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Clash Royale Arena Tournament

cra tourney

Once again, we are going to have the 14th Clash.World Arena Tournament this weekend!

cra tourney

Clash Royale Arena #14 Tourney!

  • Name: Clash.World Tourney #14
  • Password: kairostime
  • Tourney is open for joining at 9:30 AM MST (Mountain Time) this Saturday, November 25th 2017.
  • This is 1,000-player Tournament.

Password unlocked for invited players at 8:00 AM (MST).
Password (kairostime) unlocked for everyone at 9:30 AM (MST).
Tournament starts at 10:00 AM (MST).

If you have any question, feel free to comment below.

Good luck guys!

Ultimate Guide to Managing Elixir – Basic and Advanced Tech


Hello Fellow Clashers! I’m KairosTime and today I’m bringing you a Strategy Guide on How to Manage Elixir so you can improve your gameplay! This is a guide for new players and experienced alike!

This written guide comes with a video guide that includes specific examples that I would recommend watching!

clash royale elixir

How to Manage Elixir in Clash Royale

Table of Contents

  1. What is an Elixir Advantage?
  2. All the ways to get an Elixir Advantage
    1. Spells
    2. Troop Interactions
    3. Elixir Collector
    4. Spawners
  3. 3 Resources to Managing Elixir
    1. The Elixir Bar & Leaking
    2. Tower HP
    3. Time

What is an Elixir Advantage?

An Elixir Advantage is when your total Elixir is greater than your opponent’s.

This includes the Elixir in your Elixir Bar, as well as the cost of the troops that you have on the field.

It has been said that even a 5 Elixir advantage total can win you the entire match. This means that it is essential to try and manage your elixir so that you can overwhelm your opponent.

Note: While an Elixir Advantage is extremely important, there are other important aspects in the game that can win or lose you a match despite Elixir Advantages. I will cover these in future videos and guides.

All the ways to gain an Elixir Advantage!

There are lots of ways to get an Elixir Advantage, and some are more complex than others. We’ll cover them in order of how easy it is to understand the advantage you’ll get.


This is the easiest to calculate. You can get an advantage by spending less to clear a troop with a spell than your opponent spent to put that troop down.

All this requires is simple math.


  • Spend 2 Elixir to Log 3 Elixir Goblin Barrels for a +1 Elixir Trade
  • Spend 3 Elixir to Arrow 5 Elixir Minion Hordes for a +2 Elixir Trade
  • Spend 4 Elixir to Fireball 5 Elixir Barbarians for a +1 Elixir Trade

princess and the log

Positive Elixir Trade? Fanart by captainsunshines

Troop Interactions

The way that troops interact with each other will also help you gain an elixir advantage if you play the right troops in the right places.

There are 3 ways that troops will interact in order to help you gain an advantage:

  • Death for Death
  • Death for Counterpush
  • Death for Answer

Death for Death

A Death for Death interaction is where the troop that you place will clear the enemy troop, but will die in the process. To get an advantage, you need to spend less elixir defending than the cost of the enemy troop


  • Spend 3 Elixir for a Mega Minion to clear a 4 Elixir Baby Dragon for a +1 Elixir Trade
  • Spend 2 Elixir for Fire Spirits to clear 3 Elixir Minions for a +1 Elixir Trade
  • Spend 2 Elixir for an Ice Golem to clear a 3 Elixir Skeleton Army for a +1 Elixir Trade

Death for Counterpush

A Death for Counterpush interaction is where you place a troop that will defend the enemy push so that your troop will have full, or near-full health. This allows you support that troop, or use that troop as support for another card for a strong counterpush.

Because your opponent spent Elixir with their push, but your troop has full health, they will have to spend more Elixir to clear that troop which gives you an advantage.


  • 3 Elixir Skeleton Army to defend a 3 Elixir Miner
    • With the majority of the Skeleton Army still alive, your opponent will have to spend more elixir to get rid of it
  • 7 Elixir PEKKA to defend a 4 Elixir Hog Rider
    • With a full-health PEKKA and your opponent being down 4 Elixir for the Hog Rider, you’ll be able to support the PEKKA with an Elixir Lead
  • 4 Elixir Valkyrie to defend a Goblin Gang
    • Use the Valk to support your win condition to make for a difficult push to stop.

Death of Answer

This is very similar to Death for Counterpush, except that you don’t support your defending troop but your opponent still has to spend Elixir to counter your defender.

Getting an Elixir advantage this way depends on your opponent making poor card choices to get an advantage. This makes this a non-reliable way to get an advantage, but it’s important to note.

This can be a smart move if you want your opponent to go on the offense when you’re ready for them.


  1. Spend 3 Elixir for a Mega Minion to clear a Princess at the bridge.
    • If your opponent defends with an Ice Spirit this would be an +1 Elixir Advantage.
    • If they defended with a Musketeer, this wouldn’t be an advantage
  2. Spend 4 Elixir for a Furnace to clear 3 Elixir Minions that would then require a response
    • If they defend with a Poison only or Fireball only, this would be a +3 Elixir Advantage (-1 for Minions, and +4 for the spell)
  3. Spend 3 Elixir for Minions to clear a lone Knight
    • If your opponent defends with Zap, this would be a +2 Elixir Advantage
    • If your opponent didn’t defend with anything, this would be a neutral trade

Elixir Collector

The Elixir collector is really simple, but it also has 1 aspect to it that a lot of people don’t think about, and that can cost them the game.

The simple part with the Elixir Collector is that you invest 6 Elixir for the Elixir Collector to give you a total of 8 Elixir over a period of time. This is a 2 Elixir Advantage (That’s simple). That’s not the only aspect to how the Elixir Collector gives you an advantage.

Elixir Collector and Elixir Rate

The biggest advantage of the Elixir Collector in my opinion, isn’t the 2+ Elixir Advantage, but the fact that it gives you a faster Elixir Rate during the duration of the Elixir Collector.

Normally, you gain 1 Elixir every 2.8 seconds (1.4s in 2x Elixir). When you have an Elixir Collector down, this increases your Elixir rate to 1 Elixir every 2.1 seconds (1.1 in 2x Elixir). This means that if you can put down an Elixir collector and keep it safe, you will have a faster Elixir Rate than your opponent, which means you can put troops down faster. If you use this advantage right, you can use this to overwhelm your opponent.

If my opponent has the Fireball or Poison, I will still use the Elixir Collector as long as I can spare some health on the tower closest to it because I will still have a faster Elixir rate than my opponent. Also, playing the Elixir Collector brings the advantage of forcing your opponent to go on the offense when you want them to. This gives you control in the match in addition to getting an Elixir Advantage.


When it comes to spawners, the math starts to get more complicated. Ultimately, you need to know that if a Spawner isn’t dealt with, it can produce massive value if it isn’t dealt with properly. They allow you to defend while putting pressure on your opponent.

To best explain how Huts give value, here is a chart that I will explain:


  • Cost: This is the Elixir cost to place the hut down (Simple, right?)
  • Waves: This is the number of waves that are produced during the lifetime of the spawner (Still with me?)
  • Cost w/o spawn: This is how much it would cost to deploy the same number of troops if you didn’t have the spawner. The number in parenthesis tells you how much you save in Elixir if the Spawner isn’t damaged in battle
  • Cost per wave: This is how much elixir it costs for each individual wave of troops coming out of the Hut. If you want to get an Elixir Advantage against a spawner, you will need to spend a small amount of elixir to get rid of as many waves as possible


  • The Barbarian Hut costs 7 Elixir and produces 5 waves of 2 Barbarians which is a total of 10 Barbarians.
  • In order to normally produce 10 Barbarians, you’d need 2.5 sets of the regular 4 Barbs. This would theoretically cost you 12.5 Elixir but because you only spent 7 Elixir to put the Hut down, this theoretically gives you a 5.5 Elixir advantage
  • In order to get an Elixir advantage when facing a Barbarian Hut, you would need to spend less than 1.4 Elixir per wave, or put down a troop that would take care of multiple waves (like a Bowler)

Because of the mechanics of Spawners, they can be used to get an Elixir Advantage if your opponent doesn’t have a good way to clear them, or doesn’t know when to absorb damage, and when to defend.

Shout out to FIGGY0023 (FIG Kid Clashet) and his stunning contents.

3 Resources to Managing Elixir

Aside from gaining Elixir Advantages through the means previously mentioned, there are other resources that you can use and master in order to manage your Elixir to ensure you have the advantage.

These additional resources are:

  1. The Elixir Bar (Leaking)
  2. Tower Health
  3. Time

The Elixir Bar & Leaking

When you are at 10 Elixir, you stop generating Elixir and won’t continue generating Elixir until 1 second after you place your next card (more on that 1 second later).

This is called Leaking or Bleeding Elixir.

If you leak too much, and your opponent doesn’t leak any Elixir, you can get a disadvantage simply because you took too long to play your card.

By making sure you never, or rarely leak elixir, you can give yourself the advantage.

1 Second Server Delay: Clash Royale said in a comment on Reddit, “There is an intentional 1 second delay built into card deployment for all players, which helps to smooth out different degrees of latency across the globe.

Important: Because of this 1 second Server Delay, if you do not want to leak elixir, you have to play your cards at least 1 second before you are at 10 elixir.

The diagram below shows when you should place your cards so you don’t leak any Elixir:

elixir leak clash royale

Note: If you are using the Elixir Collector, the bar should be 1 Elixir before so that you don’t lose the Elixir that your pump generated.

