would be to place a Giant in front of it, and a Baby Dragon behind it. This is a very powerful combination because you have so much HP combined between the Giant, Cannon Cart’s shield and cannon, and Baby Dragon’s very decent HP.

Another great way you can use Cannon Cart on offense is placing an Ice Golem in front of it, while carrying the Zap Spell. If Minions try to counter the Cannon Cart, then the death damage from the Ice Golem combined with a Zap can instantly get rid of those Minions.

cannon cart clash royale 2

How to counter Cannon Cart?

Similar to how a Royal Giant pressures opponents with his range, the Cannon Cart can also pressure and force the opponent into spending a lot of Elixir to counter it.

The Cannon Cart’s biggest weakness is of course air troops, and most smart players will always carry spell cards such as Arrows or Fireball, as well as air attacking troops to protect their Cannon Cart.

So you can’t solely rely on troops such as Minions or Mega Minion to counter the Cannon Cart.

The safest way to counter the Cannon Cart would be to distract it with a tank or mini tank. Such as using a Knight or Giant to distract it, while you use other troops to counter it.

Most players will use a tank in front of their Cannon Cart, such as a Giant, and a supporting unit that can attack air behind the Cannon Cart such as Baby Dragon or Mega Minion or Executioner or Witch. So how do we break down an attack such as this?

Well, Cannon Cart isn’t a normal supporting unit like Bowler or Musketeer because he has a lot more power than Bowler, while also has that special shield, unlike a Musketeer. So you can’t use a support killer such as a Knight or Valkyrie to stop the Cannon Cart.

Instead, you’ll have to destroy the tank in front of the Cannon Cart first. The good thing is, Cannon Cart is only a single attacker.

Another very smart way of stopping a Cannon Cart is to not allow it to pass the bridge and just destroy its shield. This way you don’t spend much Elixir on stopping it, while if its shield is broken and isn’t within range of your Arena Tower, you can just ignore it and let it decay.

I’m going to now demonstrate how the Cannon Cart performs 1 vs 1 against the other cards below:

Cannon Cart 2v2 Draft Challenge – Best Tips on Getting 12 Wins

cannon cart

cannon cart

The Cannon Cart challenge is up guys! Do you want to win the Cannon Cart as well as possibly get it out of chests earlier than everyone else?

In order to help you guys succeed, I will be sharing some tips that might help you potentially get 12 wins in this Challenge!

2v2 Cannon Card Draft Challenge


  • The challenge starts on the 27th of July.
  • You will be paired with a random teammate.
  • Pick 4 cards for you and give 4 cards for an opponent. Two of you will have to choose to either play with or against the Cannon Cart.
  • The first entry is free as always. The next entries will cost 100 Gems each with half of the Grand Challenge rewards outside of special rewards.
  • Total gold received from Challenge adds up-to 28,500 gold, which is 7500 more than a regular Grand Challenge!
  • If you can get 12 Wins, you can get your Cannon Cart to level 3.
Number of Wins Total Prize One-time Rewards
Gold Cards
0 700 10
1 950 15
2 1,250 25
3 1,600 43 2,500 Gold!
4 2,000 65
5 2,500 93  5,000 Gold!
6 3,100 125
7 3,800 165
8 4,650 210 5 Cannon Carts!
9 5,750 265
10 7,100 335 10,000 Gold!
11 8,750 430
12 11,000 550 10 Cannon Carts!

Resulting in a total of 28,500 gold and 565 cards potentially costing you 0 gems!

Cannon Cart’s Basic Stats

Cost Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target
5 1.2 sec Fast (90) 1 sec 5.5 Ground
Level HP Shield HP Damage DPS
1 524 524 153 127
2 576 576 168 140
3 634 634 185 154
4 696 696 203 169
5 765 765 223 185
6 838 838 244 203
7 922 922 269 224
8 1,011 1,011 295 245

Tips for 2v2 Draft

Pick a win condition!

In 2v2 matches, some win-conditions are not good as they are in normal matches.

For example, Graveyard is not really that great in 2v2 battles. This is because of the slow Elixir flow that might end up you taking too long to deploy a Poison or Arrows while Giant, Golem etc are reasonably good win conditions. Also, with 2 hands and 20 cards, your opponents will find it easier to deal with Graveyard in 2v2 matches.

Similarly, Goblin Barrel and 3 Musketeers are not really great in 2v2 matches due to the number of spells might be chosen here.

Good win-conditions for 2v2:

Clash Royale GolemClash Royale GiantClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale RocketClash Royale Lightning

Not so good win-conditions for 2v2

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Lava HoundClash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Elite Barbarians

Note that when picking a win condition, be aware of what your partner has chosen. For an example if your opponent picks Graveyard, rather than choosing something like Hog, it’s better to pick a Giant, or a Golem as these two would synergize well with each other. There are times when you will have to pick one win condition even if it’s not the best win condition but it’s better than nothing.