Tower Health

The 2nd resource that you can use in order to manage your elixir is your tower’s health.

Important: The only HP that counts is the last HP on all of your towers! Every other HP is just a means to get to that last HP, but only that last HP will get you a crown.

One of the differences between a good player, and a great player is how well they use their tower’s health as a resource by allowing an enemy troop to damage a tower rather than defending so they can save up Elixir.


  • Use a 3 Elixir Mega Minion to defend a Hog Rider rather than a 3 Elixir Cannon. The Hog Rider will do damage to the tower, but you can then support that Mega Minion for a counter push that will be difficult to stop since the opponent spent 4 Elixir on a now-dead Hog Rider
  • Rather than defend against a Miner who is on a tower with a decent amount of HP, rush the other lane, or drop a big tank (PEKKA or Golem) and build up a push. By doing this instead of defending the Miner, you have more Elixir on the field and that can make it difficult for an opponent to stop you.
  • Defend an Electro Wizard with Skeletons and let him hit your tower once. By allowing him to hit your tower, you’ve gained a 3+ Elixir advantage that you can use to punish your opponent later.

Important: It takes a lot of practice to know when you can afford to take some damage on your tower, and when you should focus on defending. By mastering this one principle, you will truly become a master in The Arena!


The last topic we’ll touch on when it comes to managing your Elixir is the resource of Time. When it comes to time, troop placement and troop speed play a big role in how you can use time as a resource to gain Elixir.

Troop Positioning: By placing your troops in different locations, you can gain more elixir than your opponent in the sense of having more troops on the field by the time they reach the bridge. By placing a slow troop at the bridge, you essentially have 0 seconds to gain more elixir in order to support your troop, but if you put it behind the King’s tower, you have 16.8 seconds to build up Elixir, which allows you to make an even stronger push with the additional 6 Elixir you’ve generated in the time it takes for that slow troop to reach the tower.

Troop Speeds: Slower troops give you more time to build up Elixir before they reach the bridge, while faster troops give you some time, but maybe not enough to actually make this advantageous. Below is a charge explaining how much Elixir you can gain depending on the troop speeds by placing them behind your King’s Tower in both 1x and 2x Elixir.

troop speeds

Example: By placing a Giant at the bridge, you have 0 seconds to gain elixir before your main push has begun. By placing a Giant behind the King’s Tower, you have 16.8 seconds to gain elixir before your push has begun. By the time your Giant makes it to the bridge, you will have built up an additional 6 to 12 Elixir (1x and 2x Elixir) that you can use to Defend the other lane, or to support your main push.


Thanks so much for reading this guide! If you made it this far, you should now have the tools necessary to Manage your Elixir.

This is Part 1 of a series I am coming out with that I call, “The Strategy Guide to Clash Royale”.

If you’re interested in learning more, make sure you subscribe on my YouTube Channel so you can be the first to see my guides.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them as comments on my video and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!

Ticking By,


Medium Control Decks – Information and Basic Tips


Hey guys! Its me Blaze Stone back with another guide for you all! This is my 2nd guide of the series ‘Advance Control Decks’.

Let’s talk about Medium Control deck today!

medium control deck

You can see my earlier guides here:

  1. Control Deck 101
  2. Fast Control Decks

Everything You Should Know About Medium Control Decks

What is a Medium Control Deck?

A medium control deck is a control deck whose average elixir cost ranges from 3.3 elixir to 3.8 elixir which means it is a medium paced deck.

These decks are pretty versatile as they can defend against fast cycles as well slow pushes effectively as they have a balance of offense and defense and cheap and expensive troops.

Pros and Cons:


  • Very versatile.
  • Have ability to give a good fight against all decks.
  • Can shift from defensive to offensive more easily than other decks.
  • Strong advantage against Fast Beat down.


  • Takes time to know when to shift from offensive to defensive and vice versa.
  • Can have a hard-time gaining crowns because they can’t play as aggressively to damage as Fast decks and can’t form a big elixir advantage and strike hard like a slow deck.
  • All-round balance even though beneficial can be a drawback sometimes as it isn’t strong in anything particular. Sorta like ‘Jack of all trades but master of none’.
  • Strong disadvantage against Slow siege.

Types of Medium Control Decks:

Now, you won’t read this anywhere except here but this will help you understand Medium Control Decks better. Also, a big thanks to Bandit FTW to bring this point to attention to me.

He said that although his deck falls in medium speed range it is actually played like a fast deck. I actually though about this and many more decks came to my mind so that’s why I am gonna talk about this.

Also, the main reason this thing happens is because Medium speed range is transition zone between fast and slow decks.

So you actually get lot of difference between a 3.3 elixir deck and a 3.8 elixir deck even though they fall in the same speed range.

  1. Fast-Medium Control: These decks have a avg cost of 3.3 and 3.4 elixir. Even though they fall in Medium Range their play style tilts towards fast decks.
  2. Pure Medium Control: These decks have a avg cost of 3.5 and 3.6 elixir. They fall more or less exactly in between the Control deck avg cost range(2.5 to 4.5 elixir) which makes them balance in terms of defensive and offensive capabilities.
  3. Slow-Medium Control : These decks have a avg cost of 3.7 and 3.8 elixir. Even though they fall in Medium Speed range their play style tilts towards slow decks.

What principle/tactic it uses?

In the last guide. I talked (sorry wrote) about 2 tactics: Offensive control tactic and defensive control tactic.

Offensive control relies on continuous offense to restrict opponents offense where as Defensive Control relies on strong defense and gaining elixir advantage to strike hard.

As Medium decks have a balance between offense and defense, the tactic it follows is also a mixture of these two tactics and it is called ‘Counter-pushing’. Surprising eh? Counter-pushing means successfully defend the opponents push by gaining a bit of elixir advantage and then using the advantage to counter push with your win-condition and troops left on defense. This is the main tactic of medium control decks.

Fast-Medium Control decks follow both Offensive Control and counter pushing as they are basically fast control decks with more costlier defensive cards.

Pure Medium control decks mostly follow counter-pushing but as they are in between they can shift from counter-pushing to offensive control and defensive control as per the opponents deck and playstyle.

Slow-Medium Control decks follow defensive control and counter pushing tactics as they are basically slow control decks with a cheaper offensive cycle.

What is the general game plan?

The general game plan should be heavily based on counter pushing!

Start your games slow with sending lone win condition to scout his counter or make passive plays like placing Musketeer behind king tower.

Play defensive in the first 2 minutes and do weak counter pushes to keep on offense and pressure.

In the double elixir time, go on the offensive mode and counter push aggressively by using troops left on defense as well as new troops and spells dealing as much damage as you can.

Finally, in OT shift to ultimate defensive mode and use spell cycle to win.


What win conditions should be used?

Miner: The ultimate counter pusher. Decent HP and ability to pop anywhere makes him best for such decks.

Hog Rider: The most versatile hog comes here as well. High Damage, decent HP and good speed and cheap cost makes him great in such decks.

Battle Ram: This card was underrated when released, suddenly rose in popularity and now disappeared again. This card is pretty good counter pusher as it can tank hits and destroy any buildings.

Graveyard: This card when played right is so OP. If not countered properly, it can devastate a tower.

Threat cards: These cards are not used as win conditions but more like as a threat that if not countered can deal lot of damage. Players play them(or rather act) as their win-condition but don’t actually treat (or depend on) them as their win condition. Instead the above cards are used as the win-conditions.

P.E.K.K.A.: P.E.K.K.A. in control decks is treated more like a tank and defensive card while the win condition is actually Miner, Hog or Battle Ram. People focus more to defend P.E.K.K.A. while the actual damage is dealt by the other win condition.

3 Musketeers: 3M in control decks are used to apply pressure on both lanes while the player actually focuses on attack on one lane. 3M split in the ratio 1:2 so on the lane with 2M they drop a mini tank. This is not a proper push but is vary powerful way to apply pressure. And the actually push is on the other lane with 1M with the win-condition(Miner, Hog or ram) and a swarm cards. So the player doesn’t really concentrate on 2M but on the 1M. The opponent has to defend both of them but mostly uses his spells on 2M while using a cheap and less-effective defense on the 1M. This enable the 1M push to cross the defense and damage.


This speed range has a lot of variety so giving a slot method isn’t possible so I will be sharing examples.

Hog Trifecta

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale ValkyrieClash Royale Fire Spirits
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale ZapClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Inferno Tower

Miner Bandit Control

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale BanditClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale MinionsClash Royale Goblin GangClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Inferno Tower

I posted a guide for this deck before at here.

Battle Ram Poison

Clash Royale Battle RamClash Royale PoisonClash Royale ZapClash Royale Valkyrie
Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Minions

I also have a small guide on this deck. You can take a look at here for more details!

P.E.K.K.A. Miner Poison Burner

Clash Royale P.E.K.K.AClash Royale MinerClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale KnightClash Royale Goblin Gang

3M Ram Cycle

Clash Royale Three MusketeersClash Royale Battle RamClash Royale elixir collectorClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice SpiritClash Royale KnightClash Royale Goblin Gang

Graveyard Poison

Clash Royale GraveyardClash Royale KnightClash Royale PoisonClash Royale The Log
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale ArchersClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Furnace

I hope these decks will give you the basic idea of making Medium Control Decks.

Thats all folks! Hope you guys liked this guide and I will be glad if it helped you. Be ready for the next and final guide of this series ‘Slow Control Decks. Ask me about anything in the comments section below.

By Blaze Stone

The Encyclopedia of Chip-Cycle


Hey it’s GetShrekt here bringing you guys my first ever guide for Clash Royale.

Chip-Cycle decks can be hard to play, and aren’t the right pick for everyone.

However, Chip-Cycle decks can be very powerful against almost all decks if you can play them right. Many key components to Chip-Cycle decks are unlocked in the early arenas, so this playstyle should be a viable choice for any player.

Today I’ll be sharing my guide of how to create and play Chip-Cycle Decks.

chip cycle deck

The Ultimate Guide to Chip-Cycle

Table of Contents:

  1. The Basic Idea
    1. What is a Chip-Cycle Deck?
    2. How can I make a Chip-Cycle Deck?
  2. The Basic Strategy:
  3. Advanced Strategy
  4. What You Should Know:
  5. Chip Cycle Decks

The Basic Idea:

What is a Chip-Cycle Deck?

A Chip-Cycle Deck is a deck consisting of cheap cards that allow you to gain advantages over your opponent and put constant pressure on them, denying their large pushes.

Many Chip-Cycle Decks contain cheap cards like Minions, Skeletons, or Goblins to try to gain elixir advantages through positive elixir trades.

Additionally, Chip-Cycle Decks will contain rush cards like Goblin Barrel, Miner, Hog Rider, or Princess. Rushing your opponent either forces them to defend and split up their synergy cards, or suffer large amounts of damage.

Many people underestimate the power of cheap troops. Lots of players are unaware that many cheap cards in the game can counter very powerful and expensive cards. Also, cheap troops can deal lots of damage if not dealt with.

Because of this, Chip-Cycle Decks will put constant pressure on your opponent and if played properly, can deny your opponent from creating large pushes. Now that you know about Chip-Cycle Decks, let’s learn how to create one.

How can I make a Chip-Cycle Deck?

Warning: Chip-Cycle Decks do not need Legendaries, but they do help a lot and will give you an advantage over your opponent. Miner and {rincess are two great cards for this playstyle, and you could face some problems if these Legendaries are not unlocked.

Chip-Cycle Decks are fairly easy to make because they have several key components, but each role in the deck can be carried out by many different cards.

Usually a Chip-Cycle Deck will contain two-three cards designed for defensive value. These cards should be able to take out troops on your side of the arena for a positive elixir trade. Goblins, Skeletons, and Minions are all a great choice.

Also, a Chip Cycle Deck will usually contain only one or two stronger defensive cards. These are very important because they are what define the decks defense. If your opponent drops expensive cards for a big push in one lane and you rush the other, these strong defenses will be your lifeline. Inferno Tower, Furnace, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Musketeer, Valkyrie, and Knight are some of the best choices.

Next, a Chip-Cycle Deck should have at least one spell. Spells come in handy on offense to clear away swarms and on defense to help stop gigantic pushes. Fireball, Poison, Arrows, Zap, and Log are the most viable options to use.

And last but certainly not least, offensive rush cards. These cards will deal the most damage to your opponent’s towers and put pressure on them, forcing them to react. Goblin Barrel, Hog Rider,Bandit, Battle Ram, Miner, and Princess are all great choices.

Here are some of my basic templates & examples for a Chip-Cycle Deck:

Cycle Card Low-Cost Support Troop Killer Medium Spell Main Offense Low-Cost Tank Killer Strong Tank-Killer Light Spell Utility
Skeletons Knight Poison Hog Mega Minion Inferno Tower Zap Ice Golem
Ice Spirit Valkyrie Goblin Barrel Hog Goblins Inferno Tower Zap Princess
Ice Golem Minions Guards Miner Goblins Musketeer Log Furnace

chip cycle deck 2

The Basic Strategy:

How to play with a Chip-Cycle Deck

Warning: Chip-Cycle Decks are not everyone’s playstyle. If you choose to play this Deck type you may need some practice in order to be a strong player with the Deck type.

Even though Chip-Cycle may appear to be the hardest play-style possible, it actually can be quite easy once you get the hang of it. I have broken this playstyle down into three parts: How to respond to a lone tank, How to counter a large push, and When to rush your opponent.

How to respond to a lone tank:

The best move to respond to a tank in the back is to rush the other lane with your offensive troop, or play a siege card like the Princess forcing them to respond. This way they can’t afford to put supporting units behind their tank, making it easier to be taken out by your strong defense.

If a good offensive card is not in your hand, I would suggest dropping a cycle card or putting high damage cards a few tiles behind the bridge to put your offensive troop in front.

TL;DR: Rush the other lane and be prepared to counter the tank with a strong defense

How to counter a large push:

Countering a larger push can be somewhat difficult. However, lucky for the simple formula-tank killer, support distracter, support killer, and spells for swarms you should be perfectly fine.

Say for example you have Inferno Tower, Skeletons, Zap, and Knight in my hand when your opponent drops Royal Giant and Electro Wizard at the bridge. You should drop Inferno in a frontal plant for the Royal Giant and Knight to take care of the Electro Wizard.

Say you rushed the other lane in response to a Golem with Hog Goblins but your opponent Cannon Zapped killing your push. Now they are able to place a Baby Dragon, Musketeer, and Minion Horde at your Tower. You play a building in the kill zone to kill the tank, a support killer like the Valkyrie for the Musketeer, a ranged or air-targeting troop like a Musketeer for the Baby Dragon, and finally a splash troop like a Wizard or spell for the Minion Horde. Now you have many troops for a powerful counter-push and should put an offensive troop in front for a counter-push.

TL;DR: Use a tank killer, support distracter, support killer, and spells to counter large pushes, and then counter-push with what’s left of your defense and an offensive troop

When to rush your opponent:

There is four main situations where you know you should rush your opponent.

  • When you know they are out of Elixir. You can do this by gaining continuous positive Elixir trades and using your arena towers to help out.
  • When you know their counter to your offensive troop is in rotation. If you see them drop their main defensive card as an offense or in a high health Tower lane it is a great idea to rush them.
  • When you know you have a troop or spell ready to counter their defense. If you know your opponents defenses saving a spell or hard counter to their defense is a great move.
  • Finally, when you have countered an expensive push. Now they have little Elixir and will most likely only have cheap troops. A strong counter-push is a strong rusher like Hog Rider or Elite Barbarians supported by a swarm or splasher and a spell on hand.

chip cycle deck 4

Deck Match-Ups

Chip-Cycle Decks are generally a well-rounded Deck against all decks. Below will be a summary of both what you should expect, and how to play against all the other decks archetypes in the game.

Against Beat-Down (Golem, Giant, and Lava hound)

Beat-down decks are a very powerful Deck archetype. It is key to know this Deck’s fatal weakness, in that the Deck will have poor defense and requires a lot of Elixir to build the three-crowning push. Therefore, this Deck match-up will be decided by your ability to apply constant pressure on your opponent, dealing damage to their towers well avoiding their massive pushes.

Against Hog Decks

Hog decks are very common right now at the top of the leaderboards because of their power on both offense and defense. What’s key to defeating this Deck is knowing that most Hog decks have powerful, expensive, singular-unit defenses like Valkyrie, Musketeer, Cannon, etc. That being said splitting up your offense after they pushed or any time you have an Elixir advantage is a smart move.

Against Royal Giant

Most of the time you will win because the Royal Giant needs proper support to be effective. Putting pressure on your opponent avoids this. Also, Royal Giant decks are weak to counter-pushes which can result in one push take-outs. The only thing to watch out for is Electro Wizard and Minions if you are using Inferno Tower since it can be distracted or killed.

Against Zap Bait

This purely depends on the cards in your Deck. Splashers will counter Minion and Goblin cards well and spells can crush Goblin Barrel and Skeleton Army. Having many spells and splashers basically insure the win. Always make sure you use the right card for the job, and don’t let your cards fall out of rotation.

Against Miner-Chip Decks

Chip-Cycle Decks have lots of cheap cards so the Miner will have a rough time hitting your Tower. Even if they have spells for you cheap troops you will always have more counters. On offense simply focus on letting your opponent push, and then counter push. Miner decks have poor defense due to their highly composed offense.

Against Three-Musketeers

Chip-Cycle Decks may face some problems against three-Musketeers because they crush cheap troops. However, if you use modified Deck types like in my templates above, you can manage a few stronger cards. Having both a medium and light spell and/or a strong support killer will crush three-Musketeers as long as you have them in rotation. Even though they are a nine Elixir card, it is not a good idea to rush them because you will need lots of Elixir to defend. It’s not like your countering a lone tank, you could be a two-three Elixir watching a Mini-tank and three Musketeers take both towers.

Advanced Strategy

How to get the best value

Value trades are one of the most important plays to make in a match using a Chip-Cycle Deck. A value trade or positive Elixir trade is when you counter an opponent’s card with a card cheaper than theirs. Chip-Cycle cards are one of the best Deck archetype to gain many value trades using cheap units and spells. Below will be listed the troops types in the game and their best value counters.