Build deck around your win condition!

For example, If you pick Graveyard as your win condition, make sure you have a spell to clear counters (Fireball, Arrows, Zap, Poison), a tank for the Graveyard and some good defensive cards along with some cheap cycle cards. You don’t want to have a 4+ average cost Graveyard deck.

Another example is that you ended up with a Giant deck, you want a way to counter Executioner Tornado, pick a high damage spell like the Rocket, Lightning etc as well as swarm clearing spell  like Log, Zap and/or troops like Executioner, Wizard etc.

Also if you are not too comfortable with how the Cannon Cart works or If you are not really able to make sense of how to use it, I do advice not picking it! Watch OJ’s video first to take a look at how it works.

Pick counters!

If you had to choose between a Wizard and Minion Horde, pick the Wizard.

Log or Barrel? You would most likely choose The Log.

Valkyrie or Graveyard? Although Graveyard is a win condition, you should avoid the possibility of getting hard countered by your opponent because of a bad pick.

Get good crowd control!

Now, one thing I have learned from playing 2v2 is how spammy this game mode can be.

It is very important to be able to handle the onslaught coming at you if you and your teammate end up on defending.

In order to succeed, you will need cards that provide great crowd control. This means, prioritize picking cards like:

Clash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale TornadoClash Royale BowlerClash Royale WizardClash Royale fireballClash Royale PrincessClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale The Log

If you pick a card like Wizard and get to choose between Tornado and something else, the safest bet is getting Tornado because that will make defending so much easier.

Always pick Spells!

Now you ideally need 1 swarm clearing spell and a high damage spell that can finish off the game. There are also some spells you should avoid entirely in 2v2.

Clearing Spell –  Clash Royale ArrowsClash Royale ZapClash Royale The Log

Direct damage – Clash Royale fireballClash Royale PoisonClash Royale LightningClash Royale Rocket

Avoid –                Clash Royale mirrorClash Royale HealClash Royale Clone Spell

When choosing spells I always go for counter spells to something my opponent picked.

Between two spells assuming only real difference is damage (Fireball and Rocket), I would pick a Rocket. Simply because of higher damage and potential of getting value when Rocketing on defense. (Hog+ Barbarians push for an example)

Other General Tips

Keep your deck cheap but not too cheap otherwise you will need to play with 10 fingers.

In draft challenge, normally the choices will be pretty similar (for example Minions vs Minion Horde). Choose the cheaper cards! It’s best to keep your deck cheaper. We never know what the opponents give us.

If you pick too many expensive cards, you will give the opponents good opportunities to get positive Elixir trades with heavy spells (above).

Always hover your cards for a few seconds!

This is a super-important tip. Players waste tons of Elixir every day because of not doing this.

Hover your cards so your teammate will have a decent amount of time to do the right things.

You guys are a team!

^ this.

Sometimes, when I place my Golem down, my teammate decides to play his Giant Graveyard push on the opposite lane (wute?).

Support each other!

If you get a bad teammate, try the best!

There is nothing we can do her.

Don’t leave the game If your teammate Logs Minions or Fireballs Golem. Try your best to help him/her out.

I got coupled with a bad teammate once. I did the best to cover him on defense and all he could do was to place his Graveyard when I play my Golem. We won that one.

Tips for the Cannon Cart

Clash Royale Cannon CartCannon Card is basically a moving Cannon with a shield. While the shield is up, Cannon can move. Once the shield comes off it’s a regular Cannon.

Building targeting troops don’t hit Cannon Cart when it’s still on the wheels.

Cannon Card can tank 1 hit from any troop or spell like Sparky, P.E.K.K.A, Prince charge, Rocket etc.

It is a 5 Elixir card so I do not recommend you cycle the Cannon Cart, instead use it in response to a certain card.

Do not use it as a win condition!


Shots to kill troops:

1 shot: Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale GoblinClash Royale Spear Goblins

2 shots: Clash Royale ArchersClash Royale BomberClash Royale Dart GoblinClash Royale Princess

3 shots: Clash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Wizard

4 shots: Clash Royale BarbariansClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale BanditClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Cannon Cart

Good counters to Cannon Cart

Good against Cannon Cart: Clash Royale Skeleton ArmyClash Royale GuardsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale KnightClash Royale Mini P.E.K.K.AClash Royale TornadoClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Mega MinionClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Night WitchClash Royale BanditClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale PrinceClash Royale WitchClash Royale BowlerClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Cannon Cart

Complementary Cards

The Cannon Cart is obviously a glass cannon but with a decent amount of HP. This means sometimes it can act as a mini tank or a glass cannon at the same time.

However, it’s better to treat it as a glass cannon in all cases.

Here are some cards that can potentially complement defensively and offensively when used with it:

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale KnightClash Royale GiantClash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Elite BarbariansClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale Baby DragonClash Royale WitchClash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale Golem

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