  • Tanks/Offenses: Use defenses to pull building targeting troops and a high damage cheap card like Goblins or Skeletons to deal even more damage and then counter-push. A tank on its own will be way easier to counter and you’ll receive better value.
  • Supports: Either surround with cheap troops like Skeletons/Goblins or counter directly with a support troop killer like Knight or Valkyrie. If a support is on its own, it’s best to surround since your Tower can help out. However, if a support is behind a tank you will need a support troop killer and defense or high damage card for the tank.
  • Swarms: This is the hardest area to gain value. Instead, you want to focus on getting their swarms out of rotation for your pushes, or always have a spell ready. If you bring only one spell, I would suggest saving it for their skeleton Army, and if they don’t have skeleton Army then for their Goblin Barrel. All other swarms are best taken out by a splash troop like a Wizard or Executioner.

chip cycle deck 3

What You Should Know:

Level Advantages/Disadvantages

Warning: Chip-Cycle Decks will be less effective if your cards are lower than your opponent, mainly because cheap troops have the greatest interaction change if they are lower level.

Over-leveled opponents are Chip-Cycle Deck’s kryptonite. If your opponent’s towers or cards are even one level higher than your cards, the battle could be completely different. With cheap troops, many interactions change when your opponent is higher leveled than you are. Here is a list of things you should know if you are facing people higher than you with a Chip-Cycle Deck.

Your Offense:

(Cheap Troops will deal decreased or no Tower damage)

Any cheap troop such as Archers, Minions, Spear Goblins, Goblins, Fire Spirits, and Ice Spirit will deal almost no damage when your opponent’s towers are one or more levels higher than your cheap troops. Also, if their Zap kills your Goblin Barrel, you should reconsider using it. Finally, if you are using furnace and their towers are three or more levels higher than your Furnace, they won’t make it to the Tower As an example, Minions equal level as your opponent’s towers will get off quite a few shots and at tournament standards, round up to about three-hundred and fifty damage. However, when your opponent’s towers are one or more levels higher, your Minions achieve less than seventy-five damage.

Facts to remember:

  • Zap six or more levels higher than Goblin Barrel will kill the Goblins
  • A crown Tower three or more levels higher than a furnace will not let fire spirits connect to the Tower
  • Your opponent can safely ignore your cheap troops if his towers are one or more levels higher than your cheap troops (Goblins, Spear Goblins, Archers, and Minions will get decreased damage, both the Ice Spirit and Fire Spirits will get no damage)

Your Defense:

(Spells will overrun your cheap cards)

On defense any cheap cards will be vulnerable to over-leveled spells, since they will kill cheap troops. For example, at equal level, Zap will not kill Minions, but if the Zap if two or more levels higher than the Minions, they will die. This means if your opponent plays a heavy-hitter or offense for your Tower and he has over-leveled spells for your cheap troops your Tower will be taken. You should be very cautious and have many defenses prepared against over-leveled spells.

Facts to remember:

  • Zap one or more levels higher than Goblins will kill them
  • Zap two or more levels higher than Minions will kill them
  • Zap two or more levels higher than an ice Spirit will kill it

Card Substitutes

Some players may find a great Chip-Cycle Deck that has a legendary or two in it that they do not have unlocked yet.

The world isn’t over, please do not panic.

Most players think that a card with no other cards like it has no substitutes, but they’re all wrong. What matters is that the substitute will have the same purpose as the original legendary.

All legendaries will have substitutes, no matter how similar or different the change will be. Just make sure to keep in mind that legendaries can be substituted, and to play the Deck how you should with the substitute and not the legendary.

Some substitutes might be a different cost, hit/not hit air, have more/less health, have more/less damage, etc.

Below are a list of legendaries commonly found in Chip-Cycle Decks and their most viable substitutes.

Types of Changes:

  • Attack Type (Splash/Single Attack)
  • Range (Melee/Ranged)
  • Elixir Cost (Higher/Lower)
  • Quantity (Singular/Plural)
  • Targeting (Ground, Buildings, Air & Ground)
  • Health (Higher/Lower)
  • Movement Speed (Faster/Slower)
  • Damage (Higher/Lower)
  • Card Type (Troop/Spirit/Spawner/Defense/Spell)

Here are some legendary substitutes to Chip-Cycle Legendaries:

  • Princess: Zap, Fire Spirits, Arrows, Archers, Dart Goblin, Musketeer, Baby Dragon, Wizard, Witch, Bowler, Executioner
  • Ice Wizard: Zap, Fire Spirits, Arrows, Archers, Minions, Mega Minion, Dart Goblin, Bomber, Musketeer, Baby Dragon, Wizard, Executioner, Witch, Bowler
  • Miner: Knight, Ice Golem, Hog,
  • Bandit: Knight, Mini P.E.K.K.A,
  • Lumberjack: Knight, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Valkyrie, Mega Minion
  • Log: Zap, Arrows, Fire Spirits,

Chip Cycle Decks:

Decks you can try!

Here are some Chip-Cycle Decks that I have used or am using right now and have worked out well:

  • Skeletons, Zap, Hog, Goblin Barrel, Arrows, Valkyrie, Inferno Tower, Minions
  • Furnace, Hog, Battle Ram, Log, Fire Spirits, Ice Golem, Musketeer, Mini-P.E.K.K.A
  • Goblin Gang, Miner, Battle Ram, Musketeer, Mega Minion, Zap, Fire Spirits, Mini-P.E.K.K.A
  • Miner, Skeletons, Knight, Ice Wizard, Wizard, Log, Fireball, Lightning
  • Ice Golem, Hog, Ice Spirit, Goblins, Cannon, Fireball, Zap, Musketeer, Skeletons
  • Battle Ram, Elite Barbarians, Zap, Goblin Barrel, Princess, Furnace, Fire Spirits, Ice Spirit


Chip-Cycle Decks are a very powerful, but hard learned Deck that can crush many metas in this game. Very few players are using this Deck archetype right now and are unaware of its capabilities.

I tried to cover every aspect of this Deck type in this article but if this still wasn’t enough I am truly sorry.

Please feel free to send me your decks or suggestions for more guides via the comment section below.

I may be starting a YouTube channel down the road and could feature all your unique decks.

Please try these decks if you are having trouble on the ladder, as these decks can crush the Royal Giant and Golem Metas all over Legendary Arena.

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!

Stealing Miner Cycle Deck for Challenges


It’s XxBismuthxX here! On my first successfully submitted guide for Clash Royale arena! On this guide I will be talking about my Stealing Miner deck!

I posted this deck because of its power of multiple lane attacks that can both take a tower usually causing great damage. This deck is also fun (at least for me) to play which to be honest is the real point of CR!

stealing miner

Stealing Miner Cycle Deck

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale BanditClash Royale LumberjackClash Royale Ice Spirit
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale ZapClash Royale Fire SpiritsClash Royale Minions

miner cycle analytics

Cards Breakdown

Bandit : We use this sneaky outcast in a similar fashion to Lumberjack, however there is a difference, more on that later. She is used like Lumberjack in defense and can wreck a Tower for 3 Elixir if played right.

Lumberjack : This speedy wood chopping guy is used for its crazy crushing damage that can solo a Tower with little help. Also used to defend a push coming your way unless it’s an air push. The Rage can be used to gain massive Tower damage fast enough that it is really hard to react to.

Miner : This Royal digger is never used on defense but it used to make a cheap powerful push that can take a Tower. This card is often accompanied with some stabby Goblins holding knives.

This digger is used to tank for units like these:

  1. Bandit (so she can take Tower and not die before taking Tower)
  2. Goblins (so they can do all they can while the Miner is tanking)
  3. Lumberjack (so he can chop longer and do more damage)
  4. Minions (same as the gold stealing stabby Gobs)

miner placements

Don’t send Miner to the red spots. Most of the time, you want to send him to the green spots.

Minions : These blue merciless flying Minions are used as your air defense and can be used with Miner to wreck the Tower. These blue Minions are mainly used on defense with their high DPS and the ability to fly (not get attacked by some ground units).

Fire Spirits : these fiery huggers are used to support Lumberjack and Bandit as they go to assault the Tower. These huggers can be used on defense as a counter to swarm type units these spirits can also be used on a Tower solo to deal a couple hundred damage if ignored which will probably be your opponents reaction to these Spirits solo.

Ice Spirit : This icy dude is a Zap resistant Spirit that can be used to buy you time on offense or defense. Also seen with Bandit or Lumberjack so they can get extra hits off.

Zap : this Mini Lightning hits units with a stun that is often used while skeleton armies and other . Swarm like units dare to get hands on your Lumberjack or Bandit. Can also be used as a . . defense against many units, ground or air.

Goblins : and last but not least we have our gold stealing stabby merciless Goblins that are used to attack with the Miner and sometimes used to defend hogs and other units that can’t target them or have slow hitting speed (ex : Mini P.E.K.K.A or P.E.K.K.A)

Fun fact about Goblins: They only attack towers because Princesses and Kings wear plenty of jewelry and expensive clothing and body ornaments (made this fun fact up)

Card Replacements

Note: don’t change the deck too much and try to maintain a cheaper cost


First seconds: (3:00 – 2:30)

Scout opponents deck and defend. If they don’t attack go first with one of the cheaper pushes mentioned down below. And just go back and forth and try to do damage, you however probably won’t take a Tower unless your opponent is a noob, if so and you take a Tower use the laugh emote because this is the right time to use it (at least I laugh) also keep a low profile and use 3/4 of deck and keep Bandit and another card hidden if possible

Middle game: (2:30 – 1:00)

Now is pre x2 Elixir time so try to take or wreck a Tower (I’ve taken two in certain matches)

Also defend because you want to have minimal damage done to your towers is you are facing a deck that loves overtime/double time (ex : P.E.K.K.A, Golem, three Musketeer and more) this is also the time to use Bandit if going well if you are struggling keep Bandit a secret for a bit longer

x2 Elixir time: (1:00 – 0:00)

Now is the time to strike with everything you have and do several multi lane pushes and counter pushes, also keep an eye on defense as you push and take towers (do the mid game stuff too)

Overtime: (0:00 – -1:00)

Be careful what you do and keep pushing also keep an eye on defense I would do some Bandit sneak pushes now but you can do these in double Elixir time too, not just overtime.

Keep in mind if your opponent has any heavy DPS cards like Three Musketeers or P.E.K.K.A. If you can’t win, draw because time here in this stage of the game is on your side (especially in the last 20-30 seconds).


Bandit Sneak: Use Bandit to get plenty of hard to react to damage on Tower:

  1. Do a Lumberjack push with fire/Ice Spirit(s) Note: do not use Zap this step
  2. While the Lumberjack’s Rage is up place a Bandit on the middle of enemy’s side (you must have taken one Tower already). After this prepare Zap if necessary.

Cold/hot Cutter: Lumberjack + Fire/Ice Spirit(s)

  1. Deploy Lumberjack and Spirit(s)
  2. Prepare Zap and be ready (especially if use Ice Spirit not Fire).

Mined Goblins: Use Goblins + Miner

  1. Deploy Miner and Goblins
  2. Prepare Zap

All forces in: Use everything possible

  1. Deploy Miner + Goblins + both spirits + Bandit + Lumberjack + Minions (do as many as possible)
  2. Prepare Zap
  3. Keep deploying until you 3-crown or until it seams clear that your push will fail


Lava hound: Worst matchup go for the draw especially if it is a heavy push with Inferno Dragon Balloon Baby Dragon and more. Try to use air like units wisely and if possible bait Arrows before using Minions, and try to pressure them so they can’t push

Royal Giant: Fairly easy matchup! You got the Lumberjack and Bandit and if necessary Fire Spirits after that counterpush with Bandit + Lumberjack + Fire Spirits.
(If you used Fire Spirits already use Ice Spirit instead) after this dump a Miner + Goblins push on the other lane if you have enough Elixir now they don’t have Elixir and you have two strong pushes each on one lane!

Elite Barbarians: Pretty easy but you gotta be ready use Goblins + Minions and pull them into the zone where both towers can hit them if possible if they Zap, Arrows or Log kill the Elite barbs with Lumberjack or Bandit and counterpush with Fire/Ice Spirit(s). If they don’t Zap, Arrow or Log then counterpush with surviving units + Miner

Miner cycle: Use Lumberjack on Miner, and Zap on incoming units! Be careful if their Goblin level is higher than your Zap level, if so then pull to the Middle using Ice Spirit. You can pull to the Middle using Ice Spirit even if your Zap is out of rotation or if you prefer this method over Zap method like me.

Hog Rider: You have Bandit and Lumberjack, use it on the Hog Rider and counterpush with surviving troops + Fire Spirits if it’s a lone Hog, sometimes used to test the water!
Deploy Goblins to give them a false sense of the fact that you can’t counter Hog properly or your units are not proper, then when they go all in with Hog and support surprise them and gain Elixir advantage, remember the strongest opponent will try to seem weak until victory is clear.
If it’s not a lone Hog use Bandit/Lumberjack and counter the support units with Zap/Ice or Fire Spirit(s)

Three Musketeers: You place Lumberjack and then right after that Fire Spirits + Zap. Also, be sure you deploy these units in range of the Musketeers and the Tower. Also take note of the fact that the Musk could come in the middle of your side to take a Tower if you already lost one! be prepared is the most important thing and remember to track cycle and rotation to know if Three Musketeers are in their hand.
It’s important to know if the deck has Three Musketeers before they use it! You got plenty of time because they probably won’t use it until Double Elixir time. You can look for the Three Musk if their deck has Elixir Pump, a hidden card, a Knight, a Giant, an Ice Golem, or a Miner etc.


Thank you for reading my first submitted guide! And enjoy if I missed anything contact me on this deck’s page! Thanks for reading again! Hope you like the deck!-XxBismuthxX

Legendary Chip Cycle Tournament Deck


Hey guys what is going on, it’s RSivak back with an absolutely amazing Tournament deck I’ve been playing with. It has been an absolute terror in tournaments and even helped me push to a new trophy high!

Let’s get into it.

Legendary Chip Cycle Tournament Deck

Clash Royale The LogClash Royale PrincessClash Royale MinerClash Royale Electro Wizard
Clash Royale ZapClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale MinionsClash Royale Goblin Gang

Legendary Chip Cycle Tournament Deck

Cards Breakdown

Princess: Siege card, the Princess is great at sieging down towers and forcing a response. She is also a great bait for The Log, Arrows and Fireball, which are all the biggest counters to some of your damage cards below.

She is perfect for finishing off a tower at the end, dealing 140 damage and when you play her, all those shots will add up to hundreds of damage.

The Log: Goblin Barrel counter and overall one of the best and most overused legendaries right now due to it’s cheap cost and versatility.

The Log is a perfect card to kill Princesses, Goblins, Fire Spirits, Guards (kill their shields) all for an equal or positive elixir trade.

Miner: My all time favorite Legendary and your tank for squishy troops. He can dip anywhere in the arena to kill Elixir Pumps and finish off Princesses. He is perfect for chipping away at an enemy tower and dealing massive damage combined with Goblin Gang, Minions, or Barbarians.

Ice Wizard/Electro Wizard: The original deck I noticed had Ice Wizard, and since I didn’t have it I substituted the Electro Wizard in and he does a good job. The main job of this slot is a defensive mage that can slow down pushes while dealing some damage, and since I find Ice Wizard to have such a low damage output I think Electro Wizard is a better substitute. Whichever one you use, they should be used for defense, and halting enemy pushes.

Zap: Still a great spell card as The Log cannot hit air troops, Zap spell is great for weakening Minion Horde, and killing Skeleton Armies in a pinch. Not much else to say, still one of the most useful cards in the game.

Minions: Minions are amazing at air defense and offensive, they can usually target a lot of troops without taking damage and they have a very high DPS.

Combined with a Miner at the tower, even if the opponent Zaps it won’t kill the Minions allowing you to deal hefty damage or elicit a stronger response from your opponent.

Barbarians: Your defense card, Barbarians will shred through any of the pushes they send, taking down Hog Riders, Giants, Golems, Giant Skeletons, and of course Elite Barbarians.

They are best reserved for defense, but once they are done defending you can pop up a Miner at their tower and if they don’t have a strong defense or they overcommitted then they might take some heavy damage.

A lot of games can be won when you play your Wizard in the back to start the defense and they Fireball it, leaving you open to defend with Barbarians and then counter push.

Goblin Gang: I didn’t use this card that much when it came out, but I find it to be an amazing card.

It is super versatile and deals heavy damage by itself, but when paired with the Miner it can completely bring a tower done, even if only the Spear Goblins survive, I’ve seen Towers go down to half health from a Miner and the 3 Spear Goblins left from the Gang.

It is just as amazing as Barbarians on defense, they have such a high DPS for such a cheap cost, but The Log can completely take them out and if you play overleveled opponents then their Zap might even kill the Stab Goblins.

General Gameplan:

A great start is a Princess in the back and seeing how they respond, if they Log her then I go Miner Goblin Gang if I have it, if they Arrows her then I try a Miner Minions push.

If they are wasting their spell cards on your Princess then it gives you the chance to send out a nice little Miner Minions, or Goblin Gang push.

If they drop a Golem or P.E.K.K.A in the back then you can rush the other and force a response or take a tower.

The key is to play this deck like a chip deck with strong defensive capabilities.

Barbarians will end up being the brunt of your defense. Tanky, and good damage they will chop thru most tanks and supports. If their Tank is being supported by a Wizard, Bomber, Witch, or some other splash damage card, then just drop Barbarians on the support, making sure to completely surround them to maximize damage taken. The Barbarians will then turn around and chop up the tank and you could have a strong push with Miner if they can’t respond well.

You want to keep changing Miner placements and keep sending out small pushes often, make sure you keep your Barbarians for Royal Giant, Elite Barbarians as they will be your best counter.

Always have enough elixir to defend anything, it will be the best way to win if you can keep up your elixir and make sure you don’t overextend or clump all your troops allowing one Fireball to decimate them.

Once you have dealt some decent damage to a tower, you can start dropping the Princess off at the bridge to get some chip damage in and force them to keep spending elixir on defense and not allow them to build any pushes.

A lone Goblin Gang can be a strong card, it can deal hundreds of damage, so if your opponent used The Log on the Princess and you don’t have Miner in your hand you can just drop a lone Goblin Gang and they will have trouble countering for a positive elixir trade.

Make sure you Miner down their Elixir Pumps, if they drop a Elixir Pump in the center in front of their King Tower, I like to drop a Miner on the Pump and rush both lanes, one with Minions and the other with the Goblin Gang, its high risk but it can deal tons of damage on both tower if they react to slow.

Counters: High Risk to Low Risk Matchups

3 Musketeers: The killer in this deck is the lack of Fireball, and 3 Musketeers can become a problem, make sure to not let them keep pumping and if they split the Musketeers, then drop Barbarians or Goblin Gang on the two and Minions on the other one. Usually difficult to play against, but all you need to do is stop them from pumping up.

Chip/Control: Chip/Control is very similar to this deck, and as a result more often than not you will end up with draws, your weakness against a chip deck is your Barbarians, usually there is nothing worth using them for and they might not be used at all. Just keep your defense up and don’t let too much chip damage onto your tower.

Lava Hound: Lava Hound decks, specifically LavaLoon can be challenging when first playing but you have a lot of air control in this deck, and usually, Zap + Spawn Zap of Electro Wizard kills off Minions, and the Hound doesn’t do much damage itself. Just make sure you have enough on defense and maybe sideline Minions to a defensive role, and use Barbarians more offensively. Princess comes in real handy on the other lane they are pushing in.

Royal Giant: Not really a major problem, Barbarians cut thru him, if they have Furnace or Fire Spirits, then Zap them, supplement with Electro Wizard if you need more help.

Elite Barbarians: Barbarians, Goblin Gang, Electro Wizard, not a threat at all. Make sure you keep enough elixir in reserve for defense.

beatdown: This deck is going to beat on beatdown decks. You have such a strong rock solid defense oriented cards, and your speed and chip cycling allows you to usually out cycle and eventually out damage them.

Overall: Biggest problem I face is deck with 3-4 splash unit cards, they can be an absolute menace and you have to play carefully. But decks with 3-4 splash units is unusual so it’s not that big of a threat especially in Tournaments which this deck seems to be made for.


  • Princess is your bait card, so if they take the bait capitalize!
  • Do not overextend, this deck is not usually going to be taking entire towers down in one go, chip away and that’s how you will win.
  • Keep Barbarians for defense, and then convert them into an offense by dropping a Miner at their tower.
  • Electro Wizard or Ice Wizard? I’d pick Electro Wizard for his greater damage, in Tournaments Ice Wizard just seems too weak.

Alright guys, hope you enjoyed this cool deck guide and I hope you get some great trophy pushing or Tournament wins this deck. Later!

Control Deck 101 – How to Build and Play Control Decks


Hey, guys! My name is Blaze Stone and today I will be sharing with you how to play and build your own rocking Control Deck!

Control Deck Clash Royale

Control Deck 101

Table of Contents:

  1. What are deck archetypes? What are the differences between them?
  2. Pros and Cons of Control archetype.
  3. How to play using a Control Deck?
  4. Cards used in Control Decks.
  5. How to build your own Control Deck!
  6. Slot method for building P.E.K.K.A. Control Decks.

What are deck archetypes? What are the differences between them?

Deck archetype is basically the playstyle of your deck. It depends on how offensive or defensive you are, what technique you use to deal damage to the towers and what cards do you use.

There are 7 archetypes in my opinion:

  1. Beatdown: Use hard-hitting cards along with tanks to deal a lot of damage. More offense than defense.
  2. Control: Manipulate your opponent to negate as much damage as possible, gain elixir advantage and attack when you get the chance. More defense than offense.
  3. Siege: Use buildings (X-bow and Mortar) as Win-Conditions.
  4. Spell Bait: Use cheap cards which have a common weakness (to spells) in one deck. This is in order to bait out the spell by one or two cards and attack with the third.
  5. Cycle Decks: Use cheap cards along with a win-condition( Hog rider, Miner, and Rocket) to constantly and quite frequently attack the tower with it slowly and steadily so that finally opponent doesn’t have anything to counter.
  6. Hut Spam (Kinda Siege): Use huts (Goblin Hut and Barbarian Hut) to constantly pressure your opponent with waves of troops and slowly wear him/her down.
  7. Hybrid: This is a combination of two archetypes use together in one deck. These are hard to create, hard to play with and if used properly, hard to defend against.

There is also a guide on Clash Royale Arena talking about deck archetype. You can take a look at here for more details!

What is Control Archetype?

Control Archetype is a playstyle in which you manipulate the opponent. You defend against his/her pushes at the same time gaining elixir advantage and slowly wear him/her down by counter push and chip damage. And finally, when you have a big advantage, push and finish of the slowly weakened tower.

This is the most difficult archetype to play with IMO as it requires a lot of skills and knowledge about different cards.

Pros and Cons:

Every deck archetype has its Pros and Cons, so no deck archetype is perfect.


  • Strong against beatdown decks as it has huge defensive potential.
  • Strong against spell bait decks and hut spam decks due to large amount of AOE cards in the deck.
  • These have the ability to be strong in any Meta.
  • Most strongest archetype in challenges and tournaments.


  • Hard to learn and master.
  • A bit weak against Siege decks.
  • Not good for Crown Farming.
  • May result in draws many times.

battle ram poison 2

How to play Control Deck?  – General Gameplan


Control decks are filled with mostly reactive cards so you should wait for the opponent’s moves to act.

However, if you use Furnace you may want to start with it.

Otherwise, you may use cheap cards to deal chip damage or just see what your opponent uses to counter your win-condition by sending the alone.


Understand your opponents playstyle, defend against his/her pushes( gain elixir advantage) and perform weak counter pushes. Also, don’t forget to deal chip damage to the towers.

1:00 to Overtime

Shift to a more offensive mode now by performing stronger counter pushes. However, never let your defense be weak and focus on elixir advantage.


Be extremely careful on defense now and shift to the most offensive mode. Sometimes. Offense is the best defense. And use your spells mostly on towers and less on troops.

Yeah! We are more than halfway through the guide but the main thing isn’t started yet….so stay with me!

Best Cards for Control Decks

Win Conditions:

There are six good win conditions in Control Decks.

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale GraveyardClash Royale Battle Ram

Miner: Miner is good in control decks as it constantly offers a good chip damage to towers and is one of the easiest cards( yet effective) to counter-push by placing it after a successful defense to tank for weakened troops.

Hog Rider: Hog Rider is a pretty versatile card as it used in nearly every archetype( nearly every cuz you can’t have it in siege decks. If you use it in it..it will become a Hybrid deck). Hog Rider is used for dealing huge bits of damage and a counter push when opponent is low will really punish them.

Battle Ram: This card is steadily becoming popular in many decks but I think it has the highest potential in control decks as it fits properly in the definition. It is good for chip damage even if it doesn’t connect as long as one barbarian hits the tower. When opponents low on elixir it really punishes them with charge damage and finish off with barbarians.

graveyard: Graveyard is good in control decks because a graveyard used when opponent is low on elixir and troops left on defense tanking, and you have spells in hand..well you are guaranteed a tower because graveyard is devastating if not counter properly.

P.E.K.K.A.: P.E.K.K.A. is also good in control decks as it is good on defense since it deployment time was changed to one second. It is also a good tank and win condition. The slot method of P.E.K.K.A. control is slightly different than other win-conditions so you can directly scroll down below if you wanna read only about P.E.K.K.A. as I made a different section for her.

Spell Cards which give you Control

These are spells which somehow give you the ability to manipulate your opponent.

Clash Royale TornadoClash Royale FreezeClash Royale Poison

Poison: Honestly, Poison doesn’t manipulate the opponent since its slow-down was removed. But it is the only card which deals medium damage in such a big radius. Because of it you can damage a lot of troops with considerable damage in a large area which really helps in controlling.

Freeze: What is better type controlling if you can just stop the opponents cards whenever you like. It is strong on defense if you really can’t afford damage, especially in the last 10 seconds before OT. Also, a surprise with hog or graveyard when opponent is low on elixir is pretty strong.

Tornado: Last but no the least is the tornado. Pull troops together wherever you wish. Activate your king tower if you need more damage to defending. It is so versatile!

Troops with ‘SPECIAL EFFECT’

This are basically cards with a sort of special ability or effect (sorry, I couldn’t come up with any other name for it). These cards really help in control and you will understand what I mean when you see them.

Clash Royale BowlerClash Royale ExecutionerClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale Electro Wizard

Bowler: Bowler special effect is the push-back. It helps in control as it pushes small and medium size troops.

Executioner: Executioner doesn’t have a proper special ability but it is the only troop card which can deal ground and air damage in a wide linear area. and coupled with Tornado its insane crowd control.

Ice Wizard: Though, this guy doesn’t deal that much damage it has the very first special ability..the slow down effect. It slows down troops and buildings in an area by 35% along with dealing damage. Good Control.

Electro Wizard: Stun two troops at simultaneously and drop in the most dramatic way be dealing zap..good control.


In Control Decks, mostly these two buildings are used.

Clash Royale FurnaceClash Royale Inferno Tower

Inferno Tower: Most popular building right now. Roast troops from hogs to golems.

Furnace: Good card because it provides lot of chip damage, more splash damage and serves also as distractions for win conditions.

Slot Method For Control Decks:

I always use the following slot method while building control decks. After this, I will give you examples of decks created with it for each win-condition. As I said before, slot method for P.E.K.K.A. control is different which you can see below.

Slot 1: Win Condition (Hog Rider, Miner, Battle Ram, Graveyard)

Slot 2: Spell which gives control (Poison, Freeze, Tornado)

Slot 3: Cheap Spell (Zap, The Log, Arrows)

Slot 4: Troop with Special Effect (Bowler, Executioner, Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard)

Slot 5: Area damaging Troop(Valkyrie, Wizard,etc.). You can also use another splash damaging troop with special effect in this slot other than Electro Wizard( he doesn’t deal area damage). However, I recommend one of the Legendary Card in Slot 4 and the Epic Card in Slot 5 as this type of combination is stronger than 2 legendary or 2 epic.

Slot 6: Cheap Utility Card( Minions, Archers, Goblin Gang)

Slot 7: Building (Furnace, Inferno Tower)

Since Furnace and Inferno tower are different types of buildings, the card type in slot 8 is different for both.

  • Case I: Furnace – As Furnace is mostly for distraction, splash damage and chip damage, you need a strong tank killer.
  • Case II: Inferno Tower – As Inferno Tower can easily take care of tank on its own you have a variety of options for Slot 8.

Slot 8:

  1. Tank Killer. If you have difficulty against decks which use two win condition like RG+Hog, use a tank killer.(Mini P.E.K.K.A., Knight,etc.)
  2. Mini Tank (Knight, Ice Golem, Valkyrie,etc.)
  3. Cheap utility card for chip damage and cycling( Any cheap multi-unit card that is less than or equal to 3 elixir)

Another Cheap Spell (Zap, The Log, Arrows). Tornado can also be used here as it is cheaper.

Now that I have explained the slot method I will show you decks with it.


Battle Ram Poison Control:

This is the deck I use currently and have already posted it here.

  • Slot 1: Win condition (Battle Ram)
  • Slot 2: Control spell (Poison)
  • Slot 3: Cheap Spell (Zap)
  • Slot 4: Special Effect Troop (Ice wizard)
  • Slot 5: Splash Damager (Valkyrie)
  • Slot 6: Cheap Utility (Minions)
  • Slot 7: Building (Inferno Tower)
  • Slot 8: Another cheap utility (Archers)

Miner Poison Burner:

  • Slot 1: Win condition (Miner)
  • Slot 2: Control Spell (Poison)
  • Slot 3: Cheap spell (The Log)
  • Slot 4: Special ability troop (wins)
  • Slot 5: Splash Damager (Executioner)
  • Slot 6: Cheap Utility (Minions)
  • Slot 7: Building (Furnace)
  • Slot 8: Tank Killer (Knight)

Hog Poison Control:

  • Slot 1: Win condition(Hog rider)
  • Slot 2: Control Spell(Poison)
  • Slot 3: Cheap spell(The Log)
  • Slot 4: Special effect Troop (Electro Wizard)
  • Slot 5: Splash Damager (Valkyrie)
  • Slot 6: Cheap Utility (Minions)
  • Slot 7: Building (Inferno Tower)
  • Slot 8: Another Cheap Utility (Ice Spirit)

Electro Gravy Bowl:

  • Slot 1: Win condition( Graveyard)
  • Slot 2: Control Spell( Freeze)
  • Slot 3: Cheap Spell( Arrows)
  • Slot 4: Special ability troop( Electro Wizard)
  • Slot 5: Splash Damager( Bowler)
  • Slot 6: Cheap Utility( Minions)
  • Slot 7: Building( Furnace)
  • Slot 8: Tank Killer( Knight)

So, these are the 4 control decks with different win conditions and they seem pretty good, don’t they? Also, remember this is the slot method I use. There are good control decks out there with different slot method.

Slot method for P.E.K.K.A. Control decks

The slot method for P.E.K.K.A. is different because it is not a dependable win condition. So, you gotta use it with other win conditions. Also, in these decks, she acts not only as a win condition but also as a tank and tank killer. And for the same reason use furnace in the building slot as it synergies well with her.

  • Slot 1: P.E.K.K.A.
  • Slot 2: 2nd Win condition (Miner, Hog Rider, Battle Ram). Graveyard not recommended as it increases deck cost which is not good for control decks IMO.
  • Slot 3: Control Spell
  • Slot 4: Cheap Spell
  • Slot 5: Special ability troop
  • Slot 6: Splash damager
  • Slot 7: Cheap Utility
  • Slot 8: Building i.e. Furnace

P.E.K.K.A. Ram Control:

This is powerful deck I created and I chose this to be posted instead of hog or miner as they are already popular so this will be different,

  • Slot 1: P.E.K.K.A.
  • Slot 2: Win condition (Battle ram)
  • Slot 3: Control Spell (Tornado)
  • Slot 4: Cheap Spell (The Log)
  • Slot 5: Special ability Troop (Electro Wizard)
  • Slot 6: Splash damager (Executioner)
  • Slot 7: Cheap Utility (Minions)
  • Slot 8: Furnace

See, seems pretty strong again, right? Also, I think I should explain why I use Minions in every deck and that’s because they are pretty versatile and cheap. Also, It is my favorite card.

So, Hope you guys enjoyed this pretty long guide about control decks. Ask me about anything in the comment section below!

By Blaze Stone

Straightforward Guide on Building/Playing Fast Control Deck

fast control deck

It’s Blaze Stone back with another stupid-easy guide on building your own Fast Control Deck!

Let’s take a look! I bet that you guys will like this guy!

fast control deck

Straightforward Guide on Building/Playing Fast Control Deck

As some of you may remember I once posted a guide named ‘Control Deck 101‘ a couple of weeks back. In that guide I explained the basic idea of a control deck, how it interacts with other decks, good cards to use and a slot method for some basic control decks with examples.

But now I have decided to do a 3-part series on advanced control decks. These 3 parts will focus each on a particular type of control decks. These types are determined on their elixir cost and their speed.

So the three types are:

  1. Fast Control decks ( Average Cost 2.5 to 3.2 elixir)
  2. Medium Control decks ( Average Cost 3.3 to 3.8 elixir)
  3. Slow Control decks ( Average Cost 3.8 to 4.5 elixir)

So, today in the first part of the series I will talk about Fast Control Decks!

What is Fast Control Deck?

A fast control deck is basically a control deck with low average elixir cost ranging from 2.5 elixir to 3.2 elixir ( Some say that fast deck are only till 3.0 and below and above 3.0 are medium decks.

But I feel that 3.1 and 3.1 elixir decks are also pretty darn fast). These decks are pretty fast paced and depend on cycling as fast as they can.

What is the basic principle behind it?

Now, before I explain this I just want to tell you there are 2 principles ( or ways) to get ‘Control’ over your opponent and I will explain them in brief:

  1. Offensive Control Tactic: This requires constantly pushing with cheap mini pushes which opponent cant ignore ( Example: Hog Rider+Goblins) . The opponent has to defend or he will receive lots of damage and therefore can’t he/she can’t execute a proper push giving you an indirect control over his offense.
  2. Defensive Control Tactic: This tactic requires a strong defensive play with cards and synergies which give you a lot of value and elixir advantage( Example: Executioner+Tornado). This gives you control over the opponent and you can use the elixir advantage for offense.

Now, fast control decks work on the principle of ‘Offensive Control Tactic’ as these decks don’t have the relatively higher costing troops for good defense so they instead they try to restrict their offense by using offense. They follow “Strong offense is a good defense”( I think I interchanged it a bit XD).

What is the general game plan?

The general game plan of course works on the principle of offensive control.

Start your game a bit slow by building a push by placing a troop behind your king. Play less aggressive in the start but once you get to know your opponents deck and defenses start getting aggressive. The general mind set should be continuously attacking and wearing the opponents tower down, while giving him no chance for offense.

In overtime, you should cycle spells as well because you probably have weakened the tower quite a lot and due to cheap costing troops it is pretty easy.

Pros and Cons.

There isn’t a perfect deck in any meta and have pros and cons.

Pros Cons
  • Not good if you don’t know the art of cycling ( Thanks Lolman for giving me this term.)
  • Weak against decks with 2 buildings like Siege decks.
  • Defense crumble against a big push
  • Strong disadvantage against Medium Siege.

What are the best win conditions?

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale Hog Rider

As the deck is cheap, the win conditions should also be cheap. So the best win-conditions are:

Hog Rider: Good HP, very fast troop, decent damage and not-that-high cost and ability to synergize efficiently with most cheap troops make him the best card for Fast Control decks.

Miner: Cheap cost and ability to deal direct damage to tower makes him strong in fast control decks. Cheap troops enable a player to cycle him fast and constantly pressure. Also it synergizes well with the cheap troops who offer high damage but low HP  as Miner is the opposite High HP but low damage.

Battle Ram even though isn’t that costly isn’t good for fast control decks as it isn’t real made for such decks.

Deck building tips for Fast Control Decks

Now building Fast control decks is pretty easy. This is an easy to use and effective slot method for fast control decks. But I just want to make clear that there are lot of strong decks out there in the arena who don’t follow it.

  • Slot 1: Win-Condition( Hog Rider, Miner)
  • Slot 2: Cheap Spell ( Zap, The Log, Arrows, Tornado*)
  • Slot 3: Strong Spell( Fireball, Poison. Rocket/Lightning not recommended).
  • Slot 4 and 5: Cheap troops( Troops ranging from 1-3 elixir, Ice spirit and skeleton most recommended)
  • Slot 6: Cheap mini tank( Ice golem, Knight, Bandit. Miner can also be used along with Hog)
  • Slot 7: Ranged Troop with high damage( Musketeer, Electro Wizard, etc.)
  • Slot 8: Building( Cannon, Inferno Tower. Furnace not recommended as it is a passive building while Fast control decks are more active)

This is an efficient method to make Fast Control Decks.

Deck Examples

Finally, the last part of this guide. Now most examples are cycle decks and just to be clear ‘Cycle isn’t an archetype. It is basically used to refer the faster type of the main archetypes).

Example 1: 2.6 Hog cycle.

Lets start with a deck we are all familiar with!

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale The LogClash Royale fireballClash Royale Ice Spirit
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale Ice GolemClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Cannon

  • Slot 1: Hog rider( Win condition)
  • Slot 2: The Log( Cheap spell)
  • Slot 3: Fireball( Strong spell)
  • Slot 4: Ice spirit( cheap troop)
  • Slot 5: Skeletons( cheap troop)
  • Slot 6: Ice golem(Mini Tank)
  • Slot 7: Musketeer( Range Troop)
  • Slot 8: Cannon( Building)

Please take a look at here to read more about this deck: 2.6 Hog Cycle – The New Meta Deck

Example 2: 2.9 Miner Poison cycle

Clash Royale MinerClash Royale The LogClash Royale PoisonClash Royale Ice Spirit
Clash Royale SkeletonClash Royale KnightClash Royale Electro WizardClash Royale Inferno Tower

  • Slot 1: Miner(Win condition)
  • Slot 2: The Log(Cheap spell)
  • Slot 3: Poison( Strong Spell)
  • Slot 4: Ice Spirit(Cheap Troop)
  • Slot 5: Skeletons(Cheap Troop)
  • Slot 6: Knight(Mini Tank)
  • Slot 7: Electro Wizard(Ranged Troop)
  • Slot 8: Inferno Tower(Building)

We posted a similar deck before on Clash.World. You may want to take a look at it here.

Example 3: Hog-nado deck I got wrecked by on the ladder.

Clash Royale Hog RiderClash Royale The LogClash Royale TornadoClash Royale Ice Spirit
Clash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale KnightClash Royale MusketeerClash Royale Cannon

  • Slot 1: Hog Rider( Win Condition)
  • Slot 2: The Log( Cheap Spell)
  • Slot 3: Tornado*
  • Slot 4: Ice Spirit( Cheap Troop)
  • Slot 5: Ice Wizard(Cheap Troop)
  • Slot 6: Knight( Mini Tank)
  • Slot 7: Musketeer( Ranged Troop)
  • Slot 8: Cannon( Building)

*Tornado can also be used in the place of strong spell which will increase the decks defense but you will sacrifice direct damage for it. But if you cycle well and damage more easily tornado is worth it.

That’s all folks! Hope you guys like this guide and if you have any doubts ask me in the comments. I will try to submit the next guide in the series ( Control Deck 101 – Medium Control Dekcs) ASAP.

By Blaze Stone

Old School Royal Giant Deck – Level 10 at 5,000 Club


Hey, It’s Infinite Light again!

I’ve made a couple posts about decks that level 10’s above 5k uses and you can take a look at here for more details.

Today, I got a great RG deck that my good friend Ironsy395 uses. He’s been using this deck for a long time, so he knows every last aspect of it. He used this deck to hit 5k as a level 10 before the 30 day season, and with the 30 day season, he hit 5.3k as a level 11. He could have pushed much higher, but he didn’t play for a while until after the season started.

Old School Royal Giant Deck

Clash Royale Royal GiantClash Royale Ice WizardClash Royale MinerClash Royale Minions
Clash Royale GoblinClash Royale BarbariansClash Royale ZapClash Royale elixir collector

Old School Royal Giant Deck

The deck:

Royal Giant: The main Tower taker. Must always be supported or put in front of leftover troops from defense. This card is in a good state right now, and I think it is balanced because many things can counter it without taking too much damage.

Ice Wizard: Beast defender. Mitigates hundreds of damage and can be paired with RG. My 3rd legendary, and one of my favorites. It provides so much value for only three Elixir. Kills Minions, skarmy, and any cheap troops with the help of your Tower.

Miner: Used if RG isn’t in your hand. Paired with Minions and Goblins can take Tower. This is my favorite legendary so far. I use it for many plays. If they use Archers or ice Wizard to defend your Tower, don’t be afraid to send in Miner to kill them. Then, Zap the Tower to target on to your Miner and let the Royal Giant continue shooting.

Minions: Great support troop that offers insane value. It will wreck anything that if used to stop the RG, so always pair it up if you can. Lots of DPS and is a cheap alternative to barbs when defending against hogs.

Goblins: Great chip troop and distraction. Does a lot of damage when paired with Miner. I really like this card, and Ironsy uses it for tricky plays. It can be used to cycle and chip the Tower, but it is also a great defender and distraction. It can be used to distract Mega Minions and also chip the Tower, distract Mini P.E.K.K.A so it won’t even hit your Tower, and much more.

Barbarians: Main defense card. It can and will shred through every tank there is, and when paired with Ice Wiz can easily shut down any push. IMO, the best defensive card in the game. Perfect cost and DPS. Overleveled is annoying as hell to deal with, so make sure you spam the requests for this card! Also spam Royal Giants. This card is great because it defends well, and also requires immediate attention as ignoring them will lead to Tower destructions.

Zap: Use it for gob Barrel, Inferno Tower, Skarmy, you name it.

Elixir Collector: Cannot be replaced. When placed down, try to defend if they try to take it down. You should place it down in the beginning if you have barbs or Minions so you can defend their rush.


The Legendaries in the Deck CANNOT BE REPLACED. Elixir pump is a must have, as it allows you to cycle quickly. This Deck is a Royal Giant cycle Deck, even though the average cost is 3.8.


This Deck has many synergies. Goblins+Miner, Minions+Miner, RG+Minions, RG+leftovertroops, Miner+leftovertroops.

Goblins/Minions + Miner: This deals a ton of damage if ignored. Pretty cheap and Iron sometimes starts off like this to see how the opponent counters.

Leftover troops+Miner/RG: Delicious and annoying to deal with. The leftover troops will surround the RG, protecting it and also dealing with the defenses. Same goes for Miner.

RG+ Minions: This takes down towers quicker than you can say “Elite Barbarians”

Side Note: A lot of times, when they use ranged troops to defend against RG like Archers or Musketeer, don’t be afraid to send in Miner to kill it. If you have a Miner on the Tower and RG + something else, Zap the Tower so it targets the Miner and gives the RG extra shots off.


With Barbarians: Barbarians aren’t used very often now, but they still provide insane value. Used against Hog is a -1 trade, but that’s fine because they now have to spend more Elixir to defend against the barbs. Note: Barbs can shut down Hog without it even touching your Tower if placed down quick enough.

With Ice Wizard: Ice Wizard is used mainly with something else, like Minions, Goblins, or Barbarians if they have a huge rush coming. The slow effect cannot be replaced, and is by far one of the best abilities.

With Goblins/Minions: Goblins are insane. One of my favorite cards, they can be used with Ice Wiz to defend Hog pushes. Same goes for Minions.

With Miner: Don’t, unless you run out of options. Miner does a decent amount of damage, but I usually use it to attack pump or princesses.

old school royal giant proof


This Royal Giant Deck takes a fair amount of skill.

Before you guys start ranting about how all you need to do is to place it down, think about why the RG is hitting your Tower. Is it because you can’t defend? Do you need a building? Is it your fault you run out of Elixir and they have enough to counterpush? This Deck cycles fast as hell, as I mentioned before. The pump also gives you lots of Elixir so you can keep cycling and defending.

What you want to do is to spend as little Elixir possible to defend, and focus on the counterpush.

If the Tower is really low and they send in something huge like a tank, just ignore it and go offensively. A lot of times, the games end in 2-1 wins because Iron ignores the push coming when his Tower is low, and instead goes offensively.

For example, there is a Hog Rider coming at your 500 health Tower and you know he has Fireball or Rocket. You already have one Tower down, and his other Tower is at half health. You would want to use Goblins instead of barbs, because the Tower is going down anyway, and you don’t want the Hog to stay alive much longer after it destroys your Tower. After you use Goblins, immediately place RG in the middle of the opponent’s side  so it starts shooting at the Tower for the win. Easy.

Another “strategy” is RG and Minions.

One of the most annoying combos, the Minions will distract or kill the defending troops/towers. When placed correctly, the Tower will lock onto the RG and the Minions will proceed to rip it to shreds. However, for Inferno Towers you want it to lock on to your Minions. The Minions will distract it and let the RG destroy and target the Tower.


Lavahound: Cancer Cancer Cancer. Always rush the other side with RG and Minions. Use Ice Wiz to defend, because the Lavahound itself won’t do too much damage. You can cycle quickly back to your Minions if you have to. If they have Lavahound Balloon, they usually have Arrows as well. That’s fine, just remember to pressure the other side so they may not get a chance to use the Balloon.

Here’s him beating a level 13 with Lavaloon:

old school royal giant proof 2

Royal Giant: Always be prepared to place down Barbarians. Ice Wiz and barbs work spectacular against RG Minions

Hog Cycle: You have many defenses in this Deck. Use them all. You cycle almost as fast as hogs, so you should have at least Goblins or Barbs everytime.

Siege: RG is their worst nightmare. Don’t be afraid and save your RG for the Siege. Use it on offense as much as you can. Mostly though, the game ends in a draw.

Beatdown Tanks: Against Giant and other tanks, remember to always use Ice Wizard and Barbarians together. Against Golem is a little harder, and against Golem Elite Barbarians is just pure cancer. Cycle and use your Goblins and/or your Barbarians and Miner.

Note: Don’t be afraid if they have a tank and Elite Barbarians. Use barbs for the Ebarbs if you have to. You can usually defend the tank with Ice Wiz and Minions/Goblins.


Overall, this Deck is insane. The synergies and offense is spectacular, and defense is pretty good. You want to try and spend as little Elixir as possible to defend, so you can focus on offense. I rate this Deck a 10/10, and I strongly suggest trying this Deck in ladder if you want to push.